/* See COPYING.txt for the full license governing this code. */ /** * \file parsehelper.c * * Source file with some helper functions for parsing strings. */ #include <SDL_test.h> #include "SDL_visualtest_harness_argparser.h" /* this function uses a DFA to count the number of tokens in an agruments string. state 0 is taken to be the start and end state. State 1 handles a double quoted argument and state 2 handles unquoted arguments. */ static int CountTokens(char* args) { int index, num_tokens; int state; /* current state of the DFA */ if(!args) return -1; index = 0; state = 0; num_tokens = 0; while(args[index]) { char ch = args[index]; switch(state) { case 0: if(ch == '\"') { state = 1; num_tokens++; } else if(!SDL_isspace(ch)) { state = 2; num_tokens++; } break; case 1: if(ch == '\"') { state = 0; } break; case 2: if(SDL_isspace(ch)) { state = 0; } break; } index++; } return num_tokens; } /* - size of tokens is num_tokens + 1 - uses the same DFA used in CountTokens() to split args into an array of strings */ static int TokenizeHelper(char* str, char** tokens, int num_tokens, int max_token_len) { int index, state, done, st_index, token_index; if(!str) { SDLTest_LogError("str argument cannot be NULL"); return 0; } if(!tokens) { SDLTest_LogError("tokens argument cannot be NULL"); return 0; } if(num_tokens <= 0) { SDLTest_LogError("num_tokens argument must be positive"); return 0; } if(max_token_len <= 0) { SDLTest_LogError("max_token_len argument must be positive"); return 0; } /* allocate memory for the tokens */ tokens[num_tokens] = NULL; for(index = 0; index < num_tokens; index++) { tokens[index] = (char*)SDL_malloc(max_token_len); if(!tokens[index]) { int i; SDLTest_LogError("malloc() failed."); for(i = 0; i < index; i++) SDL_free(tokens[i]); return 0; } tokens[index][0] = '\0'; } /* copy the tokens into the array */ st_index = 0; index = 0; token_index = 0; state = 0; done = 0; while(!done) { char ch = str[index]; switch(state) { case 0: if(ch == '\"') { state = 1; st_index = index + 1; } else if(!ch) done = 1; else if(ch && !SDL_isspace(ch)) { state = 2; st_index = index; } break; case 1: if(ch == '\"') { int i; state = 0; for(i = st_index; i < index; i++) { tokens[token_index][i - st_index] = str[i]; } tokens[token_index][i - st_index] = '\0'; token_index++; } else if(!ch) { SDLTest_LogError("Parsing Error!"); done = 1; } break; case 2: if(!ch) done = 1; if(SDL_isspace(ch) || !ch) { int i; state = 0; for(i = st_index; i < index; i++) { tokens[token_index][i - st_index] = str[i]; } tokens[token_index][i - st_index] = '\0'; token_index++; } break; } index++; } return 1; } char** SDLVisualTest_Tokenize(char* str, int max_token_len) { int num_tokens; char** tokens; if(!str) { SDLTest_LogError("str argument cannot be NULL"); return NULL; } if(max_token_len <= 0) { SDLTest_LogError("max_token_len argument must be positive"); return NULL; } num_tokens = CountTokens(str); if(num_tokens == 0) return NULL; tokens = (char**)SDL_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (num_tokens + 1)); if(!TokenizeHelper(str, tokens, num_tokens, max_token_len)) { SDLTest_LogError("TokenizeHelper() failed"); SDL_free(tokens); return NULL; } return tokens; } char** SDLVisualTest_ParseArgsToArgv(char* args) { char** argv; int num_tokens; num_tokens = CountTokens(args); if(num_tokens == 0) return NULL; /* allocate space for arguments */ argv = (char**)SDL_malloc((num_tokens + 2) * sizeof(char*)); if(!argv) { SDLTest_LogError("malloc() failed."); return NULL; } /* tokenize */ if(!TokenizeHelper(args, argv + 1, num_tokens, MAX_SUT_ARGS_LEN)) { SDLTest_LogError("TokenizeHelper() failed"); SDL_free(argv); return NULL; } argv[0] = NULL; return argv; }