%scons; %builders-mod; %functions-mod; %tools-mod; %variables-mod; ]> The D compiler to use. See also &cv-link-SHDC; for compiling to shared objects. The command line used to compile a D file to an object file. Any options specified in the &cv-link-DFLAGS; construction variable is included on this command line. See also &cv-link-SHDCOM; for compiling to shared objects. If set, the string displayed when a D source file is compiled to a (static) object file. If not set, then &cv-link-DCOM; (the command line) is displayed. See also &cv-link-SHDCOMSTR; for compiling to shared objects. List of debug tags to enable when compiling. DDEBUGPREFIX. DDEBUGSUFFIX. DFILESUFFIX. DFLAGPREFIX. General options that are passed to the D compiler. DFLAGSUFFIX. DLIBFLAGSUFFIX. DINCPREFIX. Name of the lib tool to use for D codes. The command line to use when creating libraries. DLIBLINKPREFIX. DLIBLINKSUFFIX. DLIBFLAGSUFFIX. DLIBFLAGPREFIX. DLIBLINKPREFIX. DLIBLINKSUFFIX. Name of the linker to use for linking systems including D sources. See also &cv-link-SHDLINK; for linking shared objects. The command line to use when linking systems including D sources. See also &cv-link-SHDLINKCOM; for linking shared objects. List of linker flags. See also &cv-link-SHDLINKFLAGS; for linking shared objects. DLINKFLAGSUFFIX. DLINKFLAGPREFIX. List of paths to search for import modules. DRPATHPREFIX. DRPATHSUFFIX. DVERPREFIX. List of version tags to enable when compiling. DVERSUFFIX. The name of the compiler to use when compiling D source destined to be in a shared objects. See also &cv-link-DC; for compiling to static objects. The command line to use when compiling code to be part of shared objects. See also &cv-link-DCOM; for compiling to static objects. If set, the string displayed when a D source file is compiled to a (shared) object file. If not set, then &cv-link-SHDCOM; (the command line) is displayed. See also &cv-link-DCOMSTR; for compiling to static objects. Extra flags added to &cv-link-SHDLINKCOM; when building versioned &b-link-SharedLibrary;. These flags are only used when &cv-link-SHLIBVERSION; is set. The linker to use when creating shared objects for code bases include D sources. See also &cv-link-DLINK; for linking static objects. The command line to use when generating shared objects. See also &cv-link-DLINKCOM; for linking static objects. The list of flags to use when generating a shared object. See also &cv-link-DLINKFLAGS; for linking static objects. Builds an executable from D sources without first creating individual objects for each file. D sources can be compiled file-by-file as C and C++ source are, and D is integrated into the &scons; Object and Program builders for this model of build. D codes can though do whole source meta-programming (some of the testing frameworks do this). For this it is imperative that all sources are compiled and linked in a single call to the D compiler. This builder serves that purpose. env.ProgramAllAtOnce('executable', ['mod_a.d, mod_b.d', 'mod_c.d']) This command will compile the modules mod_a, mod_b, and mod_c in a single compilation process without first creating object files for the modules. Some of the D compilers will create executable.o others will not.