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428 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Process a list of Python and/or XML files containing SCons documentation.
# This script creates formatted lists of the Builders, functions, Tools
# or construction variables documented in the specified XML files.
# Depending on the options, the lists are output in either
# DocBook-formatted generated XML files containing the summary text
# and/or .mod files containing the ENTITY definitions for each item.
import getopt
import os
import sys
import SConsDoc
from SConsDoc import tf as stf
base_sys_path = [os.getcwd() + '/build/test-tar-gz/lib/scons'] + sys.path
helpstr = """\
Usage: scons-proc.py [-b file(s)] [-f file(s)] [-t file(s)] [-v file(s)]
[infile ...]
-b file(s) dump builder information to the specified file(s)
-f file(s) dump function information to the specified file(s)
-t file(s) dump tool information to the specified file(s)
-v file(s) dump variable information to the specified file(s)
The "files" argument following a -[bftv] argument is expected to
be a comma-separated pair of names like: foo.gen,foo.mod
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
['builders=', 'help',
'tools=', 'variables='])
buildersfiles = None
functionsfiles = None
toolsfiles = None
variablesfiles = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ['-b', '--builders']:
buildersfiles = a
elif o in ['-f', '--functions']:
functionsfiles = a
elif o in ['-h', '--help']:
elif o in ['-t', '--tools']:
toolsfiles = a
elif o in ['-v', '--variables']:
variablesfiles = a
def parse_docs(args, include_entities=True):
h = SConsDoc.SConsDocHandler()
for f in args:
if include_entities:
except Exception as e:
print("error parsing %s\n" % f, file=sys.stderr)
print(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
# mode we read (text/bytes) has to match handling in SConsDoc
with open(f, 'r') as fp:
content = fp.read()
if content:
h.parseContent(content, include_entities)
except Exception as e:
print("error parsing %s\n" % f, file=sys.stderr)
print(str(e), file=sys.stderr)
return h
Warning = """\
Regular_Entities_Header = """\
Regular %s entities.
Link_Entities_Header = """\
Entities that are links to the %s entries
class SCons_XML:
def __init__(self, entries, **kw):
self.values = entries
for k, v in kw.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def fopen(self, name, mode='w'):
if name == '-':
return sys.stdout
return open(name, mode)
def write(self, files):
gen, mod = files.split(',')
def write_gen(self, filename):
if not filename:
# Try to split off .gen filename
if filename.count(','):
fl = filename.split(',')
filename = fl[0]
# Start new XML file
root = stf.newXmlTree("variablelist")
for v in self.values:
ve = stf.newNode("varlistentry")
stf.setAttribute(ve, 'id', '%s%s' % (v.prefix, v.idfunc()))
for t in v.xml_terms():
stf.appendNode(ve, t)
vl = stf.newNode("listitem")
added = False
if v.summary is not None:
for s in v.summary:
added = True
stf.appendNode(vl, stf.copyNode(s))
if v.sets:
added = True
vp = stf.newNode("para")
stf.setText(vp, 'Sets: ')
for x in v.sets[:-1]:
stf.appendCvLink(vp, x, ', ')
stf.appendCvLink(vp, v.sets[-1], '.')
stf.appendNode(vl, vp)
if v.uses:
added = True
vp = stf.newNode("para")
stf.setText(vp, 'Uses: ')
for x in v.uses[:-1]:
stf.appendCvLink(vp, x, ', ')
stf.appendCvLink(vp, v.uses[-1], '.')
stf.appendNode(vl, vp)
# Still nothing added to this list item?
if not added:
# Append an empty para
vp = stf.newNode("para")
stf.appendNode(vl, vp)
stf.appendNode(ve, vl)
stf.appendNode(root, ve)
# Write file
f = self.fopen(filename)
stf.writeGenTree(root, f)
def write_mod(self, filename):
description = self.values[0].description
description = ""
if not filename:
# Try to split off .mod filename
if filename.count(','):
fl = filename.split(',')
filename = fl[1]
f = self.fopen(filename)
f.write(Regular_Entities_Header % description)
for v in self.values:
f.write('<!ENTITY %s%s "<%s xmlns=\'%s\'>%s</%s>">\n' %
(v.prefix, v.idfunc(),
v.tag, SConsDoc.dbxsd, v.entityfunc(), v.tag))
if self.env_signatures:
for v in self.values:
f.write('<!ENTITY %senv-%s "<%s xmlns=\'%s\'>env.%s</%s>">\n' %
(v.prefix, v.idfunc(),
v.tag, SConsDoc.dbxsd, v.entityfunc(), v.tag))
f.write(Link_Entities_Header % description)
for v in self.values:
f.write('<!ENTITY %slink-%s "<link linkend=\'%s%s\' xmlns=\'%s\'><%s>%s</%s></link>">\n' %
(v.prefix, v.idfunc(),
v.prefix, v.idfunc(), SConsDoc.dbxsd,
v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag))
if self.env_signatures:
for v in self.values:
f.write('<!ENTITY %slink-env-%s "<link linkend=\'%s%s\' xmlns=\'%s\'><%s>env.%s</%s></link>">\n' %
(v.prefix, v.idfunc(),
v.prefix, v.idfunc(), SConsDoc.dbxsd,
v.tag, v.entityfunc(), v.tag))
class Proxy:
def __init__(self, subject):
"""Wrap an object as a Proxy object"""
self.__subject = subject
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""Retrieve an attribute from the wrapped object.
If the named attribute doesn't exist, AttributeError is raised
return getattr(self.__subject, name)
def get(self):
"""Retrieve the entire wrapped object"""
return self.__subject
def __eq__(self, other):
if issubclass(other.__class__, self.__subject.__class__):
return self.__subject == other
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
## def __lt__(self, other):
## if issubclass(other.__class__, self.__subject.__class__):
## return self.__subject < other
## return self.__dict__ < other.__dict__
class SConsThing(Proxy):
"""Base class for the SConsDoc special elements"""
def idfunc(self):
return self.name
def xml_terms(self):
e = stf.newNode("term")
stf.setText(e, self.name)
return [e]
class Builder(SConsThing):
"""Generate the descriptions and entities for <builder> elements"""
description = 'builder'
prefix = 'b-'
tag = 'function'
def xml_terms(self):
"""emit xml for an scons builder
builders don't show a full signature, just func()
# build term for global function
gterm = stf.newNode("term")
func = stf.newSubNode(gterm, Builder.tag)
stf.setText(func, self.name)
stf.setTail(func, '()')
# build term for env. method
mterm = stf.newNode("term")
inst = stf.newSubNode(mterm, "replaceable")
stf.setText(inst, "env")
stf.setTail(inst, ".")
# we could use <function> here, but it's a "method"
meth = stf.newSubNode(mterm, "methodname")
stf.setText(meth, self.name)
stf.setTail(meth, '()')
return [gterm, mterm]
def entityfunc(self):
return self.name
class Function(SConsThing):
"""Generate the descriptions and entities for <scons_function> elements"""
description = 'function'
prefix = 'f-'
tag = 'function'
def xml_terms(self):
"""emit xml for an scons function
The signature attribute controls whether to emit the
global function, the environment method, or both.
if self.arguments is None:
a = stf.newNode("arguments")
stf.setText(a, '()')
arguments = [a]
arguments = self.arguments
tlist = []
for arg in arguments:
signature = 'both'
if stf.hasAttribute(arg, 'signature'):
signature = stf.getAttribute(arg, 'signature')
sig = stf.getText(arg).strip()[1:-1] # strip (), temporarily
if signature in ('both', 'global'):
# build term for global function
gterm = stf.newNode("term")
func = stf.newSubNode(gterm, Function.tag)
stf.setText(func, self.name)
if sig:
# if there are parameters, use that entity
stf.setTail(func, "(")
s = stf.newSubNode(gterm, "parameter")
stf.setText(s, sig)
stf.setTail(s, ")")
stf.setTail(func, "()")
if signature in ('both', 'env'):
# build term for env. method
mterm = stf.newNode("term")
inst = stf.newSubNode(mterm, "replaceable")
stf.setText(inst, "env")
stf.setTail(inst, ".")
# we could use <function> here, but it's a "method"
meth = stf.newSubNode(mterm, "methodname")
stf.setText(meth, self.name)
if sig:
# if there are parameters, use that entity
stf.setTail(meth, "(")
s = stf.newSubNode(mterm, "parameter")
stf.setText(s, sig)
stf.setTail(s, ")")
stf.setTail(meth, "()")
if not tlist:
return tlist
def entityfunc(self):
return self.name
class Tool(SConsThing):
"""Generate the descriptions and entities for <tool> elements"""
description = 'tool'
prefix = 't-'
tag = 'literal'
def idfunc(self):
return self.name.replace('+', 'X')
def entityfunc(self):
return self.name
class Variable(SConsThing):
"""Generate the descriptions and entities for <cvar> elements"""
description = 'construction variable'
prefix = 'cv-'
tag = 'envar'
def xml_terms(self):
term = stf.newNode("term")
var = stf.newSubNode(term, Variable.tag)
stf.setText(var, self.name)
return [term]
def entityfunc(self):
return '$' + self.name
def write_output_files(h, buildersfiles, functionsfiles,
toolsfiles, variablesfiles, write_func):
if buildersfiles:
g = processor_class([Builder(b) for b in sorted(h.builders.values())],
write_func(g, buildersfiles)
if functionsfiles:
g = processor_class([Function(b) for b in sorted(h.functions.values())],
write_func(g, functionsfiles)
if toolsfiles:
g = processor_class([Tool(t) for t in sorted(h.tools.values())],
write_func(g, toolsfiles)
if variablesfiles:
g = processor_class([Variable(v) for v in sorted(h.cvars.values())],
write_func(g, variablesfiles)
processor_class = SCons_XML
# Step 1: Creating entity files for builders, functions,...
print("Generating entity files...")
h = parse_docs(args, include_entities=False)
write_output_files(h, buildersfiles, functionsfiles, toolsfiles,
variablesfiles, SCons_XML.write_mod)
# Step 2: Validating all input files
print("Validating files against SCons XSD...")
if SConsDoc.validate_all_xml(['SCons']):
print("Validation failed! Please correct the errors above and try again.")
# Step 3: Creating actual documentation snippets, using the
# fully resolved and updated entities from the *.mod files.
print("Updating documentation for builders, tools and functions...")
h = parse_docs(args, include_entities=True)
write_output_files(h, buildersfiles, functionsfiles, toolsfiles,
variablesfiles, SCons_XML.write)
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:4
# indent-tabs-mode:nil
# End:
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