%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> Attaches the &b-link-DVI; builder to the construction environment. Builds a .dvi file from a .tex, .ltx or .latex input file. If the source file suffix is .tex, &scons; will examine the contents of the file; if the string \documentclass or \documentstyle is found, the file is assumed to be a LaTeX file and the target is built by invoking the &cv-link-LATEXCOM; command line; otherwise, the &cv-link-TEXCOM; command line is used. If the file is a LaTeX file, the &b-DVI; builder method will also examine the contents of the .aux file and invoke the &cv-link-BIBTEX; command line if the string bibdata is found, start &cv-link-MAKEINDEX; to generate an index if a .ind file is found and will examine the contents .log file and re-run the &cv-link-LATEXCOM; command if the log file says it is necessary. The suffix .dvi (hard-coded within TeX itself) is automatically added to the target if it is not already present. Examples: # builds from aaa.tex env.DVI(target = 'aaa.dvi', source = 'aaa.tex') # builds bbb.dvi env.DVI(target = 'bbb', source = 'bbb.ltx') # builds from ccc.latex env.DVI(target = 'ccc.dvi', source = 'ccc.latex')