/*************************************************************************/ /* vector2.cpp */ /* From https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine (MIT) */ /*************************************************************************/ //--STRIP #include "core/vector2.h" #include "core/ustring.h" //--STRIP real_t Vector2::angle() const { return Math::atan2(y, x); } real_t Vector2::length() const { return Math::sqrt(x * x + y * y); } real_t Vector2::length_squared() const { return x * x + y * y; } void Vector2::normalize() { real_t l = x * x + y * y; if (l != 0) { l = Math::sqrt(l); x /= l; y /= l; } } Vector2 Vector2::normalized() const { Vector2 v = *this; v.normalize(); return v; } bool Vector2::is_normalized() const { // use length_squared() instead of length() to avoid sqrt(), makes it more stringent. return Math::is_equal_approx(length_squared(), 1, (real_t)UNIT_EPSILON); } real_t Vector2::distance_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const { return Math::sqrt((x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y)); } real_t Vector2::distance_squared_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const { return (x - p_vector2.x) * (x - p_vector2.x) + (y - p_vector2.y) * (y - p_vector2.y); } real_t Vector2::angle_to(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const { return Math::atan2(cross(p_vector2), dot(p_vector2)); } real_t Vector2::angle_to_point(const Vector2 &p_vector2) const { return Math::atan2(y - p_vector2.y, x - p_vector2.x); } real_t Vector2::dot(const Vector2 &p_other) const { return x * p_other.x + y * p_other.y; } real_t Vector2::cross(const Vector2 &p_other) const { return x * p_other.y - y * p_other.x; } Vector2 Vector2::sign() const { return Vector2(SGN(x), SGN(y)); } Vector2 Vector2::floor() const { return Vector2(Math::floor(x), Math::floor(y)); } Vector2 Vector2::ceil() const { return Vector2(Math::ceil(x), Math::ceil(y)); } Vector2 Vector2::round() const { return Vector2(Math::round(x), Math::round(y)); } Vector2 Vector2::rotated(real_t p_by) const { Vector2 v; v.set_rotation(angle() + p_by); v *= length(); return v; } Vector2 Vector2::posmod(const real_t p_mod) const { return Vector2(Math::fposmod(x, p_mod), Math::fposmod(y, p_mod)); } Vector2 Vector2::posmodv(const Vector2 &p_modv) const { return Vector2(Math::fposmod(x, p_modv.x), Math::fposmod(y, p_modv.y)); } Vector2 Vector2::project(const Vector2 &p_to) const { return p_to * (dot(p_to) / p_to.length_squared()); } Vector2 Vector2::snapped(const Vector2 &p_by) const { return Vector2( Math::stepify(x, p_by.x), Math::stepify(y, p_by.y)); } Vector2 Vector2::limit_length(const real_t p_len) const { const real_t l = length(); Vector2 v = *this; if (l > 0 && p_len < l) { v /= l; v *= p_len; } return v; } Vector2 Vector2::move_toward(const Vector2 &p_to, const real_t p_delta) const { Vector2 v = *this; Vector2 vd = p_to - v; real_t len = vd.length(); return len <= p_delta || len < (real_t)CMP_EPSILON ? p_to : v + vd / len * p_delta; } // slide returns the component of the vector along the given plane, specified by its normal vector. Vector2 Vector2::slide(const Vector2 &p_normal) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_normal.is_normalized(), Vector2(), "The normal Vector2 must be normalized."); #endif return *this - p_normal * this->dot(p_normal); } Vector2 Vector2::bounce(const Vector2 &p_normal) const { return -reflect(p_normal); } Vector2 Vector2::reflect(const Vector2 &p_normal) const { #ifdef MATH_CHECKS ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_normal.is_normalized(), Vector2(), "The normal Vector2 must be normalized."); #endif return 2 * p_normal * this->dot(p_normal) - *this; } bool Vector2::is_equal_approx(const Vector2 &p_v) const { return Math::is_equal_approx(x, p_v.x) && Math::is_equal_approx(y, p_v.y); } Vector2::operator String() const { return "(" + String::num_real(x) + ", " + String::num_real(y) + ")"; }