2015-06-21 17:33:46 +02:00
Simple DirectMedia Layer
Copyright ( C ) 1997 - 2015 Sam Lantinga < slouken @ libsdl . org >
This software is provided ' as - is ' , without any express or implied
warranty . In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software .
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose ,
including commercial applications , and to alter it and redistribute it
freely , subject to the following restrictions :
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented ; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software . If you use this software
in a product , an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required .
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such , and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software .
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution .
# include "../../SDL_internal.h"
# include "SDL_windowsvideo.h"
# include "../../events/SDL_keyboard_c.h"
# include "../../events/scancodes_windows.h"
# include <imm.h>
# include <oleauto.h>
static void IME_Init ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd ) ;
static void IME_Enable ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd ) ;
static void IME_Disable ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd ) ;
static void IME_Quit ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
# ifndef MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC
# define MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC 0
# endif
# ifndef MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK
# define MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK 1
# endif
# define MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR 2
# endif
/* Alphabetic scancodes for PC keyboards */
WIN_InitKeyboard ( _THIS )
SDL_VideoData * data = ( SDL_VideoData * ) _this - > driverdata ;
data - > ime_com_initialized = SDL_FALSE ;
data - > ime_threadmgr = 0 ;
data - > ime_initialized = SDL_FALSE ;
data - > ime_enabled = SDL_FALSE ;
data - > ime_available = SDL_FALSE ;
data - > ime_hwnd_main = 0 ;
data - > ime_hwnd_current = 0 ;
data - > ime_himc = 0 ;
data - > ime_composition [ 0 ] = 0 ;
data - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
data - > ime_cursor = 0 ;
data - > ime_candlist = SDL_FALSE ;
SDL_memset ( data - > ime_candidates , 0 , sizeof ( data - > ime_candidates ) ) ;
data - > ime_candcount = 0 ;
data - > ime_candref = 0 ;
data - > ime_candsel = 0 ;
data - > ime_candpgsize = 0 ;
data - > ime_candlistindexbase = 0 ;
data - > ime_candvertical = SDL_TRUE ;
data - > ime_dirty = SDL_FALSE ;
SDL_memset ( & data - > ime_rect , 0 , sizeof ( data - > ime_rect ) ) ;
SDL_memset ( & data - > ime_candlistrect , 0 , sizeof ( data - > ime_candlistrect ) ) ;
data - > ime_winwidth = 0 ;
data - > ime_winheight = 0 ;
data - > ime_hkl = 0 ;
data - > ime_himm32 = 0 ;
data - > GetReadingString = 0 ;
data - > ShowReadingWindow = 0 ;
data - > ImmLockIMC = 0 ;
data - > ImmUnlockIMC = 0 ;
data - > ImmLockIMCC = 0 ;
data - > ImmUnlockIMCC = 0 ;
data - > ime_uiless = SDL_FALSE ;
data - > ime_threadmgrex = 0 ;
data - > ime_uielemsinkcookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE ;
data - > ime_alpnsinkcookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE ;
data - > ime_openmodesinkcookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE ;
data - > ime_convmodesinkcookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE ;
data - > ime_uielemsink = 0 ;
data - > ime_ippasink = 0 ;
WIN_UpdateKeymap ( ) ;
SDL_SetScancodeName ( SDL_SCANCODE_APPLICATION , " Menu " ) ;
SDL_SetScancodeName ( SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI , " Left Windows " ) ;
SDL_SetScancodeName ( SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI , " Right Windows " ) ;
WIN_UpdateKeymap ( )
int i ;
SDL_Scancode scancode ;
SDL_Keycode keymap [ SDL_NUM_SCANCODES ] ;
SDL_GetDefaultKeymap ( keymap ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < SDL_arraysize ( windows_scancode_table ) ; i + + ) {
int vk ;
/* Make sure this scancode is a valid character scancode */
scancode = windows_scancode_table [ i ] ;
if ( scancode = = SDL_SCANCODE_UNKNOWN ) {
continue ;
/* If this key is one of the non-mappable keys, ignore it */
/* Not mapping numbers fixes the French layout, giving numeric keycodes for the number keys, which is the expected behavior */
if ( ( keymap [ scancode ] & SDLK_SCANCODE_MASK ) | |
2015-06-24 19:56:37 +02:00
/* scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE || */ /* Uncomment this line to re-enable the behavior of not mapping the "`"(grave) key to the users actual keyboard layout */
2015-06-21 17:33:46 +02:00
( scancode > = SDL_SCANCODE_1 & & scancode < = SDL_SCANCODE_0 ) ) {
continue ;
vk = MapVirtualKey ( i , MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK ) ;
if ( vk ) {
int ch = ( MapVirtualKey ( vk , MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR ) & 0x7FFF ) ;
if ( ch ) {
if ( ch > = ' A ' & & ch < = ' Z ' ) {
keymap [ scancode ] = SDLK_a + ( ch - ' A ' ) ;
} else {
keymap [ scancode ] = ch ;
SDL_SetKeymap ( 0 , keymap , SDL_NUM_SCANCODES ) ;
WIN_QuitKeyboard ( _THIS )
IME_Quit ( ( SDL_VideoData * ) _this - > driverdata ) ;
# endif
WIN_StartTextInput ( _THIS )
SDL_Window * window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus ( ) ;
if ( window ) {
HWND hwnd = ( ( SDL_WindowData * ) window - > driverdata ) - > hwnd ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) _this - > driverdata ;
SDL_GetWindowSize ( window , & videodata - > ime_winwidth , & videodata - > ime_winheight ) ;
IME_Init ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
IME_Enable ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
WIN_StopTextInput ( _THIS )
SDL_Window * window = SDL_GetKeyboardFocus ( ) ;
if ( window ) {
HWND hwnd = ( ( SDL_WindowData * ) window - > driverdata ) - > hwnd ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) _this - > driverdata ;
IME_Init ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
IME_Disable ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
WIN_SetTextInputRect ( _THIS , SDL_Rect * rect )
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) _this - > driverdata ;
HIMC himc = 0 ;
if ( ! rect ) {
SDL_InvalidParamError ( " rect " ) ;
return ;
videodata - > ime_rect = * rect ;
himc = ImmGetContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current ) ;
if ( himc )
cf . ptCurrentPos . x = videodata - > ime_rect . x ;
cf . ptCurrentPos . y = videodata - > ime_rect . y ;
cf . dwStyle = CFS_FORCE_POSITION ;
ImmSetCompositionWindow ( himc , & cf ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current , himc ) ;
IME_HandleMessage ( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM * lParam , SDL_VideoData * videodata )
return SDL_FALSE ;
void IME_Present ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
# else
# ifdef _SDL_msctf_h
# define USE_INIT_GUID
# elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define USE_INIT_GUID
# endif
# define DEFINE_GUID(n,l,w1,w2,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8) static const GUID n = {l,w1,w2,{b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8}}
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink , 0x71C6E74E , 0x0F28 , 0x11D8 , 0xA8 , 0x2A , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x5B , 0x84 , 0x43 , 0x5C ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfUIElementSink , 0xEA1EA136 , 0x19DF , 0x11D7 , 0xA6 , 0xD2 , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x5B , 0x84 , 0x43 , 0x5C ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD , 0x34745C63 , 0xB2F0 , 0x4784 , 0x8B , 0x67 , 0x5E , 0x12 , 0xC8 , 0x70 , 0x1A , 0x31 ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfSource , 0x4EA48A35 , 0x60AE , 0x446F , 0x8F , 0xD6 , 0xE6 , 0xA8 , 0xD8 , 0x24 , 0x59 , 0xF7 ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfUIElementMgr , 0xEA1EA135 , 0x19DF , 0x11D7 , 0xA6 , 0xD2 , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x5B , 0x84 , 0x43 , 0x5C ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfCandidateListUIElement , 0xEA1EA138 , 0x19DF , 0x11D7 , 0xA6 , 0xD2 , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x5B , 0x84 , 0x43 , 0x5C ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfReadingInformationUIElement , 0xEA1EA139 , 0x19DF , 0x11D7 , 0xA6 , 0xD2 , 0x00 , 0x06 , 0x5B , 0x84 , 0x43 , 0x5C ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfThreadMgr , 0xAA80E801 , 0x2021 , 0x11D2 , 0x93 , 0xE0 , 0x00 , 0x60 , 0xB0 , 0x67 , 0xB8 , 0x6E ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr , 0x529A9E6B , 0x6587 , 0x4F23 , 0xAB , 0x9E , 0x9C , 0x7D , 0x68 , 0x3E , 0x3C , 0x50 ) ;
DEFINE_GUID ( IID_ITfThreadMgrEx , 0x3E90ADE3 , 0x7594 , 0x4CB0 , 0xBB , 0x58 , 0x69 , 0x62 , 0x8F , 0x5F , 0x45 , 0x8C ) ;
# endif
# define MAKEIMEVERSION(major,minor) ((DWORD) (((BYTE)(major) << 24) | ((BYTE)(minor) << 16) ))
# define IMEID_VER(id) ((id) & 0xffff0000)
# define IMEID_LANG(id) ((id) & 0x0000ffff)
# define CHT_HKL_DAYI ((HKL)0xE0060404)
# define CHT_HKL_NEW_PHONETIC ((HKL)0xE0080404)
# define CHT_HKL_NEW_CHANG_JIE ((HKL)0xE0090404)
# define CHT_HKL_NEW_QUICK ((HKL)0xE00A0404)
# define CHT_HKL_HK_CANTONESE ((HKL)0xE00B0404)
# define CHS_HKL ((HKL)0xE00E0804)
# define LANG() LOWORD((videodata->ime_hkl))
static void IME_UpdateInputLocale ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void IME_ClearComposition ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void IME_SetWindow ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd ) ;
static void IME_SetupAPI ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static DWORD IME_GetId ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , UINT uIndex ) ;
static void IME_SendEditingEvent ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void IME_DestroyTextures ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
# define SDL_IsEqualIID(riid1, riid2) SDL_IsEqualGUID(riid1, riid2)
# define SDL_IsEqualGUID(rguid1, rguid2) (!SDL_memcmp(rguid1, rguid2, sizeof(GUID)))
static SDL_bool UILess_SetupSinks ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void UILess_ReleaseSinks ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void UILess_EnableUIUpdates ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void UILess_DisableUIUpdates ( SDL_VideoData * videodata ) ;
static void
IME_Init ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd )
if ( videodata - > ime_initialized )
return ;
videodata - > ime_hwnd_main = hwnd ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( WIN_CoInitialize ( ) ) ) {
videodata - > ime_com_initialized = SDL_TRUE ;
CoCreateInstance ( & CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , & IID_ITfThreadMgr , ( LPVOID * ) & videodata - > ime_threadmgr ) ;
videodata - > ime_initialized = SDL_TRUE ;
videodata - > ime_himm32 = SDL_LoadObject ( " imm32.dll " ) ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_himm32 ) {
videodata - > ime_available = SDL_FALSE ;
return ;
videodata - > ImmLockIMC = ( LPINPUTCONTEXT2 ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMC ) ) SDL_LoadFunction ( videodata - > ime_himm32 , " ImmLockIMC " ) ;
videodata - > ImmUnlockIMC = ( BOOL ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMC ) ) SDL_LoadFunction ( videodata - > ime_himm32 , " ImmUnlockIMC " ) ;
videodata - > ImmLockIMCC = ( LPVOID ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMCC ) ) SDL_LoadFunction ( videodata - > ime_himm32 , " ImmLockIMCC " ) ;
videodata - > ImmUnlockIMCC = ( BOOL ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMCC ) ) SDL_LoadFunction ( videodata - > ime_himm32 , " ImmUnlockIMCC " ) ;
IME_SetWindow ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
videodata - > ime_himc = ImmGetContext ( hwnd ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( hwnd , videodata - > ime_himc ) ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_himc ) {
videodata - > ime_available = SDL_FALSE ;
IME_Disable ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
return ;
videodata - > ime_available = SDL_TRUE ;
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( videodata ) ;
IME_SetupAPI ( videodata ) ;
videodata - > ime_uiless = UILess_SetupSinks ( videodata ) ;
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( videodata ) ;
IME_Disable ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
static void
IME_Enable ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd )
if ( ! videodata - > ime_initialized | | ! videodata - > ime_hwnd_current )
return ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_available ) {
IME_Disable ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
return ;
if ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current = = videodata - > ime_hwnd_main )
ImmAssociateContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current , videodata - > ime_himc ) ;
videodata - > ime_enabled = SDL_TRUE ;
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( videodata ) ;
UILess_EnableUIUpdates ( videodata ) ;
static void
IME_Disable ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd )
if ( ! videodata - > ime_initialized | | ! videodata - > ime_hwnd_current )
return ;
IME_ClearComposition ( videodata ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current = = videodata - > ime_hwnd_main )
ImmAssociateContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current , ( HIMC ) 0 ) ;
videodata - > ime_enabled = SDL_FALSE ;
UILess_DisableUIUpdates ( videodata ) ;
static void
IME_Quit ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
if ( ! videodata - > ime_initialized )
return ;
UILess_ReleaseSinks ( videodata ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_main )
ImmAssociateContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_main , videodata - > ime_himc ) ;
videodata - > ime_hwnd_main = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_himc = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_himm32 ) {
SDL_UnloadObject ( videodata - > ime_himm32 ) ;
videodata - > ime_himm32 = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_threadmgr ) {
videodata - > ime_threadmgr - > lpVtbl - > Release ( videodata - > ime_threadmgr ) ;
videodata - > ime_threadmgr = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_com_initialized ) {
WIN_CoUninitialize ( ) ;
videodata - > ime_com_initialized = SDL_FALSE ;
IME_DestroyTextures ( videodata ) ;
videodata - > ime_initialized = SDL_FALSE ;
static void
IME_GetReadingString ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd )
DWORD id = 0 ;
HIMC himc = 0 ;
WCHAR buffer [ 16 ] ;
WCHAR * s = buffer ;
DWORD len = 0 ;
INT err = 0 ;
BOOL vertical = FALSE ;
UINT maxuilen = 0 ;
static OSVERSIONINFOA osversion ;
if ( videodata - > ime_uiless )
return ;
videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ! osversion . dwOSVersionInfoSize ) {
osversion . dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof ( osversion ) ;
GetVersionExA ( & osversion ) ;
id = IME_GetId ( videodata , 0 ) ;
if ( ! id )
return ;
himc = ImmGetContext ( hwnd ) ;
if ( ! himc )
return ;
if ( videodata - > GetReadingString ) {
len = videodata - > GetReadingString ( himc , 0 , 0 , & err , & vertical , & maxuilen ) ;
if ( len ) {
if ( len > SDL_arraysize ( buffer ) )
len = SDL_arraysize ( buffer ) ;
len = videodata - > GetReadingString ( himc , len , s , & err , & vertical , & maxuilen ) ;
SDL_wcslcpy ( videodata - > ime_readingstring , s , len ) ;
else {
LPINPUTCONTEXT2 lpimc = videodata - > ImmLockIMC ( himc ) ;
LPBYTE p = 0 ;
s = 0 ;
switch ( id )
case IMEID_CHT_VER42 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER43 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER44 :
p = * ( LPBYTE * ) ( ( LPBYTE ) videodata - > ImmLockIMCC ( lpimc - > hPrivate ) + 24 ) ;
if ( ! p )
break ;
len = * ( DWORD * ) ( p + 7 * 4 + 32 * 4 ) ;
s = ( WCHAR * ) ( p + 56 ) ;
break ;
case IMEID_CHT_VER51 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER52 :
case IMEID_CHS_VER53 :
p = * ( LPBYTE * ) ( ( LPBYTE ) videodata - > ImmLockIMCC ( lpimc - > hPrivate ) + 4 ) ;
if ( ! p )
break ;
p = * ( LPBYTE * ) ( ( LPBYTE ) p + 1 * 4 + 5 * 4 ) ;
if ( ! p )
break ;
len = * ( DWORD * ) ( p + 1 * 4 + ( 16 * 2 + 2 * 4 ) + 5 * 4 + 16 * 2 ) ;
s = ( WCHAR * ) ( p + 1 * 4 + ( 16 * 2 + 2 * 4 ) + 5 * 4 ) ;
break ;
case IMEID_CHS_VER41 :
int offset = ( IME_GetId ( videodata , 1 ) > = 0x00000002 ) ? 8 : 7 ;
p = * ( LPBYTE * ) ( ( LPBYTE ) videodata - > ImmLockIMCC ( lpimc - > hPrivate ) + offset * 4 ) ;
if ( ! p )
break ;
len = * ( DWORD * ) ( p + 7 * 4 + 16 * 2 * 4 ) ;
s = ( WCHAR * ) ( p + 6 * 4 + 16 * 2 * 1 ) ;
break ;
case IMEID_CHS_VER42 :
if ( osversion . dwPlatformId ! = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
break ;
p = * ( LPBYTE * ) ( ( LPBYTE ) videodata - > ImmLockIMCC ( lpimc - > hPrivate ) + 1 * 4 + 1 * 4 + 6 * 4 ) ;
if ( ! p )
break ;
len = * ( DWORD * ) ( p + 1 * 4 + ( 16 * 2 + 2 * 4 ) + 5 * 4 + 16 * 2 ) ;
s = ( WCHAR * ) ( p + 1 * 4 + ( 16 * 2 + 2 * 4 ) + 5 * 4 ) ;
break ;
if ( s ) {
size_t size = SDL_min ( ( size_t ) ( len + 1 ) , SDL_arraysize ( videodata - > ime_readingstring ) ) ;
SDL_wcslcpy ( videodata - > ime_readingstring , s , size ) ;
videodata - > ImmUnlockIMCC ( lpimc - > hPrivate ) ;
videodata - > ImmUnlockIMC ( himc ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( hwnd , himc ) ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
static void
IME_InputLangChanged ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
UINT lang = PRIMLANG ( ) ;
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( videodata ) ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_uiless )
videodata - > ime_candlistindexbase = ( videodata - > ime_hkl = = CHT_HKL_DAYI ) ? 0 : 1 ;
IME_SetupAPI ( videodata ) ;
if ( lang ! = PRIMLANG ( ) ) {
IME_ClearComposition ( videodata ) ;
static DWORD
IME_GetId ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , UINT uIndex )
static HKL hklprev = 0 ;
static DWORD dwRet [ 2 ] = { 0 } ;
DWORD dwVerSize = 0 ;
DWORD dwVerHandle = 0 ;
LPVOID lpVerBuffer = 0 ;
LPVOID lpVerData = 0 ;
UINT cbVerData = 0 ;
char szTemp [ 256 ] ;
HKL hkl = 0 ;
DWORD dwLang = 0 ;
if ( uIndex > = sizeof ( dwRet ) / sizeof ( dwRet [ 0 ] ) )
return 0 ;
hkl = videodata - > ime_hkl ;
if ( hklprev = = hkl )
return dwRet [ uIndex ] ;
hklprev = hkl ;
dwLang = ( ( DWORD_PTR ) hkl & 0xffff ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_uiless & & LANG ( ) = = LANG_CHT ) {
dwRet [ 0 ] = IMEID_CHT_VER_VISTA ;
dwRet [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return dwRet [ 0 ] ;
& & hkl ! = CHT_HKL_NEW_QUICK
& & hkl ! = CHS_HKL ) {
dwRet [ 0 ] = dwRet [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return dwRet [ uIndex ] ;
if ( ImmGetIMEFileNameA ( hkl , szTemp , sizeof ( szTemp ) - 1 ) < = 0 ) {
dwRet [ 0 ] = dwRet [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return dwRet [ uIndex ] ;
if ( ! videodata - > GetReadingString ) {
if ( CompareStringA ( LCID_INVARIANT , NORM_IGNORECASE , szTemp , - 1 , CHT_IMEFILENAME1 , - 1 ) ! = 2
& & CompareStringA ( LCID_INVARIANT , NORM_IGNORECASE , szTemp , - 1 , CHT_IMEFILENAME2 , - 1 ) ! = 2
& & CompareStringA ( LCID_INVARIANT , NORM_IGNORECASE , szTemp , - 1 , CHT_IMEFILENAME3 , - 1 ) ! = 2
& & CompareStringA ( LCID_INVARIANT , NORM_IGNORECASE , szTemp , - 1 , CHS_IMEFILENAME1 , - 1 ) ! = 2
& & CompareStringA ( LCID_INVARIANT , NORM_IGNORECASE , szTemp , - 1 , CHS_IMEFILENAME2 , - 1 ) ! = 2 ) {
dwRet [ 0 ] = dwRet [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return dwRet [ uIndex ] ;
dwVerSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeA ( szTemp , & dwVerHandle ) ;
if ( dwVerSize ) {
lpVerBuffer = SDL_malloc ( dwVerSize ) ;
if ( lpVerBuffer ) {
if ( GetFileVersionInfoA ( szTemp , dwVerHandle , dwVerSize , lpVerBuffer ) ) {
if ( VerQueryValueA ( lpVerBuffer , " \\ " , & lpVerData , & cbVerData ) ) {
# define pVerFixedInfo ((VS_FIXEDFILEINFO FAR*)lpVerData)
DWORD dwVer = pVerFixedInfo - > dwFileVersionMS ;
dwVer = ( dwVer & 0x00ff0000 ) < < 8 | ( dwVer & 0x000000ff ) < < 16 ;
if ( ( videodata - > GetReadingString ) | |
( ( dwLang = = LANG_CHT ) & & (
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 4 , 2 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 4 , 3 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 4 , 4 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 5 , 0 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 5 , 1 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 5 , 2 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 6 , 0 ) ) )
| |
( ( dwLang = = LANG_CHS ) & & (
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 4 , 1 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 4 , 2 ) | |
dwVer = = MAKEIMEVERSION ( 5 , 3 ) ) ) ) {
dwRet [ 0 ] = dwVer | dwLang ;
dwRet [ 1 ] = pVerFixedInfo - > dwFileVersionLS ;
SDL_free ( lpVerBuffer ) ;
return dwRet [ 0 ] ;
# undef pVerFixedInfo
SDL_free ( lpVerBuffer ) ;
dwRet [ 0 ] = dwRet [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return dwRet [ uIndex ] ;
static void
IME_SetupAPI ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
char ime_file [ MAX_PATH + 1 ] ;
void * hime = 0 ;
HKL hkl = 0 ;
videodata - > GetReadingString = 0 ;
videodata - > ShowReadingWindow = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_uiless )
return ;
hkl = videodata - > ime_hkl ;
if ( ImmGetIMEFileNameA ( hkl , ime_file , sizeof ( ime_file ) - 1 ) < = 0 )
return ;
hime = SDL_LoadObject ( ime_file ) ;
if ( ! hime )
return ;
videodata - > GetReadingString = ( UINT ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMC , UINT , LPWSTR , PINT , BOOL * , PUINT ) )
SDL_LoadFunction ( hime , " GetReadingString " ) ;
videodata - > ShowReadingWindow = ( BOOL ( WINAPI * ) ( HIMC , BOOL ) )
SDL_LoadFunction ( hime , " ShowReadingWindow " ) ;
if ( videodata - > ShowReadingWindow ) {
HIMC himc = ImmGetContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current ) ;
if ( himc ) {
videodata - > ShowReadingWindow ( himc , FALSE ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current , himc ) ;
static void
IME_SetWindow ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HWND hwnd )
videodata - > ime_hwnd_current = hwnd ;
if ( videodata - > ime_threadmgr ) {
struct ITfDocumentMgr * document_mgr = 0 ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgr - > lpVtbl - > AssociateFocus ( videodata - > ime_threadmgr , hwnd , NULL , & document_mgr ) ) ) {
if ( document_mgr )
document_mgr - > lpVtbl - > Release ( document_mgr ) ;
static void
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
static HKL hklprev = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_hkl = GetKeyboardLayout ( 0 ) ;
if ( hklprev = = videodata - > ime_hkl )
return ;
hklprev = videodata - > ime_hkl ;
switch ( PRIMLANG ( ) ) {
videodata - > ime_candvertical = SDL_TRUE ;
videodata - > ime_candvertical = SDL_FALSE ;
break ;
videodata - > ime_candvertical = SDL_TRUE ;
break ;
videodata - > ime_candvertical = SDL_FALSE ;
break ;
static void
IME_ClearComposition ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
HIMC himc = 0 ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_initialized )
return ;
himc = ImmGetContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current ) ;
if ( ! himc )
return ;
ImmNotifyIME ( himc , NI_COMPOSITIONSTR , CPS_CANCEL , 0 ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_uiless )
ImmSetCompositionString ( himc , SCS_SETSTR , TEXT ( " " ) , sizeof ( TCHAR ) , TEXT ( " " ) , sizeof ( TCHAR ) ) ;
ImmNotifyIME ( himc , NI_CLOSECANDIDATE , 0 , 0 ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( videodata - > ime_hwnd_current , himc ) ;
SDL_SendEditingText ( " " , 0 , 0 ) ;
static void
IME_GetCompositionString ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HIMC himc , DWORD string )
LONG length = ImmGetCompositionStringW ( himc , string , videodata - > ime_composition , sizeof ( videodata - > ime_composition ) - sizeof ( videodata - > ime_composition [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( length < 0 )
length = 0 ;
length / = sizeof ( videodata - > ime_composition [ 0 ] ) ;
videodata - > ime_cursor = LOWORD ( ImmGetCompositionStringW ( himc , GCS_CURSORPOS , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_cursor < SDL_arraysize ( videodata - > ime_composition ) & & videodata - > ime_composition [ videodata - > ime_cursor ] = = 0x3000 ) {
int i ;
for ( i = videodata - > ime_cursor + 1 ; i < length ; + + i )
videodata - > ime_composition [ i - 1 ] = videodata - > ime_composition [ i ] ;
- - length ;
videodata - > ime_composition [ length ] = 0 ;
static void
IME_SendInputEvent ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
char * s = 0 ;
s = WIN_StringToUTF8 ( videodata - > ime_composition ) ;
SDL_SendKeyboardText ( s ) ;
SDL_free ( s ) ;
videodata - > ime_composition [ 0 ] = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_cursor = 0 ;
static void
IME_SendEditingEvent ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
char * s = 0 ;
const size_t size = SDL_arraysize ( buffer ) ;
buffer [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] ) {
size_t len = SDL_min ( SDL_wcslen ( videodata - > ime_composition ) , ( size_t ) videodata - > ime_cursor ) ;
SDL_wcslcpy ( buffer , videodata - > ime_composition , len + 1 ) ;
SDL_wcslcat ( buffer , videodata - > ime_readingstring , size ) ;
SDL_wcslcat ( buffer , & videodata - > ime_composition [ len ] , size ) ;
else {
SDL_wcslcpy ( buffer , videodata - > ime_composition , size ) ;
s = WIN_StringToUTF8 ( buffer ) ;
SDL_SendEditingText ( s , videodata - > ime_cursor + SDL_wcslen ( videodata - > ime_readingstring ) , 0 ) ;
SDL_free ( s ) ;
static void
IME_AddCandidate ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , UINT i , LPCWSTR candidate )
LPWSTR dst = videodata - > ime_candidates [ i ] ;
* dst + + = ( WCHAR ) ( TEXT ( ' 0 ' ) + ( ( i + videodata - > ime_candlistindexbase ) % 10 ) ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_candvertical )
* dst + + = TEXT ( ' ' ) ;
while ( * candidate & & ( SDL_arraysize ( videodata - > ime_candidates [ i ] ) > ( dst - videodata - > ime_candidates [ i ] ) ) )
* dst + + = * candidate + + ;
* dst = ( WCHAR ) ' \0 ' ;
static void
IME_GetCandidateList ( HIMC himc , SDL_VideoData * videodata )
LPCANDIDATELIST cand_list = 0 ;
DWORD size = ImmGetCandidateListW ( himc , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( size ) {
cand_list = ( LPCANDIDATELIST ) SDL_malloc ( size ) ;
if ( cand_list ) {
size = ImmGetCandidateListW ( himc , 0 , cand_list , size ) ;
if ( size ) {
UINT i , j ;
UINT page_start = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_candsel = cand_list - > dwSelection ;
videodata - > ime_candcount = cand_list - > dwCount ;
if ( LANG ( ) = = LANG_CHS & & IME_GetId ( videodata , 0 ) ) {
const UINT maxcandchar = 18 ;
size_t cchars = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < videodata - > ime_candcount ; + + i ) {
size_t len = SDL_wcslen ( ( LPWSTR ) ( ( DWORD_PTR ) cand_list + cand_list - > dwOffset [ i ] ) ) + 1 ;
if ( len + cchars > maxcandchar ) {
if ( i > cand_list - > dwSelection )
break ;
page_start = i ;
cchars = len ;
else {
cchars + = len ;
videodata - > ime_candpgsize = i - page_start ;
} else {
videodata - > ime_candpgsize = SDL_min ( cand_list - > dwPageSize , MAX_CANDLIST ) ;
page_start = ( cand_list - > dwSelection / videodata - > ime_candpgsize ) * videodata - > ime_candpgsize ;
SDL_memset ( & videodata - > ime_candidates , 0 , sizeof ( videodata - > ime_candidates ) ) ;
for ( i = page_start , j = 0 ; ( DWORD ) i < cand_list - > dwCount & & j < ( int ) videodata - > ime_candpgsize ; i + + , j + + ) {
LPCWSTR candidate = ( LPCWSTR ) ( ( DWORD_PTR ) cand_list + cand_list - > dwOffset [ i ] ) ;
IME_AddCandidate ( videodata , j , candidate ) ;
if ( PRIMLANG ( ) = = LANG_KOREAN | | ( PRIMLANG ( ) = = LANG_CHT & & ! IME_GetId ( videodata , 0 ) ) )
videodata - > ime_candsel = - 1 ;
SDL_free ( cand_list ) ;
static void
IME_ShowCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
videodata - > ime_dirty = SDL_TRUE ;
videodata - > ime_candlist = SDL_TRUE ;
IME_DestroyTextures ( videodata ) ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
static void
IME_HideCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
videodata - > ime_dirty = SDL_FALSE ;
videodata - > ime_candlist = SDL_FALSE ;
IME_DestroyTextures ( videodata ) ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
IME_HandleMessage ( HWND hwnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM * lParam , SDL_VideoData * videodata )
SDL_bool trap = SDL_FALSE ;
HIMC himc = 0 ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_initialized | | ! videodata - > ime_available | | ! videodata - > ime_enabled )
return SDL_FALSE ;
switch ( msg ) {
IME_InputLangChanged ( videodata ) ;
break ;
* lParam = 0 ;
break ;
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
break ;
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
himc = ImmGetContext ( hwnd ) ;
if ( * lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR ) {
IME_GetCompositionString ( videodata , himc , GCS_RESULTSTR ) ;
IME_SendInputEvent ( videodata ) ;
if ( * lParam & GCS_COMPSTR ) {
if ( ! videodata - > ime_uiless )
videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
IME_GetCompositionString ( videodata , himc , GCS_COMPSTR ) ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( hwnd , himc ) ;
break ;
videodata - > ime_composition [ 0 ] = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
videodata - > ime_cursor = 0 ;
SDL_SendEditingText ( " " , 0 , 0 ) ;
break ;
switch ( wParam ) {
IME_UpdateInputLocale ( videodata ) ;
break ;
if ( videodata - > ime_uiless )
break ;
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
IME_ShowCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
himc = ImmGetContext ( hwnd ) ;
if ( ! himc )
break ;
IME_GetCandidateList ( himc , videodata ) ;
ImmReleaseContext ( hwnd , himc ) ;
break ;
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
IME_HideCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
break ;
DWORD dwId = IME_GetId ( videodata , 0 ) ;
IME_GetReadingString ( videodata , hwnd ) ;
switch ( dwId )
case IMEID_CHT_VER42 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER43 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER44 :
case IMEID_CHS_VER41 :
case IMEID_CHS_VER42 :
if ( * lParam = = 1 | | * lParam = = 2 )
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
break ;
case IMEID_CHT_VER50 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER51 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER52 :
case IMEID_CHT_VER60 :
case IMEID_CHS_VER53 :
if ( * lParam = = 16
| | * lParam = = 17
| | * lParam = = 26
| | * lParam = = 27
| | * lParam = = 28 )
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
break ;
break ;
default :
trap = SDL_TRUE ;
break ;
break ;
return trap ;
static void
IME_CloseCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
IME_HideCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
videodata - > ime_candcount = 0 ;
SDL_memset ( videodata - > ime_candidates , 0 , sizeof ( videodata - > ime_candidates ) ) ;
static void
UILess_GetCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , ITfCandidateListUIElement * pcandlist )
UINT selection = 0 ;
UINT count = 0 ;
UINT page = 0 ;
UINT pgcount = 0 ;
DWORD pgstart = 0 ;
DWORD pgsize = 0 ;
UINT i , j ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetSelection ( pcandlist , & selection ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetCount ( pcandlist , & count ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetCurrentPage ( pcandlist , & page ) ;
videodata - > ime_candsel = selection ;
videodata - > ime_candcount = count ;
IME_ShowCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetPageIndex ( pcandlist , 0 , 0 , & pgcount ) ;
if ( pgcount > 0 ) {
UINT * idxlist = SDL_malloc ( sizeof ( UINT ) * pgcount ) ;
if ( idxlist ) {
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetPageIndex ( pcandlist , idxlist , pgcount , & pgcount ) ;
pgstart = idxlist [ page ] ;
if ( page < pgcount - 1 )
pgsize = SDL_min ( count , idxlist [ page + 1 ] ) - pgstart ;
pgsize = count - pgstart ;
SDL_free ( idxlist ) ;
videodata - > ime_candpgsize = SDL_min ( pgsize , MAX_CANDLIST ) ;
videodata - > ime_candsel = videodata - > ime_candsel - pgstart ;
SDL_memset ( videodata - > ime_candidates , 0 , sizeof ( videodata - > ime_candidates ) ) ;
for ( i = pgstart , j = 0 ; ( DWORD ) i < count & & j < videodata - > ime_candpgsize ; i + + , j + + ) {
BSTR bstr ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > GetString ( pcandlist , i , & bstr ) ) ) {
if ( bstr ) {
IME_AddCandidate ( videodata , j , bstr ) ;
SysFreeString ( bstr ) ;
videodata - > ime_candsel = - 1 ;
STDMETHODIMP_ ( ULONG ) TSFSink_AddRef ( TSFSink * sink )
return + + sink - > refcount ;
STDMETHODIMP_ ( ULONG ) TSFSink_Release ( TSFSink * sink )
- - sink - > refcount ;
if ( sink - > refcount = = 0 ) {
SDL_free ( sink ) ;
return 0 ;
return sink - > refcount ;
STDMETHODIMP UIElementSink_QueryInterface ( TSFSink * sink , REFIID riid , PVOID * ppv )
if ( ! ppv )
* ppv = 0 ;
if ( SDL_IsEqualIID ( riid , & IID_IUnknown ) )
* ppv = ( IUnknown * ) sink ;
else if ( SDL_IsEqualIID ( riid , & IID_ITfUIElementSink ) )
* ppv = ( ITfUIElementSink * ) sink ;
if ( * ppv ) {
TSFSink_AddRef ( sink ) ;
return S_OK ;
ITfUIElement * UILess_GetUIElement ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , DWORD dwUIElementId )
ITfUIElementMgr * puiem = 0 ;
ITfUIElement * pelem = 0 ;
ITfThreadMgrEx * threadmgrex = videodata - > ime_threadmgrex ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( threadmgrex , & IID_ITfUIElementMgr , ( LPVOID * ) & puiem ) ) ) {
puiem - > lpVtbl - > GetUIElement ( puiem , dwUIElementId , & pelem ) ;
puiem - > lpVtbl - > Release ( puiem ) ;
return pelem ;
STDMETHODIMP UIElementSink_BeginUIElement ( TSFSink * sink , DWORD dwUIElementId , BOOL * pbShow )
ITfUIElement * element = UILess_GetUIElement ( ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data , dwUIElementId ) ;
ITfReadingInformationUIElement * preading = 0 ;
ITfCandidateListUIElement * pcandlist = 0 ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data ;
if ( ! element )
* pbShow = FALSE ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfReadingInformationUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & preading ) ) ) {
BSTR bstr ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( preading - > lpVtbl - > GetString ( preading , & bstr ) ) & & bstr ) {
SysFreeString ( bstr ) ;
preading - > lpVtbl - > Release ( preading ) ;
else if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfCandidateListUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & pcandlist ) ) ) {
videodata - > ime_candref + + ;
UILess_GetCandidateList ( videodata , pcandlist ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > Release ( pcandlist ) ;
return S_OK ;
STDMETHODIMP UIElementSink_UpdateUIElement ( TSFSink * sink , DWORD dwUIElementId )
ITfUIElement * element = UILess_GetUIElement ( ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data , dwUIElementId ) ;
ITfReadingInformationUIElement * preading = 0 ;
ITfCandidateListUIElement * pcandlist = 0 ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data ;
if ( ! element )
if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfReadingInformationUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & preading ) ) ) {
BSTR bstr ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( preading - > lpVtbl - > GetString ( preading , & bstr ) ) & & bstr ) {
WCHAR * s = ( WCHAR * ) bstr ;
SDL_wcslcpy ( videodata - > ime_readingstring , s , SDL_arraysize ( videodata - > ime_readingstring ) ) ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
SysFreeString ( bstr ) ;
preading - > lpVtbl - > Release ( preading ) ;
else if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfCandidateListUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & pcandlist ) ) ) {
UILess_GetCandidateList ( videodata , pcandlist ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > Release ( pcandlist ) ;
return S_OK ;
STDMETHODIMP UIElementSink_EndUIElement ( TSFSink * sink , DWORD dwUIElementId )
ITfUIElement * element = UILess_GetUIElement ( ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data , dwUIElementId ) ;
ITfReadingInformationUIElement * preading = 0 ;
ITfCandidateListUIElement * pcandlist = 0 ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data ;
if ( ! element )
if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfReadingInformationUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & preading ) ) ) {
videodata - > ime_readingstring [ 0 ] = 0 ;
IME_SendEditingEvent ( videodata ) ;
preading - > lpVtbl - > Release ( preading ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( element - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( element , & IID_ITfCandidateListUIElement , ( LPVOID * ) & pcandlist ) ) ) {
videodata - > ime_candref - - ;
if ( videodata - > ime_candref = = 0 )
IME_CloseCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
pcandlist - > lpVtbl - > Release ( pcandlist ) ;
return S_OK ;
STDMETHODIMP IPPASink_QueryInterface ( TSFSink * sink , REFIID riid , PVOID * ppv )
if ( ! ppv )
* ppv = 0 ;
if ( SDL_IsEqualIID ( riid , & IID_IUnknown ) )
* ppv = ( IUnknown * ) sink ;
else if ( SDL_IsEqualIID ( riid , & IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink ) )
* ppv = ( ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink * ) sink ;
if ( * ppv ) {
TSFSink_AddRef ( sink ) ;
return S_OK ;
STDMETHODIMP IPPASink_OnActivated ( TSFSink * sink , DWORD dwProfileType , LANGID langid , REFCLSID clsid , REFGUID catid , REFGUID guidProfile , HKL hkl , DWORD dwFlags )
static const GUID TF_PROFILE_DAYI = { 0x037B2C25 , 0x480C , 0x4D7F , { 0xB0 , 0x27 , 0xD6 , 0xCA , 0x6B , 0x69 , 0x78 , 0x8A } } ;
SDL_VideoData * videodata = ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data ;
videodata - > ime_candlistindexbase = SDL_IsEqualGUID ( & TF_PROFILE_DAYI , guidProfile ) ? 0 : 1 ;
if ( SDL_IsEqualIID ( catid , & GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD ) & & ( dwFlags & TF_IPSINK_FLAG_ACTIVE ) )
IME_InputLangChanged ( ( SDL_VideoData * ) sink - > data ) ;
IME_HideCandidateList ( videodata ) ;
return S_OK ;
static void * vtUIElementSink [ ] = {
( void * ) ( UIElementSink_QueryInterface ) ,
( void * ) ( TSFSink_AddRef ) ,
( void * ) ( TSFSink_Release ) ,
( void * ) ( UIElementSink_BeginUIElement ) ,
( void * ) ( UIElementSink_UpdateUIElement ) ,
( void * ) ( UIElementSink_EndUIElement )
} ;
static void * vtIPPASink [ ] = {
( void * ) ( IPPASink_QueryInterface ) ,
( void * ) ( TSFSink_AddRef ) ,
( void * ) ( TSFSink_Release ) ,
( void * ) ( IPPASink_OnActivated )
} ;
static void
UILess_EnableUIUpdates ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
ITfSource * source = 0 ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_threadmgrex | | videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie ! = TF_INVALID_COOKIE )
return ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex , & IID_ITfSource , ( LPVOID * ) & source ) ) ) {
source - > lpVtbl - > AdviseSink ( source , & IID_ITfUIElementSink , ( IUnknown * ) videodata - > ime_uielemsink , & videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie ) ;
source - > lpVtbl - > Release ( source ) ;
static void
UILess_DisableUIUpdates ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
ITfSource * source = 0 ;
if ( ! videodata - > ime_threadmgrex | | videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie = = TF_INVALID_COOKIE )
return ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex , & IID_ITfSource , ( LPVOID * ) & source ) ) ) {
source - > lpVtbl - > UnadviseSink ( source , videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie ) ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie = TF_INVALID_COOKIE ;
source - > lpVtbl - > Release ( source ) ;
static SDL_bool
UILess_SetupSinks ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
TfClientId clientid = 0 ;
SDL_bool result = SDL_FALSE ;
ITfSource * source = 0 ;
if ( FAILED ( CoCreateInstance ( & CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr , NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , & IID_ITfThreadMgrEx , ( LPVOID * ) & videodata - > ime_threadmgrex ) ) )
return SDL_FALSE ;
if ( FAILED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > ActivateEx ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex , & clientid , TF_TMAE_UIELEMENTENABLEDONLY ) ) )
return SDL_FALSE ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsink = SDL_malloc ( sizeof ( TSFSink ) ) ;
videodata - > ime_ippasink = SDL_malloc ( sizeof ( TSFSink ) ) ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsink - > lpVtbl = vtUIElementSink ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsink - > refcount = 1 ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsink - > data = videodata ;
videodata - > ime_ippasink - > lpVtbl = vtIPPASink ;
videodata - > ime_ippasink - > refcount = 1 ;
videodata - > ime_ippasink - > data = videodata ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex , & IID_ITfSource , ( LPVOID * ) & source ) ) ) {
if ( SUCCEEDED ( source - > lpVtbl - > AdviseSink ( source , & IID_ITfUIElementSink , ( IUnknown * ) videodata - > ime_uielemsink , & videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie ) ) ) {
if ( SUCCEEDED ( source - > lpVtbl - > AdviseSink ( source , & IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink , ( IUnknown * ) videodata - > ime_ippasink , & videodata - > ime_alpnsinkcookie ) ) ) {
result = SDL_TRUE ;
source - > lpVtbl - > Release ( source ) ;
return result ;
# define SAFE_RELEASE(p) \
{ \
if ( p ) { \
( p ) - > lpVtbl - > Release ( ( p ) ) ; \
( p ) = 0 ; \
} \
static void
UILess_ReleaseSinks ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
ITfSource * source = 0 ;
if ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex & & SUCCEEDED ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > QueryInterface ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex , & IID_ITfSource , ( LPVOID * ) & source ) ) ) {
source - > lpVtbl - > UnadviseSink ( source , videodata - > ime_uielemsinkcookie ) ;
source - > lpVtbl - > UnadviseSink ( source , videodata - > ime_alpnsinkcookie ) ;
SAFE_RELEASE ( source ) ;
videodata - > ime_threadmgrex - > lpVtbl - > Deactivate ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex ) ;
SAFE_RELEASE ( videodata - > ime_threadmgrex ) ;
TSFSink_Release ( videodata - > ime_uielemsink ) ;
videodata - > ime_uielemsink = 0 ;
TSFSink_Release ( videodata - > ime_ippasink ) ;
videodata - > ime_ippasink = 0 ;
static void *
StartDrawToBitmap ( HDC hdc , HBITMAP * hhbm , int width , int height )
BITMAPINFOHEADER * infoHeader = & info . bmiHeader ;
BYTE * bits = NULL ;
if ( hhbm ) {
SDL_zero ( info ) ;
infoHeader - > biSize = sizeof ( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ;
infoHeader - > biWidth = width ;
infoHeader - > biHeight = - 1 * SDL_abs ( height ) ;
infoHeader - > biPlanes = 1 ;
infoHeader - > biBitCount = 32 ;
infoHeader - > biCompression = BI_RGB ;
* hhbm = CreateDIBSection ( hdc , & info , DIB_RGB_COLORS , ( void * * ) & bits , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( * hhbm )
SelectObject ( hdc , * hhbm ) ;
return bits ;
static void
StopDrawToBitmap ( HDC hdc , HBITMAP * hhbm )
if ( hhbm & & * hhbm ) {
DeleteObject ( * hhbm ) ;
* hhbm = NULL ;
/* This draws only within the specified area and fills the entire region. */
static void
DrawRect ( HDC hdc , int left , int top , int right , int bottom , int pensize )
/* The case of no pen (PenSize = 0) is automatically taken care of. */
const int penadjust = ( int ) SDL_floor ( pensize / 2.0f - 0.5f ) ;
left + = pensize / 2 ;
top + = pensize / 2 ;
right - = penadjust ;
bottom - = penadjust ;
Rectangle ( hdc , left , top , right , bottom ) ;
static void
IME_DestroyTextures ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
# define SDL_swap(a,b) { \
int c = ( a ) ; \
( a ) = ( b ) ; \
( b ) = c ; \
static void
IME_PositionCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , SIZE size )
int left , top , right , bottom ;
SDL_bool ok = SDL_FALSE ;
int winw = videodata - > ime_winwidth ;
int winh = videodata - > ime_winheight ;
/* Bottom */
left = videodata - > ime_rect . x ;
top = videodata - > ime_rect . y + videodata - > ime_rect . h ;
right = left + size . cx ;
bottom = top + size . cy ;
if ( right > = winw ) {
left - = right - winw ;
right = winw ;
if ( bottom < winh )
ok = SDL_TRUE ;
/* Top */
if ( ! ok ) {
left = videodata - > ime_rect . x ;
top = videodata - > ime_rect . y - size . cy ;
right = left + size . cx ;
bottom = videodata - > ime_rect . y ;
if ( right > = winw ) {
left - = right - winw ;
right = winw ;
if ( top > = 0 )
ok = SDL_TRUE ;
/* Right */
if ( ! ok ) {
left = videodata - > ime_rect . x + size . cx ;
top = 0 ;
right = left + size . cx ;
bottom = size . cy ;
if ( right < winw )
ok = SDL_TRUE ;
/* Left */
if ( ! ok ) {
left = videodata - > ime_rect . x - size . cx ;
top = 0 ;
right = videodata - > ime_rect . x ;
bottom = size . cy ;
if ( right > = 0 )
ok = SDL_TRUE ;
/* Window too small, show at (0,0) */
if ( ! ok ) {
left = 0 ;
top = 0 ;
right = size . cx ;
bottom = size . cy ;
videodata - > ime_candlistrect . x = left ;
videodata - > ime_candlistrect . y = top ;
videodata - > ime_candlistrect . w = right - left ;
videodata - > ime_candlistrect . h = bottom - top ;
static void
IME_RenderCandidateList ( SDL_VideoData * videodata , HDC hdc )
int i , j ;
SIZE size = { 0 } ;
SIZE candsizes [ MAX_CANDLIST ] ;
SIZE maxcandsize = { 0 } ;
const int candcount = SDL_min ( SDL_min ( MAX_CANDLIST , videodata - > ime_candcount ) , videodata - > ime_candpgsize ) ;
SDL_bool vertical = videodata - > ime_candvertical ;
const int listborder = 1 ;
const int listpadding = 0 ;
const int listbordercolor = RGB ( 0xB4 , 0xC7 , 0xAA ) ;
const int listfillcolor = RGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
const int candborder = 1 ;
const int candpadding = 0 ;
const int candmargin = 1 ;
const COLORREF candbordercolor = RGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
const COLORREF candfillcolor = RGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
const COLORREF candtextcolor = RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
const COLORREF selbordercolor = RGB ( 0x84 , 0xAC , 0xDD ) ;
const COLORREF selfillcolor = RGB ( 0xD2 , 0xE6 , 0xFF ) ;
const COLORREF seltextcolor = RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
const int horzcandspacing = 5 ;
HPEN listpen = listborder ! = 0 ? CreatePen ( PS_SOLID , listborder , listbordercolor ) : ( HPEN ) GetStockObject ( NULL_PEN ) ;
HBRUSH listbrush = CreateSolidBrush ( listfillcolor ) ;
HPEN candpen = candborder ! = 0 ? CreatePen ( PS_SOLID , candborder , candbordercolor ) : ( HPEN ) GetStockObject ( NULL_PEN ) ;
HBRUSH candbrush = CreateSolidBrush ( candfillcolor ) ;
HPEN selpen = candborder ! = 0 ? CreatePen ( PS_DOT , candborder , selbordercolor ) : ( HPEN ) GetStockObject ( NULL_PEN ) ;
HBRUSH selbrush = CreateSolidBrush ( selfillcolor ) ;
HFONT font = CreateFont ( ( int ) ( 1 + videodata - > ime_rect . h * 0.75f ) , 0 , 0 , 0 , FW_NORMAL , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , DEFAULT_CHARSET , OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS , CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS , PROOF_QUALITY , VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS , TEXT ( " Microsoft Sans Serif " ) ) ;
SetBkMode ( hdc , TRANSPARENT ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , font ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < candcount ; + + i ) {
const WCHAR * s = videodata - > ime_candidates [ i ] ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
GetTextExtentPoint32W ( hdc , s , SDL_wcslen ( s ) , & candsizes [ i ] ) ;
maxcandsize . cx = SDL_max ( maxcandsize . cx , candsizes [ i ] . cx ) ;
maxcandsize . cy = SDL_max ( maxcandsize . cy , candsizes [ i ] . cy ) ;
if ( vertical ) {
size . cx =
( listborder * 2 ) +
( listpadding * 2 ) +
( candmargin * 2 ) +
( candborder * 2 ) +
( candpadding * 2 ) +
( maxcandsize . cx )
size . cy =
( listborder * 2 ) +
( listpadding * 2 ) +
( ( candcount + 1 ) * candmargin ) +
( candcount * candborder * 2 ) +
( candcount * candpadding * 2 ) +
( candcount * maxcandsize . cy )
else {
size . cx =
( listborder * 2 ) +
( listpadding * 2 ) +
( ( candcount + 1 ) * candmargin ) +
( candcount * candborder * 2 ) +
( candcount * candpadding * 2 ) +
( ( candcount - 1 ) * horzcandspacing ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < candcount ; + + i )
size . cx + = candsizes [ i ] . cx ;
size . cy =
( listborder * 2 ) +
( listpadding * 2 ) +
( candmargin * 2 ) +
( candborder * 2 ) +
( candpadding * 2 ) +
( maxcandsize . cy )
StartDrawToBitmap ( hdc , & hbm , size . cx , size . cy ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , listpen ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , listbrush ) ;
DrawRect ( hdc , 0 , 0 , size . cx , size . cy , listborder ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , candpen ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , candbrush ) ;
SetTextColor ( hdc , candtextcolor ) ;
SetBkMode ( hdc , TRANSPARENT ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < candcount ; + + i ) {
const WCHAR * s = videodata - > ime_candidates [ i ] ;
int left , top , right , bottom ;
if ( ! * s )
break ;
if ( vertical ) {
left = listborder + listpadding + candmargin ;
top = listborder + listpadding + ( i * candborder * 2 ) + ( i * candpadding * 2 ) + ( ( i + 1 ) * candmargin ) + ( i * maxcandsize . cy ) ;
right = size . cx - listborder - listpadding - candmargin ;
bottom = top + maxcandsize . cy + ( candpadding * 2 ) + ( candborder * 2 ) ;
else {
left = listborder + listpadding + ( i * candborder * 2 ) + ( i * candpadding * 2 ) + ( ( i + 1 ) * candmargin ) + ( i * horzcandspacing ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; + + j )
left + = candsizes [ j ] . cx ;
top = listborder + listpadding + candmargin ;
right = left + candsizes [ i ] . cx + ( candpadding * 2 ) + ( candborder * 2 ) ;
bottom = size . cy - listborder - listpadding - candmargin ;
if ( i = = videodata - > ime_candsel ) {
SelectObject ( hdc , selpen ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , selbrush ) ;
SetTextColor ( hdc , seltextcolor ) ;
else {
SelectObject ( hdc , candpen ) ;
SelectObject ( hdc , candbrush ) ;
SetTextColor ( hdc , candtextcolor ) ;
DrawRect ( hdc , left , top , right , bottom , candborder ) ;
ExtTextOutW ( hdc , left + candborder + candpadding , top + candborder + candpadding , 0 , NULL , s , SDL_wcslen ( s ) , NULL ) ;
StopDrawToBitmap ( hdc , & hbm ) ;
DeleteObject ( listpen ) ;
DeleteObject ( listbrush ) ;
DeleteObject ( candpen ) ;
DeleteObject ( candbrush ) ;
DeleteObject ( selpen ) ;
DeleteObject ( selbrush ) ;
DeleteObject ( font ) ;
IME_PositionCandidateList ( videodata , size ) ;
static void
IME_Render ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC ( NULL ) ;
if ( videodata - > ime_candlist )
IME_RenderCandidateList ( videodata , hdc ) ;
DeleteDC ( hdc ) ;
videodata - > ime_dirty = SDL_FALSE ;
void IME_Present ( SDL_VideoData * videodata )
if ( videodata - > ime_dirty )
IME_Render ( videodata ) ;
/* FIXME: Need to show the IME bitmap */
/* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */