#!/usr/bin/env python # # MIT License # # Copyright The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Verify that the sconsign script works when using a .sconsign file in each subdirectory (SConsignFile(None)) written with the non-default value of Decider('timestamp-newer'). """ import TestSCons import TestSConsign from TestSCons import _python_ from TestCmd import NEED_HELPER test = TestSConsign.TestSConsign(match = TestSConsign.match_re) if NEED_HELPER: test.skip_test("Test host cannot directly execute scripts, skipping test\n") # Note: We don't use os.path.join() representations of the file names # in the expected output because paths in the .sconsign files are # canonicalized to use / as the separator. sub1_hello_c = 'sub1/hello.c' sub1_hello_obj = 'sub1/hello.obj' test.subdir('sub1', 'sub2') # Because this test sets SConsignFile(None), we execute our fake # scripts directly, not by feeding them to the Python executable. # That is, we chmod 0o755 and use a "#!/usr/bin/env python" first # line for POSIX systems, and add .PY to the %PATHEXT% variable on # Windows. If we didn't do this, then running this script with # suitable prileveges would create a .sconsign file in the directory # where the Python executable lives. This can happen out of the # box on Mac OS X, with the result that the .sconsign statefulness # can mess up other tests. fake_cc_py = test.workpath('fake_cc.py') fake_link_py = test.workpath('fake_link.py') test.write( fake_cc_py, fr"""#!{_python_} import os import re import sys path = sys.argv[1].split() def find_file(f): for dir in path: p = dir + os.sep + f if os.path.exists(p): return open(p, 'r') return None def process(infp, outfp): for line in infp.readlines(): m = re.match('#include <(.*)>', line) if m: file = m.group(1) found = find_file(file) process(found, outfp) if found: found.close() else: outfp.write(line) with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as outf, open(sys.argv[3], 'r') as ifp: outf.write('fake_cc.py: %s\n' % sys.argv) process(ifp, outf) sys.exit(0) """, ) test.write( fake_link_py, fr"""#!{_python_} import sys with open(sys.argv[1], 'w') as outf, open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as ifp: outf.write('fake_link.py: %s\n' % sys.argv) outf.write(ifp.read()) sys.exit(0) """, ) test.chmod(fake_cc_py, 0o755) test.chmod(fake_link_py, 0o755) test.write( 'SConstruct', f""" SConsignFile(None) Decider('timestamp-newer') env1 = Environment( PROGSUFFIX='.exe', OBJSUFFIX='.obj', # Specify the command lines with lists-of-lists so # finding the implicit dependencies works even with # spaces in the fake_*_py path names. CCCOM=[[r'{fake_cc_py}', 'sub2', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE']], LINKCOM=[[r'{fake_link_py}', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE']], ) env1.PrependENVPath('PATHEXT', '.PY') env1.Program('sub1/hello.c') env2 = env1.Clone(CPPPATH=['sub2']) env2.Program('sub2/hello.c') """, ) # TODO in the above, we would normally want to run a python program # using "our Python" like this: # CCCOM=[[r'{_python_}', r'{fake_cc_py}', 'sub2', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE']], # LINKCOM=[[r'{_python_}', r'{fake_link_py}', '$TARGET', '$SOURCE']], # however we're looking at dependencies with sconsign, so that breaks things. # It still breaks things on Windows if something else is registered as the # handler for .py files, as Visual Studio Code installs itself. test.write(['sub1', 'hello.c'], r"""\ sub1/hello.c """) test.write(['sub2', 'hello.c'], r"""\ #include #include sub2/hello.c """) test.write(['sub2', 'inc1.h'], r"""\ #define STRING1 "inc1.h" """) test.write(['sub2', 'inc2.h'], r"""\ #define STRING2 "inc2.h" """) test.sleep() # delay for timestamps test.run(arguments = '. --max-drift=1') sig_re = r'[0-9a-fA-F]{32,64}' date_re = r'\S+ \S+ [ \d]\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d' database_name = test.get_sconsignname() test.run_sconsign( arguments=f"-e hello.exe -e hello.obj sub1/{database_name}", stdout=r"""hello.exe: %(sig_re)s \d+ \d+ %(sub1_hello_obj)s: %(sig_re)s \d+ \d+ fake_link\.py: None \d+ \d+ %(sig_re)s \[.*\] hello.obj: %(sig_re)s \d+ \d+ %(sub1_hello_c)s: None \d+ \d+ fake_cc\.py: None \d+ \d+ %(sig_re)s \[.*\] """ % locals(), ) test.run_sconsign( arguments=f"-e hello.exe -e hello.obj -r sub1/{database_name}", stdout=r"""hello.exe: %(sig_re)s '%(date_re)s' \d+ %(sub1_hello_obj)s: %(sig_re)s '%(date_re)s' \d+ fake_link\.py: None '%(date_re)s' \d+ %(sig_re)s \[.*\] hello.obj: %(sig_re)s '%(date_re)s' \d+ %(sub1_hello_c)s: None '%(date_re)s' \d+ fake_cc\.py: None '%(date_re)s' \d+ %(sig_re)s \[.*\] """ % locals(), ) test.pass_test() # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: