# # winrtbuild.ps1 -- A Powershell script to build all SDL/WinRT variants, # across all WinRT platforms, in all of their supported, CPU architectures. # # Initial version written by David Ludwig <dludwig@pobox.com> # # This script can be launched from Windows Explorer by double-clicking # on winrtbuild.bat # # Output will be placed in the following subdirectories of the SDL source # tree: # * VisualC-WinRT\lib\ -- final .dll, .lib, and .pdb files # * VisualC-WinRT\obj\ -- intermediate build files # # Recommended Dependencies: # * Windows 8.1 or higher # * Powershell 4.0 or higher (included as part of Windows 8.1) # * Visual C++ 2012, for building Windows 8.0 and Windows Phone 8.0 binaries. # * Visual C++ 2013, for building Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 binaries # * SDKs for Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.0, and # Windows Phone 8.1, as needed # # Commom parameters/variables may include, but aren't strictly limited to: # * PlatformToolset: the name of one of Visual Studio's build platforms. # Different PlatformToolsets output different binaries. One # PlatformToolset exists for each WinRT platform. Possible values # may include: # - "v110": Visual Studio 2012 build tools, plus the Windows 8.0 SDK # - "v110_wp80": Visual Studio 2012 build tools, plus the Windows Phone 8.0 SDK # - "v120": Visual Studio 2013 build tools, plus the Windows 8.1 SDK # - "v120_wp81": Visual Studio 2013 build tools, plus the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK # * VSProjectPath: the full path to a Visual Studio or Visual C++ project file # * VSProjectName: the internal name of a Visual Studio or Visual C++ project # file. Some of Visual Studio's own build tools use this name when # calculating paths for build-output. # * Platform: a Visual Studio platform name, which often maps to a CPU # CPU architecture. Possible values may include: "Win32" (for 32-bit x86), # "ARM", or "x64" (for 64-bit x86). # # Gets the .bat file that sets up an MSBuild environment, given one of # Visual Studio's, "PlatformToolset"s. function Get-MSBuild-Env-Launcher { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][string]$PlatformToolset ) if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110") { # Windows 8.0 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2012 return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110_wp80") { # Windows Phone 8.0, via VS 2012 return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\WPSDK\WP80\vcvarsphoneall.bat" } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120") { # Windows 8.1 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2013 return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120_wp81") { # Windows Phone 8.1, via VS 2013 return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" } return "" } # Gets a string that identifies the build-variant of SDL/WinRT that is specific # to a particular Visual Studio PlatformToolset. function Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][string]$PlatformToolset, # If true, append a string to this function's output, identifying the # build-variant's minimum-supported version of Visual Studio. [switch]$IncludeVSSuffix = $false ) if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110") { # Windows 8.0 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2012 project files if ($IncludeVSSuffix) { return "WinRT80_VS2012" } else { return "WinRT80" } } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v110_wp80") { # Windows Phone 8.0, via VS 2012 project files if ($IncludeVSSuffix) { return "WinPhone80_VS2012" } else { return "WinPhone80" } } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120") { # Windows 8.1 (not Windows Phone), via VS 2013 project files if ($IncludeVSSuffix) { return "WinRT81_VS2013" } else { return "WinRT81" } } if ($PlatformToolset -eq "v120_wp81") { # Windows Phone 8.1, via VS 2013 project files if ($IncludeVSSuffix) { return "WinPhone81_VS2013" } else { return "WinPhone81" } } return "" } # Returns the internal name of a Visual Studio Project. # # The internal name of a VS Project is encoded inside the project file # itself, inside a set of <ProjectName></ProjectName> XML tags. function Get-VS-ProjectName { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]$VSProjectPath ) # For now, just do a regex for the project name: $matches = (Get-Content $VSProjectPath | Select-String -Pattern ".*<ProjectName>([^<]+)<.*").Matches foreach ($match in $matches) { if ($match.Groups.Count -ge 1) { return $match.Groups[1].Value } } return $null } # Build a specific variant of SDL/WinRT function Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant { # # Read in arguments: # param ( # name of an SDL project file, minus extensions and # platform-identifying suffixes [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)][string]$SDLProjectName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=2)][string]$PlatformToolset, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=3)][string]$Platform ) # # Derive other properties from read-in arguments: # # The .bat file to setup a platform-appropriate MSBuild environment: $BatchFileForMSBuildEnv = Get-MSBuild-Env-Launcher $PlatformToolset # The full path to the VS Project that'll be built: $VSProjectPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset -IncludeVSSuffix)\$SDLProjectName-$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset).vcxproj" # The internal name of the VS Project, used in some post-build steps: $VSProjectName = Get-VS-ProjectName $VSProjectPath # Where to place output binaries (.dll, .lib, and .pdb files): $OutDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\$PlatformToolset\$Platform" # Where to place intermediate build files: $IntermediateDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\obj\$SDLProjectName-$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset)\$Platform" # # Build the VS Project: # cmd.exe /c " ""$BatchFileForMSBuildEnv"" x86 & msbuild ""$VSProjectPath"" /p:Platform=$Platform /p:OutDir=""$OutDir\\"" /p:IntDir=""$IntermediateDir\\""" | Out-Host $BuildResult = $? # # Move .dll files into place. This fixes a problem whereby MSBuild may # put output files into a sub-directory of $OutDir, rather than $OutDir # itself. # if (Test-Path "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\") { Move-Item -Force "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\*" "$OutDir" } # # Clean up unneeded files in $OutDir: # if (Test-Path "$OutDir\$VSProjectName\") { Remove-Item -Recurse "$OutDir\$VSProjectName" } Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.exp" Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.ilk" Remove-Item "$OutDir\*.pri" # # All done. Indicate success, or failure, to the caller: # #echo "RESULT: $BuildResult" | Out-Host return $BuildResult } # # Build each variant, with corresponding .dll, .lib, and .pdb files: # $DidAnyFail = $false # Build for Windows Phone 8.0, via VC++ 2012: if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } # Build for Windows Phone 8.1, via VC++ 2013: if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } # Build for Windows 8.0 and Windows RT 8.0, via VC++ 2012: if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "x64")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } # Build for Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, via VC++ 2013: if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "x64")) { $DidAnyFail = $true } # Let the script's caller know whether or not any errors occurred. # Exit codes compatible with Buildbot are used (1 for error, 0 for success). if ($DidAnyFail -eq $true) { exit 1 } else { exit 0 }