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<!DOCTYPE sconsdoc [
<!ENTITY % scons SYSTEM "../scons.mod">
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<!ENTITY % tools-mod SYSTEM "../generated/tools.mod">
<!ENTITY % variables-mod SYSTEM "../generated/variables.mod">
<chapter id="chap-environments"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0 http://www.scons.org/dbxsd/v1.0/scons.xsd">
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
=head1 More on construction environments
As previously mentioned, a B<construction environment> is an object that
has a set of keyword/value pairs and a set of methods, and which is used
to tell Cons how target files should be built. This section describes
how Cons uses and expands construction environment values to control its
build behavior.
=head2 Construction variable expansion
Construction variables from a construction environment are expanded
by preceding the keyword with a C<%> (percent sign):
Construction variables:
XYZZY => 'abracadabra',
The string: "The magic word is: %XYZZY!"
expands to: "The magic word is: abracadabra!"
A construction variable name may be surrounded by C<{> and C<}> (curly
braces), which are stripped as part of the expansion. This can
sometimes be necessary to separate a variable expansion from trailing
alphanumeric characters:
Construction variables:
OPT => 'value1',
OPTION => 'value2',
The string: "%OPT %{OPT}ION %OPTION %{OPTION}"
expands to: "value1 value1ION value2 value2"
Construction variable expansion is recursive, that is, a string
containing C<%->expansions after substitution will be re-expanded until
no further substitutions can be made:
Construction variables:
STRING => 'The result is: %FOO',
FOO => '%BAR',
BAR => 'final value',
The string: "The string says: %STRING"
expands to: "The string says: The result is: final value"
If a construction variable is not defined in an environment, then an
empty string is substituted:
Construction variables:
FOO => 'value1',
BAR => 'value2',
The string: "%FOO <%NO_VARIABLE> %BAR"
expands to: "value1 <> value2"
A doubled C<%%> will be replaced by a single C<%>:
The string: "Here is a percent sign: %%"
expands to: "Here is a percent sign: %"
=head2 Default construction variables
When you specify no arguments when creating a new construction
$env = new cons();
Cons creates a reference to a new, default construction
environment. This contains a number of construction variables and some
methods. At the present writing, the default construction variables on a
UNIX system are:
CC => 'cc',
CFLAGS => '',
CCCOM => '%CC %CFLAGS %_IFLAGS -c %< -o %>',
CXX => '%CC',
CXXCOM => '%CXX %CXXFLAGS %_IFLAGS -c %< -o %>',
LINK => '%CXX',
LINKMODULECOM => '%LD -r -o %> %<',
AR => 'ar',
ARFLAGS => 'r',
ARCOM => ['%AR %ARFLAGS %> %<', '%RANLIB %>'],
RANLIB => 'ranlib',
AS => 'as',
ASFLAGS => '',
ASCOM => '%AS %ASFLAGS %< -o %>',
LD => 'ld',
LDFLAGS => '',
PREFLIB => 'lib',
SUFLIB => '.a',
SUFLIBS => '.so:.a',
SUFOBJ => '.o',
SIGNATURE => [ '*' => 'build' ],
ENV => { 'PATH' => '/bin:/usr/bin' },
And on a Windows system (Windows NT), the default construction variables
are (unless the default rule style is set using the B<DefaultRules>
CC => 'cl',
CFLAGS => '/nologo',
CCCOM => '%CC %CFLAGS %_IFLAGS /c %< /Fo%>',
CXXCOM => '%CXX %CXXFLAGS %_IFLAGS /c %< /Fo%>',
LINK => 'link',
LINKMODULECOM => '%LD /r /o %> %<',
AR => 'lib',
ARFLAGS => '/nologo ',
ARCOM => "%AR %ARFLAGS /out:%> %<",
RANLIB => '',
LD => 'link',
LDFLAGS => '/nologo ',
PREFLIB => '',
SUFEXE => '.exe',
SUFLIB => '.lib',
SUFLIBS => '.dll:.lib',
SUFOBJ => '.obj',
SIGNATURE => [ '*' => 'build' ],
These variables are used by the various methods associated with the
environment. In particular, any method that ultimately invokes an external
command will substitute these variables into the final command, as
appropriate. For example, the C<Objects> method takes a number of source
files and arranges to derive, if necessary, the corresponding object
Objects $env 'foo.c', 'bar.c';
This will arrange to produce, if necessary, F<foo.o> and F<bar.o>. The
command invoked is simply C<%CCCOM>, which expands, through substitution,
to the appropriate external command required to build each object. The
substitution rules will be discussed in detail in the next section.
The construction variables are also used for other purposes. For example,
C<CPPPATH> is used to specify a colon-separated path of include
directories. These are intended to be passed to the C preprocessor and are
also used by the C-file scanning machinery to determine the dependencies
involved in a C Compilation.
Variables beginning with underscore are created by various methods,
and should normally be considered ``internal'' variables. For example,
when a method is called which calls for the creation of an object from
a C source, the variable C<_IFLAGS> is created: this corresponds to the
C<-I> switches required by the C compiler to represent the directories
specified by C<CPPPATH>.
Note that, for any particular environment, the value of a variable is set
once, and then never reset (to change a variable, you must create a new
environment. Methods are provided for copying existing environments for this
purpose). Some internal variables, such as C<_IFLAGS> are created on demand,
but once set, they remain fixed for the life of the environment.
The C<CFLAGS>, C<LDFLAGS>, and C<ARFLAGS> variables all supply a place
for passing options to the compiler, loader, and archiver, respectively.
The C<INCDIRPREFIX> and C<INCDIRSUFFIX> variables specify option
strings to be appended to the beginning and end, respectively, of each
include directory so that the compiler knows where to find F<.h> files.
Similarly, the C<LIBDIRPREFIX> and C<LIBDIRSUFFIX> variables specify the
option string to be appended to the beginning of and end, respectively,
of each directory that the linker should search for libraries.
Another variable, C<ENV>, is used to determine the system environment during
the execution of an external command. By default, the only environment
variable that is set is C<PATH>, which is the execution path for a UNIX
command. For the utmost reproducibility, you should really arrange to set
your own execution path, in your top-level F<Construct> file (or perhaps by
importing an appropriate construction package with the Perl C<use>
command). The default variables are intended to get you off the ground.
=head2 Expanding variables in construction commands
Within a construction command, construction variables will be expanded
according to the rules described above. In addition to normal variable
expansion from the construction environment, construction commands also
expand the following pseudo-variables to insert the specific input and
output files in the command line that will be executed:
=over 10
=item %>
The target file name. In a multi-target command, this expands to the
first target mentioned.)
=item %0
Same as C<%E<gt>>.
=item %1, %2, ..., %9
These refer to the first through ninth input file, respectively.
=item %E<lt>
The full set of input file names. If any of these have been used
anywhere else in the current command line (via C<%1>, C<%2>, etc.), then
those will be deleted from the list provided by C<%E<lt>>. Consider the
following command found in a F<Conscript> file in the F<test> directory:
Command $env 'tgt', qw(foo bar baz), qq(
echo %< -i %1 > %>
echo %< -i %2 >> %>
echo %< -i %3 >> %>
If F<tgt> needed to be updated, then this would result in the execution of
the following commands, assuming that no remapping has been established for
the F<test> directory:
echo test/bar test/baz -i test/foo > test/tgt
echo test/foo test/baz -i test/bar >> test/tgt
echo test/foo test/bar -i test/baz >> test/tgt
Any of the above pseudo-variables may be followed immediately by one of
the following suffixes to select a portion of the expanded path name:
:a the absolute path to the file name
:b the directory plus the file name stripped of any suffix
:d the directory
:f the file name
:s the file name suffix
:F the file name stripped of any suffix
:S the absolute path path to a Linked source file
Continuing with the above example, C<%E<lt>:f> would expand to C<foo bar baz>,
and C<%E<gt>:d> would expand to C<test>.
There are additional C<%> elements which affect the command line(s):
=over 10
=item %[ %]
It is possible to programmatically rewrite part of the command by
enclosing part of it between C<%[> and C<%]>. This will call the
construction variable named as the first word enclosed in the brackets
as a Perl code reference; the results of this call will be used to
replace the contents of the brackets in the command line. For example,
given an existing input file named F<tgt.in>:
@keywords = qw(foo bar baz);
$env = new cons(X_COMMA => sub { join(",", @_) });
Command $env 'tgt', 'tgt.in', qq(
echo '# Keywords: %[X_COMMA @keywords %]' > %>
cat %< >> %>
This will execute:
echo '# Keywords: foo,bar,baz' > tgt
cat tgt.in >> tgt
=item %( %)
Cons includes the text of the command line in the MD5 signature for a
build, so that targets get rebuilt if you change the command line (to
add or remove an option, for example). Command-line text in between
C<%(> and C<%)>, however, will be ignored for MD5 signature calculation.
Internally, Cons uses C<%(> and C<%)> around include and library
directory options (C<-I> and C<-L> on UNIX systems, C</I> and
C</LIBPATH> on Windows NT) to avoid rebuilds just because the directory
list changes. Rebuilds occur only if the changed directory list causes
any included I<files> to change, and a changed include file is detected
by the MD5 signature calculation on the actual file contents.
=head2 Expanding construction variables in file names
Cons expands construction variables in the source and target file names
passed to the various construction methods according to the expansion
rules described above:
$env = new cons(
DESTDIR => 'programs',
SRCDIR => 'src',
Program $env '%DESTDIR/hello', '%SRCDIR/hello.c';
This allows for flexible configuration, through the construction
environment, of directory names, suffixes, etc.
An <firstterm>environment</firstterm>
is a collection of values that
can affect how a program executes.
&SCons; distinguishes between three
different types of environments
that can affect the behavior of &SCons; itself
(subject to the configuration in the &SConscript; files),
as well as the compilers and other tools it executes:
<term>External Environment</term>
The <firstterm>External Environment</firstterm>
is the set of variables in the user's environment
at the time the user runs &SCons;. These variables are not
automatically part of an &SCons; build
but are available to be examined if needed.
See <xref linkend="sect-external-environments"></xref>, below.
<term>Construction Environment</term>
A <firstterm>&ConsEnv;</firstterm>
is a distinct object created within
a &SConscript; file and
which contains values that
affect how &SCons; decides
what action to use to build a target,
and even to define which targets
should be built from which sources.
One of the most powerful features of &SCons;
is the ability to create multiple &consenvs;,
including the ability to clone a new, customized
&consenv; from an existing &consenv;.
See <xref linkend="sect-construction-environments"></xref>, below.
<term>Execution Environment</term>
An <firstterm>Execution Environment</firstterm>
is the values that &SCons; sets
when executing an external
command (such as a compiler or linker)
to build one or more targets.
Note that this is not the same as
the external environment
(see above).
See <xref linkend="sect-execution-environments"></xref>, below.
Unlike &Make;, &SCons; does not automatically
copy or import values between different environments
(with the exception of explicit clones of &consenvs;,
which inherit the values from their parent).
This is a deliberate design choice
to make sure that builds are,
by default, repeatable regardless of
the values in the user's external environment.
This avoids a whole class of problems with builds
where a developer's local build works
because a custom variable setting
causes a different compiler or build option to be used,
but the checked-in change breaks the official build
because it uses different environment variable settings.
Note that the &SConscript; writer can
easily arrange for variables to be
copied or imported between environments,
and this is often very useful
(or even downright necessary)
to make it easy for developers
to customize the build in appropriate ways.
The point is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
that copying variables between different environments
is evil and must always be avoided.
Instead, it should be up to the
implementer of the build system
to make conscious choices
about how and when to import
a variable from one environment to another,
making informed decisions about
striking the right balance
between making the build
repeatable on the one hand
and convenient to use on the other.
<title>Sidebar: Python Dictionaries</title>
If you're not familiar with the &Python; programming language,
we need to talk a little bit about the &Python; dictionary data type.
A dictionary (also known by terms such as mapping, associative array
and key-value store) associates keys with values, such
that asking the dict about a key gives you back the associated value
and assigning to a key creates the association - either a new
setting if the key was unknown, or replacing the
previous association if the key was already in the dictionary.
Values can be retrieved using <firstterm>item access</firstterm>
(the key name in square brackets (<literal>[]</literal>)),
and dictionaries also provide a
method named <methodname>get</methodname> which responds
with a default value, either <constant>None</constant> or a value
you supply as the second argument, if the key is not in the dictionary,
which avoids failing in that case. The syntax
for initializing a dictionary uses curly braces (<literal>{}</literal>).
Here are some simple examples (inspired by those in the official
Python tutorial) using syntax that indicates
interacting with the &Python; interpreter
(<prompt>>>></prompt> is the interpreter prompt) -
you can try these out:
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>tel['guido'] = 4127</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>tel['jack']</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>del tel['sape']</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>tel['irv'] = 4127</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>print(tel)</userinput>
{'jack': 4098, 'guido': 4127, 'irv': 4127}
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>'guido' in tel</userinput>
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>print(tel['jack'])</userinput>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'jack'
<prompt>>>></prompt> <userinput>print(tel.get('jack'))</userinput>
&Consenvs; are written to behave like a &Python;
dictionary, and the &cv-ENV; construction variable in
a &consenv; <emphasis>is</emphasis> a &Python; dictionary.
The <varname>os.environ</varname> value that &Python; uses
to make available the external environment is also a
dictionary. We will need these concepts in this chapter
and throughout the rest of this guide.
<section id="sect-external-environments">
<title>Using Values From the External Environment</title>
The external environment
variable settings that
the user has in force
when executing &SCons;
are available in the &Python;
<varname>os.environ</varname> dictionary.
That syntax means the <varname>environ</varname>
attribute of the <systemitem>os</systemitem> module.
In Python, to access the contents of a module you must first
<literal>import</literal> it - so you would include the
<literal>import os</literal> statement
to any &SConscript; file
in which you want to use
values from the user's external environment.
<scons_example name="environments_ex1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
import os
print("Shell is", os.environ['SHELL'])
<file name="foo.c">
void main() { }
More usefully, you can use the
dictionary in your &SConscript;
files to initialize &consenvs;
with values from the user's external environment.
Read on to the next section for information on how to do this.
<section id="sect-construction-environments">
<title>Construction Environments</title>
It is rare that all of the software in a large,
complicated system needs to be built exactly the same way.
For example, different source files may need different options
enabled on the command line,
or different executable programs need to be linked
with different libraries.
&SCons; accommodates these different build
requirements by allowing you to create and
configure multiple &consenvs;
that control how the software is built.
A &consenv; is an object
that has a number of associated
&consvars;, each with a name and a value, just like a dictionary.
(A construction environment also has an attached
set of &Builder; methods,
about which we'll learn more later.)
<title>Creating a &ConsEnv;: the &Environment; Function</title>
A &consenv; is created by the &Environment; method:
env = Environment()
By default, &SCons; initializes every
new construction environment
with a set of &consvars;
based on the tools that it finds on your system,
plus the default set of builder methods
necessary for using those tools.
The construction variables
are initialized with values describing
the C compiler,
the Fortran compiler,
the linker,
as well as the command lines to invoke them.
When you initialize a construction environment
you can set the values of the
environment's &consvars;
to control how a program is built.
For example:
<scons_example name="environments_ex1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CC='gcc', CCFLAGS='-O2')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
The construction environment in this example
is still initialized with the same default
construction variable values,
except that the user has explicitly specified use of the
GNU C compiler &gcc;,
and that the <option>-O2</option>
(optimization level two)
flag should be used when compiling the object file.
In other words, the explicit initializations of
&cv-link-CC; and &cv-link-CCFLAGS;
override the default values in the newly-created
construction environment.
So a run from this example would look like:
<scons_output example="environments_ex1" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
<title>Fetching Values From a &ConsEnv;</title>
You can fetch individual values, known as
<firstterm>Construction Variables</firstterm>,
using the same syntax used
for accessing individual named items in a &Python; dictionary:
<scons_example name="environments_ex6">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
print("CC is: %s" % env['CC'])
print("LATEX is: %s" % env.get('LATEX', None))
This example &SConstruct; file doesn't contain instructions
for building any targets, but because it's still a valid
&SConstruct; it will be evaluated and the &Python;
<function>print</function> calls will output the values
of &cv-link-CC; and &cv-link-LATEX; for us (remember using the
<methodname>.get()</methodname> method for fetching means
we get a default value back, rather than a failure,
if the variable is not set):
<scons_output example="environments_ex6" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
A &consenv;
is actually an object with associated methods and attributes.
If you want to have direct access to only the
dictionary of &consvars;
you can fetch this using the &f-link-env-Dictionary; method
(although it's rarely necessary to use this method):
<scons_example name="environments_ex6b">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(FOO='foo', BAR='bar')
cvars = env.Dictionary()
print("key = %s, value = %s" % (key, cvars[key]))
This &SConstruct; file
will print the specified dictionary items for us on POSIX
systems as follows:
<scons_output example="environments_ex6b" os="posix" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
And on Windows:
<scons_output example="environments_ex6b" os="win32" suffix="2">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
If you want to loop and print the values of
all of the &consvars; in a &consenv;,
the &Python; code to do that in sorted order might look something like:
env = Environment()
for item in sorted(env.Dictionary().items()):
print("construction variable = '%s', value = '%s'" % item)
It should be noted that for the previous example, there is actually
a &consenv; method that does the same thing more simply,
and tries to format the output nicely as well:
env = Environment()
<title>Expanding Values From a &ConsEnv;: the &subst; Method</title>
Another way to get information from
a &consenv;
is to use the &subst; method
on a string containing <literal>$</literal> expansions
of &consvar; names.
As a simple example,
the example from the previous
section that used
to fetch the value of &cv-link-CC;
could also be written as:
env = Environment()
print("CC is: %s" % env.subst('$CC'))
One advantage of using
&subst; to expand strings is
that &consvars;
in the result get re-expanded until
there are no expansions left in the string.
So a simple fetch of a value like
env = Environment(CCFLAGS='-DFOO')
print("CCCOM is: %s" % env['CCCOM'])
Will print the unexpanded value of &cv-CCCOM;,
showing us the construction
variables that still need to be expanded:
% <userinput>scons -Q</userinput>
scons: `.' is up to date.
Calling the &subst; method on <varname>$CCOM</varname>,
env = Environment(CCFLAGS='-DFOO')
print("CCCOM is: %s" % env.subst('$CCCOM'))
Will recursively expand all of
the construction variables prefixed
with <literal>$</literal> (dollar signs),
showing us the final output:
% <userinput>scons -Q</userinput>
CCCOM is: gcc -DFOO -c -o
scons: `.' is up to date.
Note that because we're not expanding this
in the context of building something
there are no target or source files
for &cv-link-TARGET; and &cv-link-SOURCES; to expand.
<title>Handling Problems With Value Expansion</title>
If a problem occurs when expanding a construction variable,
by default it is expanded to <literal>''</literal>
(an empty string), and will not cause &scons; to fail.
<scons_example name="environments_missing1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
print("value is: %s"%env.subst( '->$MISSING<-' ))
<scons_output example="environments_missing1" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
This default behaviour can be changed using the &AllowSubstExceptions;
When a problem occurs with a variable expansion it generates
an exception, and the &AllowSubstExceptions; function controls
which of these exceptions are actually fatal and which are
allowed to occur safely. By default, &NameError; and &IndexError;
are the two exceptions that are allowed to occur: so instead of
causing &scons; to fail, these are caught, the variable expanded to
and &scons; execution continues.
To require that all construction variable names exist, and that
indexes out of range are not allowed, call &AllowSubstExceptions;
with no extra arguments.
<scons_example name="environments_missing2">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
print("value is: %s"%env.subst( '->$MISSING<-' ))
<scons_output example="environments_missing2" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
This can also be used to allow other exceptions that might occur,
most usefully with the <literal>${...}</literal> construction
variable syntax. For example, this would allow zero-division to
occur in a variable expansion in addition to the default exceptions
<scons_example name="environments_missing3">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
AllowSubstExceptions(IndexError, NameError, ZeroDivisionError)
env = Environment()
print("value is: %s"%env.subst( '->${1 / 0}<-' ))
<scons_output example="environments_missing3" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
If &AllowSubstExceptions; is called multiple times, each call
completely overwrites the previous list of allowed exceptions.
<title>Controlling the Default &ConsEnv;: the &DefaultEnvironment; Function</title>
All of the &Builder; functions that we've introduced so far,
like &Program; and &Library;, use a &consenv;
that contains settings for the various compilers
and other tools that &SCons; configures by default,
or otherwise knows about and has discovered on your system.
If not invoked as methods of a specific &consenv;,
they use the default &consenv;
The goal of the default &consenv;
is to make many configurations "just work"
to build software using readily available tools
with a minimum of configuration changes.
If needed, you can control the default &consenv;
by using the &DefaultEnvironment; function
to initialize various settings by passing
them as keyword arguments:
When configured as above,
all calls to the &Program;
or &Object; Builder
will build object files with the
The &DefaultEnvironment; function
returns the initialized default &consenv; object,
which can then be manipulated like any other &consenv;
(note that the default environment works like a singleton -
it can have only one instance - so the keyword arguments
are processed only on the first call. On any subsequent
call the existing object is returned).
So the following would be equivalent to the
previous example, setting the &cv-CC;
variable to <filename>/usr/local/bin/gcc</filename>
but as a separate step after
the default construction environment has been initialized:
def_env = DefaultEnvironment()
def_env['CC'] = '/usr/local/bin/gcc'
One very common use of the &DefaultEnvironment; function
is to speed up &SCons; initialization.
As part of trying to make most default
configurations "just work,"
&SCons; will actually
search the local system for installed
compilers and other utilities.
This search can take time,
especially on systems with
slow or networked file systems.
If you know which compiler(s) and/or
other utilities you want to configure,
you can control the search
that &SCons; performs
by specifying some specific
tool modules with which to
initialize the default construction environment:
def_env = DefaultEnvironment(tools=['gcc', 'gnulink'], CC='/usr/local/bin/gcc')
So the above example would tell &SCons;
to explicitly configure the default environment
to use its normal GNU Compiler and GNU Linker settings
(without having to search for them,
or any other utilities for that matter),
and specifically to use the compiler found at
<section id='multiple_construction_envs'>
<title>Multiple &ConsEnvs;</title>
The real advantage of &consenvs;
is that you can create as many different ones as you need,
each tailored to a different way to build
some piece of software or other file.
If, for example, we need to build
one program with the <option>-O2</option> flag
and another with the <option>-g</option> (debug) flag,
we would do this like so:
<scons_example name="environments_ex2">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
opt = Environment(CCFLAGS='-O2')
dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS='-g')
opt.Program('foo', 'foo.c')
dbg.Program('bar', 'bar.c')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
<file name="bar.c">
int main() { }
<scons_output example="environments_ex2" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
We can even use multiple &consenvs; to build
multiple versions of a single program.
If you do this by simply trying to use the
&b-link-Program; builder with both environments, though,
like this:
<scons_example name="environments_ex3">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
opt = Environment(CCFLAGS='-O2')
dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS='-g')
opt.Program('foo', 'foo.c')
dbg.Program('foo', 'foo.c')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
Then &SCons; generates the following error:
<scons_output example="environments_ex3" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
This is because the two &b-Program; calls have
each implicitly told &SCons; to generate an object file named
one with a &cv-link-CCFLAGS; value of
and one with a &cv-link-CCFLAGS; value of
&SCons; can't just decide that one of them
should take precedence over the other,
so it generates the error.
To avoid this problem,
we must explicitly specify
that each environment compile
to a separately-named object file
using the &b-link-Object; builder, like so:
<scons_example name="environments_ex4">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
opt = Environment(CCFLAGS='-O2')
dbg = Environment(CCFLAGS='-g')
o = opt.Object('foo-opt', 'foo.c')
d = dbg.Object('foo-dbg', 'foo.c')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
Notice that each call to the &b-Object; builder
returns a value,
an internal &SCons; object that
represents the object file that will be built.
We then use that object
as input to the &b-Program; builder.
This avoids having to specify explicitly
the object file name in multiple places,
and makes for a compact, readable
&SConstruct; file.
Our &SCons; output then looks like:
<scons_output example="environments_ex4" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
<title>Making Copies of &ConsEnvs;: the &Clone; Method</title>
Sometimes you want more than one construction environment
to share the same values for one or more variables.
Rather than always having to repeat all of the common
variables when you create each construction environment,
you can use the &f-link-env-Clone; method
to create a copy of a construction environment.
Like the &f-link-Environment; call that creates a construction environment,
the &Clone; method takes &consvar; assignments,
which will override the values in the copied construction environment.
For example, suppose we want to use &gcc;
to create three versions of a program,
one optimized, one debug, and one with neither.
We could do this by creating a "base" construction environment
that sets &cv-link-CC; to &gcc;,
and then creating two copies,
one which sets &cv-link-CCFLAGS; for optimization
and the other which sets &cv-CCFLAGS; for debugging:
<scons_example name="environments_ex5">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CC='gcc')
opt = env.Clone(CCFLAGS='-O2')
dbg = env.Clone(CCFLAGS='-g')
env.Program('foo', 'foo.c')
o = opt.Object('foo-opt', 'foo.c')
d = dbg.Object('foo-dbg', 'foo.c')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
Then our output would look like:
<scons_output example="environments_ex5" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
<title>Replacing Values: the &Replace; Method</title>
You can replace existing construction variable values
using the &f-link-env-Replace; method:
<scons_example name="environments_Replace1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CCFLAGS='-DDEFINE1')
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
The replacing value
(<literal>-DDEFINE2</literal> in the above example)
completely replaces the value in the
construction environment:
<scons_output example="environments_Replace1" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
You can safely call &Replace;
for construction variables that
don't exist in the construction environment:
<scons_example name="environments_Replace-nonexistent">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
print("NEW_VARIABLE = %s" % env['NEW_VARIABLE'])
In this case,
the construction variable simply
gets added to the construction environment:
<scons_output example="environments_Replace-nonexistent" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
Because the variables
aren't expanded until the construction environment
is actually used to build the targets,
and because &SCons; function and method calls
are order-independent,
the last replacement "wins"
and is used to build all targets,
regardless of the order in which
the calls to Replace() are
interspersed with calls to
builder methods:
<scons_example name="environments_Replace2">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CCFLAGS='-DDEFINE1')
print("CCFLAGS = %s" % env['CCFLAGS'])
print("CCFLAGS = %s" % env['CCFLAGS'])
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
<file name="bar.c">
int main() { }
The timing of when the replacement
actually occurs relative
to when the targets get built
becomes apparent
if we run &scons; without the <option>-Q</option>
<scons_output example="environments_Replace2" suffix="1">
Because the replacement occurs while
the &SConscript; files are being read,
the &cv-link-CCFLAGS;
variable has already been set to
by the time the &foo_o; target is built,
even though the call to the &Replace;
method does not occur until later in
the &SConscript; file.
<title>Setting Values Only If They're Not Already Defined: the &SetDefault; Method</title>
Sometimes it's useful to be able to specify
that a construction variable should be
set to a value only if the construction environment
does not already have that variable defined
You can do this with the &f-link-env-SetDefault; method,
which behaves similarly to the <function>setdefault</function>
method of &Python; dictionary objects:
This is especially useful
when writing your own <literal>Tool</literal> modules
to apply variables to construction environments.
See <xref linkend="chap-tool-modules"></xref>
for more information about writing
Tool modules.
<title>Appending to the End of Values: the &Append; Method</title>
You can append a value to
an existing construction variable
using the &f-link-env-Append; method:
<scons_example name="environments_ex8">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CPPDEFINES=['MY_VALUE'])
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
Note &cv-link-CPPDEFINES; is the preferred way to set preprocessor defines,
as &SCons; will generate the command line arguments using the correct
prefix/suffix for the platform, leaving the usage portable.
If you use &cv-link-CCFLAGS; and &cv-link-SHCCFLAGS;,
you need to include them in their final form, which is less portable.
<scons_output example="environments_ex8" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
If the construction variable doesn't already exist,
the &Append; method will create it:
<scons_example name="environments_Append-nonexistent">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
env.Append(NEW_VARIABLE = 'added')
print("NEW_VARIABLE = %s"%env['NEW_VARIABLE'])
Which yields:
<scons_output example="environments_Append-nonexistent" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
Note that the &Append; function tries to be "smart"
about how the new value is appended to the old value.
If both are strings, the previous and new strings
are simply concatenated.
Similarly, if both are lists,
the lists are concatenated.
If, however, one is a string and the other is a list,
the string is added as a new element to the list.
<title>Appending Unique Values: the &AppendUnique; Method</title>
Sometimes it's useful to add a new value
only if the existing construction variable
doesn't already contain the value.
This can be done using the &f-link-env-AppendUnique; method:
In the above example,
the <literal>-g</literal> would be added
only if the &cv-CCFLAGS; variable
does not already contain a <literal>-g</literal> value.
<title>Prepending to the Beginning of Values: the &Prepend; Method</title>
You can prepend a value to the beginning of
an existing construction variable
using the &f-link-env-Prepend; method:
<scons_example name="environments_ex9">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CPPDEFINES=['MY_VALUE'])
<file name="foo.c">
int main() { }
&SCons; then generates the preprocessor define arguments from &CPPDEFINES; values with the correct
prefix/suffix. For example on Linux or POSIX, the following arguments would be generated:
<literal>-DFIRST</literal> and
<scons_output example="environments_ex9" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
If the construction variable doesn't already exist,
the &Prepend; method will create it:
<scons_example name="environments_Prepend-nonexistent">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
print("NEW_VARIABLE = %s" % env['NEW_VARIABLE'])
Which yields:
<scons_output example="environments_Prepend-nonexistent" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
Like the &Append; function,
the &Prepend; function tries to be "smart"
about how the new value is appended to the old value.
If both are strings, the previous and new strings
are simply concatenated.
Similarly, if both are lists,
the lists are concatenated.
If, however, one is a string and the other is a list,
the string is added as a new element to the list.
<title>Prepending Unique Values: the &PrependUnique; Method</title>
Some times it's useful to add a new value
to the beginning of a construction variable
only if the existing value
doesn't already contain the to-be-added value.
This can be done using the &f-link-env-PrependUnique; method:
In the above example,
the <literal>-g</literal> would be added
only if the &cv-CCFLAGS; variable
does not already contain a <literal>-g</literal> value.
<section id="builder_overrides">
<title>Overriding Construction Variable Settings</title>
Rather than creating a cloned &consenv; for specific tasks,
you can <firstterm>override</firstterm> or add construction variables
when calling a builder method by passing them as keyword arguments.
The values of these overridden or added variables will only be in
effect when building that target, and will not affect other parts
of the build.
For example, if you want to add additional libraries for just one program:
env.Program('hello', 'hello.c', LIBS=['gl', 'glut'])
or generate a shared library with a non-standard suffix:
When overriding this way, the &Python; keyword arguments in
the builder call mean "set to this value".
If you want your override to augment an existing value,
you have to take some extra steps.
Inside the builder call,
it is possible to substitute in the existing value by using
a string containing the variable name prefaced by a
dollar sign (<literal>$</literal>).
<scons_example name="builders_override_ex1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment(CPPDEFINES="FOO")
env.Object(target="foo1.o", source="foo.c")
env.Object(target="foo2.o", source="foo.c", CPPDEFINES="BAR")
env.Object(target="foo3.o", source="foo.c", CPPDEFINES=["BAR", "$CPPDEFINES"])
<file name="foo.c">
void main() { }
Which yields:
<scons_output example="builders_override_ex1" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
It is also possible to use the <parameter>parse_flags</parameter>
keyword argument in an override to merge command-line
style arguments into the appropriate construction
variables. This works like the &f-link-env-MergeFlags; method,
which will be fully described in the next chapter.
This example adds 'include' to &cv-link-CPPPATH;,
'EBUG' to &cv-link-CPPDEFINES;, and 'm' to &cv-link-LIBS;:
<scons_example name="builders_override_ex2">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
env.Program('hello', 'hello.c', parse_flags='-Iinclude -DEBUG -lm')
<file name="hello.c">
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
printf("Hello, world\n");
So when executed:
<scons_output example="builders_override_ex2" suffix="1">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
Using temporary overrides this way is lighter weight than making
a full construction environment, so it can help performance in
large projects which have lots of special case values to set.
However, keep in mind that this only works well when the
targets are unique. Using builder overrides to try to build
the same target with different sets of flags or other construction
variables will lead to the
<computeroutput>scons: *** Two environments with different actions...</computeroutput>
error described in <xref linkend="multiple_construction_envs"/>
above. In this case you will actually want to create separate
<section id="sect-execution-environments">
<title>Controlling the Execution Environment for Issued Commands</title>
When &SCons; builds a target file,
it does not execute the commands with
the external environment
that you used to execute &SCons;.
Instead, it builds an execution environment from the values
stored in the &cv-link-ENV; &consvar;
and uses that for executing commands.
The most important ramification of this behavior
is that the &PATH; environment variable,
which controls where the operating system
will look for commands and utilities,
will almost certainly not be the same as in the external environment
from which you called &SCons;.
This means that &SCons; might not
necessarily find all of the tools
that you can successfully execute from the command line.
The default value of the &PATH; environment variable
on a POSIX system
is <literal>/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/snap/bin</literal>.
The default value of the &PATH; environment variable
on a Windows system comes from the Windows registry
value for the command interpreter.
If you want to execute any commands--compilers, linkers, etc.--that
are not in these default locations,
you need to set the &PATH; value
in the &cv-ENV; dictionary
in your construction environment.
The simplest way to do this is to initialize explicitly
the value when you create the construction environment;
this is one way to do that:
path = ['/usr/local/bin', '/bin', '/usr/bin']
env = Environment(ENV={'PATH': path})
Assigning a dictionary to the &cv-ENV;
construction variable in this way
completely resets the execution environment,
so that the only variable that will be
set when external commands are executed
will be the &PATH; value.
If you want to use the rest of
the values in &cv-ENV; and only
set the value of &PATH;, you can assign a value only
to that variable:
env['ENV']['PATH'] = ['/usr/local/bin', '/bin', '/usr/bin']
Note that &SCons; does allow you to define
the directories in the &PATH; in a string with paths
separated by the pathname-separator character
for your system (<literal>':'</literal> on POSIX systems,
<literal>';'</literal> on Windows).
env['ENV']['PATH'] = '/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin'
But doing so makes your &SConscript; file less portable,
since it will be correct only for the system type that
matches the separator. You can use the &Python;
<varname>os.pathsep</varname> for for greater portability -
don't worry too much if this &Python; syntax doesn't make sense
since there are other ways available:
import os
env['ENV']['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(['/usr/local/bin', '/bin', '/usr/bin'])
<scons_example name="environments_ex1">
<file name="SConstruct" printme="1">
env = Environment()
env.Command('foo', [], '__ROOT__/usr/bin/printenv.py')
<file name="__ROOT__/usr/bin/printenv.py" chmod="0o755">
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
keys = sys.argv[1:]
keys = sorted(os.environ.keys())
for key in keys:
print(" " + key + "=" + os.environ[key])
<scons_output example="environments_ex1" suffix="2">
<scons_output_command>scons -Q</scons_output_command>
<title>Propagating &PATH; From the External Environment</title>
You may want to propagate the external environment &PATH;
to the execution environment for commands.
You do this by initializing the &PATH;
variable with the &PATH; value from
the <varname>os.environ</varname>
which is &Python;'s way of letting you
get at the external environment:
import os
env = Environment(ENV={'PATH': os.environ['PATH']})
Alternatively, you may find it easier
to just propagate the entire external
environment to the execution environment
for commands.
This is simpler to code than explicity
selecting the &PATH; value:
import os
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ.copy())
Either of these will guarantee that
&SCons; will be able to execute
any command that you can execute from the command line.
The drawback is that the build can behave
differently if it's run by people with
different &PATH; values in their environment--for example,
if both the <literal>/bin</literal> and
<literal>/usr/local/bin</literal> directories
have different &cc; commands,
then which one will be used to compile programs
will depend on which directory is listed
first in the user's &PATH; variable.
<title>Adding to <varname>PATH</varname> Values in the Execution Environment</title>
One of the most common requirements
for manipulating a variable in the execution environment
is to add one or more custom directories to a path search variable
like <envar>PATH</envar> on Linux or POSIX systems,
or <envar>%PATH%</envar> on Windows,
so that a locally-installed compiler or other utility
can be found when &SCons; tries to execute it to update a target.
&SCons; provides &f-link-env-PrependENVPath;
and &f-link-env-AppendENVPath; functions
to make adding things to execution variables convenient.
You call these functions by specifying the variable
to which you want the value added,
and then value itself.
So to add some <filename>/usr/local</filename> directories
to the <envar>$PATH</envar> and <envar>$LIB</envar> variables,
you might:
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ.copy())
env.PrependENVPath('PATH', '/usr/local/bin')
env.AppendENVPath('LIB', '/usr/local/lib')
Note that the added values are strings,
and if you want to add multiple directories to
a variable like <envar>$PATH</envar>,
you must include the path separator character
in the string
(<literal>:</literal> on Linux or POSIX,
<literal>;</literal> on Windows, or use
<literal>os.pathsep</literal> for portability).
<section id="sect-environment-toolpath">
<title>Using the toolpath for external Tools</title>
<title>The default tool search path</title>
Normally when using a tool from the construction environment,
several different search locations are checked by default.
This includes the <filename>SCons/Tools/</filename> directory
that is part of the &scons; distribution
and the directory <filename>site_scons/site_tools</filename>
relative to the root &SConstruct; file.
# Builtin tool or tool located within site_tools
env = Environment(tools=['SomeTool'])
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)
# The search locations would include by default
<title>Providing an external directory to toolpath</title>
In some cases you may want to specify a different location to search for tools.
The &f-link-Environment; function contains an option for this called
This can be used to add additional search directories.
# Tool located within the toolpath directory option
env = Environment(
toolpath=['/opt/SomeToolPath', '/opt/SomeToolPath2']
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)
# The search locations in this example would include:
<title>Nested Tools within a toolpath</title>
Since &SCons; 3.0, a Builder may be located
within a sub-directory / sub-package of the toolpath.
This is similar to namespacing within &Python;.
<!-- TODO: that was an advanced topic!!! -->
With nested or namespaced tools we can use the dot notation
to specify a sub-directory that the tool is located under.
# namespaced target
env = Environment(
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)
# With this example the search locations would include
<title>Using sys.path within the toolpath</title>
If we want to access tools external to &scons; which are findable
via <varname>sys.path</varname>
(for example, tools installed via Python's <command>pip</command> package manager),
it is possible to use <varname>sys.path</varname> with the toolpath.
One thing to watch out for with this approach is that
can sometimes contains paths to <filename>.egg</filename>
files instead of directories.
So we need to filter those out with this approach.
# namespaced target using sys.path within toolpath
searchpaths = []
for item in sys.path:
if os.path.isdir(item):
env = Environment(
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)
By using <varname>sys.path</varname> with the toolpath argument
and by using the nested syntax we can have &scons; search
packages installed via <command>pip</command> for Tools.
# For Windows based on the python version and install directory, this may be something like
# For Linux this could be something like:
<title>Using the &PyPackageDir; function to add to the toolpath</title>
In some cases you may want to use a tool
located within a installed external pip package.
This is possible by the use of
<varname>sys.path</varname> with the toolpath.
However in that situation you need to provide a prefix to the toolname
to indicate where it is located within <varname>sys.path</varname>.
searchpaths = []
for item in sys.path:
if os.path.isdir(item):
env = Environment(
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)
To avoid the use of a prefix within the name of the tool or filtering
<varname>sys.path</varname> for directories,
we can use &f-link-PyPackageDir; function to locate the directory of
the python package.
&f-PyPackageDir; returns a Dir object which represents the path of the
for the python package / module specified as a parameter.
# namespaced target using sys.path
env = Environment(
env.SomeTool(targets, sources)