extends Node ### Script: ### - takes all available classes ### - checks if method is allowed ### - checks each argument if is allowed(in case e.g. adding new, to prevent crashes due not recognizing types) ### - print info if needed to console ### - execute function with parameters var debug_print: bool = true var add_to_tree: bool = false # Adds nodes to tree, freeze godot when removing a lot of nodes var use_parent_methods: bool = false # Allows Node2D use Node methods etc. - it is a little slow option which rarely shows var use_always_new_object: bool = true # Don't allow to "remeber" other function effects var exiting: bool = false func _ready() -> void: if BasicData.regression_test_project: ValueCreator.random = false # Results in RegressionTestProject must be always reproducible else: ValueCreator.random = true ValueCreator.number = 100 ValueCreator.should_be_always_valid = false if BasicData.regression_test_project: tests_all_functions() func _process(_delta: float) -> void: if !BasicData.regression_test_project: tests_all_functions() if exiting: get_tree().quit() # Test all functions func tests_all_functions() -> void: for name_of_class in BasicData.get_list_of_available_classes(): if debug_print: print("\n#################### " + name_of_class + " ####################") var object: Object = Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class) assert(object != null, "Object must be instantable") if add_to_tree: if object is Node: add_child(object) var method_list: Array = ClassDB.class_get_method_list(name_of_class, !use_parent_methods) # Removes excluded methods method_list = BasicData.remove_disabled_methods(method_list, BasicData.function_exceptions) for _i in range(1): for method_data in method_list: if !BasicData.check_if_is_allowed(method_data): continue var arguments: Array = ParseArgumentType.parse_and_return_objects(method_data, name_of_class, debug_print) if debug_print: var to_print: String = "GDSCRIPT CODE: " if ( ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Object") && !ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Node") && !obj_is_reference(name_of_class) && !ClassDB.class_has_method(name_of_class, "new") ): to_print += "ClassDB.instance(\"" + name_of_class + "\")." + method_data.get("name") + "(" else: to_print += name_of_class.trim_prefix("_") + ".new()." + method_data.get("name") + "(" for i in arguments.size(): to_print += ParseArgumentType.return_gdscript_code_which_run_this_object(arguments[i]) if i != arguments.size() - 1: to_print += ", " to_print += ")" print(to_print) object.callv(method_data.get("name"), arguments) for argument in arguments: if argument is Node: argument.queue_free() elif argument is Object && !(obj_is_reference(argument.get_class())): argument.free() if use_always_new_object: if object is Node: object.queue_free() elif object is Object && !(obj_is_reference(object.get_class())): object.free() object = Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class) if add_to_tree: if object is Node: add_child(object) if object is Node: object.queue_free() elif object is Object && !(obj_is_reference(object.get_class())): object.free() func obj_is_reference(name_of_class : String) -> bool: if ClassDB.class_exists("Reference"): return ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Reference") return ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "RefCounted")