/* Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2016 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org> This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "../../SDL_internal.h" #include "../SDL_sysvideo.h" #define INCL_DOSERRORS #define INCL_DOSPROCESS #define INCL_DOSMODULEMGR #define INCL_WIN #define INCL_GPI #define INCL_GPIBITMAPS /* GPI bit map functions */ #include <os2.h> #include <gradd.h> #if 0 /* not used */ #define INCL_GRE_DEVICE #define INCL_GRE_DEVMISC #include <pmddi.h> #endif #include "SDL_os2output.h" #include "SDL_os2video.h" typedef struct _VODATA { PVOID pBuffer; HRGN hrgnVisible; ULONG ulBPP; ULONG ulScanLineSize; ULONG ulWidth; ULONG ulHeight; ULONG ulScreenHeight; ULONG ulScreenBytesPerLine; RECTL rectlWin; PRECTL pRectl; ULONG cRectl; PBLTRECT pBltRect; ULONG cBltRect; } VODATA; static BOOL voQueryInfo(PVIDEOOUTPUTINFO pInfo); static PVODATA voOpen(); static VOID voClose(PVODATA pVOData); static BOOL voSetVisibleRegion(PVODATA pVOData, HWND hwnd, SDL_DisplayMode *pSDLDisplayMode, HRGN hrgnShape, BOOL fVisible); static PVOID voVideoBufAlloc(PVODATA pVOData, ULONG ulWidth, ULONG ulHeight, ULONG ulBPP, ULONG fccColorEncoding, PULONG pulScanLineSize); static VOID voVideoBufFree(PVODATA pVOData); static BOOL voUpdate(PVODATA pVOData, HWND hwnd, SDL_Rect *pSDLRects, ULONG cSDLRects); OS2VIDEOOUTPUT voVMan = { voQueryInfo, voOpen, voClose, voSetVisibleRegion, voVideoBufAlloc, voVideoBufFree, voUpdate }; static HMODULE hmodVMan = NULLHANDLE; static FNVMIENTRY *pfnVMIEntry = NULL; static ULONG ulVRAMAddress = 0; VOID APIENTRY ExitVMan(VOID) { if ( ( ulVRAMAddress != 0 ) && ( hmodVMan != NULLHANDLE ) ) { pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_TERMPROC, NULL, NULL ); DosFreeModule( hmodVMan ); } DosExitList( EXLST_EXIT, (PFNEXITLIST)NULL ); } static BOOL _vmanInit() { ULONG ulRC; CHAR acBuf[255]; INITPROCOUT stInitProcOut; if ( hmodVMan != NULLHANDLE ) // Already was initialized. return TRUE; // Load vman.dll ulRC = DosLoadModule( acBuf, sizeof(acBuf), "VMAN", &hmodVMan ); if ( ulRC != NO_ERROR ) { debug( "Could not load VMAN.DLL, rc = %u : %s", ulRC, &acBuf ); hmodVMan = NULLHANDLE; return FALSE; } // Get VMIEntry. ulRC = DosQueryProcAddr( hmodVMan, 0L, "VMIEntry", (PFN *)&pfnVMIEntry ); if ( ulRC != NO_ERROR ) { debug( "Could not query address of pfnVMIEntry func. of VMAN.DLL, " "rc = %u", ulRC ); DosFreeModule( hmodVMan ); hmodVMan = NULLHANDLE; return FALSE; } // VMAN initialization. stInitProcOut.ulLength = sizeof(stInitProcOut); ulRC = pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_INITPROC, NULL, &stInitProcOut ); if ( ulRC != RC_SUCCESS ) { debug( "Could not initialize VMAN for this process" ); pfnVMIEntry = NULL; DosFreeModule( hmodVMan ); hmodVMan = NULLHANDLE; return FALSE; } // Store video memory virtual address. ulVRAMAddress = stInitProcOut.ulVRAMVirt; // We use exit list for VMI_CMD_TERMPROC. if ( DosExitList( EXLST_ADD | 0x00001000, (PFNEXITLIST)ExitVMan ) != NO_ERROR ) debug( "DosExitList() failed" ); return TRUE; } static PRECTL _getRectlArray(PVODATA pVOData, ULONG cRects) { PRECTL pRectl; if ( pVOData->cRectl >= cRects ) return pVOData->pRectl; pRectl = SDL_realloc( pVOData->pRectl, cRects * sizeof(RECTL) ); if ( pRectl == NULL ) return NULL; pVOData->pRectl = pRectl; pVOData->cRectl = cRects; return pRectl; } static PBLTRECT _getBltRectArray(PVODATA pVOData, ULONG cRects) { PBLTRECT pBltRect; if ( pVOData->cBltRect >= cRects ) return pVOData->pBltRect; pBltRect = SDL_realloc( pVOData->pBltRect, cRects * sizeof(BLTRECT) ); if ( pBltRect == NULL ) return NULL; pVOData->pBltRect = pBltRect; pVOData->cBltRect = cRects; return pBltRect; } static BOOL voQueryInfo(PVIDEOOUTPUTINFO pInfo) { ULONG ulRC; GDDMODEINFO sCurModeInfo; if ( !_vmanInit() ) return FALSE; // Query current (desktop) mode. ulRC = pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_QUERYCURRENTMODE, NULL, &sCurModeInfo ); if ( ulRC != RC_SUCCESS ) { debug( "Could not query desktop video mode." ); return FALSE; } pInfo->ulBPP = sCurModeInfo.ulBpp; pInfo->ulHorizResolution = sCurModeInfo.ulHorizResolution; pInfo->ulVertResolution = sCurModeInfo.ulVertResolution; pInfo->ulScanLineSize = sCurModeInfo.ulScanLineSize; pInfo->fccColorEncoding = sCurModeInfo.fccColorEncoding; return TRUE; } static PVODATA voOpen() { PVODATA pVOData; if ( !_vmanInit() ) return NULL; pVOData = SDL_calloc( 1, sizeof(VODATA) ); if ( pVOData == NULL ) { SDL_OutOfMemory(); return NULL; } return pVOData; } static VOID voClose(PVODATA pVOData) { if ( pVOData->pRectl != NULL ) SDL_free( pVOData->pRectl ); if ( pVOData->pBltRect != NULL ) SDL_free( pVOData->pBltRect ); voVideoBufFree( pVOData ); } static BOOL voSetVisibleRegion(PVODATA pVOData, HWND hwnd, SDL_DisplayMode *pSDLDisplayMode, HRGN hrgnShape, BOOL fVisible) { HPS hps; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; hps = WinGetPS( hwnd ); if ( pVOData->hrgnVisible != NULLHANDLE ) { GpiDestroyRegion( hps, pVOData->hrgnVisible ); pVOData->hrgnVisible = NULLHANDLE; } if ( fVisible ) { // Query visible rectangles pVOData->hrgnVisible = GpiCreateRegion( hps, 0, NULL ); if ( pVOData->hrgnVisible == NULLHANDLE ) { SDL_SetError( "GpiCreateRegion() failed" ); } else { if ( WinQueryVisibleRegion( hwnd, pVOData->hrgnVisible ) == RGN_ERROR ) { GpiDestroyRegion( hps, pVOData->hrgnVisible ); pVOData->hrgnVisible = NULLHANDLE; } else { if ( hrgnShape != NULLHANDLE ) GpiCombineRegion( hps, pVOData->hrgnVisible, pVOData->hrgnVisible, hrgnShape, CRGN_AND ); fSuccess = TRUE; } } WinQueryWindowRect( hwnd, &pVOData->rectlWin ); WinMapWindowPoints( hwnd, HWND_DESKTOP, (PPOINTL)&pVOData->rectlWin, 2 ); if ( pSDLDisplayMode != NULL ) { pVOData->ulScreenHeight = pSDLDisplayMode->h; pVOData->ulScreenBytesPerLine = ((PMODEDATA)pSDLDisplayMode->driverdata)->ulScanLineBytes; } } WinReleasePS( hps ); return fSuccess; } static PVOID voVideoBufAlloc(PVODATA pVOData, ULONG ulWidth, ULONG ulHeight, ULONG ulBPP, ULONG fccColorEncoding, PULONG pulScanLineSize) { ULONG ulRC; ULONG ulScanLineSize = ulWidth * (ulBPP >> 3); // Destroy previous buffer. voVideoBufFree( pVOData ); if ( ( ulWidth == 0 ) || ( ulHeight == 0 ) || ( ulBPP == 0 ) ) return NULL; // Bytes per line. ulScanLineSize = ( ulScanLineSize + 3 ) & ~3; /* 4-byte aligning */ *pulScanLineSize = ulScanLineSize; ulRC = DosAllocMem( &pVOData->pBuffer, (ulHeight * ulScanLineSize) + sizeof(ULONG), PAG_COMMIT | PAG_EXECUTE | PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE ); if ( ulRC != NO_ERROR ) { debug( "DosAllocMem(), rc = %u", ulRC ); return NULL; } pVOData->ulBPP = ulBPP; pVOData->ulScanLineSize = ulScanLineSize; pVOData->ulWidth = ulWidth; pVOData->ulHeight = ulHeight; return pVOData->pBuffer; } static VOID voVideoBufFree(PVODATA pVOData) { ULONG ulRC; if ( pVOData->pBuffer == NULL ) return; ulRC = DosFreeMem( pVOData->pBuffer ); if ( ulRC != NO_ERROR ) debug( "DosFreeMem(), rc = %u", ulRC ); else pVOData->pBuffer = NULL; } static BOOL voUpdate(PVODATA pVOData, HWND hwnd, SDL_Rect *pSDLRects, ULONG cSDLRects) { PRECTL prectlDst, prectlScan; HPS hps; HRGN hrgnUpdate; RGNRECT rgnCtl; SDL_Rect stSDLRectDef; BMAPINFO bmiSrc; BMAPINFO bmiDst; PPOINTL pptlSrcOrg; PBLTRECT pbrDst; HWREQIN sHWReqIn; BITBLTINFO sBitbltInfo = { 0 }; ULONG ulIdx; // RECTL rectlScreenUpdate; if ( pVOData->pBuffer == NULL ) return FALSE; if ( pVOData->hrgnVisible == NULLHANDLE ) return TRUE; bmiSrc.ulLength = sizeof(BMAPINFO); bmiSrc.ulType = BMAP_MEMORY; bmiSrc.ulWidth = pVOData->ulWidth; bmiSrc.ulHeight = pVOData->ulHeight; bmiSrc.ulBpp = pVOData->ulBPP; bmiSrc.ulBytesPerLine = pVOData->ulScanLineSize; bmiSrc.pBits = (PBYTE)pVOData->pBuffer; bmiDst.ulLength = sizeof(BMAPINFO); bmiDst.ulType = BMAP_VRAM; bmiDst.pBits = (PBYTE)ulVRAMAddress; bmiDst.ulWidth = bmiSrc.ulWidth; bmiDst.ulHeight = bmiSrc.ulHeight; bmiDst.ulBpp = bmiSrc.ulBpp; bmiDst.ulBytesPerLine = pVOData->ulScreenBytesPerLine; // List of update rectangles. This is the intersection of requested // rectangles and visible rectangles. if ( cSDLRects == 0 ) { // Full update requested. stSDLRectDef.x = 0; stSDLRectDef.y = 0; stSDLRectDef.w = bmiSrc.ulWidth; stSDLRectDef.h = bmiSrc.ulHeight; pSDLRects = &stSDLRectDef; cSDLRects = 1; } // Make list of destionation rectangles (prectlDst) list from the source // list (prectl). prectlDst = _getRectlArray( pVOData, cSDLRects ); if ( prectlDst == NULL ) { debug( "Not enough memory" ); return FALSE; } prectlScan = prectlDst; for( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < cSDLRects; ulIdx++, pSDLRects++, prectlScan++ ) { prectlScan->xLeft = pSDLRects->x; prectlScan->yTop = pVOData->ulHeight - pSDLRects->y; prectlScan->xRight = prectlScan->xLeft + pSDLRects->w; prectlScan->yBottom = prectlScan->yTop - pSDLRects->h; } hps = WinGetPS( hwnd ); if ( hps == NULLHANDLE ) return FALSE; // Make destination region to update. hrgnUpdate = GpiCreateRegion( hps, cSDLRects, prectlDst ); // "AND" on visible and destination regions, result is region to update. GpiCombineRegion( hps, hrgnUpdate, hrgnUpdate, pVOData->hrgnVisible, CRGN_AND ); // Get rectangles of the region to update. rgnCtl.ircStart = 1; rgnCtl.crc = 0; rgnCtl.ulDirection = 1; rgnCtl.crcReturned = 0; GpiQueryRegionRects( hps, hrgnUpdate, NULL, &rgnCtl, NULL ); if ( rgnCtl.crcReturned == 0 ) { GpiDestroyRegion( hps, hrgnUpdate ); WinReleasePS( hps ); return TRUE; } // We don't need prectlDst, use it again to store update regions. prectlDst = _getRectlArray( pVOData, rgnCtl.crcReturned ); if ( prectlDst == NULL ) { debug( "Not enough memory" ); GpiDestroyRegion( hps, hrgnUpdate ); WinReleasePS( hps ); return FALSE; } rgnCtl.ircStart = 1; rgnCtl.crc = rgnCtl.crcReturned; rgnCtl.ulDirection = 1; GpiQueryRegionRects( hps, hrgnUpdate, NULL, &rgnCtl, prectlDst ); GpiDestroyRegion( hps, hrgnUpdate ); WinReleasePS( hps ); cSDLRects = rgnCtl.crcReturned; // Now cRect/prectlDst is a list of regions in window (update && visible). // Make lists for blitting from update regions. pbrDst = _getBltRectArray( pVOData, cSDLRects ); if ( pbrDst == NULL ) { debug( "Not enough memory" ); return FALSE; } prectlScan = prectlDst; pptlSrcOrg = (PPOINTL)prectlDst; // Yes, this memory block will be used again. for( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < cSDLRects; ulIdx++, prectlScan++, pptlSrcOrg++ ) { pbrDst[ulIdx].ulXOrg = pVOData->rectlWin.xLeft + prectlScan->xLeft; pbrDst[ulIdx].ulYOrg = pVOData->ulScreenHeight - ( pVOData->rectlWin.yBottom + prectlScan->yTop ); pbrDst[ulIdx].ulXExt = prectlScan->xRight - prectlScan->xLeft; pbrDst[ulIdx].ulYExt = prectlScan->yTop - prectlScan->yBottom; pptlSrcOrg->x = prectlScan->xLeft; pptlSrcOrg->y = bmiSrc.ulHeight - prectlScan->yTop; } pptlSrcOrg = (PPOINTL)prectlDst; // Request HW sHWReqIn.ulLength = sizeof(HWREQIN); sHWReqIn.ulFlags = REQUEST_HW; sHWReqIn.cScrChangeRects = 1; sHWReqIn.arectlScreen = &pVOData->rectlWin; if ( pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_REQUESTHW, &sHWReqIn, NULL ) != RC_SUCCESS ) { debug( "pfnVMIEntry(,VMI_CMD_REQUESTHW,,) failed" ); sHWReqIn.cScrChangeRects = 0; // for fail signal only. } else { RECTL rclSrcBounds; rclSrcBounds.xLeft = 0; rclSrcBounds.yBottom = 0; rclSrcBounds.xRight = bmiSrc.ulWidth; rclSrcBounds.yTop = bmiSrc.ulHeight; sBitbltInfo.ulLength = sizeof(BITBLTINFO); sBitbltInfo.ulBltFlags = BF_DEFAULT_STATE | BF_ROP_INCL_SRC | BF_PAT_HOLLOW; sBitbltInfo.cBlits = cSDLRects; sBitbltInfo.ulROP = ROP_SRCCOPY; sBitbltInfo.pSrcBmapInfo = &bmiSrc; sBitbltInfo.pDstBmapInfo = &bmiDst; sBitbltInfo.prclSrcBounds = &rclSrcBounds; sBitbltInfo.prclDstBounds = &pVOData->rectlWin; sBitbltInfo.aptlSrcOrg = pptlSrcOrg; sBitbltInfo.abrDst = pbrDst; // Screen update. if ( pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_BITBLT, &sBitbltInfo, NULL ) != RC_SUCCESS ) { debug( "pfnVMIEntry(,VMI_CMD_BITBLT,,) failed" ); sHWReqIn.cScrChangeRects = 0; // for fail signal only. } // Release HW. sHWReqIn.ulFlags = 0; if ( pfnVMIEntry( 0, VMI_CMD_REQUESTHW, &sHWReqIn, NULL ) != RC_SUCCESS ) debug( "pfnVMIEntry(,VMI_CMD_REQUESTHW,,) failed" ); } return sHWReqIn.cScrChangeRects != 0; }