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/* file_access.h */
/* From https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine (MIT) */
#include "core/error_list.h"
#include "core/math_defs.h"
#include "core/ustring.h"
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
// Mingw
struct _iobuf;
typedef struct _iobuf FILE;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
struct __sFILE;
typedef struct __sFILE FILE;
typedef void (*FileCloseNotificationFunc)(const String &p_file, int p_flags);
struct _IO_FILE;
typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
typedef void (*FileCloseNotificationFunc)(const String &p_file, int p_flags);
class FileAccess {
typedef void (*FileCloseFailNotify)(const String &);
bool endian_swap;
bool real_is_double;
virtual uint32_t _get_unix_permissions(const String &p_file);
virtual Error _set_unix_permissions(const String &p_file, uint32_t p_permissions);
String fix_path(const String &p_path) const;
virtual Error _open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags); ///< open a file
virtual uint64_t _get_modified_time(const String &p_file);
static FileCloseFailNotify close_fail_notify;
static bool backup_save;
static void set_file_close_fail_notify_callback(FileCloseFailNotify p_cbk) { close_fail_notify = p_cbk; }
enum ModeFlags {
READ = 1,
WRITE = 2,
virtual void close(); ///< close a file
virtual bool is_open() const; ///< true when file is open
virtual String get_path() const; /// returns the path for the current open file
virtual String get_path_absolute() const; /// returns the absolute path for the current open file
virtual void seek(uint64_t p_position); ///< seek to a given position
virtual void seek_end(int64_t p_position = 0); ///< seek from the end of file with negative offset
virtual uint64_t get_position() const; ///< get position in the file
virtual uint64_t get_len() const; ///< get size of the file
virtual bool eof_reached() const; ///< reading passed EOF
virtual uint8_t get_8() const; ///< get a byte
virtual uint16_t get_16() const; ///< get 16 bits uint
virtual uint32_t get_32() const; ///< get 32 bits uint
virtual uint64_t get_64() const; ///< get 64 bits uint
virtual float get_float() const;
virtual double get_double() const;
virtual real_t get_real() const;
virtual uint64_t get_buffer(uint8_t *p_dst, uint64_t p_length) const; ///< get an array of bytes
virtual String get_line() const;
virtual String get_token() const;
virtual Vector<String> get_csv_line(const String &p_delim = ",") const;
virtual String get_as_utf8_string(bool p_skip_cr = true) const; // Skip CR by default for compat.
/**< use this for files WRITTEN in _big_ endian machines (ie, amiga/mac)
* It's not about the current CPU type but file formats.
* this flags get reset to false (little endian) on each open
virtual void set_endian_swap(bool p_swap) { endian_swap = p_swap; }
inline bool get_endian_swap() const { return endian_swap; }
virtual Error get_error() const; ///< get last error
virtual void flush();
virtual void store_8(uint8_t p_dest); ///< store a byte
virtual void store_16(uint16_t p_dest); ///< store 16 bits uint
virtual void store_32(uint32_t p_dest); ///< store 32 bits uint
virtual void store_64(uint64_t p_dest); ///< store 64 bits uint
virtual void store_float(float p_dest);
virtual void store_double(double p_dest);
virtual void store_real(real_t p_real);
virtual void store_string(const String &p_string);
virtual void store_line(const String &p_line);
virtual void store_csv_line(const Vector<String> &p_values, const String &p_delim = ",");
virtual void store_pascal_string(const String &p_string);
virtual String get_pascal_string();
void store_buffer_vec(const Vector<uint8_t> &data); ///< store an array of bytes
virtual void store_buffer(const uint8_t *p_src, uint64_t p_length); ///< store an array of bytes
virtual bool file_exists(const String &p_name); ///< return true if a file exists
virtual Error reopen(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags); ///< does not change the AccessType
Error open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags);
static FileAccess *create(); /// Helper that Creates a file access
static FileAccess *create_and_open(const String &p_path, int p_mode_flags, Error *r_error = nullptr);
static bool exists(const String &p_name); ///< return true if a file exists
static uint64_t get_modified_time(const String &p_file);
static uint32_t get_unix_permissions(const String &p_file);
static Error set_unix_permissions(const String &p_file, uint32_t p_permissions);
static void set_backup_save(bool p_enable) { backup_save = p_enable; };
static bool is_backup_save_enabled() { return backup_save; };
static Vector<uint8_t> get_file_as_array(const String &p_path, Error *r_error = nullptr);
static String get_file_as_string(const String &p_path, Error *r_error = nullptr);
static void write_file(const String &p_path, const String &data, Error *r_error = nullptr);
static void write_file_buffer(const String &p_path, const Vector<uint8_t> &data, Error *r_error = nullptr);
virtual ~FileAccess();
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
static FileCloseNotificationFunc close_notification_func;
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
void check_errors() const;
FILE *f;
int flags;
mutable int prev_op;
mutable Error last_error;
String path;
String path_src;
String save_path;
void check_errors() const;
FILE *f;
int flags;
mutable Error last_error;
String save_path;
String path;
String path_src;
struct FileAccessRef {
FileAccess *f;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_null() const { return f == nullptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_valid() const { return f != nullptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ operator bool() const { return f != nullptr; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ operator FileAccess *() { return f; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ FileAccess *operator->() {
return f;
FileAccessRef(FileAccess *fa) { f = fa; }
FileAccessRef(FileAccessRef &&other) {
f = other.f;
other.f = nullptr;
~FileAccessRef() {
if (f) {