%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Sets construction variables for generic POSIX C compilers. FRAMEWORKS FRAMEWORKPATH CC CFLAGS CCFLAGS CCCOM SHCC SHCFLAGS SHCCFLAGS SHCCCOM CPPDEFPREFIX CPPDEFSUFFIX INCPREFIX INCSUFFIX SHOBJSUFFIX CFILESUFFIX CCDEPFLAGS PLATFORM CCCOMSTR SHCCCOMSTR The C compiler. The command line used to compile a C source file to a (static) object file. Any options specified in the &cv-link-CFLAGS;, &cv-link-CCFLAGS; and &cv-link-CPPFLAGS; construction variables are included on this command line. See also &cv-link-SHCCCOM; for compiling to shared objects. If set, the string displayed when a C source file is compiled to a (static) object file. If not set, then &cv-link-CCCOM; (the command line) is displayed. See also &cv-link-SHCCCOMSTR; for compiling to shared objects. env = Environment(CCCOMSTR = "Compiling static object $TARGET") General options that are passed to the C and C++ compilers. See also &cv-link-SHCCFLAGS; for compiling to shared objects. General options that are passed to the C compiler (C only; not C++). See also &cv-link-SHCFLAGS; for compiling to shared objects. User-specified C preprocessor options. These will be included in any command that uses the C preprocessor, including not just compilation of C and C++ source files via the &cv-link-CCCOM;, &cv-link-SHCCCOM;, &cv-link-CXXCOM; and &cv-link-SHCXXCOM; command lines, but also the &cv-link-FORTRANPPCOM;, &cv-link-SHFORTRANPPCOM;, &cv-link-F77PPCOM; and &cv-link-SHF77PPCOM; command lines used to compile a Fortran source file, and the &cv-link-ASPPCOM; command line used to assemble an assembly language source file, after first running each file through the C preprocessor. Note that this variable does not contain (or similar) include search path options that scons generates automatically from &cv-link-CPPPATH;. See &cv-link-_CPPINCFLAGS;, below, for the variable that expands to those options. The list of suffixes of files that will be scanned for C preprocessor implicit dependencies (#include lines). The default list is: [".c", ".C", ".cxx", ".cpp", ".c++", ".cc", ".h", ".H", ".hxx", ".hpp", ".hh", ".F", ".fpp", ".FPP", ".m", ".mm", ".S", ".spp", ".SPP"] The C compiler used for generating shared-library objects. See also &cv-link-CC; for compiling to static objects. The command line used to compile a C source file to a shared-library object file. Any options specified in the &cv-link-SHCFLAGS;, &cv-link-SHCCFLAGS; and &cv-link-CPPFLAGS; construction variables are included on this command line. See also &cv-link-CCCOM; for compiling to static objects. If set, the string displayed when a C source file is compiled to a shared object file. If not set, then &cv-link-SHCCCOM; (the command line) is displayed. See also &cv-link-CCCOMSTR; for compiling to static objects. env = Environment(SHCCCOMSTR = "Compiling shared object $TARGET") Options that are passed to the C and C++ compilers to generate shared-library objects. See also &cv-link-CCFLAGS; for compiling to static objects. Options that are passed to the C compiler (only; not C++) to generate shared-library objects. See also &cv-link-CFLAGS; for compiling to static objects. Options to pass to C or C++ compiler to generate list of dependency files. This is set only by compilers which support this functionality. (&t-link-gcc;, &t-link-clang;, and &t-link-msvc; currently)