extends Node var number_of_nodes : int = 0 var collected_nodes : Array = [] var disabled_classes : Array = [ "NavigationAgent2D", "NavigationAgent3D","GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField", "ReflectionProbe",# Cause errors, not sure about it # Creating them is really slow in Godot 4.0 "ColorPicker", "FileDialog", "ColorPickerButton", "PhysicalSkyMaterial", "ProceduralSkyMaterial" ] # Just add name of any class if cause problems func collect() -> void: var classes : Array = ClassDB.get_class_list() classes.sort() for name_of_class in classes: if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class,"Node"): if name_of_class.find("Editor") != -1: # We don't want to test editor nodes continue if disabled_classes.has(name_of_class): # Class is disabled continue if ClassDB.can_instance(name_of_class): # Only instantable nodes can be used collected_nodes.append(name_of_class) func _ready() -> void: seed(405) collect() number_of_nodes = max(collected_nodes.size(),11) # Use at least all nodes, or more if you want(168 is probably number nodes) for i in range(number_of_nodes): var index = i if i >= collected_nodes.size(): # Wrap values index = i % collected_nodes.size() var child : Node = Autoload.get_instance_from_name(collected_nodes[index]) child.set_name("Special Node " + str(i)) add_child(child) ## It is quite easy algorithm to reparent and delete items # - Add multiple nodes to scene # - Set name to each # - In process # - Get random node # - Remove its parent # - Play with a russian roulette # - If node will be deleted, be sure to get list of its all children and then # replace all with new nodes(change also name) and old remove with queue_free() # - Get another random node # - If nodes are the same, add node to root one(cannot set self as self parent) and repeat steps # - If second node is child of first, add first node to root one(prevents from memory leaks due invalid reparenting) # - At the end add first random node as child of second func _process(delta: float) -> void: assert(Performance.get_monitor(Performance.OBJECT_ORPHAN_NODE_COUNT) == 0) # Don't work good with running more than 1 this scene var choosen_node : Node var parent_of_node : Node for i in range(5): var number : String = "Special Node " + str(randi() % number_of_nodes) choosen_node = find_node(number,true,false) parent_of_node = choosen_node.get_parent() var random_node = find_node("Special Node " + str(randi() % number_of_nodes),true,false) parent_of_node.remove_child(choosen_node) # if randi() % 6 == 0: # 16% chance to remove node with children # var names_to_remove : Array = find_all_special_children_names(choosen_node) # for name_to_remove in names_to_remove: # var node : Node = Autoload.get_instance_from_name(collected_nodes[randi() % collected_nodes.size()]) # node.set_name(name_to_remove) # add_child(node) # choosen_node.queue_free() # continue if choosen_node.find_node(random_node.get_name(),true,false) != null: # Cannot set as node parent one of its child add_child(choosen_node) continue if choosen_node == random_node: # Do not reparent node to self add_child(choosen_node) continue random_node.add_child(choosen_node) # Finds recusivelly all child nodes which are not internal func find_all_special_children_names(node : Node) -> Array: var array : Array = [] array.append(node.get_name()) for child in node.get_children(): if String(child.get_name()).begins_with("Special Node"): array.append_array(find_all_special_children_names(child)) return array