#!/usr/bin/env python # # MIT License # # Copyright The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Test Jar builder. These tests require a findable/working Java subsystem. """ import os import TestSCons _python_ = TestSCons._python_ test = TestSCons.TestSCons() where_javac, java_version = test.java_where_javac() where_jar = test.java_where_jar() test.file_fixture('wrapper_with_args.py') test.write('SConstruct', """\ DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) foo = Environment(tools=['javac', 'jar']) # jar = foo.Dictionary('JAR') bar = foo.Clone(JAR=r'%(_python_)s wrapper_with_args.py jar') foo.Java(target='classes', source='com/sub/foo') bar.Java(target='classes', source='com/sub/bar') foo.Jar(target='foo', source='classes/com/sub/foo') bar.Jar(target='bar', source=Dir('classes/com/sub/bar')) """ % locals()) test.subdir('com', ['com', 'sub'], ['com', 'sub', 'foo'], ['com', 'sub', 'bar']) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example1.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example1 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example2.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example2 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example3.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example3 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example4.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example4 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example5.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example5 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example6.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example6 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.run(arguments = '.') expected_wrapper_out = "wrapper_with_args.py jar cf bar.jar classes/com/sub/bar\n" expected_wrapper_out = expected_wrapper_out.replace('/', os.sep) test.must_match('wrapper.out', expected_wrapper_out % locals(), mode='r') test.must_exist('foo.jar') test.must_exist('bar.jar') test.up_to_date(arguments='.') ####### # test java source files as source to Jar builder # make some directories to test in test.subdir('testdir2', ['testdir2', 'com'], ['testdir2', 'com', 'javasource']) # simple SConstruct which passes the 3 .java as source # and extracts the jars back to classes test.write(['testdir2', 'SConstruct'], """ DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) foo = Environment() foo.Jar( target='foobar', source=[ 'com/javasource/JavaFile1.java', 'com/javasource/JavaFile2.java', 'com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', ], ) foo.Jar( target=['foo', 'bar'], source=[ 'com/javasource/JavaFile1.java', 'com/javasource/JavaFile2.java', 'com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', ], ) foo.Command("foobarTest", [], Mkdir("foobarTest")) foo.Command( 'foobarTest/com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', 'foobar.jar', foo['JAR'] + ' xvf ../foobar.jar', chdir='foobarTest', ) foo.Command("fooTest", [], Mkdir("fooTest")) foo.Command( 'fooTest/com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', 'foo.jar', foo['JAR'] + ' xvf ../foo.jar', chdir='fooTest', ) foo.Command("barTest", [], Mkdir("barTest")) foo.Command( 'barTest/com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', 'bar.jar', foo['JAR'] + ' xvf ../bar.jar', chdir='barTest', ) """) test.write(['testdir2', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile1 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir2', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile2 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir2', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile3 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) # check the output and make sure the java files got converted to classes # use regex . for dirsep so this will work on both windows and other platforms. expect = ".*jar cf foo.jar -C com.javasource.JavaFile1 com.javasource.JavaFile1.class -C com.javasource.JavaFile2 com.javasource.JavaFile2.class -C com.javasource.JavaFile3 com.javasource.JavaFile3.class.*" test.run(chdir='testdir2', match=TestSCons.match_re_dotall, stdout=expect) #test single target jar test.must_exist(['testdir2','foobar.jar']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'foobarTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'foobarTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'foobarTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.class']) # make sure there are class in the jar test.must_exist(['testdir2','foo.jar']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'fooTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'fooTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'fooTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.class']) # make sure both jars got createds test.must_exist(['testdir2','bar.jar']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'barTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'barTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir2', 'barTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.class']) ####### # test list of lists # make some directories to test in test.subdir( 'listOfLists', ['manifest_dir'], ['listOfLists', 'src'], ['listOfLists', 'src', 'com'], ['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'javasource'], ['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'resource'], ) # test varient dir and lists of lists test.write(['listOfLists', 'SConstruct'], """ DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) foo = Environment() foo.VariantDir('build', 'src', duplicate=0) foo.VariantDir('test', '../manifest_dir', duplicate=0) sourceFiles = [ "src/com/javasource/JavaFile1.java", "src/com/javasource/JavaFile2.java", "src/com/javasource/JavaFile3.java", ] list_of_class_files = foo.Java('build', source=sourceFiles) resources = ['build/com/resource/resource1.txt', 'build/com/resource/resource2.txt'] for resource in resources: foo.Command( resource, list_of_class_files, Copy(resource, resource.replace('build', 'src')) ) contents = [list_of_class_files, resources] foo.Jar(target='lists', source=contents + ['test/MANIFEST.mf'], JARCHDIR='build') foo.Command("listsTest", [], Mkdir("listsTest")) foo.Command( 'listsTest/src/com/javasource/JavaFile3.java', 'lists.jar', foo['JAR'] + ' xvf ../lists.jar', chdir='listsTest', ) """) test.write(['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile1 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile2 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.java'], """\ package com.javasource; public class JavaFile3 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['manifest_dir','MANIFEST.mf'], """Manifest-Version: 1.0 MyManifestTest: Test """) test.write(['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'resource', 'resource1.txt'], """\ this is a resource file """) test.write(['listOfLists', 'src', 'com', 'resource', 'resource2.txt'], """\ this is another resource file """) test.run(chdir='listOfLists') #test single target jar test.must_exist(['listOfLists','lists.jar']) # make sure there are class in the jar test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile1.class']) test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile2.class']) test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'com', 'javasource', 'JavaFile3.class']) test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'com', 'resource', 'resource1.txt']) test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'com', 'resource', 'resource2.txt']) test.must_exist(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF']) test.must_contain(['listOfLists', 'listsTest', 'META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF'], b"MyManifestTest: Test" ) ####### # test different style of passing in dirs # make some directories to test in test.subdir( 'testdir3', ['testdir3', 'com'], ['testdir3', 'com', 'sub'], ['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'foo'], ['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'bar'], ) # Create the jars then extract them back to check contents test.write(['testdir3', 'SConstruct'], """ DefaultEnvironment(tools=[]) foo = Environment() foo_cls = foo.Java(target='classes', source='com/sub/foo') foo_res = 'classes/com/sub/foo/NonJava.txt' foo_res_src = 'com/sub/foo/NonJava.txt' foo.Command(foo_res, foo_cls, Copy(foo_res, foo_res_src)) foo.Jar(target='foo', source='classes/com/sub/foo', JARCHDIR='classes') foo.Command("fooTest", 'foo.jar', Mkdir("fooTest")) foo.Command('doesnt_exist1', "fooTest", foo['JAR'] + ' xvf ../foo.jar', chdir='fooTest') bar = foo.Clone() bar_cls = bar.Java(target='classes', source='com/sub/bar') bar_res = 'classes/com/sub/bar/NonJava.txt' bar_res_src = 'com/sub/bar/NonJava.txt' bar.Command(bar_res, bar_cls, Copy(bar_res, bar_res_src)) bar.Jar(target='bar', source=Dir('classes/com/sub/bar'), JARCHDIR='classes') bar.Command("barTest", 'bar.jar', Mkdir("barTest")) bar.Command('doesnt_exist2', 'barTest', bar['JAR'] + ' xvf ../bar.jar', chdir='barTest') """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example1.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example1 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example2.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example2 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example3.java'], """\ package com.sub.foo; public class Example3 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'NonJava.txt'], """\ testfile """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example4.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example4 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example5.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example5 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example6.java'], """\ package com.sub.bar; public class Example6 { public static void main(String[] args) { } } """) test.write(['testdir3', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'NonJava.txt'], """\ testfile """) test.run(chdir='testdir3') # check the output and make sure the java files got converted to classes # make sure there are class in the jar test.must_exist(['testdir3','foo.jar']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'fooTest', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example1.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'fooTest', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example2.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'fooTest', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'Example3.class']) # TODO: determine expected behavior with resource files, should they be # automatically copied in or specified in seperate commands test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'fooTest', 'com', 'sub', 'foo', 'NonJava.txt']) # make sure both jars got createds test.must_exist(['testdir3','bar.jar']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'barTest', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example4.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'barTest', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example5.class']) test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'barTest', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'Example6.class']) # TODO: determine expected behavior with resource files, should they be # automatically copied in or specified in seperate commands test.must_exist(['testdir3', 'barTest', 'com', 'sub', 'bar', 'NonJava.txt']) test.pass_test() # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: