""" Adafruit PiTFT Installer Script (C) Adafruit Industries, Creative Commons 3.0 - Attribution Share Alike """ import time try: import click except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("The library 'Click' was not found. To install, try typing: sudo pip3 install Click==7.0") try: from adafruit_shell import Shell except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("The library 'adafruit_shell' was not found. To install, try typing: sudo pip3 install adafruit-python-shell") shell = Shell() shell.group = 'PITFT' __version__ = "3.0.0" """ This is the main configuration. Displays should be placed in the order they are to appear in the menu. """ config = [ { "type": "28r", "menulabel": "PiTFT 2.4\", 2.8\" or 3.2\" resistive (240x320)", "product": "2.8\" resistive, PID 1601", "kernel_upgrade": False, "touchscreen": { "identifier": "STMPE Touchscreen Calibration", "product": "stmpe", "transforms": { "0": "0.988809 -0.023645 0.060523 -0.028817 1.003935 0.034176 0 0 1", "90": "0.014773 -1.132874 1.033662 1.118701 0.009656 -0.065273 0 0 1", "180": "-1.115235 -0.010589 1.057967 -0.005964 -1.107968 1.025780 0 0 1", "270": "-0.033192 1.126869 -0.014114 -1.115846 0.006580 1.050030 0 0 1", }, }, "overlay": "dtoverlay=pitft28-resistive,rotate={pitftrot},speed=64000000,fps=30", "calibrations": { "0": "4232 11 -879396 1 5786 -752768 65536", "90": "33 -5782 21364572 4221 35 -1006432 65536", "180": "-4273 61 16441290 4 -5772 21627524 65536", "270": "-9 5786 -784608 -4302 19 16620508 65536", }, "width": 320, "height": 240, }, { "type": "22", "menulabel": "PiTFT 2.2\" no touch", "product": "2.2\" no touch", "kernel_upgrade": False, "touchscreen": False, "overlay" : "dtoverlay=pitft22,rotate={pitftrot},speed=64000000,fps=30", "width": 320, "height": 240, }, { "type": "28c", "menulabel": "PiTFT 2.8\" capacitive touch", "product": "2.8\" capacitive, PID 1983", "kernel_upgrade": False, "touchscreen": { "identifier": "FocalTech Touchscreen Calibration", "product": "EP0110M09", "transforms": { "0": "-1 0 1 0 -1 1 0 0 1", "90": "0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1", "180": "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", "270": "0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1", }, }, "overlay": """dtoverlay=pitft28-capacitive,speed=64000000,fps=30 dtoverlay=pitft28-capacitive,{rotation}""", "calibrations": "320 65536 0 -65536 0 15728640 65536", "rotations": { "0": "rotate=90,touch-invx=true,touch-invy=true", "90": "rotate=90,touch-swapxy=true,touch-invx=true", "180": "rotate=90", "270": "rotate=270,touch-swapxy=true,touch-invy=true", }, "width": 320, "height": 240, }, { "type": "35r", "menulabel": "PiTFT 3.5\" resistive touch", "product": "3.5\" Resistive", "kernel_upgrade": False, "touchscreen": { "identifier": "STMPE Touchscreen Calibration", "product": "stmpe", "transforms": { "0": "-1.098388 0.003455 1.052099 0.005512 -1.093095 1.026309 0 0 1", "90": "-0.000087 1.094214 -0.028826 -1.091711 -0.004364 1.057821 0 0 1", "180": "1.102807 0.000030 -0.066352 0.001374 1.085417 -0.027208 0 0 1", "270": "0.003893 -1.087542 1.025913 1.084281 0.008762 -0.060700 0 0 1", }, }, "overlay": "dtoverlay=pitft35-resistive,rotate={pitftrot},speed=20000000,fps=20", "calibrations": { "0": "5724 -6 -1330074 26 8427 -1034528 65536", "90": "5 8425 -978304 -5747 61 22119468 65536", "180": "-5682 -1 22069150 13 -8452 32437698 65536", "270": "3 -8466 32440206 5703 -1 -1308696 65536", }, "width": 480, "height": 320, "x11_scale": 1.5, }, { "type": "st7789_240x240", "menulabel": "PiTFT Mini 1.3\" or 1.54\" display", "product": "1.54\" or 1.3\" no touch", "kernel_upgrade": True, "overlay_src": "overlays/minipitft13-overlay.dts", "overlay_dest": "/boot/overlays/drm-minipitft13.dtbo", "overlay": "dtoverlay=drm-minipitft13,rotation={pitftrot}", "width": 240, "height": 240, }, { "type": "st7789_240x320", "menulabel": "ST7789V 2.0\" no touch", "product": "2.0\" no touch", "kernel_upgrade": True, "overlay_src": "overlays/st7789v_240x320-overlay.dts", "overlay_dest": "/boot/overlays/drm-st7789v_240x320.dtbo", "overlay": "dtoverlay=drm-st7789v_240x320,rotate={pitftrot}", "width": 320, "height": 240, "rotate": False, }, { "type": "st7789_240x135", "menulabel": "MiniPiTFT 1.14\" display", "product": "1.14\" no touch", "kernel_upgrade": True, "overlay_src": "overlays/minipitft114-overlay.dts", "overlay_dest": "/boot/overlays/drm-minipitft114.dtbo", "overlay": "dtoverlay=drm-minipitft114,rotation={pitftrot}", "width": 240, "height": 135, }, ] PITFT_ROTATIONS = ("90", "180", "270", "0") UPDATE_DB = False SYSTEMD = None pitft_config = None pitftrot = None auto_reboot = None def warn_exit(message): shell.warn(message) shell.exit(1) def uninstall_cb(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return uninstall() def print_version(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return print("Adafruit PiTFT Helper v{}".format(__version__)) shell.exit(1) def progress(ellipsis_count): for i in range(ellipsis_count): print("...", end='') time.sleep(1) print("") def sysupdate(): global UPDATE_DB if not UPDATE_DB: print("Updating apt indexes...", end='') progress(3) if not shell.run_command('sudo apt update', True): warn_exit("Apt failed to update indexes!") if not shell.run_command('sudo apt-get update', True): warn_exit("Apt failed to update indexes!") print("Reading package lists...") progress(3) UPDATE_DB = True return True ############################ Sub-Scripts ############################ def softwareinstall(): print("Installing Pre-requisite Software...This may take a few minutes!") if not shell.run_command("apt-get install -y libts0", True): if not shell.run_command("apt-get install -y tslib"): warn_exit("Apt failed to install TSLIB!") if not shell.run_command("apt-get install -y bc fbi git python-dev python-pip python-smbus python-spidev evtest libts-bin device-tree-compiler"): warn_exit("Apt failed to install software!") if not shell.run_command("pip3 install evdev"): warn_exit("Pip failed to install software!") return True def uninstall_bootconfigtxt(): """Remove any old flexfb/fbtft stuff""" if shell.pattern_search("/boot/config.txt", "adafruit-pitft-helper"): print("Already have an adafruit-pitft-helper section in /boot/config.txt.") print("Removing old section...") shell.run_command("cp /boot/config.txt /boot/configtxt.bak") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", '\n# --- added by adafruit-pitft-helper.*?\n# --- end adafruit-pitft-helper.*?\n', multi_line=True) return True def uninstall_etc_modules(): """Remove any old flexfb/fbtft stuff""" shell.run_command('rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/modules", 'spi-bcm2835') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/modules", 'flexfb') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/modules", 'fbtft_device') return True def update_configtxt(rotation_override=None): """update /boot/config.txt with appropriate values""" uninstall_bootconfigtxt() uninstall_etc_modules() overlay = pitft_config['overlay'] if "{pitftrot}" in overlay: rotation = str(rotation_override) if rotation_override is not None else pitftrot overlay = overlay.format(pitftrot=rotation) if "{rotation}" in overlay and isinstance(pitft_config['rotations'], dict): overlay = overlay.format(rotation=pitft_config['rotations'][pitftrot]) if "overlay_src" in pitft_config and "overlay_dest" in pitft_config: shell.run_command("dtc -@ -I dts -O dtb -o {dest} {src}".format(dest=pitft_config['overlay_dest'], src=pitft_config['overlay_src'])) print("############# UPGRADING KERNEL ###############") print("Updating packages...") if not shell.run_command("sudo apt-get update", True): warn_exit("Apt failed to update itself!") print("Upgrading packages...") if not shell.run_command("sudo apt-get -y upgrade", False): warn_exit("Apt failed to install software!") print("Installing Kernel Headers...") if not shell.run_command("apt-get install -y raspberrypi-kernel-headers", True): warn_exit("Apt failed to install software!") if not shell.isdir("/lib/modules/{}/build".format(shell.release())): warn_exit("Kernel was updated, please reboot now and re-run script!") shell.pushd("st7789_module") if not shell.run_command("make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules"): warn_exit("Apt failed to compile ST7789V drivers!") shell.run_command("mv /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/tiny/mi0283qt.ko /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/tiny/mi0283qt.BACK".format(rel=shell.release())) shell.run_command("mv /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_st7789v.ko /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/tiny/mi0283qt.BACK".format(rel=shell.release())) shell.run_command("mv st7789v_ada.ko /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/tiny/mi0283qt.ko".format(rel=shell.release())) shell.run_command("mv fb_st7789v.ko /lib/modules/{rel}/kernel/drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_st7789v.ko".format(rel=shell.release())) shell.popd() shell.write_text_file("/boot/config.txt", """ # --- added by adafruit-pitft-helper {date} --- hdmi_force_hotplug=1 # required for cases when HDMI is not plugged in! dtparam=spi=on dtparam=i2c1=on dtparam=i2c_arm=on {overlay} # --- end adafruit-pitft-helper {date} --- """.format(date=shell.date(), overlay=overlay)) return True def update_udev(): shell.write_text_file("/etc/udev/rules.d/95-touchmouse.rules", """ SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="touchmouse", ENV{DEVNAME}=="*event*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen" """, append=False) shell.write_text_file("/etc/udev/rules.d/95-ftcaptouch.rules", """ SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="EP0110M09", ENV{DEVNAME}=="*event*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen" SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="generic ft5x06*", ENV{DEVNAME}=="*event*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen" """, append=False) shell.write_text_file("/etc/udev/rules.d/95-stmpe.rules", """ SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="*stmpe*", ENV{DEVNAME}=="*event*", SYMLINK+="input/touchscreen" """, append=False) return True def update_pointercal(): if "calibrations" in pitft_config: if isinstance(pitft_config["calibrations"], dict): shell.write_text_file("/etc/pointercal", pitft_config["calibrations"][pitftrot]) else: shell.write_text_file("/etc/pointercal", pitft_config["calibrations"]) return True def install_console(): print("Set up main console turn on") if not shell.pattern_search("/boot/cmdline.txt", 'fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8'): print("Updating /boot/cmdline.txt") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/cmdline.txt", "rootwait", "rootwait fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8") else: print("/boot/cmdline.txt already updated") print("Turning off console blanking") # pre-stretch this is what you'd do: if shell.exists("/etc/kbd/config"): shell.pattern_replace("/etc/kbd/config", "BLANK_TIME=.*", "BLANK_TIME=0") # as of stretch.... # removing any old version shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", '# disable console blanking.*') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", 'sudo sh -c "TERM=linux setterm -blank.*') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", '^exit 0', "# disable console blanking on PiTFT\\nsudo sh -c \"TERM=linux setterm -blank 0 >/dev/tty0\"\\nexit 0") shell.reconfig("/etc/default/console-setup", "^.*FONTFACE.*$", "FONTFACE=\"Terminus\"") shell.reconfig("/etc/default/console-setup", "^.*FONTSIZE.*$", "FONTSIZE=\"6x12\"") print("Setting raspi-config to boot to console w/o login...") shell.chdir(target_homedir) shell.run_command("raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2") # remove fbcp shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", "^.*fbcp.*$") return True def uninstall_console(): print("Removing console fbcon map from /boot/cmdline.txt") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/cmdline.txt", 'rootwait fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8', 'rootwait') print("Screen blanking time reset to 10 minutes") if shell.exists("/etc/kbd/config"): shell.pattern_replace("/boot/cmdline.txt", 'BLANK_TIME=0', 'BLANK_TIME=10') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", '^# disable console blanking.*') shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", '^sudo sh -c "TERM=linux.*') return True def install_fbcp(): print("Installing cmake...") if not shell.run_command("apt-get --yes --allow-downgrades --allow-remove-essential --allow-change-held-packages install cmake", True): warn_exit("Apt failed to install software!") print("Downloading rpi-fbcp...") shell.pushd("/tmp") shell.run_command("curl -sLO https://github.com/adafruit/rpi-fbcp/archive/master.zip") print("Uncompressing rpi-fbcp...") shell.run_command("rm -rf /tmp/rpi-fbcp-master") if not shell.run_command("unzip master.zip", True): warn_exit("Failed to uncompress fbcp!") shell.chdir("rpi-fbcp-master") shell.run_command("mkdir build") shell.chdir("build") print("Building rpi-fbcp...") shell.write_text_file("../CMakeLists.txt", "\nset (CMAKE_C_FLAGS \"-std=gnu99 ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}\")") if not shell.run_command("cmake ..", True): warn_exit("Failed to cmake fbcp!") if not shell.run_command("make", True): warn_exit("Failed to make fbcp!") print("Installing rpi-fbcp...") shell.run_command("install fbcp /usr/local/bin/fbcp") shell.popd() shell.run_command("rm -rf /tmp/rpi-fbcp-master") # Start fbcp in the appropriate place, depending on init system: if SYSTEMD: # Add fbcp to /etc/rc.local: print("We have sysvinit, so add fbcp to /etc/rc.local...") if shell.pattern_search("/etc/rc.local", "fbcp"): # fbcp already in rc.local, but make sure correct: shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", "^.*fbcp.*$", "/usr/local/bin/fbcp \&") else: # Insert fbcp into rc.local before final 'exit 0': shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", "^exit 0", "/usr/local/bin/fbcp \&\\nexit 0") else: # Install fbcp systemd unit, first making sure it's not in rc.local: uninstall_fbcp_rclocal() print("We have systemd, so install fbcp systemd unit...") if not install_fbcp_unit(): shell.bail("Unable to install fbcp unit file") shell.run_command("sudo systemctl enable fbcp.service") # if there's X11 installed... if shell.exists("/etc/lightdm"): print("Setting raspi-config to boot to desktop w/o login...") shell.run_command("raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B4") # Disable overscan compensation (use full screen): shell.run_command("raspi-config nonint do_overscan 1") # Set up HDMI parameters: print("Configuring boot/config.txt for forced HDMI") shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*hdmi_force_hotplug.*$", "hdmi_force_hotplug=1") shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*hdmi_group.*$", "hdmi_group=2") shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*hdmi_mode.*$", "hdmi_mode=87") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", "^[^#]*dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d.*$", "#dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d") # if there's X11 installed... scale = 1 if shell.exists("/etc/lightdm"): if "x11_scale" in pitft_config: scale = pitft_config["x11_scale"] else: scale = 2 WIDTH = int(pitft_config['width'] * scale) HEIGHT = int(pitft_config['height'] * scale) shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*hdmi_cvt.*$", "hdmi_cvt={} {} 60 1 0 0 0".format(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) if pitftrot == "90" or pitftrot == "270" or ("rotate" in pitft_config and not pitft_config['rotate']): # dont rotate HDMI on 90 or 270 shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*display_hdmi_rotate.*$", "") if pitftrot in ("0", "180"): display_rotate = "3" if pitftrot == "180" else "1" shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*display_hdmi_rotate.*$", "display_hdmi_rotate={}".format(display_rotate)) # Because we rotate HDMI we have to 'unrotate' the TFT by overriding pitftrot! if not update_configtxt(90): shell.bail("Unable to update /boot/config.txt") return True def install_fbcp_unit(): shell.write_text_file("/etc/systemd/system/fbcp.service", """[Unit] Description=Framebuffer copy utility for PiTFT After=network.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fbcp [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """, append=False) return True def uninstall_fbcp(): uninstall_fbcp_rclocal() # Enable overscan compensation shell.run_command("sudo systemctl disable fbcp.service") # Set up HDMI parameters: shell.run_command("raspi-config nonint do_overscan 0") print("Configuring boot/config.txt for default HDMI") shell.reconfig("/boot/config.txt", "^.*hdmi_force_hotplug.*$", "hdmi_force_hotplug=0") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", "^.*#.*dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d.*$", "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d") shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", '^hdmi_group=2.*$') shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", '^hdmi_mode=87.*$') shell.pattern_replace("/boot/config.txt", '^hdmi_cvt=.*$') return True def uninstall_fbcp_rclocal(): """Remove fbcp from /etc/rc.local:""" print("Remove fbcp from /etc/rc.local, if it's there...") shell.pattern_replace("/etc/rc.local", '^.*fbcp.*$') return True def update_xorg(): if "touchscreen" in pitft_config: transform = "Option \"TransformationMatrix\" \"{}\"".format(pitft_config["touchscreen"]["transforms"][pitftrot]) shell.write_text_file("/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-calibration.conf", """ Section "InputClass" Identifier "{identifier}" MatchProduct "{product}" MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*" Driver "libinput" {transform} EndSection """.format( identifier=pitft_config["touchscreen"]["identifier"], product=pitft_config["touchscreen"]["product"], transform=transform ), append=False, ) return True def get_config_types(): types = [] for item in config: types.append(item["type"]) return types def get_config(type): for item in config: if item["type"] == type: return item return None def uninstall(): shell.info("Uninstalling PiTFT") uninstall_bootconfigtxt() uninstall_console() uninstall_fbcp() uninstall_fbcp_rclocal() uninstall_etc_modules() success() def success(): global auto_reboot shell.info("Success!") print(""" Settings take effect on next boot. """) if auto_reboot is None: auto_reboot = shell.prompt("REBOOT NOW?", default="y") if not auto_reboot: print("Exiting without reboot.") shell.exit() print("Reboot started...") shell.reboot() shell.exit() ####################################################### MAIN target_homedir = "/home/pi" @click.command() @click.option('-v', '--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help="Print version information") @click.option('-u', '--user', nargs=1, default="/home/pi", type=str, help="Specify path of primary user's home directory", show_default=True) @click.option('--display', nargs=1, default=None, help="Specify a display option (1-{}) or type {}".format(len(config), get_config_types())) @click.option('--rotation', nargs=1, default=None, type=int, help="Specify a rotation option (1-4) or degrees {}".format(tuple(sorted([int(x) for x in PITFT_ROTATIONS])))) @click.option('--install-type', nargs=1, default=None, type=click.Choice(['fbcp', 'console', 'uninstall']), help="Installation Type") @click.option('--reboot', nargs=1, default=None, type=click.Choice(['yes', 'no']), help="Specify whether to reboot after the script is finished") def main(user, display, rotation, install_type, reboot): global target_homedir, pitft_config, pitftrot, auto_reboot shell.clear() if user != target_homedir: target_homedir = user print("Homedir = {}".format(target_homedir)) print("""This script downloads and installs PiTFT Support using userspace touch controls and a DTO for display drawing. one of several configuration files. Run time of up to 5 minutes. Reboot required! """) if reboot is not None: auto_reboot = reboot.lower() == 'yes' if install_type == "uninstall": uninstall() if display in [str(x) for x in range(1, len(config) + 1)]: pitft_config = config[int(display) - 1] print("Display Type: {}".format(pitft_config["menulabel"])) if pitft_config['kernel_upgrade']: print("WARNING! WILL UPGRADE YOUR KERNEL TO LATEST") elif display in get_config_types(): pitft_config = get_config(display) print("Display Type: {}".format(pitft_config["menulabel"])) if pitft_config['kernel_upgrade']: print("WARNING! WILL UPGRADE YOUR KERNEL TO LATEST") else: # Build menu from config selections = [] for item in config: option = "{} ({}x{})".format(item['menulabel'], item['width'], item['height']) if item['kernel_upgrade']: option += " - WARNING! WILL UPGRADE YOUR KERNEL TO LATEST" selections.append(option) selections.append("Uninstall PiTFT") selections.append("Quit without installing") PITFT_SELECT = shell.select_n("Select configuration:", selections) if PITFT_SELECT == len(config) + 2: shell.exit(1) if PITFT_SELECT == len(config) + 1: uninstall() pitft_config = config[PITFT_SELECT - 1] if rotation is not None and 1 <= rotation <= 4: pitftrot = PITFT_ROTATIONS[rotation - 1] print("Rotation: {}".format(pitftrot)) elif str(rotation) in PITFT_ROTATIONS: pitftrot = str(rotation) print("Rotation: {}".format(pitftrot)) else: PITFT_ROTATE = shell.select_n( "Select rotation:", ( "90 degrees (landscape)", "180 degrees (portrait)", "270 degrees (landscape)", "0 degrees (portrait)" )) pitftrot = PITFT_ROTATIONS[PITFT_ROTATE - 1] # check init system (technique borrowed from raspi-config): shell.info('Checking init system...') if shell.run_command("which systemctl", True) and shell.run_command("systemctl | grep '\-\.mount'", True): SYSTEMD = True print("Found systemd") elif os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/cron") and not os.path.islink("/etc/init.d/cron"): SYSTEMD = False print("Found sysvinit") else: shell.bail("Unrecognised init system") if shell.grep("boot", "/proc/mounts"): print("/boot is mounted") else: print("/boot must be mounted. if you think it's not, quit here and try: sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot") if shell.prompt("Continue?"): print("Proceeding.") else: shell.bail("Aborting.") if not shell.isdir(target_homedir): shell.bail("{} must be an existing directory (use -u /home/foo to specify)".format(target_homedir)) shell.info("System update") if not sysupdate(): shell.bail("Unable to apt-get update") shell.info("Installing Python libraries & Software...") if not softwareinstall(): shell.bail("Unable to install software") shell.info("Updating /boot/config.txt...") if not update_configtxt(): shell.bail("Unable to update /boot/config.txt") if "touchscreen" in pitft_config: shell.info("Updating SysFS rules for Touchscreen...") if not update_udev(): shell.bail("Unable to update /etc/udev/rules.d") shell.info("Updating TSLib default calibration...") if not update_pointercal(): shell.bail("Unable to update /etc/pointercal") # ask for console access if install_type == "console" or (install_type is None and shell.prompt("Would you like the console to appear on the PiTFT display?")): shell.info("Updating console to PiTFT...") if not uninstall_fbcp(): shell.bail("Unable to uninstall fbcp") if not install_console(): shell.bail("Unable to configure console") else: shell.info("Making sure console doesn't use PiTFT") if not uninstall_console(): shell.bail("Unable to configure console") if install_type == "fbcp" or (install_type is None and shell.prompt("Would you like the HDMI display to mirror to the PiTFT display?")): shell.info("Adding FBCP support...") if not install_fbcp(): shell.bail("Unable to configure fbcp") if shell.exists("/etc/lightdm"): shell.info("Updating X11 default calibration...") if not update_xorg(): shell.bail("Unable to update calibration") else: if not uninstall_fbcp(): shell.bail("Unable to uninstall fbcp") success() # Main function if __name__ == "__main__": shell.require_root() main()