//--STRIP #ifndef SUB_PROCESS_H #define SUB_PROCESS_H //--STRIP /*************************************************************************/ /* sub_process.h */ /* From https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine (MIT) */ /*************************************************************************/ //--STRIP #include "core/list.h" #include "core/math_defs.h" #include "core/memory.h" #include "core/mutex.h" #include "core/typedefs.h" #include "core/ustring.h" #include "core/error_list.h" #include //--STRIP #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) //--STRIP #include "core/local_vector.h" //--STRIP #endif /** * Multi-Platform abstraction for running and communicating with sub processes */ class SubProcess { public: typedef int64_t ProcessID; #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) struct SubProcessWindowsData; #endif static SubProcess *create(); String get_executable_path() const; void set_executable_path(const String &p_executable_path); Vector get_arguments() const; void set_arguments(const Vector &p_arguments); bool get_blocking() const; void set_blocking(const bool p_value); bool get_read_output() const; void set_read_output(const bool p_value); bool get_read_std() const; void set_read_std(const bool p_value); bool get_read_std_err() const; void set_read_std_err(const bool p_value); bool get_use_pipe_mutex() const; void set_use_pipe_mutex(const bool p_value); bool get_open_console() const; void set_open_console(const bool p_value); String get_data() const { return _pipe; } int get_process_id() const { return _process_id; } int get_exitcode() const { return _exitcode; } virtual Error start(); virtual Error stop(); virtual Error poll(); virtual Error send_signal(const int p_signal); virtual Error send_data(const String &p_data); virtual bool is_process_running() const; Error run(const String &p_executable_path, const Vector &p_arguments = Vector(), bool p_output = true, bool p_blocking = true, bool p_read_std_err = false, bool p_use_pipe_mutex = false, bool p_open_console = false); SubProcess(); virtual ~SubProcess(); protected: void _setup_pipe_mutex(); String _executable_path; Vector _arguments; bool _blocking; bool _read_output; bool _read_std; bool _read_std_err; String _pipe; bool _use_pipe_mutex; Mutex *_pipe_mutex; bool _open_console; ProcessID _process_id; int _exitcode; #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32) String _quote_command_line_argument(const String &p_text) const; void _append_to_pipe(char *p_bytes, int p_size); bool _process_started; LocalVector _bytes; SubProcessWindowsData *_data; #else FILE *_process_fp; char _process_buf[65535]; #endif }; struct SubProcessRef { SubProcess *f; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_null() const { return f == nullptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_valid() const { return f != nullptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ operator bool() const { return f != nullptr; } _FORCE_INLINE_ operator SubProcess *() { return f; } _FORCE_INLINE_ SubProcess *operator->() { return f; } SubProcessRef(SubProcess *fa) { f = fa; } SubProcessRef(SubProcessRef &&other) { f = other.f; other.f = nullptr; } ~SubProcessRef() { if (f) { memdelete(f); } } }; //--STRIP #endif //--STRIP