%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Sets &consvars; for a default list of Tool modules. Use default in the tools list to retain the original defaults, since the tools parameter is treated as a literal statement of the tools to be made available in that &consenv;, not an addition. The list of tools selected by default is not static, but is dependent both on the platform and on the software installed on the platform. Some tools will not initialize if an underlying command is not found, and some tools are selected from a list of choices on a first-found basis. The finished tool list can be examined by inspecting the &cv-link-TOOLS; &consvar; in the &consenv;. On all platforms, the tools from the following list are selected if their respective conditions are met: filesystem;, wix, &t-link-lex;, &t-link-yacc;, &t-link-rpcgen;, &t-link-swig;, &t-link-jar;, &t-link-javac;, &t-link-javah;, &t-link-rmic;, &t-link-dvipdf;, &t-link-dvips;, &t-link-gs;, &t-link-tex;, &t-link-latex;, &t-link-pdflatex;, &t-link-pdftex;, &t-link-tar;, &t-link-zip;, &t-link-textfile;. On Linux systems, the default tools list selects (first-found): a C compiler from &t-link-gcc;, &t-link-intelc;, &t-link-icc;, &t-link-cc;; a C++ compiler from &t-link-gXX;, &t-link-intelc;, &t-link-icc;, &t-link-cXX;; an assembler from &t-link-gas;, &t-link-nasm;, &t-link-masm;; a linker from &t-link-gnulink;, &t-link-ilink;; a Fortran compiler from &t-link-gfortran;, &t-link-g77;, &t-link-ifort;, &t-link-ifl;, &t-link-f95;, &t-link-f90;, &t-link-f77;; and a static archiver &t-link-ar;. It also selects all found from the list &t-link-m4; rpm. On Windows systems, the default tools list selects (first-found): a C compiler from &t-link-msvc;, &t-link-mingw;, &t-link-gcc;, &t-link-intelc;, &t-link-icl;, &t-link-icc;, &t-link-cc;, &t-link-bcc32;; a C++ compiler from &t-link-msvc;, &t-link-intelc;, &t-link-icc;, &t-link-gXX;, &t-link-cXX;, &t-link-bcc32;; an assembler from &t-link-masm;, &t-link-nasm;, &t-link-gas;, &t-link-386asm;; a linker from &t-link-mslink;, &t-link-gnulink;, &t-link-ilink;, &t-link-linkloc;, &t-link-ilink32;; a Fortran compiler from &t-link-gfortran;, &t-link-g77;, &t-link-ifl;, &t-link-cvf;, &t-link-f95;, &t-link-f90;, &t-link-fortran;; and a static archiver from &t-link-mslib;, &t-link-ar;, &t-link-tlib;; It also selects all found from the list &t-link-msvs;, &t-link-midl;. On MacOS systems, the default tools list selects (first-found): a C compiler from &t-link-gcc;, &t-link-cc;; a C++ compiler from &t-link-gXX;, &t-link-cXX;; an assembler &t-link-as;; a linker from &t-link-applelink;, &t-link-gnulink;; a Fortran compiler from &t-link-gfortran;, &t-link-f95;, &t-link-f90;, &t-link-g77;; and a static archiver &t-link-ar;. It also selects all found from the list &t-link-m4;, rpm. Default lists for other platforms can be found by examining the &scons; source code (see SCons/Tool/__init__.py).