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56 lines
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Executable File
56 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File
\hypertarget{parsehelper_8c}{\section{C\-:/\-Users/\-D\-E\-L\-L/\-Work/sdlvisualtest/visualtest/src/parsehelper.c File Reference}
{\ttfamily \#include $<$S\-D\-L\-\_\-test.\-h$>$}\\*
{\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}S\-D\-L\-\_\-visualtest\-\_\-harness\-\_\-argparser.\-h\char`\"{}}\\*
char $\ast$$\ast$ \hyperlink{parsehelper_8c_a508e690ed938e09fc3b724d2faf06899}{S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Tokenize} (char $\ast$str, int max\-\_\-token\-\_\-len)
char $\ast$$\ast$ \hyperlink{parsehelper_8c_a5f168fdd02f9d40ddbad97bd8c0b6361}{S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Parse\-Args\-To\-Argv} (char $\ast$args)
\subsection{Detailed Description}
Source file with some helper functions for parsing strings.
\subsection{Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Parse\-Args\-To\-Argv}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}char$\ast$$\ast$ S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Parse\-Args\-To\-Argv (
\item[{char $\ast$}]{args}
Takes an string of command line arguments and breaks them up into an array based on whitespace.
{\em args} & The string of arguments.\\
N\-U\-L\-L on failure, an array of strings on success. The last element of the array is N\-U\-L\-L. The first element of the array is N\-U\-L\-L and should be set to the path of the executable by the caller.
\subsubsection[{S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Tokenize}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}char$\ast$$\ast$ S\-D\-L\-Visual\-Test\-\_\-\-Tokenize (
\item[{char $\ast$}]{str, }
Takes a string and breaks it into tokens by splitting on whitespace.
{\em str} & The string to be split. \\
{\em max\-\_\-token\-\_\-len} & Length of each element in the array to be returned.\\
N\-U\-L\-L on failure; an array of strings with the tokens on success. The last element of the array is N\-U\-L\-L.