This makes the X error handler used for GL context creation handle *all* errors
and provide the user with specific error messages when SDL_GL_CreateContext
Alex Szpakowski
Patch to fix the y component of the position of fullscreen windows in OS X.
In Mac OS X with the latest Mercurial code, when a window is in exclusive-fullscreen the y component of its position is offset by the same amount that is normally taken up by the menubar, resulting in a black bar at the top of the screen.
The recent changes to the internal ConvertNSRect function make it treat the bottom of the menubar as 0 for the y component of window positions, even when the window is fullscreen and 'above' the menubar.
I have attached a patch which fixes the issue by only making the window position relative to the menubar in windowed modes.
Eric Wasylishen
Steps to reproduce:
- Run testwm2 app in the SDLTest Xcode project
- Press Control+R to enable relative mouse mode. The mouse cursor should disappear.
- Press Control+Enter to enter fullscreen.
- Expected: a black screen with no cursor visible. Observed: a black screen, but the mouse cursor is visible in the middle of the screen. It doesn't move when I move the mouse.
Reproduced with latest sdl2 hg (changeset f6010ead184f) on OS X 10.9.2. Can't reproduce the problem on OS X 10.6.8 or 10.7.5.
I'm speculating that this really an Apple bug.. but anyway, the attached workaround seems to fix it for me, and I think it's fairly safe.
A more obvious idea, sticking a call SDL_SetCursor(NULL) at the end of Cocoa_SetWindowFullscreen, didn't work.
Eric Wasylishen
The problem seems to be the spaces handling code in -setFullscreenSpace: (SDL_cocoawindow.m) is incorrectly reporting that the SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN -> windowed transition has already happened.
i.e. I saw this case was getting hit when trying to leave SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN:
"else if (state == isFullscreenSpace) {
return YES; /* already there. */
With the attached patch, both Control+Enter (SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN toggle) and Option+Enter (SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP toggle) work in an sdl test app (I tried testwm2). Tested on OS X 10.9.2.
When starting application with the usual "double click on file" method on Windows, only holding the last click, an unnecessary MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event is sent before the initial MOUSEMOTION event, and mouse button state is stuck in the sense that it takes a subsequent button release, followed by another press for the system to resume sending events (beginning with the next button release / MOUSEBUTTONUP event).
Input event log with held double-click startup:
From Melesie
I noticed that when user switches from fullscreen mode to windowed mode and exits application while in windowed mode, Windows performs an additional change of display settings, even though desktop resolution is the same as current one. This causes short black screen to show up. The only way I know of avoiding this is to explicitly switch to default display settings found in registry. MSDN documentation for ChangeDisplaySettingsEx states:
Passing NULL for the lpDevMode parameter and 0 for the dwFlags parameter is the easiest way to return to the default mode after a dynamic mode change.
This would have been a one-line patch to the documentation (specifying that
captures only work as long as the left mouse button is pressed), but I didn't
like that, so I got a little crazy about this instead.
There were several good arguments for this: it's how Windows works with
WM_NCHITTEST, SDL doesn't need to manage a list of rects, it allows more
control over the regions (how do you use rects to cleanly surround a circular
button?), the callback can be more optimized than a iterating a list of
rects, and you don't have to send an updated list of rects whenever the
window resizes or layout changes.
This should be a "long" which on a 64-bit system is likely to be > 32-bits,
causing XGetICValues() to write past the end of the variable (and stack).
Fixes Bugzilla #2513.
The Windows Phone 8.1 'MessageDialog' API only seems to support two buttons,
despite the documentation for such mentioning support for three. Trying to use
three or more buttons leads to an exception being thrown. As such, any attempt
to use more than two buttons via SDL_ShowMessageBox (on Windows Phone 8.1) will
lead to no message box getting shown, and the call returning an error.
The Win32 MessageBox and dialog APIs are not available in WinRT apps, to note.
More extensive message dialog support might be available at some point, if and
when XAML support is more fully fleshed-out. I'm not certain of this, though.
When a Windows Phone 8.0 app was rotated to anything but Portrait mode, touch
input coordinates, as well as virtual mouse coordinates, were usually getting
reported as coming from the wrong part of the screen.
If a Windows Phone 8.1 device was rotated to anything but Portrait mode,
the Direct3D 11 renderer's output wouldn't get aligned correctly with the
This is a step towards supporting "Universal" Windows apps, when building for
Windows Phone. SDL can now build against the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, and apps
linked to it can run, however further work and testing is required as some
previously Phone-only code appears to no longer be applicable for
Windows Phone 8.1. The Windows 8.1 code paths does seem to be preferable, but
should probably be tested and updated on a finer-grained basis.
If in doubt, use the Windows Phone 8.0 projects for now, as located in
- look at any Windows Phone specific code paths in SDL, and see if Phone 8.1
should use the Windows Phone code path(s), or the Windows 8.x or 8.1 paths
This fixes a bug where we'd offset positions by the height of the dock, if it
was along the bottom of the screen.
Thanks to Alex Szpakowski for bug & patch.
It used to be that SDL_SetWindowPosition was relative to the top of the screen,
which didn't make sense. In addition, borderless windows can be positioned
*below* the menubar, so SDL_SetWindowPosition(win, 0, 0) on a borderless window
would hide ~30ish pixels of the window below the menubar.
When I double click on a window, the "clicks" field (newly added since 2.0.2) in SDL_MouseButtonEvent is 1 instead of 2.
However, when I "tripple" click, "clicks" field is then 2.
I'v look into the source code in SDL_windowsevents.c and found that when a double click event comes, WIN_WindowProc will get a WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK msg. The message sequence of a double click is:WM_LBUTTONDOWN->WM_LBUTTONUP->WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK->WM_LBUTTONUP.
Bryan Cain
Using any SDL application with the Wayland backend under Weston, if the application sets a cursor with SDL_SetCursor, the cursor will work until the mouse pointer leaves the window. When the pointer re-enters the window, there will be no cursor displayed at all.
I did some digging, and the reason for this is that SDL attaches the buffer to the cursor surface only once (during cursor creation) and assumes that it will stay attached. This is not how Wayland works, though - once the compositor is done rendering the buffer, it will release it, so it is no longer attached to the surface. When the cursor re-enters the window a second time, SDL sets the cursor to the same surface with no buffer attached, so no cursor is displayed.
This is fixed by the attached patch, which makes SDL attach the buffer to the surface when the cursor is set, not when it is created.
Bryan Cain
Wayland_CreateSystemCursor tries to load a cursor named "wait" for two of the system cursor categories. This causes a segmentation fault when one of these cursors is used, because "wait" is not an actual cursor name in X11/Wayland cursor themes.
I can't attach my patch since I'm on a mobile right now, but I can confirm that simply replacing "wait" with "watch" for both of its uses in Wayland_CreateSystemCursor (in SDL_waylandmouse.c) fixes the bug.
Someone provided a patch for this, recently on the mailing list :
it is possible to skip the bug in libX11 by using the defaults for
XNResourceName and XNResourceClass in `XCreateIC' (the table for the
"Input Context Values" [1] in libX11-doc shows that a default is
provided if it is not set).
diff -ur SDL2-2.0.3~/src/video/x11/SDL_x11window.c SDL2-2.0.3/src/video/x11/SDL_x11window.c
--- SDL2-2.0.3~/src/video/x11/SDL_x11window.c 2014-04-04 17:09:40.764307181 +0200
+++ SDL2-2.0.3/src/video/x11/SDL_x11window.c 2014-04-04 17:10:23.887765046 +0200
@@ -239,8 +239,7 @@
data->ic =
X11_XCreateIC(videodata->im, XNClientWindow, w, XNFocusWindow, w,
XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing,
- XNResourceName, videodata->classname, XNResourceClass,
- videodata->classname, NULL);
+ NULL);
data->created = created;
Tito Latini
Changes included:
- adding support for a few, additional, VirtualKey constants
- removing accesses to 'windows_scancode_table', as the table's contents
don't line up with WinRT virtual keys. Using Windows older VK_* constants
may, however, be a good alternative in a future update.