
835 lines
35 KiB
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#!/bin/bash 2>nul || goto :windows
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
# linux + osx -----------------------------------------------------------------
cd `dirname $0`
# copy demos to root folder. local changes are preserved
# cp -n demos/*.c .
# rem tests
# clang editor.c -I. -lm -lX11 -g -fsanitize=address,undefined && ./a.out
# cl editor.c -I. -fsanitize=address /DEBUG /Zi && editor
# tidy environment
if [ "$1" = "tidy" ]; then
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
rm *.o 2> /dev/null
export dll=dll
export build=dev
export args=
export cc=cc
while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
if [ "$1" = "help" ]; then
echo sh MAKE.bat
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
echo sh MAKE.bat [gcc,clang] [dbg,dev,rel] [dll,static]
echo sh MAKE.bat [tidy]
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
echo Package setup for linux:
echo sh MAKE.bat [smin,sfull]
if [ "$1" = "dll" ]; then
export dll=dll
if [ "$1" = "static" ]; then
export dll=static
if [ "$1" = "dbg" ]; then
export build=dbg
export flags="-O0 -g"
if [ "$1" = "dev" ]; then
export build=dev
export flags="-O1 -g -DNDEBUG=1"
if [ "$1" = "rel" ]; then
export build=rel
export flags="-O2 -DNDEBUG=2"
if [ "$1" = "ret" ]; then
export build=ret
export flags="-O3 -DNDEBUG=3 -DENABLE_RETAIL"
if [ "$1" = "gcc" ]; then
export cc=gcc
if [ "$1" = "clang" ]; then
export cc=clang
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
if [ "$1" = "setup" ]; then
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxi-dev
if [ "$1" = "--" ]; then
export args=$*
shift $#
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then
# setup (Debian, Ubuntu, etc)
2024-01-20 15:07:27 +01:00
#[ ! -f ".setup" ] && sudo apt-get -y update
#[ ! -f ".setup" ] && sudo apt-get -y install libx11-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxi-dev && echo>.setup # absolute minimum
# sudo apt-get -y install clang xorg-dev # memorable, around 100 mib
# pipeline
#cc tools/ass2iqe.c -o tools/ass2iqe.linux -lm -ldl -lpthread -w -g -lassimp
#cc tools/iqe2iqm.cpp -o tools/iqe2iqm.linux -lm -ldl -lpthread -w -g -lstdc++
#cc tools/mid2wav.c -o tools/mid2wav.linux -lm -ldl -lpthread -w -g
export args="-lm -ldl -lpthread -lX11 -w -Iengine/ $args"
echo build=$build, type=$dll, cc=$cc, args=$args
# framework (as dynamic library)
if [ "$dll" = "dll" ]; then
echo libfwk.so && $cc -o libfwk.so engine/fwk.c -shared -fPIC $flags $args
cp libfwk.so demos/lua/
export import="libfwk.so -Wl,-rpath,./"
# framework (static)
echo fwk && $cc -c engine/fwk.c -w $flags $args
export import=fwk.o
# editor
echo editor && $cc -o editor engine/editor.c $flags $import $args &
# demos
echo hello && $cc -o hello hello.c $flags $args &
echo 00-loop && $cc -o 00-loop demos/00-loop.c $flags $import $args &
echo 00-script && $cc -o 00-script demos/00-script.c $flags $import $args &
echo 01-demo2d && $cc -o 01-demo2d demos/01-demo2d.c $flags $import $args &
echo 01-ui && $cc -o 01-ui demos/01-ui.c $flags $import $args &
echo 01-easing && $cc -o 01-easing demos/01-easing.c $flags $import $args &
echo 01-font && $cc -o 01-font demos/01-font.c $flags $import $args &
echo 02-ddraw && $cc -o 02-ddraw demos/02-ddraw.c $flags $import $args &
echo 02-frustum && $cc -o 02-frustum demos/02-frustum.c $flags $import $args &
echo 03-anims && $cc -o 03-anims demos/03-anims.c $flags $import $args &
echo 04-actor && $cc -o 04-actor demos/04-actor.c $flags $import $args &
echo 06-scene && $cc -o 06-scene demos/06-scene.c $flags $import $args &
echo 07-netsync && $cc -o 07-netsync demos/07-netsync.c $flags $import $args &
echo 06-material && $cc -o 06-material demos/06-material.c $flags $import $args &
echo 07-network && $cc -o 07-network demos/07-network.c $flags $import $args &
echo 08-audio && $cc -o 08-audio demos/08-audio.c $flags $import $args &
echo 08-video && $cc -o 08-video demos/08-video.c $flags $import $args &
echo 09-cubemap && $cc -o 09-cubemap demos/09-cubemap.c $flags $import $args &
echo 09-shadertoy && $cc -o 09-shadertoy demos/09-shadertoy.c $flags $import $args
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then
# setup (osx)
export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)
# brew install glfw
# pipeline
#cc tools/ass2iqe.c -o tools/ass2iqe.osx -w -g -lassimp
#cc tools/iqe2iqm.cpp -o tools/iqe2iqm.osx -w -g -lstdc++
#cc tools/mid2wav.c -o tools/mid2wav.osx -w -g
# change permissions of precompiled tools binaries because of 'Permission denied' runtime error (@procedural)
chmod +x tools/ass2iqe.osx
chmod +x tools/ase2ini.osx
chmod +x tools/cook.osx
chmod +x tools/ark.osx
chmod +x tools/cuttlefish.osx
chmod +x tools/ffmpeg.osx
chmod +x tools/furnace.osx
chmod +x tools/iqe2iqm.osx
chmod +x tools/mid2wav.osx
chmod +x tools/mod2wav.osx
chmod +x tools/PVRTexToolCLI.osx
chmod +x tools/sfxr2wav.osx
chmod +x tools/xlsx2ini.osx
chmod +x tools/premake5.osx
chmod +x tools/ninja.osx
chmod +x demos/lua/luajit.osx
export args="-w -Iengine/ -framework cocoa -framework iokit -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox $args"
echo build=$build, type=$dll, cc=$cc, args=$args
# framework (as dynamic library)
if [ "$dll" = "dll" ]; then
echo libfwk && cc -ObjC -dynamiclib -o libfwk.dylib engine/fwk.c $flags $args
cp libfwk.dylib demos/lua
export import=libfwk.dylib
# framework
echo fwk && cc -c -ObjC engine/fwk.c $flags $args
export import=fwk.o
# editor
echo editor && cc -o editor engine/editor.c $import $flags $args &
# demos
echo hello && cc -o hello -ObjC hello.c $flags $args &
echo 00-loop && cc -o 00-loop demos/00-loop.c $import $flags $args &
echo 00-script && cc -o 00-script demos/00-script.c $import $flags $args &
echo 01-demo2d && cc -o 01-demo2d demos/01-demo2d.c $import $flags $args &
echo 01-ui && cc -o 01-ui demos/01-ui.c $import $flags $args &
echo 01-easing && cc -o 01-easing demos/01-easing.c $import $flags $args &
echo 01-font && cc -o 01-font demos/01-font.c $import $flags $args &
echo 02-ddraw && cc -o 02-ddraw demos/02-ddraw.c $import $flags $args &
echo 02-frustum && cc -o 02-frustum demos/02-frustum.c $import $flags $args &
echo 03-anims && cc -o 03-anims demos/03-anims.c $import $flags $args &
echo 04-actor && cc -o 04-actor demos/04-actor.c $import $flags $args &
echo 06-scene && cc -o 06-scene demos/06-scene.c $import $flags $args &
echo 07-netsync && cc -o 07-netsync demos/07-netsync.c $import $flags $args &
echo 06-material && cc -o 06-material demos/06-material.c $import $flags $args &
echo 07-network && cc -o 07-network demos/07-network.c $import $flags $args &
echo 08-audio && cc -o 08-audio demos/08-audio.c $import $flags $args &
echo 08-video && cc -o 08-video demos/08-video.c $import $flags $args &
echo 09-cubemap && cc -o 09-cubemap demos/09-cubemap.c $import $flags $args &
echo 09-shadertoy && cc -o 09-shadertoy demos/09-shadertoy.c $import $flags $args
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
cd /d "%~dp0"
rem show help
if "%1"=="-?" goto showhelp
if "%1"=="-h" goto showhelp
if "%1"=="--help" goto showhelp
if "%1"=="-help" goto showhelp
if "%1"=="help" (
echo %0 ; compile hello. uses `dll dev` settings
echo %0 [all] ; build everything
echo %0 [bind] ; generate lua bindings
echo %0 [cook] ; generate cooked zip files. uses tools/cook.ini cookbook
echo %0 [docs] ; generate engine/fwk.html file
echo %0 [fuse] ; fuse all binaries and cooked zipfiles found together
echo %0 [help] ; show this screen
echo %0 [proj] ; generate a xcode/gmake/ninja/visual studio solution
echo %0 [sync] ; sync repo to latest
echo %0 [tidy] ; clean up temp files
echo %0 [test] ; perform different checks
echo %0 [join] ; merge engine/* ^<- engine/joint/* ^<- engine/split/*
echo %0 [split] ; merge engine/* -^> engine/joint/* -^> engine/split/*
echo %0 [joint] ; merge engine/* -^> engine/joint/*
echo %0 [cl^|tcc^|cc^|gcc^|clang^|clang-cl] [dbg^|dev^|rel^|ret] [static^|dll] [nofwk^|nodemos^|editor] [-- args]
echo cl \
echo tcc ^|
echo cc ^| select compiler. must be accessible in PATH
echo gcc ^| (autodetected if no option is provided^)
echo clang ^|
echo clang-cl /
echo dbg \ debug build: [x] ASAN [x] poison [x] asserts [x] profiler [x] suite [x] symbols [ ] zero optimizations
echo dev ^| develop build: [ ] ASAN [x] poison [x] asserts [x] profiler [ ] suite [x] symbols [*] some optimizations (default^)
echo rel ^| release build: [ ] ASAN [ ] poison [ ] asserts [ ] profiler [ ] suite [x] symbols (cl,clang-cl only^) [x] many optimizations
echo ret / retail build: same than release build above plus no-console, no-printf, no-profiler, no-debug-panel, no-cook, no-editor, no-title-stats...
echo static \ link fwk as static library
echo dll / link fwk as dynamic library (dll^) (default^)
echo fwk \ compile framework
echo nofwk / do not compile framework
echo demos \ compile demos
echo nodemos / do not compile demos
echo editor \ compile editor
echo noeditor / do not compile editor
echo all ^> compile everything: same than `fwk demos editor` setting
echo args ^> after `--` separator is found, pass all remaining arguments to compiler as-is
exit /b
rem sync repo to latest
if "%1"=="sync" (
call MAKE.bat tidy
git reset --hard HEAD~1 && git pull
exit /b
rem cook asset files
if "%1"=="cook" (
echo Cooking assets...
rem generate cooker twice: use multi-threaded version if available (cl). then cook.
rem call tools\tcc tools\cook.c -Iengine engine\fwk.c
rem cl tools\cook.c -Iengine engine\fwk.c
rem cook
del cook*.csv 2> nul
tools\cook --cook-stats
(type *.csv | sort /R > cook.csv) 2> nul
exit /b
rem generate bindings
if "%1"=="bind" (
rem luajit
tools\luajit tools\luajit_make_bindings.lua > fwk.lua
move /y fwk.lua engine\
copy /y engine\fwk.lua demos\lua\
copy /y engine\fwk.py demos\lua\
exit /b
rem generate documentation
if "%1"=="docs" (
rem set symbols...
git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > info.obj
set /p VERSION=<info.obj
git rev-list --count --first-parent HEAD > info.obj
set /p GIT_REVISION=<info.obj
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > info.obj
set /p GIT_BRANCH=<info.obj
date /t > info.obj
set /p LAST_MODIFIED=<info.obj
rem ...and generate docs
cl tools\docs\docs.c engine\fwk.c -Iengine %2
docs engine\fwk.h --excluded=3rd_glad.h,fwk.h,fwk_compat.h, > fwk.html
move /y fwk.html engine\
exit /b
rem generate single-header distribution
if "%1"=="joint" (
echo // This file is intended to be consumed by a compiler. Do not read. > fwk.h
echo // **Browse to any of the sources in engine/split/ folder instead** >> fwk.h
echo // ---------------------------------------------------------------- >> fwk.h
echo // #define FWK_IMPLEMENTATION early in **one** C file to unroll the >> fwk.h
echo // implementation. The symbol must be defined in a C (not C++^) file>> fwk.h
echo // ---------------------------------------------------------------- >> fwk.h
echo #pragma once >> fwk.h
type engine\split\3rd_icon_md.h >> fwk.h
type engine\split\3rd_glad.h >> fwk.h
type engine\fwk.h >> fwk.h
echo #ifdef FWK_IMPLEMENTATION >> fwk.h
echo #define FWK_3RD >> fwk.h
type engine\fwk >> fwk.h
type engine\fwk.c >> fwk.h
echo #endif // FWK_IMPLEMENTATION >> fwk.h
move /y fwk.h engine\joint
exit /b
rem generate prior files to a github release
if "%1"=="github" (
call make.bat joint
call make.bat split
rem call make.bat dll
call make.bat docs
call make.bat bind
rem rd /q /s engine\split
rem md engine\split
rem move /y fwk_*.? engine\split\
rem move /y 3rd_*.? engine\split\
rem pushd tools
rem cl cook.c -I..\engine /openmp /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2 /link /OPT:ICF /LTCG
rem del cook.exp
rem del cook.lib
rem del cook.obj
rem del cook.pdb
rem popd
call make.bat tidy
exit /b
rem shortcuts for split & join scripts
if "%1"=="split" (
call tools\split
call make joint
exit /b
if "%1"=="join" (
call tools\join
call make joint
exit /b
rem fuse binaries and zipfiles
if "%1"=="fuse" (
if not exist *.exe (
echo No binaries to fuse.
) else (
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
del *.zip 2> nul 1> nul & tools\cook --cook-jobs=1
md _fused 2> nul 1> nul
for %%i in (*.exe) do set "var=%%i" && ( copy /y !var! _fused\fused_!var! 2> nul 1> nul & tools\ark _fused\fused_!var! *.zip )
exit /b
rem check memory api calls
if "%1"=="test" (
findstr /RNC:"[^_xv]realloc[(]" engine\fwk.c engine\split\fwk*
findstr /RNC:"[^_xv]malloc[(]" engine\fwk.c engine\split\fwk*
findstr /RNC:"[^_xv]free[(]" engine\fwk.c engine\split\fwk*
findstr /RNC:"[^_xv]calloc[(]" engine\fwk.c engine\split\fwk*
findstr /RNC:"[^_xv]strdup[(]" engine\fwk.c engine\split\fwk*
exit /b
rem copy demos to root folder. local changes are preserved
rem echo n | copy /-y demos\*.c 1> nul 2> nul
rem tidy environment
if "%1"=="tidy" (
move /y ??-*.png demos > nul 2> nul
move /y ??-*.c demos > nul 2> nul
del demos\lua\fwk.dll > nul 2> nul
del demos\lua\*.zip > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s demos\lua\__pycache__ > nul 2> nul
del .temp*.* > nul 2> nul
del *.zip > nul 2> nul
del *.mem > nul 2> nul
del *.exp > nul 2> nul
del *.lib > nul 2> nul
del *.exe > nul 2> nul
del *.obj > nul 2> nul
del *.o > nul 2> nul
del *.a > nul 2> nul
del *.pdb > nul 2> nul
del *.ilk > nul 2> nul
del *.png > nul 2> nul
del *.mp4 > nul 2> nul
del *.def > nul 2> nul
del *.dll > nul 2> nul
del *.log > nul 2> nul
del 3rd_*.* > nul 2> nul
del fwk_*.* > nul 2> nul
rem del ??-*.* > nul 2> nul
del temp_*.* > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s .vs > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s _cache > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s _debug > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s _devel > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s _release > nul 2> nul
rem rd /q /s _project > nul 2> nul
rd /q /s _fused > nul 2> nul
del tcc.bat > nul 2> nul
del sh.bat > nul 2> nul
del cook*.csv > nul 2> nul
rem for /R %%i in (*@animlist.txt) do del %%i > nul 2> nul
exit /b
rem Compiler detection
rem set vs=00
rem set cc=%cc%
rem check args
rem if "%cc%"=="" (
rem SET "_FullString=%*"
rem SET "_Search=tcc"
rem CALL SET "_result=%%_FullString:%_Search%=%%"
rem If /i "%_result%"=="%_FullString%" (Echo String not found) ELSE (set cc=tcc)
rem )
rem detect setup
if "%cc%"=="" (
echo Detecting VS 2022/2019/2017/2015/2013 x64 ...
set "cc=cl" && where /q cl.exe || (
if exist "%VS170COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%VS170COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=22"
) else if exist "%VS160COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%VS160COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=19"
) else if exist "%VS150COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%VS150COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=17"
) else if exist "%VS140COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%VS140COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=15"
) else if exist "%VS120COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=13"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles%/microsoft visual studio/2022/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%ProgramFiles%/microsoft visual studio/2022/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=22"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2019/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2019/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=19"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2017/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (
@call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2017/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" >nul && set "vs=17"
) else (
echo Detecting Mingw64 ...
set "cc=gcc" && where /q gcc.exe || (
echo Detecting TCC ... && set "cc=tcc"
if "%cc%"=="cl" (
if exist "%VS170COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=22"
) else if exist "%VS160COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=19"
) else if exist "%VS150COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=17"
) else if exist "%VS140COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=15"
) else if exist "%VS120COMNTOOLS%/../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=13"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles%/microsoft visual studio/2022/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=22"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2019/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=19"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/microsoft visual studio/2017/community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" (set "vs=17"
) else set "vs=00"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
rem ASK what to build if double-clicked from Windows explorer
if "%1"=="" (((echo.%cmdcmdline%)|%WINDIR%\system32\find.exe /I "%~0")>nul) && (
set "bak=!cc!"
for /L %%i in (0,0,1) do (
echo Menu:
echo ^(H^)ello intro ^(!cc!^)
echo ^(E^)ditor ^(!cc!^)
echo ^(B^)uild everything ^(!cc!^)
echo ^(C^)ook everything
echo ^(R^)un everything
echo ^(D^)ocumentation
echo ^(F^)use retail binaries ^(!cc!^)
echo ^(T^)idy folders
echo ^(S^)ync to latest
echo ^(1^)Open Visual Studio ^(!vs!^)
echo ^(2^)Open Visual Studio Code
echo ^(3^)Open Explorer
echo ^(G^)Toggle compiler ^(!bak! ^<=^> tcc^)
echo ^(Q^)uit
choice /C HEBCRDFTS123GQ /M "Select"
set choice=!errorlevel!
if "!choice!"== "1" call make hello.c !cc! && start hello
if "!choice!"== "2" ( if exist editor.exe ( start editor ) else ( call make editor static !cc! -- -DUI_FONT_SMALL && start editor ) )
if "!choice!"== "3" call make all static !cc!
if "!choice!"== "4" call make cook
if "!choice!"== "5" for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i
if "!choice!"== "6" start engine/fwk.html && rem start "" "https://bit.ly/fwk2023"
if "!choice!"== "7" call make all retail static !cc! && make fuse
if "!choice!"== "8" call make tidy
if "!choice!"== "9" choice /C YN /M "Local changes may be overwritten. Continue" && if "!errorlevel!"=="1" ( call make sync && start make && exit )
if "!choice!"=="10" call make proj && (tasklist | find /i "devenv.exe") >nul 2>nul && (echo.) || (start _project\project.sln)
if "!choice!"=="11" start /min cmd /C "code ."
if "!choice!"=="12" start .
if "!choice!"=="13" if "!cc!"=="tcc" (set "cc=!bak!") else (set "cc=tcc")
if "!choice!"=="14" exit
set dll=dll
set build=dev
set args=-Iengine
set other=
set fwk=yes
set hello=yes
set demos=no
set editor=no
set proj=no
set rc=0
if "%1"=="--" shift && goto parse_compiler_args
if "%1"=="dll" set "dll=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="static" set "dll=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="dbg" set "build=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="dev" set "build=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="rel" set "build=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="ret" set "build=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="debug" set "build=dbg" && goto loop
if "%1"=="devel" set "build=dev" && goto loop
if "%1"=="develop" set "build=dev" && goto loop
if "%1"=="developer" set "build=dev" && goto loop
if "%1"=="development" set "build=dev" && goto loop
if "%1"=="release" set "build=rel" && goto loop
if "%1"=="retail" set "build=ret" && goto loop
if "%1"=="all" set "fwk=yes" && set "demos=yes" && set "editor=yes" && set "hello=yes" && goto loop
if "%1"=="demos" set "demos=yes" && set "hello=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="nodemos" set "demos=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="editor" set "editor=yes" && set "hello=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="noeditor" set "editor=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="fwk" set "fwk=yes" && set "hello=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="nofwk" set "fwk=no" && goto loop
if "%1"=="tcc" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="cl" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="vc" set "cc=cl" && goto loop
if "%1"=="cc" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="gcc" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="clang" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="clang-cl" set "cc=%1" && goto loop
if "%1"=="proj" set "proj=yes" && goto loop
if not "%1"=="" set "other=!other! %1" && set "editor=no" && set "demos=no" && set "hello=no"
if not "%1"=="" shift && goto parse_args
if not "%1"=="" set "args=!args! %1" && shift && goto parse_compiler_args
rem solution. @todo: lin/osx
if "!proj!"=="yes" pushd tools && premake5 vs20!vs! & popd
if "!proj!"=="yes" pushd tools && premake5 ninja & popd
if "!proj!"=="yes" pushd tools && premake5 gmake & popd & exit /b
rem --- pipeline
rem cl tools/ass2iqe.c /Fetools/ass2iqe.exe /nologo /openmp /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG assimp.lib
rem cl tools/iqe2iqm.cpp /Fetools/iqe2iqm.exe /nologo /openmp /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG
rem cl tools/mid2wav.c /Fetools/mid2wav.exe /nologo /openmp /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG
rem cl tools/xml2json.c /Fetools/xml2json.exe /nologo /openmp /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG
rem --- pipeline
rem gcc tools/ass2iqe.c -o tools/ass2iqe.exe -w -lassimp
rem gcc tools/iqe2iqm.cpp -o tools/iqe2iqm.exe -w -lstdc++
rem gcc tools/mid2wav.c -o tools/mid2wav.exe -w
rem gcc tools/xml2json.c -o tools/xml2json.exe -w
rem --- different strategies for release builds
rem 4.6s 6.9MiB (default)
rem 33.7s 6.6MiB /Ox /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG
rem 35.8s 5.3MiB /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG
rem 17.9s 4.6MiB /O1 /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /arch:AVX2
rem 17.8s 4.6MiB /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /arch:AVX2
rem 18.8s 4.6MiB /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /Gw /link /OPT:ICF /LTCG
rem 18.0s 4.6MiB /openmp /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /MT /DNDEBUG /GL /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2 /link /OPT:ICF /LTCG
if "!cc!"=="cl" (
if "!dll!"=="static" (
set export=/c
set import=fwk.obj
) else (
set export=/DAPI=EXPORT /LD
set import=/DAPI=IMPORT fwk.lib
if "!build!"=="ret" (
set args=-DENABLE_RETAIL -Dmain=WinMain !args!
set args=/nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=3 !args! /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GL /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2 /link /OPT:ICF /LTCG
if "!build!"=="rel" (
set args=/nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=2 !args! /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GL /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2 /link /OPT:ICF /LTCG
if "!build!"=="dev" (
set args=/nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=1 !args! && REM /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GL /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2
if "!build!"=="dbg" (
set args=/nologo /Zi /MT /DEBUG !args! /Od /fsanitize=address
rem make -- /RTC1, or make -- /Zi /fsanitize=address /DEBUG
set o=/Fe:
set echo=REM
) else if "!cc!"=="clang-cl" (
if "!dll!"=="static" (
set export=/c
set import=fwk.obj
) else (
set export=/DAPI=EXPORT /LD
set import=/DAPI=IMPORT fwk.lib
set warnings_fwkc=-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-tautological-constant-out-of-range-compare
set warnings_demos=-Wno-empty-body -Wno-format-security -Wno-pointer-sign
set warnings=!warnings_fwkc! !warnings_demos!
if "!build!"=="ret" (
set args=-DENABLE_RETAIL -Dmain=WinMain !args!
set args=!warnings! /nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=3 !args! /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2
if "!build!"=="rel" (
set args=!warnings! /nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=2 !args! /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2
if "!build!"=="dev" (
set args=!warnings! /nologo /Zi /MT /openmp /DNDEBUG=1 !args! && REM /Os /Ox /O2 /Oy /GF /Gw /arch:AVX2
if "!build!"=="dbg" (
set args=!warnings! /nologo /Zi /MT /DEBUG !args! /Od /fsanitize=address
set o=-o
set echo=echo
) else if "!cc!"=="tcc" (
if "!dll!"=="static" (
set export=-c
set import=fwk.o
) else (
set export=-DAPI=EXPORT -shared
set import=-DAPI=IMPORT fwk.def
if "!build!"=="ret" (
set args=-DENABLE_RETAIL -Dmain=WinMain !args!
set args=-O3 -DNDEBUG=3 !args!
if "!build!"=="rel" (
set args=-O2 -DNDEBUG=2 !args!
if "!build!"=="dev" (
set args=-O1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g !args!
if "!build!"=="dbg" (
set args=-O0 -g !args!
set o=-o
set echo=echo
) else ( rem if "!cc!"=="gcc" or "clang"
set libs=-lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -ldbghelp -lole32 -lshell32 -lcomdlg32
if "!dll!"=="static" (
set export=-c
set import=fwk.o -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition
) else (
set export=-DAPI=EXPORT -shared -o fwk.dll -Wl,--out-implib,fwk.a
set import=-DAPI=IMPORT fwk.a
set args=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration !libs! !args!
if "!build!"=="ret" (
set args=-DENABLE_RETAIL !args!
set args=-O3 -DNDEBUG=3 !args!
if "!build!"=="rel" (
rem @todo see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/866721/how-to-generate-gcc-debug-symbol-outside-the-build-target
set args=-O2 -DNDEBUG=2 !args!
if "!build!"=="dev" (
set args=-O1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g !args!
if "!build!"=="dbg" (
set args=-O0 -g !args!
set o=-o
set echo=echo
rem detect whether user-defined sources use single-header distro
rem if so, remove API=IMPORT flags and also do not produce fwk.dll by default
if "!other!!demos!!editor!!hello!"=="nonoyes" (
set other=hello.c
set hello=no
if not "!other!"=="" (
>nul find "FWK_IMPLEMENTATION" !other! && (
set import=
set fwk=no
rem visualize vars
echo cc=!cc!, build=!build!, type=!dll!, other=!other!, args=!args!
echo export=!export!
echo import=!import!
rem set BUILD_VERSION symbol
git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > info.obj
set /p VERSION=<info.obj
git rev-list --count --first-parent HEAD > info.obj
set /p GIT_REVISION=<info.obj
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > info.obj
set /p GIT_BRANCH=<info.obj
date /t > info.obj
set /p LAST_MODIFIED=<info.obj
set args=-DBUILD_VERSION="\"!GIT_BRANCH!-!GIT_REVISION!-!build!-!dll!-!USERNAME!\"" !args!
if "!cc!"=="tcc" set "cc=call tools\tcc"
rem framework
if "!fwk!"=="yes" (
tools\file2hash engine\fwk.c engine\fwk.h engine\fwk. engine\joint\fwk.h -- !build! !import! !export! !args! !dll! > nul
set cache=_cache\.!errorlevel!
md _cache 2>nul >nul
rem cache for `make rel` cl:48s->25s, tcc:3.3s->1.8s
if exist !cache!.o copy /y !cache!.o fwk.o 2>nul >nul
if exist !cache!.obj copy /y !cache!.obj fwk.obj 2>nul >nul
if exist !cache!.lib copy /y !cache!.lib fwk.lib 2>nul >nul
if exist !cache!.dll copy /y !cache!.dll fwk.dll 2>nul >nul
if exist !cache!.def copy /y !cache!.def fwk.def 2>nul >nul
if exist !cache!.pdb copy /y !cache!.pdb fwk.pdb 2>nul >nul
if not exist "!cache!" (
!echo! fwk && !cc! engine\fwk.c !export! !args! && if "!dll!"=="dll" copy /y fwk.dll demos\lua > nul || set rc=1
echo. > !cache!
if exist fwk.o copy /y fwk.o !cache!.o 2>nul >nul
if exist fwk.obj copy /y fwk.obj !cache!.obj 2>nul >nul
if exist fwk.lib copy /y fwk.lib !cache!.lib 2>nul >nul
if exist fwk.dll copy /y fwk.dll !cache!.dll 2>nul >nul
if exist fwk.def copy /y fwk.def !cache!.def 2>nul >nul
if exist fwk.pdb copy /y fwk.pdb !cache!.pdb 2>nul >nul
) else (
rem cached. do not compile...
echo fwk.c ^(cached^)
if "!dll!"=="dll" copy /y !cache!.dll demos\lua\fwk.dll > nul || set rc=1
rem editor
if "!editor!"=="yes" (
set edit=-DCOOK_ON_DEMAND -DUI_FONT_SMALL !edit! && REM -DUI_ICONS_SMALL -DUI_LESSER_SPACING -- directives wont work at this point unless fwk.dll is rebuilt
!echo! editor && !cc! !o! editor.exe engine\editor.c !edit! !import! !args! || set rc=1
rem demos
if "!demos!"=="yes" (
!echo! 00-loop && !cc! !o! 00-loop.exe demos\00-loop.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 00-script && !cc! !o! 00-script.exe demos\00-script.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 01-demo2d && !cc! !o! 01-demo2d.exe demos\01-demo2d.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 01-ui && !cc! !o! 01-ui.exe demos\01-ui.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 01-easing && !cc! !o! 01-easing.exe demos\01-easing.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 01-font && !cc! !o! 01-font.exe demos\01-font.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 02-ddraw && !cc! !o! 02-ddraw.exe demos\02-ddraw.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 02-frustum && !cc! !o! 02-frustum.exe demos\02-frustum.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 03-anims && !cc! !o! 03-anims.exe demos\03-anims.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 04-actor && !cc! !o! 04-actor.exe demos\04-actor.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 06-scene && !cc! !o! 06-scene.exe demos\06-scene.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 06-material && !cc! !o! 06-material.exe demos\06-material.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 07-network && !cc! !o! 07-network.exe demos\07-network.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 07-netsync && !cc! !o! 07-netsync.exe demos\07-netsync.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 08-audio && !cc! !o! 08-audio.exe demos\08-audio.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 08-video && !cc! !o! 08-video.exe demos\08-video.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 09-cubemap && !cc! !o! 09-cubemap.exe demos\09-cubemap.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 09-shadertoy && !cc! !o! 09-shadertoy.exe demos\09-shadertoy.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-bt && !cc! !o! 99-bt.exe demos\99-bt.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-controller && !cc! !o! 99-controller.exe demos\99-controller.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-demo && !cc! !o! 99-demo.exe demos\99-demo.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-lod && !cc! !o! 99-lod.exe demos\99-lod.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-pbr && !cc! !o! 99-pbr.exe demos\99-pbr.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-spine && !cc! !o! 99-spine.exe demos\99-spine.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-sprite && !cc! !o! 99-sprite.exe demos\99-sprite.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-sprite3d && !cc! !o! 99-sprite3d.exe demos\99-sprite3d.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-geom && !cc! !o! 99-geom.exe demos\99-geom.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-compute && !cc! !o! 99-compute.exe demos\99-compute.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-pathfind && !cc! !o! 99-pathfind.exe demos\99-pathfind.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-sponza && !cc! !o! 99-sponza.exe demos\99-sponza.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-gui && !cc! !o! 99-gui.exe demos\99-gui.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
!echo! 99-lmap && !cc! !o! 99-lmap.exe demos\99-lmap.c !import! !args! || set rc=1
rem hello
if "!hello!"=="yes" (
!echo! hello && !cc! !o! hello.exe hello.c !args! || set rc=1
rem user-defined apps
if not "!other!"=="" (
!echo! !other! && !cc! !other! !import! !args! || set rc=1
rem PAUSE only if double-clicked from Windows explorer
(((echo.%cmdcmdline%)|%WINDIR%\system32\find.exe /I "%~0")>nul)&&pause
cmd /c exit !rc!