/* Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2015 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "../../SDL_internal.h" #ifdef SDL_INPUT_LINUXEV /* This is based on the linux joystick driver */ /* References: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/input.txt * https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt * /usr/include/linux/input.h * The evtest application is also useful to debug the protocol */ #include "SDL_evdev.h" #define _THIS SDL_EVDEV_PrivateData *_this static _THIS = NULL; #include #include #include #include #include /* For the definition of PATH_MAX */ #include #ifdef SDL_INPUT_LINUXKD #include #include #endif /* We need this to prevent keystrokes from appear in the console */ #ifndef KDSKBMUTE #define KDSKBMUTE 0x4B51 #endif #ifndef KDSKBMODE #define KDSKBMODE 0x4B45 #endif #ifndef K_OFF #define K_OFF 0x04 #endif #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_assert.h" #include "SDL_endian.h" #include "../../core/linux/SDL_udev.h" #include "SDL_scancode.h" #include "../../events/SDL_events_c.h" /* This isn't defined in older Linux kernel headers */ #ifndef SYN_DROPPED #define SYN_DROPPED 3 #endif static SDL_Scancode SDL_EVDEV_translate_keycode(int keycode); static void SDL_EVDEV_sync_device(SDL_evdevlist_item *item); static int SDL_EVDEV_device_removed(const char *devpath); #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV static int SDL_EVDEV_device_added(const char *devpath); void SDL_EVDEV_udev_callback(SDL_UDEV_deviceevent udev_type, int udev_class, const char *devpath); #endif /* SDL_USE_LIBUDEV */ static SDL_Scancode EVDEV_Keycodes[] = { SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_RESERVED 0 */ SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE, /* KEY_ESC 1 */ SDL_SCANCODE_1, /* KEY_1 2 */ SDL_SCANCODE_2, /* KEY_2 3 */ SDL_SCANCODE_3, /* KEY_3 4 */ SDL_SCANCODE_4, /* KEY_4 5 */ SDL_SCANCODE_5, /* KEY_5 6 */ SDL_SCANCODE_6, /* KEY_6 7 */ SDL_SCANCODE_7, /* KEY_7 8 */ SDL_SCANCODE_8, /* KEY_8 9 */ SDL_SCANCODE_9, /* KEY_9 10 */ SDL_SCANCODE_0, /* KEY_0 11 */ SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS, /* KEY_MINUS 12 */ SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS, /* KEY_EQUAL 13 */ SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE, /* KEY_BACKSPACE 14 */ SDL_SCANCODE_TAB, /* KEY_TAB 15 */ SDL_SCANCODE_Q, /* KEY_Q 16 */ SDL_SCANCODE_W, /* KEY_W 17 */ SDL_SCANCODE_E, /* KEY_E 18 */ SDL_SCANCODE_R, /* KEY_R 19 */ SDL_SCANCODE_T, /* KEY_T 20 */ SDL_SCANCODE_Y, /* KEY_Y 21 */ SDL_SCANCODE_U, /* KEY_U 22 */ SDL_SCANCODE_I, /* KEY_I 23 */ SDL_SCANCODE_O, /* KEY_O 24 */ SDL_SCANCODE_P, /* KEY_P 25 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET, /* KEY_LEFTBRACE 26 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET, /* KEY_RIGHTBRACE 27 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN, /* KEY_ENTER 28 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL, /* KEY_LEFTCTRL 29 */ SDL_SCANCODE_A, /* KEY_A 30 */ SDL_SCANCODE_S, /* KEY_S 31 */ SDL_SCANCODE_D, /* KEY_D 32 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F, /* KEY_F 33 */ SDL_SCANCODE_G, /* KEY_G 34 */ SDL_SCANCODE_H, /* KEY_H 35 */ SDL_SCANCODE_J, /* KEY_J 36 */ SDL_SCANCODE_K, /* KEY_K 37 */ SDL_SCANCODE_L, /* KEY_L 38 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON, /* KEY_SEMICOLON 39 */ SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE, /* KEY_APOSTROPHE 40 */ SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE, /* KEY_GRAVE 41 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT, /* KEY_LEFTSHIFT 42 */ SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH, /* KEY_BACKSLASH 43 */ SDL_SCANCODE_Z, /* KEY_Z 44 */ SDL_SCANCODE_X, /* KEY_X 45 */ SDL_SCANCODE_C, /* KEY_C 46 */ SDL_SCANCODE_V, /* KEY_V 47 */ SDL_SCANCODE_B, /* KEY_B 48 */ SDL_SCANCODE_N, /* KEY_N 49 */ SDL_SCANCODE_M, /* KEY_M 50 */ SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA, /* KEY_COMMA 51 */ SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD, /* KEY_DOT 52 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH, /* KEY_SLASH 53 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT, /* KEY_RIGHTSHIFT 54 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY, /* KEY_KPASTERISK 55 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LALT, /* KEY_LEFTALT 56 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE, /* KEY_SPACE 57 */ SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK, /* KEY_CAPSLOCK 58 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F1, /* KEY_F1 59 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F2, /* KEY_F2 60 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F3, /* KEY_F3 61 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F4, /* KEY_F4 62 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F5, /* KEY_F5 63 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F6, /* KEY_F6 64 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F7, /* KEY_F7 65 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F8, /* KEY_F8 66 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F9, /* KEY_F9 67 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F10, /* KEY_F10 68 */ SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR, /* KEY_NUMLOCK 69 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SCROLLLOCK, /* KEY_SCROLLLOCK 70 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7, /* KEY_KP7 71 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8, /* KEY_KP8 72 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9, /* KEY_KP9 73 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS, /* KEY_KPMINUS 74 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4, /* KEY_KP4 75 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5, /* KEY_KP5 76 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6, /* KEY_KP6 77 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS, /* KEY_KPPLUS 78 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1, /* KEY_KP1 79 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2, /* KEY_KP2 80 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3, /* KEY_KP3 81 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0, /* KEY_KP0 82 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD, /* KEY_KPDOT 83 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 84 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG5, /* KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU 85 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_102ND 86 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F11, /* KEY_F11 87 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F12, /* KEY_F12 88 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_RO 89 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG3, /* KEY_KATAKANA 90 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG4, /* KEY_HIRAGANA 91 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_HENKAN 92 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG3, /* KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA 93 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MUHENKAN 94 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_COMMA, /* KEY_KPJPCOMMA 95 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER, /* KEY_KPENTER 96 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL, /* KEY_RIGHTCTRL 97 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE, /* KEY_KPSLASH 98 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SYSREQ, /* KEY_SYSRQ 99 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RALT, /* KEY_RIGHTALT 100 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_LINEFEED 101 */ SDL_SCANCODE_HOME, /* KEY_HOME 102 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UP, /* KEY_UP 103 */ SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP, /* KEY_PAGEUP 104 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, /* KEY_LEFT 105 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT, /* KEY_RIGHT 106 */ SDL_SCANCODE_END, /* KEY_END 107 */ SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN, /* KEY_DOWN 108 */ SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN, /* KEY_PAGEDOWN 109 */ SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT, /* KEY_INSERT 110 */ SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE, /* KEY_DELETE 111 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MACRO 112 */ SDL_SCANCODE_MUTE, /* KEY_MUTE 113 */ SDL_SCANCODE_VOLUMEDOWN, /* KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 114 */ SDL_SCANCODE_VOLUMEUP, /* KEY_VOLUMEUP 115 */ SDL_SCANCODE_POWER, /* KEY_POWER 116 SC System Power Down */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_EQUALS, /* KEY_KPEQUAL 117 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS, /* KEY_KPPLUSMINUS 118 */ SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE, /* KEY_PAUSE 119 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SCALE 120 AL Compiz Scale (Expose) */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_COMMA, /* KEY_KPCOMMA 121 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG1, /* KEY_HANGEUL,KEY_HANGUEL 122 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LANG2, /* KEY_HANJA 123 */ SDL_SCANCODE_INTERNATIONAL3,/* KEY_YEN 124 */ SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI, /* KEY_LEFTMETA 125 */ SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI, /* KEY_RIGHTMETA 126 */ SDL_SCANCODE_APPLICATION, /* KEY_COMPOSE 127 */ SDL_SCANCODE_STOP, /* KEY_STOP 128 AC Stop */ SDL_SCANCODE_AGAIN, /* KEY_AGAIN 129 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PROPS 130 AC Properties */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNDO, /* KEY_UNDO 131 AC Undo */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_FRONT 132 */ SDL_SCANCODE_COPY, /* KEY_COPY 133 AC Copy */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_OPEN 134 AC Open */ SDL_SCANCODE_PASTE, /* KEY_PASTE 135 AC Paste */ SDL_SCANCODE_FIND, /* KEY_FIND 136 AC Search */ SDL_SCANCODE_CUT, /* KEY_CUT 137 AC Cut */ SDL_SCANCODE_HELP, /* KEY_HELP 138 AL Integrated Help Center */ SDL_SCANCODE_MENU, /* KEY_MENU 139 Menu (show menu) */ SDL_SCANCODE_CALCULATOR, /* KEY_CALC 140 AL Calculator */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SETUP 141 */ SDL_SCANCODE_SLEEP, /* KEY_SLEEP 142 SC System Sleep */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_WAKEUP 143 System Wake Up */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_FILE 144 AL Local Machine Browser */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SENDFILE 145 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_DELETEFILE 146 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_XFER 147 */ SDL_SCANCODE_APP1, /* KEY_PROG1 148 */ SDL_SCANCODE_APP1, /* KEY_PROG2 149 */ SDL_SCANCODE_WWW, /* KEY_WWW 150 AL Internet Browser */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MSDOS 151 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_COFFEE,KEY_SCREENLOCK 152 AL Terminal Lock/Screensaver */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_DIRECTION 153 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS 154 */ SDL_SCANCODE_MAIL, /* KEY_MAIL 155 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BOOKMARKS, /* KEY_BOOKMARKS 156 AC Bookmarks */ SDL_SCANCODE_COMPUTER, /* KEY_COMPUTER 157 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK, /* KEY_BACK 158 AC Back */ SDL_SCANCODE_AC_FORWARD, /* KEY_FORWARD 159 AC Forward */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CLOSECD 160 */ SDL_SCANCODE_EJECT, /* KEY_EJECTCD 161 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_EJECTCLOSECD 162 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AUDIONEXT, /* KEY_NEXTSONG 163 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AUDIOPLAY, /* KEY_PLAYPAUSE 164 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AUDIOPREV, /* KEY_PREVIOUSSONG 165 */ SDL_SCANCODE_AUDIOSTOP, /* KEY_STOPCD 166 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_RECORD 167 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_REWIND 168 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PHONE 169 Media Select Telephone */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_ISO 170 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CONFIG 171 AL Consumer Control Configuration */ SDL_SCANCODE_AC_HOME, /* KEY_HOMEPAGE 172 AC Home */ SDL_SCANCODE_AC_REFRESH, /* KEY_REFRESH 173 AC Refresh */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_EXIT 174 AC Exit */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MOVE 175 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_EDIT 176 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SCROLLUP 177 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SCROLLDOWN 178 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_LEFTPAREN, /* KEY_KPLEFTPAREN 179 */ SDL_SCANCODE_KP_RIGHTPAREN, /* KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN 180 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_NEW 181 AC New */ SDL_SCANCODE_AGAIN, /* KEY_REDO 182 AC Redo/Repeat */ SDL_SCANCODE_F13, /* KEY_F13 183 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F14, /* KEY_F14 184 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F15, /* KEY_F15 185 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F16, /* KEY_F16 186 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F17, /* KEY_F17 187 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F18, /* KEY_F18 188 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F19, /* KEY_F19 189 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F20, /* KEY_F20 190 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F21, /* KEY_F21 191 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F22, /* KEY_F22 192 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F23, /* KEY_F23 193 */ SDL_SCANCODE_F24, /* KEY_F24 194 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 195 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 196 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 197 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 198 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* 199 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PLAYCD 200 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PAUSECD 201 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PROG3 202 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PROG4 203 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_DASHBOARD 204 AL Dashboard */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SUSPEND 205 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CLOSE 206 AC Close */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PLAY 207 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_FASTFORWARD 208 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BASSBOOST 209 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_PRINT 210 AC Print */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_HP 211 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CAMERA 212 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SOUND 213 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_QUESTION 214 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_EMAIL 215 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CHAT 216 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SEARCH 217 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CONNECT 218 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_FINANCE 219 AL Checkbook/Finance */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SPORT 220 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SHOP 221 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_ALTERASE 222 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_CANCEL 223 AC Cancel */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN 224 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP 225 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MEDIA 226 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE 227 Cycle between available video outputs (Monitor/LCD/TV-out/etc) */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE 228 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN 229 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_KBDILLUMUP 230 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SEND 231 AC Send */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_REPLY 232 AC Reply */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_FORWARDMAIL 233 AC Forward Msg */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_SAVE 234 AC Save */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_DOCUMENTS 235 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BATTERY 236 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BLUETOOTH 237 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_WLAN 238 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_UWB 239 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_UNKNOWN 240 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_VIDEO_NEXT 241 drive next video source */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_VIDEO_PREV 242 drive previous video source */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BRIGHTNESS_CYCLE 243 brightness up, after max is min */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_BRIGHTNESS_ZERO 244 brightness off, use ambient */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_DISPLAY_OFF 245 display device to off state */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_WIMAX 246 */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_RFKILL 247 Key that controls all radios */ SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN, /* KEY_MICMUTE 248 Mute / unmute the microphone */ }; static Uint8 EVDEV_MouseButtons[] = { SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, /* BTN_LEFT 0x110 */ SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, /* BTN_RIGHT 0x111 */ SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE, /* BTN_MIDDLE 0x112 */ SDL_BUTTON_X1, /* BTN_SIDE 0x113 */ SDL_BUTTON_X2, /* BTN_EXTRA 0x114 */ SDL_BUTTON_X2 + 1, /* BTN_FORWARD 0x115 */ SDL_BUTTON_X2 + 2, /* BTN_BACK 0x116 */ SDL_BUTTON_X2 + 3 /* BTN_TASK 0x117 */ }; static const char* EVDEV_consoles[] = { "/proc/self/fd/0", "/dev/tty", "/dev/tty0", "/dev/tty1", "/dev/tty2", "/dev/tty3", "/dev/tty4", "/dev/tty5", "/dev/tty6", "/dev/vc/0", "/dev/console" }; #define IS_CONSOLE(fd) isatty (fd) && ioctl(fd, KDGKBTYPE, &arg) == 0 && ((arg == KB_101) || (arg == KB_84)) static int SDL_EVDEV_get_console_fd(void) { int fd, i; char arg = 0; /* Try a few consoles to see which one we have read access to */ for( i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(EVDEV_consoles); i++) { fd = open(EVDEV_consoles[i], O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (IS_CONSOLE(fd)) return fd; close(fd); } } /* Try stdin, stdout, stderr */ for( fd = 0; fd < 3; fd++) { if (IS_CONSOLE(fd)) return fd; } /* We won't be able to send SDL_TEXTINPUT events */ return -1; } /* Prevent keystrokes from reaching the tty */ static int SDL_EVDEV_mute_keyboard(int tty, int *kb_mode) { char arg; *kb_mode = 0; /* FIXME: Is this a sane default in case KDGKBMODE fails? */ if (!IS_CONSOLE(tty)) { return SDL_SetError("Tried to mute an invalid tty"); } ioctl(tty, KDGKBMODE, kb_mode); /* It's not fatal if this fails */ if (ioctl(tty, KDSKBMUTE, 1) && ioctl(tty, KDSKBMODE, K_OFF)) { return SDL_SetError("EVDEV: Failed muting keyboard"); } return 0; } /* Restore the keyboard mode for given tty */ static void SDL_EVDEV_unmute_keyboard(int tty, int kb_mode) { if (ioctl(tty, KDSKBMUTE, 0) && ioctl(tty, KDSKBMODE, kb_mode)) { SDL_Log("EVDEV: Failed restoring keyboard mode"); } } /* Read /sys/class/tty/tty0/active and open the tty */ static int SDL_EVDEV_get_active_tty() { int fd, len; char ttyname[NAME_MAX + 1]; char ttypath[PATH_MAX+1] = "/dev/"; char arg; fd = open("/sys/class/tty/tty0/active", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return SDL_SetError("Could not determine which tty is active"); } len = read(fd, ttyname, NAME_MAX); close(fd); if (len <= 0) { return SDL_SetError("Could not read which tty is active"); } if (ttyname[len-1] == '\n') { ttyname[len-1] = '\0'; } else { ttyname[len] = '\0'; } SDL_strlcat(ttypath, ttyname, PATH_MAX); fd = open(ttypath, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (fd < 0) { return SDL_SetError("Could not open tty: %s", ttypath); } if (!IS_CONSOLE(fd)) { close(fd); return SDL_SetError("Invalid tty obtained: %s", ttypath); } return fd; } int SDL_EVDEV_Init(void) { int retval = 0; if (_this == NULL) { _this = (SDL_EVDEV_PrivateData *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(*_this)); if(_this == NULL) { return SDL_OutOfMemory(); } #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV if (SDL_UDEV_Init() < 0) { SDL_free(_this); _this = NULL; return -1; } /* Set up the udev callback */ if ( SDL_UDEV_AddCallback(SDL_EVDEV_udev_callback) < 0) { SDL_EVDEV_Quit(); return -1; } /* Force a scan to build the initial device list */ SDL_UDEV_Scan(); #else /* TODO: Scan the devices manually, like a caveman */ #endif /* SDL_USE_LIBUDEV */ /* We need a physical terminal (not PTS) to be able to translate key code to symbols via the kernel tables */ _this->console_fd = SDL_EVDEV_get_console_fd(); /* Mute the keyboard so keystrokes only generate evdev events and do not leak through to the console */ _this->tty = STDIN_FILENO; if (SDL_EVDEV_mute_keyboard(_this->tty, &_this->kb_mode) < 0) { /* stdin is not a tty, probably we were launched remotely, so we try to disable the active tty */ _this->tty = SDL_EVDEV_get_active_tty(); if (_this->tty >= 0) { if (SDL_EVDEV_mute_keyboard(_this->tty, &_this->kb_mode) < 0) { close(_this->tty); _this->tty = -1; } } } } _this->ref_count += 1; return retval; } void SDL_EVDEV_Quit(void) { if (_this == NULL) { return; } _this->ref_count -= 1; if (_this->ref_count < 1) { #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV SDL_UDEV_DelCallback(SDL_EVDEV_udev_callback); SDL_UDEV_Quit(); #endif /* SDL_USE_LIBUDEV */ if (_this->console_fd >= 0) { close(_this->console_fd); } if (_this->tty >= 0) { SDL_EVDEV_unmute_keyboard(_this->tty, _this->kb_mode); close(_this->tty); } /* Remove existing devices */ while(_this->first != NULL) { SDL_EVDEV_device_removed(_this->first->path); } SDL_assert(_this->first == NULL); SDL_assert(_this->last == NULL); SDL_assert(_this->numdevices == 0); SDL_free(_this); _this = NULL; } } #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV void SDL_EVDEV_udev_callback(SDL_UDEV_deviceevent udev_type, int udev_class, const char *devpath) { if (devpath == NULL) { return; } switch(udev_type) { case SDL_UDEV_DEVICEADDED: if (!(udev_class & (SDL_UDEV_DEVICE_MOUSE|SDL_UDEV_DEVICE_KEYBOARD))) { return; } SDL_EVDEV_device_added(devpath); break; case SDL_UDEV_DEVICEREMOVED: SDL_EVDEV_device_removed(devpath); break; default: break; } } #endif /* SDL_USE_LIBUDEV */ void SDL_EVDEV_Poll(void) { struct input_event events[32]; int i, len; SDL_evdevlist_item *item; SDL_Scancode scan_code; int mouse_button; SDL_Mouse *mouse; #ifdef SDL_INPUT_LINUXKD Uint16 modstate; struct kbentry kbe; static char keysym[8]; char *end; Uint32 kval; #endif if (!_this) { return; } #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV SDL_UDEV_Poll(); #endif mouse = SDL_GetMouse(); for (item = _this->first; item != NULL; item = item->next) { while ((len = read(item->fd, events, (sizeof events))) > 0) { len /= sizeof(events[0]); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (events[i].type) { case EV_KEY: if (events[i].code >= BTN_MOUSE && events[i].code < BTN_MOUSE + SDL_arraysize(EVDEV_MouseButtons)) { mouse_button = events[i].code - BTN_MOUSE; if (events[i].value == 0) { SDL_SendMouseButton(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_RELEASED, EVDEV_MouseButtons[mouse_button]); } else if (events[i].value == 1) { SDL_SendMouseButton(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_PRESSED, EVDEV_MouseButtons[mouse_button]); } break; } /* Probably keyboard */ scan_code = SDL_EVDEV_translate_keycode(events[i].code); if (scan_code != SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN) { if (events[i].value == 0) { SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_RELEASED, scan_code); } else if (events[i].value == 1 || events[i].value == 2 /* Key repeated */ ) { SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_PRESSED, scan_code); #ifdef SDL_INPUT_LINUXKD if (_this->console_fd >= 0) { kbe.kb_index = events[i].code; /* Convert the key to an UTF-8 char */ /* Ref: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2783 */ modstate = SDL_GetModState(); kbe.kb_table = 0; /* Ref: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ConditionalSetOrClearBitsWithoutBranching */ kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_LCTRL) != 0) & (1 << KG_CTRLL | 1 << KG_CTRL); kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_RCTRL) != 0) & (1 << KG_CTRLR | 1 << KG_CTRL); kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_LSHIFT) != 0) & (1 << KG_SHIFTL | 1 << KG_SHIFT); kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_RSHIFT) != 0) & (1 << KG_SHIFTR | 1 << KG_SHIFT); kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_LALT) != 0) & (1 << KG_ALT); kbe.kb_table |= -( (modstate & KMOD_RALT) != 0) & (1 << KG_ALTGR); if (ioctl(_this->console_fd, KDGKBENT, (unsigned long)&kbe) == 0 && ((KTYP(kbe.kb_value) == KT_LATIN) || (KTYP(kbe.kb_value) == KT_ASCII) || (KTYP(kbe.kb_value) == KT_LETTER))) { kval = KVAL(kbe.kb_value); /* While there's a KG_CAPSSHIFT symbol, it's not useful to build the table index with it * because 1 << KG_CAPSSHIFT overflows the 8 bits of kb_table * So, we do the CAPS LOCK logic here. Note that isalpha depends on the locale! */ if ( modstate & KMOD_CAPS && isalpha(kval) ) { if ( isupper(kval) ) { kval = tolower(kval); } else { kval = toupper(kval); } } /* Convert to UTF-8 and send */ end = SDL_UCS4ToUTF8( kval, keysym); *end = '\0'; SDL_SendKeyboardText(keysym); } } #endif /* SDL_INPUT_LINUXKD */ } } break; case EV_ABS: switch(events[i].code) { case ABS_X: SDL_SendMouseMotion(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_FALSE, events[i].value, mouse->y); break; case ABS_Y: SDL_SendMouseMotion(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_FALSE, mouse->x, events[i].value); break; default: break; } break; case EV_REL: switch(events[i].code) { case REL_X: SDL_SendMouseMotion(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_TRUE, events[i].value, 0); break; case REL_Y: SDL_SendMouseMotion(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, SDL_TRUE, 0, events[i].value); break; case REL_WHEEL: SDL_SendMouseWheel(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, 0, events[i].value, SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_NORMAL); break; case REL_HWHEEL: SDL_SendMouseWheel(mouse->focus, mouse->mouseID, events[i].value, 0, SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_NORMAL); break; default: break; } break; case EV_SYN: switch (events[i].code) { case SYN_DROPPED: SDL_EVDEV_sync_device(item); break; default: break; } break; } } } } } static SDL_Scancode SDL_EVDEV_translate_keycode(int keycode) { SDL_Scancode scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN; if (keycode < SDL_arraysize(EVDEV_Keycodes)) { scancode = EVDEV_Keycodes[keycode]; } if (scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN) { SDL_Log("The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL mailing list EVDEV KeyCode %d \n", keycode); } return scancode; } static void SDL_EVDEV_sync_device(SDL_evdevlist_item *item) { /* TODO: get full state of device and report whatever is required */ } #if SDL_USE_LIBUDEV static int SDL_EVDEV_device_added(const char *devpath) { SDL_evdevlist_item *item; /* Check to make sure it's not already in list. */ for (item = _this->first; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (strcmp(devpath, item->path) == 0) { return -1; /* already have this one */ } } item = (SDL_evdevlist_item *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof (SDL_evdevlist_item)); if (item == NULL) { return SDL_OutOfMemory(); } item->fd = open(devpath, O_RDONLY, 0); if (item->fd < 0) { SDL_free(item); return SDL_SetError("Unable to open %s", devpath); } item->path = SDL_strdup(devpath); if (item->path == NULL) { close(item->fd); SDL_free(item); return SDL_OutOfMemory(); } /* Non blocking read mode */ fcntl(item->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); if (_this->last == NULL) { _this->first = _this->last = item; } else { _this->last->next = item; _this->last = item; } SDL_EVDEV_sync_device(item); return _this->numdevices++; } #endif /* SDL_USE_LIBUDEV */ static int SDL_EVDEV_device_removed(const char *devpath) { SDL_evdevlist_item *item; SDL_evdevlist_item *prev = NULL; for (item = _this->first; item != NULL; item = item->next) { /* found it, remove it. */ if ( strcmp(devpath, item->path) ==0 ) { if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = item->next; } else { SDL_assert(_this->first == item); _this->first = item->next; } if (item == _this->last) { _this->last = prev; } close(item->fd); SDL_free(item->path); SDL_free(item); _this->numdevices--; return 0; } prev = item; } return -1; } #endif /* SDL_INPUT_LINUXEV */ /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */