audio: Replaced the resampler. Again.

This time it's using real math from a real whitepaper instead of my previous
amateur, fast-but-low-quality attempt. The new resampler does "bandlimited
interpolation," as described here:

The output appears to sound cleaner, especially at high frequencies, and of
course works with non-power-of-two rate conversions.

There are some obvious optimizations to be done to this still, and there is
other fallout: this doesn't resample a buffer in-place, the 2-channels-Sint16
fast path is gone because this resampler does a _lot_ of floating point math.
There is a nasty hack to make it work with SDL_AudioCVT.

It's possible these issues are solvable, but they aren't solved as of yet.
Still, I hope this effort is slouching in the right direction.
This commit is contained in:
Ryan C. Gordon 2017-09-21 02:51:14 -04:00
parent 3c45e662f5
commit 1a3b95a11e
4 changed files with 407 additions and 271 deletions

View File

@ -1543,6 +1543,8 @@ SDL_AudioQuit(void)
UnloadLibSampleRate(); UnloadLibSampleRate();
#endif #endif
} }
#define NUM_FORMATS 10 #define NUM_FORMATS 10

View File

@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ extern SDL_AudioFilter SDL_Convert_F32_to_S16;
extern SDL_AudioFilter SDL_Convert_F32_to_U16; extern SDL_AudioFilter SDL_Convert_F32_to_U16;
extern SDL_AudioFilter SDL_Convert_F32_to_S32; extern SDL_AudioFilter SDL_Convert_F32_to_S32;
/* You need to call SDL_PrepareResampleFilter() before using the internal resampler.
SDL_AudioQuit() calls SDL_FreeResamplerFilter(), you should never call it yourself. */
int SDL_PrepareResampleFilter(void);
void SDL_FreeResampleFilter(void);
/* SDL_AudioStream is a new audio conversion interface. It /* SDL_AudioStream is a new audio conversion interface. It
might eventually become a public API. might eventually become a public API.

View File

@ -369,228 +369,157 @@ SDL_Convert51To71(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt, SDL_AudioFormat format)
} }
} }
/* SDL's resampler uses a "bandlimited interpolation" algorithm: */
/* This is a "modified" bessel function, so you can't use POSIX j0() */
static double
bessel(const double x)
const double xdiv2 = x / 2.0;
double i0 = 1.0f;
double f = 1.0f;
int i = 1;
while (SDL_TRUE) {
const double diff = SDL_pow(xdiv2, i * 2) / SDL_pow(f, 2);
if (diff < 1.0e-21f) {
i0 += diff;
f *= (double) i;
return i0;
/* build kaiser table with cardinal sine applied to it, and array of differences between elements. */
static void
kaiser_and_sinc(float *table, float *diffs, const int tablelen, const double beta)
const int lenm1 = tablelen - 1;
const int lenm1div2 = lenm1 / 2;
int i;
table[0] = 1.0f;
for (i = 1; i < tablelen; i++) {
const double kaiser = bessel(beta * SDL_sqrt(1.0 - SDL_pow(((i - lenm1) / 2.0) / lenm1div2, 2.0))) / bessel(beta);
table[tablelen - i] = (float) kaiser;
for (i = 1; i < tablelen; i++) {
const float x = (((float) i) / ((float) RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)) * ((float) M_PI);
table[i] *= SDL_sinf(x) / x;
diffs[i - 1] = table[i] - table[i - 1];
diffs[lenm1] = 0.0f;
static SDL_SpinLock ResampleFilterSpinlock = 0;
static float *ResamplerFilter = NULL;
static float *ResamplerFilterDifference = NULL;
if (!ResamplerFilter) {
/* if dB > 50, beta=(0.1102 * (dB - 8.7)), according to Matlab. */
const double dB = 80.0;
const double beta = 0.1102 * (dB - 8.7);
const size_t alloclen = RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE * sizeof (float);
ResamplerFilter = (float *) SDL_malloc(alloclen);
if (!ResamplerFilter) {
return SDL_OutOfMemory();
ResamplerFilterDifference = (float *) SDL_malloc(alloclen);
if (!ResamplerFilterDifference) {
ResamplerFilter = NULL;
return SDL_OutOfMemory();
kaiser_and_sinc(ResamplerFilter, ResamplerFilterDifference, RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE, beta);
return 0;
ResamplerFilter = NULL;
ResamplerFilterDifference = NULL;
static int static int
SDL_ResampleAudioSimple(const int chans, const double rate_incr, SDL_ResampleAudio(const int chans, const int inrate, const int outrate,
float *last_sample, const float *inbuf, float *last_sample, const float *inbuf,
const int inbuflen, float *outbuf, const int outbuflen) const int inbuflen, float *outbuf, const int outbuflen)
{ {
const float outtimeincr = 1.0f / ((float) outrate);
const float ratio = ((float) outrate) / ((float) inrate);
/*const int padding_len = (ratio < 1.0f) ? (int) SDL_ceilf(((float) (RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING * inrate) / ((float) outrate))) : RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING;*/
const int framelen = chans * (int)sizeof (float); const int framelen = chans * (int)sizeof (float);
const int total = (inbuflen / framelen); const int inframes = inbuflen / framelen;
const int finalpos = (total * chans) - chans; const int wantedoutframes = (int) ((inbuflen / framelen) * ratio); /* outbuflen isn't total to write, it's total available. */
const int dest_samples = (int)(((double)total) * rate_incr); const int maxoutframes = outbuflen / framelen;
const double src_incr = 1.0 / rate_incr; const int outframes = (wantedoutframes < maxoutframes) ? wantedoutframes : maxoutframes;
float *dst; float *dst = outbuf;
double idx; float outtime = 0.0f;
int i; int i, j, chan;
SDL_assert((dest_samples * framelen) <= outbuflen); for (i = 0; i < outframes; i++) {
SDL_assert((inbuflen % framelen) == 0); const int srcindex = (int) (outtime * inrate);
const float finrate = (float) inrate;
const float intime = ((float) srcindex) / finrate;
const float innexttime = ((float) (srcindex + 1)) / finrate;
if (rate_incr > 1.0) { /* upsample */ const float interpolation1 = 1.0f - (innexttime - outtime) / (innexttime - intime);
float *target = (outbuf + chans); const int filterindex1 = (int) (interpolation1 * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING);
dst = outbuf + (dest_samples * chans); const float interpolation2 = 1.0f - interpolation1;
idx = (double) total; const int filterindex2 = interpolation2 * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING;
if (chans == 1) { for (chan = 0; chan < chans; chan++) {
const float final_sample = inbuf[finalpos]; float outsample = 0.0f;
float earlier_sample = inbuf[finalpos];
while (dst > target) { /* do this twice to calculate the sample, once for the "left wing" and then same for the right. */
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans; /* !!! FIXME: do both wings in one loop */
const float *src = &inbuf[pos]; for (j = 0; (filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)) < RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE; j++) {
const float val = *(--src); /* !!! FIXME: insample uses zero for padding samples, but it should use prior state from last_sample. */
SDL_assert(pos >= 0.0); const int srcframe = srcindex - j;
*(--dst) = (val + earlier_sample) * 0.5f; const float insample = (srcframe < 0) ? 0.0f : inbuf[(srcframe * chans) + chan]; /* !!! FIXME: we can bubble this conditional out of here by doing a pre loop. */
earlier_sample = val; outsample += (insample * (ResamplerFilter[filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)] + (interpolation1 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filterindex1 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)])));
idx -= src_incr;
} }
/* do last sample, interpolated against previous run's state. */
*(--dst) = (inbuf[0] + last_sample[0]) * 0.5f; for (j = 0; (filterindex2 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)) < RESAMPLER_FILTER_SIZE; j++) {
*last_sample = final_sample; const int srcframe = srcindex + 1 + j;
} else if (chans == 2) { /* !!! FIXME: insample uses zero for padding samples, but it should use prior state from last_sample. */
const float final_sample2 = inbuf[finalpos+1]; const float insample = (srcframe >= inframes) ? 0.0f : inbuf[(srcframe * chans) + chan]; /* !!! FIXME: we can bubble this conditional out of here by doing a post loop. */
const float final_sample1 = inbuf[finalpos]; outsample += (insample * (ResamplerFilter[filterindex2 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)] + (interpolation2 * ResamplerFilterDifference[filterindex2 + (j * RESAMPLER_SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING)])));
float earlier_sample2 = inbuf[finalpos];
float earlier_sample1 = inbuf[finalpos-1];
while (dst > target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const float *src = &inbuf[pos];
const float val2 = *(--src);
const float val1 = *(--src);
SDL_assert(pos >= 0.0);
*(--dst) = (val2 + earlier_sample2) * 0.5f;
*(--dst) = (val1 + earlier_sample1) * 0.5f;
earlier_sample2 = val2;
earlier_sample1 = val1;
idx -= src_incr;
} }
/* do last sample, interpolated against previous run's state. */ *(dst++) = outsample;
*(--dst) = (inbuf[1] + last_sample[1]) * 0.5f;
*(--dst) = (inbuf[0] + last_sample[0]) * 0.5f;
last_sample[1] = final_sample2;
last_sample[0] = final_sample1;
} else {
const float *earlier_sample = &inbuf[finalpos];
float final_sample[8];
SDL_memcpy(final_sample, &inbuf[finalpos], framelen);
while (dst > target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const float *src = &inbuf[pos];
SDL_assert(pos >= 0.0);
for (i = chans - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const float val = *(--src);
*(--dst) = (val + earlier_sample[i]) * 0.5f;
earlier_sample = src;
idx -= src_incr;
/* do last sample, interpolated against previous run's state. */
for (i = chans - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const float val = inbuf[i];
*(--dst) = (val + last_sample[i]) * 0.5f;
SDL_memcpy(last_sample, final_sample, framelen);
} }
dst = (outbuf + (dest_samples * chans)); outtime += outtimeincr;
} else { /* downsample */
float *target = (outbuf + (dest_samples * chans));
dst = outbuf;
idx = 0.0;
if (chans == 1) {
float last = *last_sample;
while (dst < target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const float val = inbuf[pos];
SDL_assert(pos <= finalpos);
*(dst++) = (val + last) * 0.5f;
last = val;
idx += src_incr;
*last_sample = last;
} else if (chans == 2) {
float last1 = last_sample[0];
float last2 = last_sample[1];
while (dst < target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const float val1 = inbuf[pos];
const float val2 = inbuf[pos+1];
SDL_assert(pos <= finalpos);
*(dst++) = (val1 + last1) * 0.5f;
*(dst++) = (val2 + last2) * 0.5f;
last1 = val1;
last2 = val2;
idx += src_incr;
last_sample[0] = last1;
last_sample[1] = last2;
} else {
while (dst < target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const float *src = &inbuf[pos];
SDL_assert(pos <= finalpos);
for (i = 0; i < chans; i++) {
const float val = *(src++);
*(dst++) = (val + last_sample[i]) * 0.5f;
last_sample[i] = val;
idx += src_incr;
} }
return (int) ((dst - outbuf) * ((int) sizeof (float))); return outframes * chans * sizeof (float);
} }
/* We keep one special-case fast path around for an extremely common audio format. */
static int
SDL_ResampleAudioSimple_si16_c2(const double rate_incr,
Sint16 *last_sample, const Sint16 *inbuf,
const int inbuflen, Sint16 *outbuf, const int outbuflen)
const int chans = 2;
const int framelen = 4; /* stereo 16 bit */
const int total = (inbuflen / framelen);
const int finalpos = (total * chans) - chans;
const int dest_samples = (int)(((double)total) * rate_incr);
const double src_incr = 1.0 / rate_incr;
Sint16 *dst;
double idx;
SDL_assert((dest_samples * framelen) <= outbuflen);
SDL_assert((inbuflen % framelen) == 0);
if (rate_incr > 1.0) {
Sint16 *target = (outbuf + chans);
const Sint16 final_right = inbuf[finalpos+1];
const Sint16 final_left = inbuf[finalpos];
Sint16 earlier_right = inbuf[finalpos-1];
Sint16 earlier_left = inbuf[finalpos-2];
dst = outbuf + (dest_samples * chans);
idx = (double) total;
while (dst > target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const Sint16 *src = &inbuf[pos];
const Sint16 right = *(--src);
const Sint16 left = *(--src);
SDL_assert(pos >= 0.0);
*(--dst) = (((Sint32) right) + ((Sint32) earlier_right)) >> 1;
*(--dst) = (((Sint32) left) + ((Sint32) earlier_left)) >> 1;
earlier_right = right;
earlier_left = left;
idx -= src_incr;
/* do last sample, interpolated against previous run's state. */
*(--dst) = (((Sint32) inbuf[1]) + ((Sint32) last_sample[1])) >> 1;
*(--dst) = (((Sint32) inbuf[0]) + ((Sint32) last_sample[0])) >> 1;
last_sample[1] = final_right;
last_sample[0] = final_left;
dst = (outbuf + (dest_samples * chans));
} else {
Sint16 *target = (outbuf + (dest_samples * chans));
dst = outbuf;
idx = 0.0;
while (dst < target) {
const int pos = ((int) idx) * chans;
const Sint16 *src = &inbuf[pos];
const Sint16 left = *(src++);
const Sint16 right = *(src++);
SDL_assert(pos <= finalpos);
*(dst++) = (((Sint32) left) + ((Sint32) last_sample[0])) >> 1;
*(dst++) = (((Sint32) right) + ((Sint32) last_sample[1])) >> 1;
last_sample[0] = left;
last_sample[1] = right;
idx += src_incr;
return (int) ((dst - outbuf) * ((int) sizeof (Sint16)));
static void SDLCALL
SDL_ResampleCVT_si16_c2(SDL_AudioCVT *cvt, SDL_AudioFormat format)
const Sint16 *src = (const Sint16 *) cvt->buf;
const int srclen = cvt->len_cvt;
Sint16 *dst = (Sint16 *) cvt->buf;
const int dstlen = (cvt->len * cvt->len_mult);
Sint16 state[2];
state[0] = src[0];
state[1] = src[1];
SDL_assert(format == AUDIO_S16SYS);
cvt->len_cvt = SDL_ResampleAudioSimple_si16_c2(cvt->rate_incr, state, src, srclen, dst, dstlen);
if (cvt->filters[++cvt->filter_index]) {
cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index](cvt, format);
int int
SDL_ConvertAudio(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt) SDL_ConvertAudio(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt)
{ {
@ -761,17 +690,28 @@ SDL_BuildAudioTypeCVTFromFloat(SDL_AudioCVT *cvt, const SDL_AudioFormat dst_fmt)
static void static void
SDL_ResampleCVT(SDL_AudioCVT *cvt, const int chans, const SDL_AudioFormat format) SDL_ResampleCVT(SDL_AudioCVT *cvt, const int chans, const SDL_AudioFormat format)
{ {
/* !!! FIXME in 2.1: there are ten slots in the filter list, and the theoretical maximum we use is six (seven with NULL terminator).
!!! FIXME in 2.1: We need to store data for this resampler, because the cvt structure doesn't store the original sample rates,
!!! FIXME in 2.1: so we steal the ninth and tenth slot. :( */
const int srcrate = (int) (size_t) cvt->filters[SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS-1];
const int dstrate = (int) (size_t) cvt->filters[SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS];
const float *src = (const float *) cvt->buf; const float *src = (const float *) cvt->buf;
const int srclen = cvt->len_cvt; const int srclen = cvt->len_cvt;
float *dst = (float *) cvt->buf; /*float *dst = (float *) cvt->buf;
const int dstlen = (cvt->len * cvt->len_mult); const int dstlen = (cvt->len * cvt->len_mult);*/
/* !!! FIXME: remove this if we can get the resampler to work in-place again. */
float *dst = (float *) (cvt->buf + srclen);
const int dstlen = (cvt->len * cvt->len_mult) - srclen;
float state[8]; float state[8];
SDL_assert(format == AUDIO_F32SYS); SDL_assert(format == AUDIO_F32SYS);
SDL_memcpy(state, src, chans*sizeof(*src)); SDL_zero(state);
cvt->len_cvt = SDL_ResampleAudio(chans, srcrate, dstrate, state, src, srclen, dst, dstlen);
SDL_memcpy(cvt->buf, dst, cvt->len_cvt); /* !!! FIXME: remove this if we can get the resampler to work in-place again. */
cvt->len_cvt = SDL_ResampleAudioSimple(chans, cvt->rate_incr, state, src, srclen, dst, dstlen);
if (cvt->filters[++cvt->filter_index]) { if (cvt->filters[++cvt->filter_index]) {
cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index](cvt, format); cvt->filters[cvt->filter_index](cvt, format);
} }
@ -823,10 +763,24 @@ SDL_BuildAudioResampleCVT(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt, const int dst_channels,
return SDL_SetError("No conversion available for these rates"); return SDL_SetError("No conversion available for these rates");
} }
if (SDL_PrepareResampleFilter() < 0) {
return -1;
/* Update (cvt) with filter details... */ /* Update (cvt) with filter details... */
if (SDL_AddAudioCVTFilter(cvt, filter) < 0) { if (SDL_AddAudioCVTFilter(cvt, filter) < 0) {
return -1; return -1;
} }
/* !!! FIXME in 2.1: there are ten slots in the filter list, and the theoretical maximum we use is six (seven with NULL terminator).
!!! FIXME in 2.1: We need to store data for this resampler, because the cvt structure doesn't store the original sample rates,
!!! FIXME in 2.1: so we steal the ninth and tenth slot. :( */
if (cvt->filter_index >= (SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS-2)) {
return SDL_SetError("Too many filters needed for conversion, exceeded maximum of %d", SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS-2);
cvt->filters[SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS-1] = (SDL_AudioFilter) (size_t) src_rate;
cvt->filters[SDL_AUDIOCVT_MAX_FILTERS] = (SDL_AudioFilter) (size_t) dst_rate;
if (src_rate < dst_rate) { if (src_rate < dst_rate) {
const double mult = ((double) dst_rate) / ((double) src_rate); const double mult = ((double) dst_rate) / ((double) src_rate);
cvt->len_mult *= (int) SDL_ceil(mult); cvt->len_mult *= (int) SDL_ceil(mult);
@ -835,6 +789,11 @@ SDL_BuildAudioResampleCVT(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt, const int dst_channels,
cvt->len_ratio /= ((double) src_rate) / ((double) dst_rate); cvt->len_ratio /= ((double) src_rate) / ((double) dst_rate);
} }
/* !!! FIXME: remove this if we can get the resampler to work in-place again. */
/* the buffer is big enough to hold the destination now, but
we need it large enough to hold a separate scratch buffer. */
cvt->len_mult *= 2;
return 1; /* added a converter. */ return 1; /* added a converter. */
} }
@ -922,7 +881,7 @@ SDL_BuildAudioCVT(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt,
cvt->dst_format = dst_fmt; cvt->dst_format = dst_fmt;
cvt->needed = 0; cvt->needed = 0;
cvt->filter_index = 0; cvt->filter_index = 0;
cvt->filters[0] = NULL; SDL_zero(cvt->filters);
cvt->len_mult = 1; cvt->len_mult = 1;
cvt->len_ratio = 1.0; cvt->len_ratio = 1.0;
cvt->rate_incr = ((double) dst_rate) / ((double) src_rate); cvt->rate_incr = ((double) dst_rate) / ((double) src_rate);
@ -930,32 +889,6 @@ SDL_BuildAudioCVT(SDL_AudioCVT * cvt,
/* Make sure we've chosen audio conversion functions (MMX, scalar, etc.) */ /* Make sure we've chosen audio conversion functions (MMX, scalar, etc.) */
SDL_ChooseAudioConverters(); SDL_ChooseAudioConverters();
/* SDL now favors float32 as its preferred internal format, and considers
everything else to be a degenerate case that we might have to make
multiple passes over the data to convert to and from float32 as
necessary. That being said, we keep one special case around for
efficiency: stereo data in Sint16 format, in the native byte order,
that only needs resampling. This is likely to be the most popular
legacy format, that apps, hardware and the OS are likely to be able
to process directly, so we handle this one case directly without
unnecessary conversions. This means that apps on embedded devices
without floating point hardware should consider aiming for this
format as well. */
if ((src_channels == 2) && (dst_channels == 2) && (src_fmt == AUDIO_S16SYS) && (dst_fmt == AUDIO_S16SYS) && (src_rate != dst_rate)) {
cvt->needed = 1;
if (SDL_AddAudioCVTFilter(cvt, SDL_ResampleCVT_si16_c2) < 0) {
return -1;
if (src_rate < dst_rate) {
const double mult = ((double) dst_rate) / ((double) src_rate);
cvt->len_mult *= (int) SDL_ceil(mult);
cvt->len_ratio *= mult;
} else {
cvt->len_ratio /= ((double) src_rate) / ((double) dst_rate);
return 1;
/* Type conversion goes like this now: /* Type conversion goes like this now:
- byteswap to CPU native format first if necessary. - byteswap to CPU native format first if necessary.
- convert to native Float32 if necessary. - convert to native Float32 if necessary.
@ -1282,30 +1215,23 @@ SDL_ResampleAudioStream(SDL_AudioStream *stream, const void *_inbuf, const int i
SDL_assert(chans <= SDL_arraysize(state->resampler_state.f)); SDL_assert(chans <= SDL_arraysize(state->resampler_state.f));
if (inbuf == ((const float *) outbuf)) { /* !!! FIXME can't work in-place (for now!). */
Uint8 *ptr = EnsureStreamBufferSize(stream, inbuflen + outbuflen);
if (ptr == NULL) {
return 0;
SDL_memcpy(ptr + outbuflen, ptr, inbuflen);
inbuf = (const float *) (ptr + outbuflen);
outbuf = (float *) ptr;
if (!state->resampler_seeded) { if (!state->resampler_seeded) {
SDL_memcpy(state->resampler_state.f, inbuf, chans * sizeof (float)); SDL_zero(state->resampler_state.f);
state->resampler_seeded = SDL_TRUE; state->resampler_seeded = SDL_TRUE;
} }
return SDL_ResampleAudioSimple(chans, stream->rate_incr, state->resampler_state.f, inbuf, inbuflen, outbuf, outbuflen); return SDL_ResampleAudio(chans, stream->src_rate, stream->dst_rate, state->resampler_state.f, inbuf, inbuflen, outbuf, outbuflen);
static int
SDL_ResampleAudioStream_si16_c2(SDL_AudioStream *stream, const void *_inbuf, const int inbuflen, void *_outbuf, const int outbuflen)
const Sint16 *inbuf = (const Sint16 *) _inbuf;
Sint16 *outbuf = (Sint16 *) _outbuf;
SDL_AudioStreamResamplerState *state = (SDL_AudioStreamResamplerState*)stream->resampler_state;
SDL_assert(((int)stream->pre_resample_channels) <= SDL_arraysize(state->resampler_state.si16));
if (!state->resampler_seeded) {
state->resampler_state.si16[0] = inbuf[0];
state->resampler_state.si16[1] = inbuf[1];
state->resampler_seeded = SDL_TRUE;
return SDL_ResampleAudioSimple_si16_c2(stream->rate_incr, state->resampler_state.si16, inbuf, inbuflen, outbuf, outbuflen);
} }
static void static void
@ -1332,9 +1258,6 @@ SDL_NewAudioStream(const SDL_AudioFormat src_format,
const int packetlen = 4096; /* !!! FIXME: good enough for now. */ const int packetlen = 4096; /* !!! FIXME: good enough for now. */
Uint8 pre_resample_channels; Uint8 pre_resample_channels;
SDL_AudioStream *retval; SDL_AudioStream *retval;
const SDL_bool SRC_available = SDL_FALSE;
retval = (SDL_AudioStream *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof (SDL_AudioStream)); retval = (SDL_AudioStream *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof (SDL_AudioStream));
if (!retval) { if (!retval) {
@ -1366,18 +1289,6 @@ SDL_NewAudioStream(const SDL_AudioFormat src_format,
SDL_FreeAudioStream(retval); SDL_FreeAudioStream(retval);
return NULL; /* SDL_BuildAudioCVT should have called SDL_SetError. */ return NULL; /* SDL_BuildAudioCVT should have called SDL_SetError. */
} }
/* fast path special case for stereo Sint16 data that just needs resampling. */
} else if ((!SRC_available) && (src_channels == 2) && (dst_channels == 2) && (src_format == AUDIO_S16SYS) && (dst_format == AUDIO_S16SYS)) {
SDL_assert(src_rate != dst_rate);
retval->resampler_state = SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(SDL_AudioStreamResamplerState));
if (!retval->resampler_state) {
return NULL;
retval->resampler_func = SDL_ResampleAudioStream_si16_c2;
retval->reset_resampler_func = SDL_ResetAudioStreamResampler;
retval->cleanup_resampler_func = SDL_CleanupAudioStreamResampler;
} else { } else {
/* Don't resample at first. Just get us to Float32 format. */ /* Don't resample at first. Just get us to Float32 format. */
/* !!! FIXME: convert to int32 on devices without hardware float. */ /* !!! FIXME: convert to int32 on devices without hardware float. */
@ -1397,6 +1308,14 @@ SDL_NewAudioStream(const SDL_AudioFormat src_format,
SDL_OutOfMemory(); SDL_OutOfMemory();
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
if (SDL_PrepareResampleFilter() < 0) {
retval->resampler_state = NULL;
return NULL;
retval->resampler_func = SDL_ResampleAudioStream; retval->resampler_func = SDL_ResampleAudioStream;
retval->reset_resampler_func = SDL_ResetAudioStreamResampler; retval->reset_resampler_func = SDL_ResetAudioStreamResampler;
retval->cleanup_resampler_func = SDL_CleanupAudioStreamResampler; retval->cleanup_resampler_func = SDL_CleanupAudioStreamResampler;

src/audio/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
# The resampling algorithm:
# "Thus kaiser(L,beta) is equivalent to
# besseli(0,beta*sqrt(1-(((0:L-1)-(L-1)/2)/((L-1)/2)).^2))/besseli(0,beta)."
# Matlab kaiser calls besseli():
sub print_table {
my $tableref = shift;
my $name = shift;
my @table = @{$tableref};
my $comma = '';
my $count = 0;
print("static const float $name = {\n ");
foreach (@table) {
#print(sprintf("%.6f\n", $_));
if (++$count > 4) {
$count = 0;
print(",\n ");
$comma = '';
} else {
$comma = ', ';
use POSIX ();
# This is a "modified" bessel function, so you can't use POSIX j0()
sub bessel {
my $x = shift;
my $i0 = 1;
my $f = 1;
my $i = 1;
while (1) {
my $diff = POSIX::pow($x / 2.0, $i * 2) / POSIX::pow($f, 2);
last if ($diff < 1.0e-21);
$i0 += $diff;
$f *= $i;
return $i0;
sub kaiser {
my $L = shift;
my $beta = shift;
my @retval;
#print("L=$L, beta=$beta\n"); exit(0);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $L; $i++) {
my $val = bessel($beta * sqrt(1.0 -
) / 2.0
) / (($L-1)/2.0), 2.0 ))
) / bessel($beta);
unshift @retval, $val;
return @retval;
my $zero_crossings = 5;
my $bits_per_sample = 16;
my $samples_per_zero_crossing = 1 << (($bits_per_sample / 2) + 1);
my $kaiser_window_table_size = ($samples_per_zero_crossing * $zero_crossings) + 1;
# if dB > 50: 0.1102 * ($db - 8.7)
my $db = 80.0;
my $beta = 0.1102 * ($db - 8.7);
my @table = kaiser($kaiser_window_table_size, $beta);
print_table(\@table, 'kaiser_window');
# Kaiser window has "sinc function" ("cardinal sine") applied to it:
# sin(pi * x) / (pi * x)
# "For example, to use the ideal lowpass filter, the table would contain
# h(l) = sinc(l/L)."
use Math::Trig ':pi';
for (my $i = 1; $i < $kaiser_window_table_size; $i++) {
my $x = $i / $samples_per_zero_crossing;
$table[$i] *= sin($x * pi) / ($x * pi);
print_table(\@table, 'with_sinc');
# "Our implementation also stores a table of differences ¯h(l) = h(l + 1) h(l) between successive
# FIR sample values in order to speed up the linear interpolation. The length of each table is
# Nh = LNz + 1, including the endpoint definition ¯h(Nh) = 0."
my @differences = ();
for (my $i = 1; $i < $kaiser_window_table_size; $i++) {
push @differences, $table[$i] - $table[$i - 1];
push @differences, 0;
print_table(\@differences, 'differences');
# Might as well use this code as a test harness...
use autodie;
my $fnamein = shift @ARGV;
my $fnameout = shift @ARGV;
my $inrate = shift @ARGV;
my $outrate = shift @ARGV;
print("Resampling $fnamein (freq=$inrate) to $fnameout (freq=$outrate).\n");
open(IN, '<:raw', $fnamein);
my @src = ();
# this assumes mono Sint16 raw data since we aren't parsing .wav files.
# !!! FIXME: deal with multichannel audio.
my $channels = 1;
# this is inefficient, but this is just throwaway code...
while (read(IN, my $bytes, 2) == 2) {
my ($samp) = unpack('s', $bytes);
push @src, $samp;
my $ratio = $outrate / $inrate;
my $sample_frames_in = scalar(@src) / $channels;
my $sample_frames_out = $sample_frames_in * $ratio;
my $outsamples = $sample_frames_out * $channels;
#my @dst = (0) x ($outsamples);
my @dst = ();
print("Resampling $sample_frames_in input frames to $sample_frames_out output (ratio=$ratio).\n");
my $inv_spzc = int(POSIX::ceil(($samples_per_zero_crossing * $inrate) / $outrate));
my $padding_len;
if ($ratio < 1.0) {
$padding_len = int(POSIX::ceil(($samples_per_zero_crossing * $inrate) / $outrate));
} else {
$padding_len = $samples_per_zero_crossing;
# You need to pad the input or we'll get buffer overflows.
# !!! FIXME: deal with multichannel audio.
for (my $i = 0; $i < $padding_len; $i++) {
push @src, 0;
unshift @src, 0;
# !!! FIXME: deal with multichannel audio.
my $time = 0.0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $outsamples; $i++) {
my $srcindex = int($time * $inrate); # !!! FIXME: truncate or round?
my $ftime = $srcindex / $inrate; # this would be $time if we didn't convert $srcindex to int.
my $fnexttime = ($srcindex + 1) / $inrate;
# do this twice to calculate the sample, once for the "left wing" and then same for the right.
my $sample = 0;
my $interpolation = 1.0 - ($fnexttime - $time) / ($fnexttime - $ftime);
my $filterindex = int($interpolation * $samples_per_zero_crossing);
$srcindex += $padding_len;
for (my $j = 0; ($filterindex + ($j * $samples_per_zero_crossing)) < $kaiser_window_table_size; $j++) {
$sample += int($src[$srcindex - $j] * ($table[$filterindex + $j * $samples_per_zero_crossing] + $interpolation * $differences[$filterindex + $j * $samples_per_zero_crossing]));
$interpolation = 1 - $interpolation;
$filterindex = $interpolation * $samples_per_zero_crossing;
for (my $j = 0; ($filterindex + ($j * $samples_per_zero_crossing)) < $kaiser_window_table_size; $j++) {
$sample += int($src[$srcindex + 1 + $j] * ($table[$filterindex + $j * $samples_per_zero_crossing] + $interpolation * $differences[$filterindex + $j * $samples_per_zero_crossing]));
push @dst, $sample;
# "After each output sample is computed, the time register is incremented by 2nl+nη /ρ (i.e., time is incremented by 1/ρ in fixed-point format)."
$time += 1.0 / $outrate;
open(OUT, '>:raw', $fnameout);
# this is inefficient, but this is just throwaway code...
foreach (@dst) {
print OUT pack('s', $_);