diff --git a/tools/doc/index_template.md.html b/tools/doc/index_template.md.html
index 473481d..f6fe96e 100644
--- a/tools/doc/index_template.md.html
+++ b/tools/doc/index_template.md.html
@@ -351,14 +351,306 @@ Main
+Helper Structs
+ |||STRUCT_Pair|||
+ |||STRUCT_KeyValue|||
+ |||STRUCT_Comparator|||
+Helper Classes
+ A helper class that implements COW (Copy-on-Write) functionality.
+ |||CLASS_CowData|||
+ |||CLASS_VectorWriteProxy|||
+ |||CLASS_List|||
+ Vector with COW support.
+ |||CLASS_Vector|||
+ Vector that does not fragment memory.
+ |||CLASS_PoolVector|||
+ Simple vector. Uses unsigned ints as indexes.
+ Saves on allocation calls by overallocating memory.
+ This is the most similar to std::vector.
+ |||CLASS_LocalVector|||
+ Simple vector. Uses signed ints as indexes.
+ Saves on allocation calls by overallocating memory.
+ |||CLASS_LocalVectori|||
+ Simple vector. Uses unsigned ints as indexes.
+ Unlike LocalVector it always only allocates the space it needs.
+ |||CLASS_TightLocalVector|||
+ Simple vector. Uses signed ints as indexes.
+ Unlike LocalVector it always only allocates the space it needs.
+ |||CLASS_TightLocalVectori|||
+ |||CLASS_RBSet|||
+ |||CLASS_VSet|||
+ |||CLASS_HashSet|||
+ |||CLASS_RBMap|||
+ |||CLASS_VMap|||
+ Simple HashMap implementation.
+ |||CLASS_OGHashMap|||
+ HashMap implementation that uses open addressing with Robin Hood hashing.
+ Use this by default.
+ |||CLASS_HashMap|||
+ HashMap implementation that keeps the order of it's elements.
+ |||CLASS_OrderedHashMap|||
+ |||CLASS_SortArray|||
+ |||CLASS_RingBuffer|||
+ |||CLASS_STime|||
+TODO There are multiples of the same classes due to defines. Implement a way to select from them.
+TODO also get Thread.
+ |||CLASS_SafeNumeric|||
+ |||CLASS_SafeFlag|||
+ |||CLASS_SafeRefCount|||
+ Typedefined to Mutex.
+ |||CLASS_MutexImpl|||
+ Helper class to lock and automatically release it on leaving scope.
+ |||CLASS_MutexLock|||
+ |||CLASS_RWLock|||
+ |||CLASS_RWLockRead|||
+ |||CLASS_RWLockWrite|||
+ |||CLASS_SpinLock|||