metal: Clear the framebuffer if presenting without any other operations.

This commit is contained in:
Ryan C. Gordon 2020-10-07 14:45:24 -04:00
parent b7b8ef59a3
commit 061256a3b3

View File

@ -1518,17 +1518,21 @@ METAL_RenderPresent(SDL_Renderer * renderer)
{ @autoreleasepool {
METAL_RenderData *data = (__bridge METAL_RenderData *) renderer->driverdata;
// If we don't have a command buffer, we can't present, so activate to get one.
if (data.mtlcmdencoder == nil) {
// We haven't even gotten a backbuffer yet? Clear it to black. Otherwise, load the existing data.
if (data.mtlbackbuffer == nil) {
MTLClearColor color = MTLClearColorMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
METAL_ActivateRenderCommandEncoder(renderer, MTLLoadActionClear, &color, nil);
} else {
METAL_ActivateRenderCommandEncoder(renderer, MTLLoadActionLoad, NULL, nil);
if (data.mtlcmdencoder != nil) {
[data.mtlcmdencoder endEncoding];
if (data.mtlbackbuffer != nil) {
[data.mtlcmdbuffer presentDrawable:data.mtlbackbuffer];
if (data.mtlcmdbuffer != nil) {
[data.mtlcmdbuffer commit];
data.mtlcmdencoder = nil;
data.mtlcmdbuffer = nil;
data.mtlbackbuffer = nil;