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synced 2025-02-10 16:40:14 +01:00
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337 lines
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Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
// Collection of classes used to plot data in a <canvas>. Create a Plotter()
// to generate a plot.
// vertical marker for columns
function Marker(color) {
var m = document.createElement("DIV");
m.setAttribute("class", "plot-cursor");
m.style.backgroundColor = color;
m.style.opacity = "0.3";
m.style.position = "absolute";
m.style.left = "-2px";
m.style.top = "-2px";
m.style.width = "0px";
m.style.height = "0px";
return m;
* HorizontalMarker class
* Create a horizontal marker at the indicated mouse location.
* @constructor
* @param canvasRect {Object} The canvas bounds (in client coords).
* @param clientY {Number} The vertical mouse click location that spawned
* the marker, in the client coordinate space.
* @param yValue {Number} The plotted value corresponding to the clientY
* click location.
function HorizontalMarker(canvasRect, clientY, yValue) {
// Add a horizontal line to the graph.
var m = document.createElement("DIV");
m.setAttribute("class", "plot-baseline");
m.style.backgroundColor = HorizontalMarker.COLOR;
m.style.opacity = "0.3";
m.style.position = "absolute";
m.style.left = canvasRect.offsetLeft;
var h = HorizontalMarker.HEIGHT;
m.style.top = (clientY - h/2).toFixed(0) + "px";
m.style.width = canvasRect.width + "px";
m.style.height = h + "px";
this.markerDiv_ = m;
this.value = yValue;
HorizontalMarker.HEIGHT = 5;
HorizontalMarker.COLOR = "rgb(0,100,100)";
// Remove the horizontal line from the graph.
HorizontalMarker.prototype.remove_ = function() {
* Plotter class
* @constructor
* Draws a chart using CANVAS element. Takes array of lines to draw with
* deviations values for each data sample.
* @param {Array} clNumbers list of clNumbers for each data sample.
* @param {Array} plotData list of arrays that represent individual lines.
* The line itself is an Array of value and stdd.
* @param {Array} dataDescription list of data description for each line
* in plotData.
* @units {string} units name of measurement used to describe plotted data.
* Example of the plotData:
* [
* [line 1 data],
* [line 2 data]
* ].
* Line data looks like [[point one], [point two]].
* And individual points are [value, deviation value]
function Plotter(clNumbers, plotData, dataDescription, units, resultNode) {
this.clNumbers_ = clNumbers;
this.plotData_ = plotData;
this.dataDescription_ = dataDescription;
this.resultNode_ = resultNode;
this.units_ = units;
this.coordinates = new Coordinates(plotData);
// A color palette that's unambigous for normal and color-deficient viewers.
// Values are (red, green, blue) on a scale of 255.
// Taken from http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/html/manuals/pdf/color_blind.pdf
this.colors = [[0, 114, 178], // blue
[230, 159, 0], // orange
[0, 158, 115], // green
[204, 121, 167], // purplish pink
[86, 180, 233], // sky blue
[213, 94, 0], // dark orange
[0, 0, 0], // black
[240, 228, 66] // yellow
* Does the actual plotting.
Plotter.prototype.plot = function() {
var canvas = this.canvas();
this.coordinates_div_ = this.coordinates_();
this.ruler_div_ = this.ruler();
// marker for the result-point that the mouse is currently over
this.cursor_div_ = new Marker("rgb(100,80,240)");
// marker for the result-point for which details are shown
this.marker_div_ = new Marker("rgb(100,100,100)");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
for (var i = 0; i < this.plotData_.length; i++)
this.plotLine_(ctx, this.nextColor(i), this.plotData_[i]);
this.canvasRectangle = {
"offsetLeft": canvas.offsetLeft,
"offsetTop": canvas.offsetTop,
"width": canvas.offsetWidth,
"height": canvas.offsetHeight
Plotter.prototype.drawDeviationBar_ = function(context, strokeStyles, x, y,
deviationValue) {
context.strokeStyle = strokeStyles;
context.lineWidth = 1.0;
context.moveTo(x, (y + deviationValue));
context.lineTo(x, (y - deviationValue));
context.moveTo(x, (y - deviationValue));
Plotter.prototype.plotLine_ = function(ctx, strokeStyles, data) {
ctx.strokeStyle = strokeStyles;
ctx.lineWidth = 2.0;
var initial = true;
var deviationData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var x = this.coordinates.xPoints(i);
var value = data[i][0];
var stdd = data[i][1];
var y = 0.0;
var err = 0.0;
if (isNaN(value)) {
// Re-set 'initial' if we're at a gap in the data.
initial = true;
} else {
y = this.coordinates.yPoints(value);
// We assume that the stdd will only be NaN (missing) when the value is.
if (parseFloat(value) != 0.0)
err = y * parseFloat(stdd) / parseFloat(value);
if (initial)
initial = false;
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
deviationData.push([x, y, err])
for (var i = 0; i < deviationData.length; i++) {
this.drawDeviationBar_(ctx, strokeStyles, deviationData[i][0],
deviationData[i][1], deviationData[i][2]);
Plotter.prototype.attachEventListeners = function(canvas) {
var self = this;
"mousemove", function(evt) { self.onMouseMove_(evt); }, false);
"click", function(evt) { self.onMouseClick_(evt); }, false);
Plotter.prototype.updateRuler_ = function(evt) {
var r = this.ruler_div_;
r.style.left = this.canvasRectangle.offsetLeft + "px";
r.style.top = this.canvasRectangle.offsetTop + "px";
r.style.width = this.canvasRectangle.width + "px";
var h = evt.clientY - this.canvasRectangle.offsetTop;
if (h > this.canvasRectangle.height)
h = this.canvasRectangle.height;
r.style.height = h + "px";
Plotter.prototype.updateCursor_ = function() {
var c = this.cursor_div_;
c.style.top = this.canvasRectangle.offsetTop + "px";
c.style.height = this.canvasRectangle.height + "px";
var w = this.canvasRectangle.width / this.clNumbers_.length;
var x = (this.canvasRectangle.offsetLeft +
w * this.current_index_).toFixed(0);
c.style.left = x + "px";
c.style.width = w + "px";
Plotter.prototype.onMouseMove_ = function(evt) {
var canvas = evt.currentTarget.firstChild;
var positionX = evt.clientX - this.canvasRectangle.offsetLeft;
var positionY = evt.clientY - this.canvasRectangle.offsetTop;
this.current_index_ = this.coordinates.dataSampleIndex(positionX);
var yValue = this.coordinates.yValue(positionY);
this.coordinates_td_.innerHTML =
"r" + this.clNumbers_[this.current_index_] + ": " +
this.plotData_[0][this.current_index_][0].toFixed(2) + " " +
this.units_ + " +/- " +
this.plotData_[0][this.current_index_][1].toFixed(2) + " " +
yValue.toFixed(2) + " " + this.units_;
// If there is a horizontal marker, also display deltas relative to it.
if (this.horizontal_marker_) {
var baseline = this.horizontal_marker_.value;
var delta = yValue - baseline
var fraction = delta / baseline; // allow division by 0
var deltaStr = (delta >= 0 ? "+" : "") + delta.toFixed(0) + " " +
var percentStr = (fraction >= 0 ? "+" : "") +
(fraction * 100).toFixed(3) + "%";
this.baseline_deltas_td_.innerHTML = deltaStr + ": " + percentStr;
Plotter.prototype.onMouseClick_ = function(evt) {
// Shift-click controls the horizontal reference line.
if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (this.horizontal_marker_) {
var canvasY = evt.clientY - this.canvasRectangle.offsetTop;
this.horizontal_marker_ = new HorizontalMarker(this.canvasRectangle,
evt.clientY, this.coordinates.yValue(canvasY));
// Insert before cursor node, otherwise it catches clicks.
this.horizontal_marker_.markerDiv_, this.cursor_div_);
} else {
var index = this.current_index_;
var m = this.marker_div_;
var c = this.cursor_div_;
m.style.top = c.style.top;
m.style.left = c.style.left;
m.style.width = c.style.width;
m.style.height = c.style.height;
if ("onclick" in this) {
var this_x = this.clNumbers_[index];
var prev_x = index > 0 ? (parseInt(this.clNumbers_[index-1]) + 1) :
this.onclick(prev_x, this_x);
Plotter.prototype.canvas = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement("CANVAS");
canvas.setAttribute("id", "_canvas");
canvas.setAttribute("class", "plot");
canvas.setAttribute("width", this.coordinates.widthMax);
canvas.setAttribute("height", this.coordinates.heightMax);
return canvas;
Plotter.prototype.ruler = function() {
ruler = document.createElement("DIV");
ruler.setAttribute("class", "plot-ruler");
ruler.style.borderBottom = "1px dotted black";
ruler.style.position = "absolute";
ruler.style.left = "-2px";
ruler.style.top = "-2px";
ruler.style.width = "0px";
ruler.style.height = "0px";
return ruler;
Plotter.prototype.coordinates_ = function() {
var coordinatesDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
var table_html =
"<table border=0 width='100%'><tbody><tr>" +
"<td colspan=2 class='legend'>Legend: ";
for (var i = 0; i < this.dataDescription_.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
table_html += ", ";
table_html += "<span class='legend_item' style='color:" +
this.nextColor(i) + "'>" + this.dataDescription_[i] + "</span>";
table_html += "</td></tr><tr>" +
"<td class='plot-coordinates'><i>move mouse over graph</i></td>" +
"<td align=right style='color: " + HorizontalMarker.COLOR +
"'><i>Shift-click to place baseline</i></td>" +
coordinatesDiv.innerHTML = table_html;
var tr = coordinatesDiv.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1];
this.coordinates_td_ = tr.childNodes[0];
this.baseline_deltas_td_ = tr.childNodes[1];
return coordinatesDiv;
Plotter.prototype.nextColor = function(i) {
var index = i % this.colors.length;
return "rgb(" + this.colors[index][0] + "," +
this.colors[index][1] + "," +
this.colors[index][2] + ")";
Plotter.prototype.log = function(val) {
document.createTextNode(val + '\n'));