//--STRIP #include "object/object.h" #include "core/error_macros.h" #include "core/logger.h" #include "object/core_string_names.h" #include "object/object_rc.h" //--STRIP void Object::set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid) { if (p_name == CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_meta) { //set_meta(p_name,p_value); metadata = p_value.duplicate(); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } //something inside the object... :| bool success = _setv(p_name, p_value); if (success) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return; } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } } Variant Object::get(const StringName &p_name, bool *r_valid) const { Variant ret; if (p_name == CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_meta) { ret = metadata; if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } else { //something inside the object... :| bool success = _getv(p_name, ret); if (success) { if (r_valid) { *r_valid = true; } return ret; } if (r_valid) { *r_valid = false; } return Variant(); } } bool Object::lt(const Variant &p_value_l, const Variant &p_value_r) { return p_value_l < p_value_r; } void Object::notification(int p_notification, bool p_reversed) { _notificationv(p_notification, p_reversed); } String Object::to_string() { return "[" + get_class() + ":" + itos(get_instance_id()) + "]"; } bool Object::_predelete() { _predelete_ok = 1; notification(NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE, true); if (_predelete_ok) { _class_ptr = nullptr; //must restore so destructors can access class ptr correctly } return _predelete_ok; } void Object::_postinitialize() { _class_ptr = _get_class_namev(); notification(NOTIFICATION_POSTINITIALIZE); } bool Object::has_meta(const String &p_name) const { return metadata.has(p_name); } void Object::set_meta(const String &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { metadata.erase(p_name); return; }; metadata[p_name] = p_value; } Variant Object::get_meta(const String &p_name, const Variant &p_default) const { if (!metadata.has(p_name)) { return p_default; } return metadata[p_name]; } void Object::remove_meta(const String &p_name) { metadata.erase(p_name); } void Object::cancel_free() { _predelete_ok = 0; } Object::Object() { _is_queued_for_deletion = false; _predelete_ok = 0; _instance_id = 0; _instance_id = ObjectDB::add_instance(this); } Object::~Object() { } ObjectRC *Object::_use_rc() { // The RC object is lazily created the first time it's requested; // that way, there's no need to allocate and release it at all if this Object // is not being referred by any Variant at all. // Although when dealing with Objects from multiple threads some locking // mechanism should be used, this at least makes safe the case of first // assignment. ObjectRC *rc = nullptr; ObjectRC *const creating = reinterpret_cast<ObjectRC *>(1); if (unlikely(_rc.compare_exchange_strong(rc, creating, std::memory_order_acq_rel))) { // Not created yet rc = memnew(ObjectRC(this)); _rc.store(rc, std::memory_order_release); return rc; } // Spin-wait until we know it's created (or just return if it's already created) for (;;) { if (likely(rc != creating)) { rc->increment(); return rc; } rc = _rc.load(std::memory_order_acquire); } } bool predelete_handler(Object *p_object) { return p_object->_predelete(); } void postinitialize_handler(Object *p_object) { p_object->_postinitialize(); } HashMap<ObjectID, Object *> ObjectDB::instances; ObjectID ObjectDB::instance_counter = 1; HashMap<Object *, ObjectID, ObjectDB::ObjectPtrHash> ObjectDB::instance_checks; ObjectID ObjectDB::add_instance(Object *p_object) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_object->get_instance_id() != 0, 0); rw_lock.write_lock(); ObjectID instance_id = ++instance_counter; instances[instance_id] = p_object; instance_checks[p_object] = instance_id; rw_lock.write_unlock(); return instance_id; } void ObjectDB::remove_instance(Object *p_object) { rw_lock.write_lock(); instances.erase(p_object->get_instance_id()); instance_checks.erase(p_object); rw_lock.write_unlock(); } Object *ObjectDB::get_instance(ObjectID p_instance_id) { rw_lock.read_lock(); Object **obj = instances.getptr(p_instance_id); rw_lock.read_unlock(); if (!obj) { return nullptr; } return *obj; } void ObjectDB::debug_objects(DebugFunc p_func) { rw_lock.read_lock(); const ObjectID *K = nullptr; while ((K = instances.next(K))) { p_func(instances[*K]); } rw_lock.read_unlock(); } int ObjectDB::get_object_count() { rw_lock.read_lock(); int count = instances.size(); rw_lock.read_unlock(); return count; } RWLock ObjectDB::rw_lock; void ObjectDB::cleanup() { rw_lock.write_lock(); if (instances.size()) { LOG_WARN("ObjectDB instances leaked at exit!"); } instances.clear(); instance_checks.clear(); rw_lock.write_unlock(); }