The Windows Phone 8.1 'MessageDialog' API only seems to support two buttons,
despite the documentation for such mentioning support for three. Trying to use
three or more buttons leads to an exception being thrown. As such, any attempt
to use more than two buttons via SDL_ShowMessageBox (on Windows Phone 8.1) will
lead to no message box getting shown, and the call returning an error.
The Win32 MessageBox and dialog APIs are not available in WinRT apps, to note.
More extensive message dialog support might be available at some point, if and
when XAML support is more fully fleshed-out. I'm not certain of this, though.
When a Windows Phone 8.0 app was rotated to anything but Portrait mode, touch
input coordinates, as well as virtual mouse coordinates, were usually getting
reported as coming from the wrong part of the screen.
If a Windows Phone 8.1 device was rotated to anything but Portrait mode,
the Direct3D 11 renderer's output wouldn't get aligned correctly with the
This is a step towards supporting "Universal" Windows apps, when building for
Windows Phone. SDL can now build against the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK, and apps
linked to it can run, however further work and testing is required as some
previously Phone-only code appears to no longer be applicable for
Windows Phone 8.1. The Windows 8.1 code paths does seem to be preferable, but
should probably be tested and updated on a finer-grained basis.
If in doubt, use the Windows Phone 8.0 projects for now, as located in
- look at any Windows Phone specific code paths in SDL, and see if Phone 8.1
should use the Windows Phone code path(s), or the Windows 8.x or 8.1 paths
Changes included:
- adding support for a few, additional, VirtualKey constants
- removing accesses to 'windows_scancode_table', as the table's contents
don't line up with WinRT virtual keys. Using Windows older VK_* constants
may, however, be a good alternative in a future update.