diff --git a/sfw/core/aabb.cpp b/sfw/core/aabb.cpp index afe7e71..33a10a8 100644 --- a/sfw/core/aabb.cpp +++ b/sfw/core/aabb.cpp @@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ AABB AABB::intersection(const AABB &p_aabb) const { return AABB(min, max - min); } +// MSVC +#undef near +#undef far + bool AABB::intersects_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_dir, Vector3 *r_clip, Vector3 *r_normal) const { Vector3 c1, c2; Vector3 end = position + size; diff --git a/sfw/core/inet_address.cpp b/sfw/core/inet_address.cpp index c870af1..22ad856 100644 --- a/sfw/core/inet_address.cpp +++ b/sfw/core/inet_address.cpp @@ -41,9 +41,22 @@ WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE PCSTR WSAAPI inet_ntop(INT Family, VOID * pAddr, PSTR pStrin } #else // Windows... + +#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +#include + #include #include #include + +extern "C" { + +PCSTR WSAAPI inet_ntop( _In_ INT Family,_In_ const VOID * pAddr,_Out_writes_(StringBufSize) PSTR pStringBuf, _In_ size_t StringBufSize); + +WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE INT WSAAPI inet_pton(_In_ INT Family,_In_ PCSTR pszAddrString, _When_(Family == AF_INET, _Out_writes_bytes_(sizeof(IN_ADDR)))_When_(Family == AF_INET6, _Out_writes_bytes_(sizeof(IN6_ADDR)))PVOID pAddrBuf); + +} + #endif struct in6__addruint { diff --git a/tools/merger/sfw_full.h.inl b/tools/merger/sfw_full.h.inl index c7fac23..bb25bb0 100644 --- a/tools/merger/sfw_full.h.inl +++ b/tools/merger/sfw_full.h.inl @@ -816,7 +816,9 @@ #ifdef GLAD_API_CALL #undef GLAD_API_CALL #endif - #define GLAD_API_CALL extern API ///- + #define GLAD_API_CALL extern + //TODO Figure out why did this build, and why it now doesn't want to work in the amalgamated build + // API ///- #endif #ifndef GLAD_GL_H_