%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Sets construction variables for file and directory installation. INSTALL INSTALLSTR Installs one or more source files or directories in the specified target, which must be a directory. The names of the specified source files or directories remain the same within the destination directory. The sources may be given as a string or as a node returned by a builder. env.Install(target='/usr/local/bin', source=['foo', 'bar']) Note that if target paths chosen for the &Install; builder (and the related &InstallAs; and &InstallVersionedLib; builders) are outside the project tree, such as in the example above, they may not be selected for "building" by default, since in the absence of other instructions &scons; builds targets that are underneath the top directory (the directory that contains the &SConstruct; file, usually the current directory). Use command line targets or the &Default; function in this case. If the command line option is given, the target directory will be prefixed by the directory path specified. This is useful to test installs without installing to a "live" location in the system. See also &FindInstalledFiles;. For more thoughts on installation, see the User Guide (particularly the section on Command-Line Targets and the chapters on Installing Files and on Alias Targets). Installs one or more source files or directories to specific names, allowing changing a file or directory name as part of the installation. It is an error if the target and source arguments list different numbers of files or directories. env.InstallAs(target='/usr/local/bin/foo', source='foo_debug') env.InstallAs(target=['../lib/libfoo.a', '../lib/libbar.a'], source=['libFOO.a', 'libBAR.a']) See the note under &Install;. Installs a versioned shared library. The symlinks appropriate to the architecture will be generated based on symlinks of the source library. env.InstallVersionedLib(target='/usr/local/bin/foo', source='libxyz.1.5.2.so') See the note under &Install;.