#include "sfwl.h" void print_list(const List &list) { for (const List::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ERR_PRINT(E->get()); } } void print_class_index_keys(const HashMap &class_index) { for (const HashMap::Element *E = class_index.front(); E; E = E->next) { ERR_PRINT(E->key()); } } String get_structure_name(const String &data) { String fl = data.get_slicec('{', 0); String l = fl.get_slicec('\n', fl.get_slice_count("\n") - 1); l = l.get_slicec(':', 0); l = l.replace("struct", "").replace("class", "").replace("enum", "").replace("union", "").strip_edges(); return l; } String get_structure_parents(const String &data) { String fl = data.get_slicec('{', 0); String l = fl.get_slicec('\n', fl.get_slice_count("\n") - 1); if (!l.contains(":")) { return String(); } l = l.get_slicec(':', 1); //l = l.replace("public", "").replace("protected", "").replace("private", ""); l = l.strip_edges(); return l; } bool is_structure_template_specialization_or_parent_is_template(const String &data) { String fl = data.get_slicec('\n', 0); if (fl.contains("<")) { return true; } return get_structure_parents(data).contains("<"); } String generate_section_class_list(const List &list, const String &cls_prefix, const HashSet &used_keywords) { String code_template = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("code_remaining_template.md.html"); String d; for (const List::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String c = E->get(); String sname = get_structure_name(c); if (sname.empty()) { //ERR_PRINT(sname); continue; } if (used_keywords.has(cls_prefix + sname)) { continue; } d += code_template.replace("$CODE$", c.xml_escape(true)).replace("$NAME$", sname); } return d; } void generate_class_index(const List &list, const String &cls_prefix, HashMap *cls_index) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!cls_index); for (const List::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String c = E->get(); String sname = get_structure_name(c); if (sname.empty()) { //ERR_PRINT(sname); continue; } (*cls_index)[cls_prefix + sname] = c; } } List get_template_keywords(const String &tmpl) { List ret; //awful, but oh well Vector sp = tmpl.split("|||"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(sp.size() % 2 == 0, ret, "Template has unterminated keywords!"); for (int i = 1; i < sp.size(); i += 2) { ret.push_back(sp[i]); } return ret; } List process_classes_and_structs(const List &list) { List ret; for (const List::Element *E = list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get(); s = s.replace(" _FORCE_INLINE_ ", " "); s = s.replace("_FORCE_INLINE_ ", ""); s = s.replace(" _ALWAYS_INLINE_ ", " "); s = s.replace("_ALWAYS_INLINE_ ", ""); s = s.replace(" _NO_DISCARD_CLASS_ ", " "); s = s.replace(" inline ", " "); s = s.replace("inline ", ""); Vector lines = s.split("\n"); if (lines.size() == 0) { continue; } if (lines.size() == 1) { ret.push_back(s); continue; } String stripped; //remove method implementations int current_scope_count = 0; int current_target_scope_count = -1; int current_parenthesis_scope_count = 0; bool in_method = false; bool method_signature_found = false; bool in_enum = false; int enum_scope_start = 0; String processed_line; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { String l = lines[i]; if (l.strip_edges(true, false).begins_with("#")) { // Skip #if-s // Note this will fail for multi line defines, But those currently does not appear in class definitions //stripped += l + "\n"; continue; } if (l.contains("enum ")) { in_enum = true; enum_scope_start = current_scope_count; } for (int j = 0; j < l.length(); ++j) { CharType current_char = l[j]; if (current_char == '{') { ++current_scope_count; } else if (current_char == '}') { --current_scope_count; if (in_enum) { if (enum_scope_start == current_scope_count) { in_enum = false; } continue; } if (in_method) { if (current_target_scope_count == current_scope_count) { //found method end in_method = false; processed_line += ";"; } } } if (in_enum) { continue; } if (method_signature_found) { if (current_char == '(') { ++current_parenthesis_scope_count; continue; } else if (current_char == ')') { if (current_parenthesis_scope_count > 1) { --current_parenthesis_scope_count; continue; } else { method_signature_found = false; in_method = true; processed_line += l.substr_index(0, j + 1); } } else { continue; } } if (!in_method) { if (current_char == '(') { current_parenthesis_scope_count = 1; method_signature_found = true; current_target_scope_count = current_scope_count; } } if (in_method) { if (current_char == ';') { if (current_target_scope_count == current_scope_count) { //No implementation in_method = false; processed_line += ";"; } } } } if (!in_method) { if (processed_line.size() != 0) { stripped += processed_line + "\n"; processed_line.clear(); } else { stripped += l + "\n"; } } } ret.push_back(stripped.strip_edges()); } return ret; } void process_file(const String &path, const String &out_file, const String &template_file, bool write_remaining) { String file_data = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(path); LOG_MSG("Processing file: " + path); file_data = file_data.replace("\r", ""); // Strip comments probably in probably the worst (but simplest) way possible List file_lines_no_comments; Vector fl = file_data.split("\n"); file_data.clear(); bool in_multiline_comment = false; bool in_comment = false; for (int i = 0; i < fl.size(); ++i) { String l = fl[i]; if (in_comment) { if (l[l.length() - 1] != '\\') { //if escaped newline in // style comment, then this will be skipped in_comment = false; continue; } } String final_line; CharType last_char = '\0'; int comment_start_index = 0; bool had_comment = false; for (int j = 0; j < l.length(); ++j) { CharType current_char = l[j]; if (!in_multiline_comment) { if (last_char == '/' && current_char == '*') { in_multiline_comment = true; had_comment = true; final_line += l.substr_index(comment_start_index, j - 1); comment_start_index = j - 1; } else if (last_char == '/' && current_char == '/') { had_comment = true; final_line += l.substr_index(comment_start_index, j - 1); in_comment = true; break; } } else { if (last_char == '*' && current_char == '/') { comment_start_index = j + 1; had_comment = true; in_multiline_comment = false; //to make sure */* wont be read as both the end and beginning of a comment block on the next iteration ++j; current_char = '\0'; } } last_char = current_char; } if (in_comment) { if (l[l.length() - 1] != '\\') { //if escaped newline in // style comment, then this will be skipped in_comment = false; } } if (!had_comment && !in_multiline_comment) { file_lines_no_comments.push_back(l); } else { if (!final_line.empty()) { file_lines_no_comments.push_back(final_line); } } } fl.clear(); //print_list(file_lines_no_comments); // Strip more than one empty lines in a row List file_lines_no_comments_processed; int current_empty_line_count = 0; for (const List::Element *E = file_lines_no_comments.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String l = E->get(); if (l.strip_edges().empty()) { ++current_empty_line_count; if (current_empty_line_count <= 1) { file_lines_no_comments_processed.push_back(l); } } else { current_empty_line_count = 0; file_lines_no_comments_processed.push_back(l); } } //print_list(file_lines_no_comments_processed); file_lines_no_comments.clear(); // in global scope List enums; List structs; List classes; enum Types { TYPE_NONE = 0, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_STRUCT, TYPE_CLASS, }; Types current_type = TYPE_NONE; int current_scope_level = 0; String current_str; for (const List::Element *E = file_lines_no_comments_processed.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String l = E->get(); if (current_type == TYPE_NONE) { if (l.contains("template")) { current_str = l + "\n"; continue; } //Not we should be able to do this, because of how the code style is if (l.contains("enum ") && l.contains("{")) { if (l.contains("}")) { enums.push_back(current_str.strip_edges()); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_ENUM"); //ERR_PRINT(current_str); current_str.clear(); continue; } // We only care about global scope stuff, so this should always work current_scope_level = 1; current_type = TYPE_ENUM; current_str += l + "\n"; continue; } else if (l.contains("struct ") && l.contains("{")) { if (l.contains("}")) { structs.push_back(current_str); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_STRUCT"); //ERR_PRINT(current_str); current_str.clear(); continue; } current_scope_level = 1; current_type = TYPE_STRUCT; current_str += l + "\n"; continue; } else if (l.contains("class ") && l.contains("{")) { if (l.contains("}")) { classes.push_back(current_str); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_CLASS"); //ERR_PRINT(current_str); current_str.clear(); continue; } current_scope_level = 1; current_type = TYPE_CLASS; current_str += l + "\n"; continue; } if (!current_str.empty()) { current_str.clear(); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < l.length(); ++j) { CharType current_char = l[j]; if (current_char == '}') { --current_scope_level; if (current_scope_level == 0) { current_str += l + "\n"; switch (current_type) { case TYPE_NONE: //cant happen break; case TYPE_ENUM: enums.push_back(current_str.strip_edges()); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_ENUM"); break; case TYPE_STRUCT: structs.push_back(current_str); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_STRUCT"); break; case TYPE_CLASS: classes.push_back(current_str); //ERR_PRINT("TYPE_CLASS"); break; } //ERR_PRINT(current_str); current_type = TYPE_NONE; current_str.clear(); continue; } } else if (current_char == '{') { ++current_scope_level; } } current_str += l + "\n"; } } file_lines_no_comments_processed.clear(); structs = process_classes_and_structs(structs); classes = process_classes_and_structs(classes); //ERR_PRINT("ENUMS"); //print_list(enums); //ERR_PRINT("STRUCTS"); //print_list(structs); //ERR_PRINT("CLASSES"); //print_list(classes); /* ERR_PRINT("ENUMS"); for (const List::Element *E = enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ERR_PRINT(get_structure_name(E->get())); } ERR_PRINT("STRUCTS"); for (const List::Element *E = structs.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ERR_PRINT(get_structure_name(E->get())); ERR_PRINT(get_structure_parents(E->get())); ERR_PRINT("====="); if (is_structure_template_specialization_or_parent_is_template(E->get())) { ERR_PRINT("!!!!!!"); } } ERR_PRINT("CLASSES"); for (const List::Element *E = classes.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ERR_PRINT(get_structure_name(E->get())); ERR_PRINT(get_structure_parents(E->get())); ERR_PRINT("====="); if (is_structure_template_specialization_or_parent_is_template(E->get())) { ERR_PRINT("!!!!!!"); } }*/ //ERR_PRINT("COUNT"); //ERR_PRINT(itos(enums.size())); //ERR_PRINT(itos(structs.size())); //ERR_PRINT(itos(classes.size())); HashMap class_index; generate_class_index(enums, "ENUM_", &class_index); generate_class_index(structs, "STRUCT_", &class_index); generate_class_index(classes, "CLASS_", &class_index); //print_class_index_keys(class_index); String index_template = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(template_file); String code_template = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("code_template.md.html"); List index_template_keywords = get_template_keywords(index_template); HashSet used_keywords; //print_list(index_template_keywords); String index_str = index_template; for (const List::Element *E = index_template_keywords.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String c = E->get(); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!class_index.has(c), "!class_index.has(): " + c); String keyword = "|||" + E->get() + "|||"; String class_str = class_index[c]; //String class_name = get_structure_name(class_str); index_str = index_str.replace(keyword, code_template.replace("$CODE$", class_str.xml_escape(true))); used_keywords.insert(c); } String compilation_no_renderer = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("compilation_no_renderer.md.html"); String compilation_renderer = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("compilation_renderer.md.html"); String licenses_renderer = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("licenses_renderer.md.html"); String licenses_gui = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("licenses_gui.md.html"); String markdeep_min_js = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("markdeep.min.js"); String markdeep_theme = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("slate.css"); index_str = index_str.replace("$FILE_Compilation_No_Renderer$", compilation_no_renderer); index_str = index_str.replace("$FILE_Compilation_Renderer$", compilation_renderer); index_str = index_str.replace("$LICENSES_Renderer$", licenses_renderer); index_str = index_str.replace("$LICENSES_GUI$", licenses_gui); index_str = index_str.replace("$MARKDEEP_MIN_JS$", markdeep_min_js); index_str = index_str.replace("$MARKDEEP_THEME$", markdeep_theme); FileAccess::write_file("out/" + out_file, index_str); if (write_remaining) { //Generate a list from the unused classes. String index_remaining_template = FileAccess::get_file_as_string("index_remaining_template.md.html"); String d = index_remaining_template; d = d.replace("$ENUMS$", generate_section_class_list(enums, "ENUM_", used_keywords)); d = d.replace("$STRUCTS$", generate_section_class_list(structs, "STRUCT_", used_keywords)); d = d.replace("$CLASSES$", generate_section_class_list(classes, "CLASS_", used_keywords)); FileAccess::write_file("out/index_remaining.gen.md.html", d); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SFWCore::setup(); DirAccess dir; if (!dir.dir_exists("out")) { dir.make_dir("out"); dir.copy("markdeep.min.js", "out/markdeep.min.js"); dir.copy("slate.css", "out/slate.css"); } bool write_remaining = false; List args; String out_file = "index.md.html"; String template_file = "index_template.md.html"; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { String arg = String::utf8(argv[i]); if (arg == "--remaining") { write_remaining = true; continue; } else if (arg.begins_with("-o")) { out_file = arg.trim_prefix("-o").strip_edges(); continue; } else if (arg.begins_with("-t")) { template_file = arg.trim_prefix("-t").strip_edges(); continue; } args.push_back(arg); } for (List::Element *E = args.front(); E; E = E->next()) { process_file(E->get(), out_file, template_file, write_remaining); } SFWCore::cleanup(); return 0; }