Port Nodes to 4.0 (#60)

This commit is contained in:
Rafał Mikrut 2021-08-19 18:10:13 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent b7bd4cc49e
commit 065885fb35
No known key found for this signature in database
17 changed files with 479 additions and 409 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ logs/
.godot/editor .godot/editor
.godot/shader_cache/ .godot/shader_cache/
shader_cache/ shader_cache/

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
source_md5="d98fe5b307b619f42f0bd920ee4f170d" source_md5="d98fe5b307b619f42f0bd920ee4f170d"
dest_md5="a6b9e0011caddad938a1ee8ea7f61fe0" dest_md5="5619edcbaebc4d55dacdefaa2177f0e0"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://b7slcpsx4l8p8"]
[ext_resource path="res://AutomaticBugs/FunctionExecutor.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://AutomaticBugs/FunctionExecutor.gd" id="1"]
[node name="FunctionExecutor" type="Node"] [node name="FunctionExecutor" type="Node"]
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
extends Node extends Node
var TIME_TO_DELETE : float = 100.0 # This script adds nodes to scene tree and removes them after certain amount
var time_to_delete : float = TIME_TO_DELETE # of time
var disabled_classes : Array = ["NavigationAgent2D", "NavigationAgent3D","GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField", # Counters which are used to delete and adds nodes in loop
var TIME_TO_DELETE: float = 60.0
var time_to_delete: float = TIME_TO_DELETE
# List of disabled classes
var disabled_classes: Array = ["NavigationAgent2D", "NavigationAgent3D","GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField",
# Creating them is really slow in Godot 4.0 # Creating them is really slow in Godot 4.0
"ColorPicker", "ColorPicker",
@ -11,36 +16,60 @@ var disabled_classes : Array = ["NavigationAgent2D", "NavigationAgent3D","GPUPar
"ColorPickerButton", "ColorPickerButton",
"PhysicalSkyMaterial", "PhysicalSkyMaterial",
"ProceduralSkyMaterial"] "ProceduralSkyMaterial"]
# List of all collected nodes which
func _populate() -> void: var classes: Array = []
for _i in range(1): # Number of created
for name_of_class in ClassDB.get_class_list(): var debug_enabled: bool = false
if name_of_class in disabled_classes:
if !ClassDB.can_instantiate(name_of_class): # Collects all classes which will be used
continue func collect() -> void:
for name_of_class in ClassDB.get_class_list():
if name_of_class in disabled_classes:
if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class,"Control"): continue
add_child(Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class)) if !ClassDB.can_instantiate(name_of_class):
continue continue
if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class,"Node3D"):
add_child(Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class)) if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Control"):
continue classes.append(name_of_class)
if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class,"Node2D"): continue
add_child(Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class)) if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Node3D"):
continue classes.append(name_of_class)
if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class,"Node"): continue
add_child(Autoload.get_instance_from_name(name_of_class)) if ClassDB.is_parent_class(name_of_class, "Node2D"):
continue classes.append(name_of_class)
if ClassDB.get_parent_class(name_of_class) == "Node":
# Populate at start classes.append(name_of_class)
func _ready() -> void: continue
if debug_enabled:
var to_print: String = "DEBUG: List of classes used in Nodes scene:\n"
to_print += "DEBUG: ["
for index in range(classes.size()):
to_print += "\"" + classes[index] + "\""
if index != classes.size() - 1:
to_print += ", "
to_print += "]"
# Adds nodes to scenes
func populate() -> void:
for _i in range(2): # Number of created instances of object
for name_of_class in classes:
# Populate nodes at start
func _ready() -> void:
# Move nodes a little and delete and readd them later
func _process(delta: float) -> void: func _process(delta: float) -> void:
# Moves nodes a little
# for i in get_children(): # for i in get_children():
# if i is Control: # if i is Control:
# i._set_size(Vector2(200 * randf() - 100, 200 * randf() - 100)) # i._set_size(Vector2(200 * randf() - 100, 200 * randf() - 100))
@ -49,13 +78,18 @@ func _process(delta: float) -> void:
# if i is Node3D: # if i is Node3D:
# if i.get_name() != "Camera": # if i.get_name() != "Camera":
# i.set_scale(Vector3(delta + 1, delta + 1, delta + 1)) # i.set_scale(Vector3(delta + 1, delta + 1, delta + 1))
# i.set_translation(Vector3(10 * randf(), 10 * randf(), 10 * randf())) # i.set_position(Vector3(10 * randf(), 10 * randf(), 10 * randf()))
time_to_delete -= delta time_to_delete -= delta
# Delete and adds later nodes
if time_to_delete < 0: if time_to_delete < 0:
if debug_enabled:
print("DEBUG: Deleting nodes")
time_to_delete += TIME_TO_DELETE time_to_delete += TIME_TO_DELETE
for i in get_children(): for i in get_children():
i.queue_free() i.queue_free()
_populate() if debug_enabled:
print("DEBUG: Adding nodes")

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://dd3cshhjwrlvi"]
[ext_resource path="res://Nodes/Nodes.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Nodes/Nodes.gd" id="1"]
[node name="Nodes" type="Node"] [node name="Nodes" type="Node"]
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )

View File

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://dke62wldnee2a"]
[ext_resource path="res://icon.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bp1jqfv4eumxi" path="res://icon.png" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/Area2D.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/2D/Area2D.gd" id="2"]
[node name="Area2D" type="Area2D"] [node name="Area2D" type="Area2D"]
script = ExtResource( 2 ) script = ExtResource( "2" )
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( 4.018, -13.1782, -15.9057, 3.23778, 1.63277, 17.5492, 19.3115, 2.39594 ) polygon = PackedVector2Array(4.018, -13.1782, -15.9057, 3.23778, 1.63277, 17.5492, 19.3115, 2.39594)
script = null
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D2" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionPolygon2D2" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( -4.58427, -16.8342, -20.5974, -4.94143, -8.23639, 16.784, 20.4187, 13.5065 ) polygon = PackedVector2Array(-4.58427, -16.8342, -20.5974, -4.94143, -8.23639, 16.784, 20.4187, 13.5065)
script = null
[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="."] [node name="Sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."]
texture = ExtResource( 1 ) texture = ExtResource( "1" )
script = null
[connection signal="area_entered" from="." to="." method="_on_Area2D_area_entered"] [connection signal="area_entered" from="." to="." method="_on_Area2D_area_entered"]
[connection signal="body_entered" from="." to="." method="_on_Area2D_body_entered"] [connection signal="body_entered" from="." to="." method="_on_Area2D_body_entered"]

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://c30wdiq4o3bog"]
[ext_resource path="res://icon.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bp1jqfv4eumxi" path="res://icon.png" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/KinematicBody2D.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/2D/KinematicBody2D.gd" id="2"]
[node name="KinematicBody2D" type="KinematicBody2D"] [node name="KinematicBody2D" type="CharacterBody2D"]
script = ExtResource( 2 ) script = ExtResource( "2" )
[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="."] [node name="Sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."]
modulate = Color( 0.74902, 0.133333, 0.133333, 1 ) modulate = Color(0.74902, 0.133333, 0.133333, 1)
rotation = 4.45932 rotation = 4.45932
texture = ExtResource( 1 ) texture = ExtResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( -10.6781, -7.48182, -12.4953, 17.1263, 15.2543, 6.19464, 4.32263, -14.4073 ) polygon = PackedVector2Array(-10.6781, -7.48182, -12.4953, 17.1263, 15.2543, 6.19464, 4.32263, -14.4073)
script = null

View File

@ -1,231 +1,235 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=6 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=6 format=3 uid="uid://ffdhtxy2yano"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/Physics2D.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/2D/Physics2D.gd" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/Area2D.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://dke62wldnee2a" path="res://Physics/2D/Area2D.tscn" id="2"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/KinematicBody2D.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://c30wdiq4o3bog" path="res://Physics/2D/KinematicBody2D.tscn" id="3"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/StaticBody2D.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=4] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Physics/2D/StaticBody2D.tscn" id="4"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/RigidBody2D.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=5] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Physics/2D/RigidBody2D.tscn" id="5"]
[node name="Physics2D" type="Node2D"] [node name="Physics2D" type="Node2D"]
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )
[node name="Area2D" type="Node2D" parent="."] [node name="Area2D" type="Node2D" parent="."]
script = null
[node name="Area2D" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 166.677, 52.3842 ) position = Vector2(166.677, 52.3842)
[node name="Area2D2" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D2" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 209.537, 193.663 ) position = Vector2(209.537, 193.663)
[node name="Area2D3" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D3" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 450.822, 122.23 ) position = Vector2(450.822, 122.23)
[node name="Area2D4" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D4" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 336.529, 293.669 ) position = Vector2(336.529, 293.669)
[node name="Area2D5" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D5" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 555.59, 42.8598 ) position = Vector2(555.59, 42.8598)
[node name="Area2D6" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D6" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 598.45, 184.139 ) position = Vector2(598.45, 184.139)
[node name="Area2D7" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D7" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 839.735, 112.705 ) position = Vector2(839.735, 112.705)
[node name="Area2D8" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D8" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 725.442, 284.145 ) position = Vector2(725.442, 284.145)
[node name="Area2D10" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D10" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 420.661, 330.179 ) position = Vector2(420.661, 330.179)
[node name="Area2D12" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D12" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 547.653, 430.186 ) position = Vector2(547.653, 430.186)
[node name="Area2D14" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D14" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 122.23, 457.171 ) position = Vector2(122.23, 457.171)
[node name="Area2D16" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D16" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 249.222, 557.178 ) position = Vector2(249.222, 557.178)
[node name="Area2D18" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D18" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 660.359, 444.472 ) position = Vector2(660.359, 444.472)
[node name="Area2D19" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D19" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 901.644, 373.039 ) position = Vector2(901.644, 373.039)
[node name="Area2D20" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D20" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 787.351, 544.478 ) position = Vector2(787.351, 544.478)
[node name="Area2D9" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D9" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 660.036, 115.278 ) position = Vector2(660.036, 115.278)
[node name="Area2D11" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D11" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 355.255, 161.312 ) position = Vector2(355.255, 161.312)
[node name="Area2D13" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D13" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 482.247, 261.319 ) position = Vector2(482.247, 261.319)
[node name="Area2D15" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D15" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 56.8237, 288.304 ) position = Vector2(56.8237, 288.304)
[node name="Area2D17" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D17" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 183.816, 388.311 ) position = Vector2(183.816, 388.311)
[node name="Area2D21" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D21" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 594.953, 275.605 ) position = Vector2(594.953, 275.605)
[node name="Area2D22" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D22" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 836.238, 204.172 ) position = Vector2(836.238, 204.172)
[node name="Area2D23" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D23" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 721.945, 375.611 ) position = Vector2(721.945, 375.611)
[node name="Area2D24" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D24" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 696.901, 221.117 ) position = Vector2(696.901, 221.117)
[node name="Area2D25" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D25" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 392.12, 267.151 ) position = Vector2(392.12, 267.151)
[node name="Area2D26" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D26" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 519.112, 367.158 ) position = Vector2(519.112, 367.158)
[node name="Area2D27" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D27" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 93.689, 394.143 ) position = Vector2(93.689, 394.143)
[node name="Area2D28" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D28" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 220.681, 494.15 ) position = Vector2(220.681, 494.15)
[node name="Area2D29" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D29" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 631.818, 381.444 ) position = Vector2(631.818, 381.444)
[node name="Area2D30" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D30" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 873.103, 310.011 ) position = Vector2(873.103, 310.011)
[node name="Area2D31" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D31" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 758.81, 481.45 ) position = Vector2(758.81, 481.45)
[node name="Area2D32" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D32" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 639.819, 9.43819 ) position = Vector2(639.819, 9.43819)
[node name="Area2D33" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D33" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 335.038, 55.4722 ) position = Vector2(335.038, 55.4722)
[node name="Area2D34" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D34" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 462.03, 155.479 ) position = Vector2(462.03, 155.479)
[node name="Area2D35" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D35" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 36.6071, 182.464 ) position = Vector2(36.6071, 182.464)
[node name="Area2D36" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D36" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 163.599, 282.471 ) position = Vector2(163.599, 282.471)
[node name="Area2D37" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D37" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 574.736, 169.765 ) position = Vector2(574.736, 169.765)
[node name="Area2D38" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D38" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 816.021, 98.3322 ) position = Vector2(816.021, 98.3322)
[node name="Area2D39" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( 2 )] [node name="Area2D39" parent="Area2D" instance=ExtResource( "2" )]
position = Vector2( 701.728, 269.771 ) position = Vector2(701.728, 269.771)
[node name="KinematicBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."] [node name="KinematicBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."]
script = null
[node name="KinematicBody2D" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 90.4819, 302.4 ) position = Vector2(90.4819, 302.4)
[node name="KinematicBody2D2" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D2" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 380.142, 465.25 ) position = Vector2(380.142, 465.25)
[node name="KinematicBody2D3" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D3" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 333.423, 131.54 ) position = Vector2(333.423, 131.54)
[node name="KinematicBody2D4" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D4" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 509.622, 242.332 ) position = Vector2(509.622, 242.332)
[node name="KinematicBody2D5" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D5" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 914.078, 76.812 ) position = Vector2(914.078, 76.812)
[node name="KinematicBody2D6" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D6" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 251.025, 329.752 ) position = Vector2(251.025, 329.752)
[node name="KinematicBody2D7" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D7" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 540.685, 492.602 ) position = Vector2(540.685, 492.602)
[node name="KinematicBody2D8" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D8" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 493.966, 158.892 ) position = Vector2(493.966, 158.892)
[node name="KinematicBody2D9" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D9" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 670.165, 269.684 ) position = Vector2(670.165, 269.684)
[node name="KinematicBody2D10" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="KinematicBody2D10" parent="KinematicBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
position = Vector2( 1074.62, 104.164 ) position = Vector2(1074.62, 104.164)
[node name="StaticBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."] [node name="StaticBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."]
position = Vector2( 73.6327, 117.071 ) position = Vector2(73.6327, 117.071)
script = null
[node name="StaticBody2D" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
[node name="StaticBody2D2" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D2" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 171.12, 267.286 ) position = Vector2(171.12, 267.286)
[node name="StaticBody2D3" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D3" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 618.011, -2.82837 ) position = Vector2(618.011, -2.82837)
[node name="StaticBody2D4" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D4" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 793.374, 120.208 ) position = Vector2(793.374, 120.208)
[node name="StaticBody2D6" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D6" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 68.974, 216.436 ) position = Vector2(68.974, 216.436)
[node name="StaticBody2D7" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D7" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 240.094, 483.722 ) position = Vector2(240.094, 483.722)
[node name="StaticBody2D8" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D8" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 686.985, 213.607 ) position = Vector2(686.985, 213.607)
[node name="StaticBody2D9" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D9" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 862.348, 336.644 ) position = Vector2(862.348, 336.644)
[node name="StaticBody2D5" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 4 )] [node name="StaticBody2D5" parent="StaticBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "4" )]
position = Vector2( 704.278, 296.985 ) position = Vector2(704.278, 296.985)
[node name="RigidBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."] [node name="RigidBody2D" type="Node2D" parent="."]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody2D" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 178.191, 120.915 ) position = Vector2(178.191, 120.915)
[node name="RigidBody2D2" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D2" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 192.874, 313.132 ) position = Vector2(192.874, 313.132)
[node name="RigidBody2D3" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D3" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 386.426, 210.35 ) position = Vector2(386.426, 210.35)
[node name="RigidBody2D4" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D4" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 374.412, 43.4946 ) position = Vector2(374.412, 43.4946)
[node name="RigidBody2D5" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D5" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 609.344, 331.82 ) position = Vector2(609.344, 331.82)
[node name="RigidBody2D6" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D6" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 756.177, 187.657 ) position = Vector2(756.177, 187.657)
[node name="RigidBody2D7" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D7" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 754.842, 43.4946 ) position = Vector2(754.842, 43.4946)
[node name="RigidBody2D8" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D8" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 490.543, 544.06 ) position = Vector2(490.543, 544.06)
[node name="RigidBody2D9" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D9" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 490.543, 544.06 ) position = Vector2(490.543, 544.06)
[node name="RigidBody2D10" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D10" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 282.873, 201.928 ) position = Vector2(282.873, 201.928)
[node name="RigidBody2D11" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D11" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 281.538, 57.7651 ) position = Vector2(281.538, 57.7651)
[node name="RigidBody2D12" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D12" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 17.2386, 558.33 ) position = Vector2(17.2386, 558.33)
[node name="RigidBody2D13" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( 5 )] [node name="RigidBody2D13" parent="RigidBody2D" instance=ExtResource( "5" )]
position = Vector2( 17.2386, 558.33 ) position = Vector2(17.2386, 558.33)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://c6nagiem1y61r"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/RigidBody2D.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/2D/RigidBody2D.gd" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://icon.png" type="Texture" id=2] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bp1jqfv4eumxi" path="res://icon.png" id="2"]
[node name="RigidBody2D" type="RigidBody2D"] [node name="RigidBody2D" type="RigidBody2D"]
gravity_scale = 0.1 gravity_scale = 0.1
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( -2.29324, -15.2017, -12.0322, 4.46353, 8.38219, 7.64743 ) polygon = PackedVector2Array(-2.29324, -15.2017, -12.0322, 4.46353, 8.38219, 7.64743)
script = null
[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="."] [node name="Sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."]
modulate = Color( 0.47451, 0, 0.427451, 1 ) modulate = Color(0.47451, 0, 0.427451, 1)
rotation = 0.792379 rotation = 0.792379
texture = ExtResource( 2 ) texture = ExtResource( "2" )
script = null

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://i3qfkqf31vkh"]
[ext_resource path="res://icon.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bp1jqfv4eumxi" path="res://icon.png" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/2D/StaticBody2D.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/2D/StaticBody2D.gd" id="2"]
[node name="StaticBody2D" type="StaticBody2D"] [node name="StaticBody2D" type="StaticBody2D"]
script = ExtResource( 2 ) script = ExtResource( "2" )
[node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."] [node name="CollisionPolygon2D" type="CollisionPolygon2D" parent="."]
polygon = PoolVector2Array( -0.566719, -5.64549, -7.24092, 1.19557, -2.06841, 8.20348, 5.60692, 5.20009, 4.10522, -5.14492 ) polygon = PackedVector2Array(-0.566719, -5.64549, -7.24092, 1.19557, -2.06841, 8.20348, 5.60692, 5.20009, 4.10522, -5.14492)
script = null
[node name="Sprite" type="Sprite" parent="."] [node name="Sprite" type="Sprite2D" parent="."]
modulate = Color( 0, 1, 1, 0.584314 ) modulate = Color(0, 1, 1, 0.584314)
rotation = 0.270526 rotation = 0.270526
texture = ExtResource( 1 ) texture = ExtResource( "1" )
script = null

View File

@ -1,266 +1,285 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=11 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=11 format=3 uid="uid://c1ur0715b1vt1"]
[ext_resource path="res://icon.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bp1jqfv4eumxi" path="res://icon.png" id="1"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/3D/StaticArena.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/3D/StaticArena.gd" id="2"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/3D/RigidBody3D.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] [ext_resource type="PackedScene" path="res://Physics/3D/RigidBody3D.tscn" id="3"]
[sub_resource type="PhysicsMaterial" id=1] [sub_resource type="PhysicsMaterial" id="1"]
friction = 0.89 friction = 0.89
rough = true rough = true
[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=2] [sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="2"]
albedo_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 0.521569 ) albedo_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.521569)
albedo_texture = ExtResource( 1 ) albedo_texture = ExtResource( "1" )
metallic = 1.0 metallic = 1.0
metallic_specular = 0.86 metallic_specular = 0.86
metallic_texture = ExtResource( 1 ) metallic_texture = ExtResource( "1" )
[sub_resource type="BoxShape" id=3] [sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="3"]
extents = Vector3( 50, 2, 50 ) size = Vector3(100, 4, 100)
[sub_resource type="SpatialMaterial" id=4] [sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="4"]
params_diffuse_mode = 1 diffuse_mode = 1
albedo_texture = ExtResource( 1 ) albedo_texture = ExtResource( "1" )
metallic = 0.8 metallic = 0.8
[sub_resource type="BoxShape" id=5] [sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="5"]
extents = Vector3( 50, 20, 5 ) size = Vector3(100, 40, 10)
[sub_resource type="BoxShape" id=6] [sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="6"]
extents = Vector3( 11.8794, 1.37845, 22.281 ) size = Vector3(23.7588, 2.7569, 44.562)
[sub_resource type="BoxShape" id=7] [sub_resource type="BoxShape3D" id="7"]
extents = Vector3( 11.8794, 1.37845, 22.281 ) size = Vector3(23.7588, 2.7569, 44.562)
[node name="Physics3D" type="Spatial"] [node name="Physics3D" type="Node3D"]
script = null
[node name="DirectionalLight" type="DirectionalLight" parent="."] [node name="DirectionalLight" type="DirectionalLight3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, -0.959707, 0.281002, 0, -0.281002, -0.959707, 0, 35.3705, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, -0.959707, 0.281002, 0, -0.281002, -0.959707, 0, 35.3705, 0)
light_energy = 1.45 light_energy = 1.45
script = null
[node name="StaticArena" type="Spatial" parent="."] [node name="StaticArena" type="Node3D" parent="."]
script = ExtResource( 2 ) script = ExtResource( "2" )
[node name="StaticBody" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
collision_layer = 2147483651 collision_layer = 2147483651
collision_mask = 279045 collision_mask = 279045
physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) physics_material_override = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody"]
width = 100.0 material = SubResource( "2" )
height = 4.32824 script = null
depth = 100.0
material = SubResource( 2 )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody"]
shape = SubResource( 3 ) shape = SubResource( "3" )
script = null
[node name="StaticBody2" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody2" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 18.1689, 1.64214 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 18.1689, 1.64214)
collision_layer = 2147483651 collision_layer = 2147483651
collision_mask = 279045 collision_mask = 279045
physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) physics_material_override = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody2"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody2"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124)
width = 100.0 material = SubResource( "4" )
height = 40.0 script = null
depth = 10.0
material = SubResource( 4 )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody2"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody2"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709)
shape = SubResource( 5 ) shape = SubResource( "5" )
script = null
[node name="StaticBody3" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody3" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 18.1689, 91.732 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 18.1689, 91.732)
collision_layer = 2147483651 collision_layer = 2147483651
collision_mask = 279045 collision_mask = 279045
physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) physics_material_override = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody3"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody3"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124)
width = 100.0 material = SubResource( "4" )
height = 40.0 script = null
depth = 10.0
material = SubResource( 4 )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody3"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody3"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709)
shape = SubResource( 5 ) shape = SubResource( "5" )
script = null
[node name="StaticBody4" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody4" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( -1.62921e-07, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1.62921e-07, -1.90218, 18.1689, 0.572887 ) transform = Transform3D(-1.62921e-07, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1.62921e-07, -1.90218, 18.1689, 0.572887)
collision_layer = 2147483651 collision_layer = 2147483651
collision_mask = 279045 collision_mask = 279045
physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) physics_material_override = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody4"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody4"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.13509, -46.5124 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1.13509, -46.5124)
width = 100.0 material = SubResource( "4" )
height = 40.0 script = null
depth = 10.0
material = SubResource( 4 )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody4"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody4"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709)
shape = SubResource( 5 ) shape = SubResource( "5" )
script = null
[node name="StaticBody5" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody5" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( -1.62921e-07, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1.62921e-07, -92.1931, 18.8845, 0.814518 ) transform = Transform3D(-1.62921e-07, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1.62921e-07, -92.1931, 18.8845, 0.814518)
collision_layer = 2147483651 collision_layer = 2147483651
collision_mask = 279045 collision_mask = 279045
physics_material_override = SubResource( 1 ) physics_material_override = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody5"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody5"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.5124)
width = 100.0 material = SubResource( "4" )
height = 40.0 script = null
depth = 10.0
material = SubResource( 4 )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody5"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody5"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -46.709)
shape = SubResource( 5 ) shape = SubResource( "5" )
script = null
[node name="StaticBody6" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody6" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( 0.998532, 0.013617, -0.0524264, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.054166, -0.251025, 0.966464, -16.8315, 7.76313, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(0.998532, 0.013617, -0.0524264, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.054166, -0.251025, 0.966464, -16.8315, 7.76313, 0)
script = null
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody6"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody6"]
shape = SubResource( 6 ) shape = SubResource( "6" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody6"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody6"]
width = 23.9394 script = null
depth = 44.6359
[node name="StaticBody7" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody7" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( -0.638995, 0.193375, -0.744507, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.769211, 0.16064, -0.618474, 10.0702, 7.03413, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(-0.638995, 0.193375, -0.744507, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.769211, 0.16064, -0.618474, 10.0702, 7.03413, 0)
script = null
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody7"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody7"]
transform = Transform( 1, -9.31323e-10, 0, 0, 1, 1.49012e-08, 3.72529e-09, 1.49012e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(1, -9.31323e-10, 0, 0, 1, 1.49012e-08, 3.72529e-09, 1.49012e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0)
shape = SubResource( 7 ) shape = SubResource( "7" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody7"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody7"]
width = 23.9394 script = null
depth = 44.6359
[node name="StaticBody8" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody8" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( -0.314953, 0.2386, -0.918626, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.949107, 0.0791774, -0.304838, 10.0702, 7.03413, 24.278 ) transform = Transform3D(-0.314953, 0.2386, -0.918626, 0, 0.967885, 0.251394, 0.949107, 0.0791774, -0.304838, 10.0702, 7.03413, 24.278)
script = null
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody8"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody8"]
transform = Transform( 1, -9.31323e-10, 0, 0, 1, 1.49012e-08, 3.72529e-09, 1.49012e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(1, -9.31323e-10, 0, 0, 1, 1.49012e-08, 3.72529e-09, 1.49012e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0)
shape = SubResource( 7 ) shape = SubResource( "7" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody8"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody8"]
width = 23.9394 script = null
depth = 44.6359
[node name="StaticBody9" type="StaticBody" parent="StaticArena"] [node name="StaticBody9" type="StaticBody3D" parent="StaticArena"]
transform = Transform( 0.289683, -0.599318, 0.746259, -0.123608, -0.796586, -0.591753, 0.949107, 0.0791774, -0.304838, 10.0702, 0.940654, -25.555 ) transform = Transform3D(0.289683, -0.599318, 0.746259, -0.123608, -0.796586, -0.591753, 0.949107, 0.0791774, -0.304838, 10.0702, 0.940654, -25.555)
script = null
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody9"] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody9"]
transform = Transform( 1, 7.45058e-09, 0, 1.49012e-08, 1, 4.84288e-08, 0, -3.1665e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 7.45058e-09, 0, 1.49012e-08, 1, 4.84288e-08, 0, -3.1665e-08, 1, 0, 0, 0)
shape = SubResource( 7 ) shape = SubResource( "7" )
script = null
[node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody9"] [node name="CSGBox" type="CSGBox3D" parent="StaticArena/StaticBody9"]
width = 23.9394 script = null
depth = 44.6359
[node name="Objects" type="Spatial" parent="."] [node name="Objects" type="Node3D" parent="."]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -8.50424, 17.1047, 14.7363 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -8.50424, 17.1047, 14.7363)
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3.7864, 12.6031, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3.7864, 12.6031, 19.1751)
[node name="RigidBody3" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody3" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -16.9896, 10.6319, 28.8764 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -16.9896, 10.6319, 28.8764)
[node name="RigidBody4" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody4" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -26.0866, 12.6031, -18.3703 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -26.0866, 12.6031, -18.3703)
[node name="RigidBody5" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody5" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 22.2505, 12.6031, -20.7732 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 22.2505, 12.6031, -20.7732)
[node name="RigidBody6" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody6" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 24.085, 12.6031, 8.2937 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 24.085, 12.6031, 8.2937)
[node name="RigidBody7" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody7" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 18.9278, 12.6031, 23.4173 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 18.9278, 12.6031, 23.4173)
[node name="RigidBody8" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody8" parent="Objects" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -3.85186, 24.8548, -9.87658 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -3.85186, 24.8548, -9.87658)
[node name="Camera" type="Camera" parent="."] [node name="Camera" type="Camera3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 0.922114, 0.23703, -0.305815, 0.0163102, 0.765871, 0.642787, 0.386575, -0.597711, 0.702354, -25.392, 55.117, 39.851 ) transform = Transform3D(0.922114, 0.23703, -0.305815, 0.0163102, 0.765871, 0.642787, 0.386575, -0.597711, 0.702354, -25.392, 55.117, 39.851)
current = true current = true
far = 200.0 far = 200.0
script = null
[node name="Joints" type="Spatial" parent="."] [node name="Joints" type="Node3D" parent="."]
script = null
[node name="Cone" type="Spatial" parent="Joints"] [node name="Cone" type="Node3D" parent="Joints"]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Cone" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Cone" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 6.73046, 77.026 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 6.73046, 77.026)
gravity_scale = -3.0 gravity_scale = -3.0
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Cone" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Cone" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 15.3482, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 15.3482, 19.1751)
[node name="ConeTwistJoint" type="ConeTwistJoint" parent="Joints/Cone"] [node name="ConeTwistJoint" type="ConeTwistJoint3D" parent="Joints/Cone"]
nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody") nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody")
nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2") nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2")
script = null
[node name="Generic" type="Spatial" parent="Joints"] [node name="Generic" type="Node3D" parent="Joints"]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Generic" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Generic" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, 67.0796 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, 67.0796)
gravity_scale = -3.0 gravity_scale = -3.0
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Generic" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Generic" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, -0.445078 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, -0.445078)
[node name="Generic6DOFJoint" type="Generic6DOFJoint" parent="Joints/Generic"] [node name="Generic6DOFJoint" type="Generic6DOFJoint3D" parent="Joints/Generic"]
nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody") nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody")
nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2") nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2")
script = null
[node name="Hinge" type="Spatial" parent="Joints"] [node name="Hinge" type="Node3D" parent="Joints"]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Hinge" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Hinge" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 18.6153, 33.1278, 59.2096 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 18.6153, 33.1278, 59.2096)
gravity_scale = -3.0 gravity_scale = -3.0
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Hinge" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Hinge" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8.17695, 33.1278, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8.17695, 33.1278, 19.1751)
[node name="HingeJoint" type="HingeJoint" parent="Joints/Hinge"] [node name="HingeJoint" type="HingeJoint3D" parent="Joints/Hinge"]
nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody") nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody")
nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2") nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2")
script = null
[node name="Pin" type="Spatial" parent="Joints"] [node name="Pin" type="Node3D" parent="Joints"]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Pin" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Pin" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 4.83369, 116.28 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 4.83369, 116.28)
gravity_scale = -3.0 gravity_scale = -3.0
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Pin" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Pin" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 18.4589, 10.7729 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 18.4589, 10.7729)
[node name="PinJoint" type="PinJoint" parent="Joints/Pin"] [node name="PinJoint" type="PinJoint3D" parent="Joints/Pin"]
nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody") nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody")
nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2") nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2")
script = null
[node name="Slider" type="Spatial" parent="Joints"] [node name="Slider" type="Node3D" parent="Joints"]
script = null
[node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Slider" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody" parent="Joints/Slider" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 17.7427, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 17.7427, 19.1751)
gravity_scale = -3.0 gravity_scale = -3.0
[node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Slider" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] [node name="RigidBody2" parent="Joints/Slider" instance=ExtResource( "3" )]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -33.3355, 16.2845, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -33.3355, 16.2845, 19.1751)
[node name="SliderJoint" type="SliderJoint" parent="Joints/Slider"] [node name="SliderJoint" type="SliderJoint3D" parent="Joints/Slider"]
nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody") nodes/node_a = NodePath("../RigidBody")
nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2") nodes/node_b = NodePath("../RigidBody2")
linear_motion/softness = 1.43 linear_motion/softness = 1.43
script = null

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://bs8jtr3b56fnr"]
[ext_resource path="res://Physics/3D/RigidBody3D.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Physics/3D/RigidBody3D.gd" id="1"]
[sub_resource type="SphereShape" id=1] [sub_resource type="SphereShape3D" id="1"]
[node name="RigidBody" type="RigidBody"] [node name="RigidBody" type="RigidBody3D"]
transform = Transform( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, 19.1751 ) transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -23.2888, 33.1278, 19.1751)
gravity_scale = 5.0 gravity_scale = 5.0
continuous_cd = true continuous_cd = true
linear_velocity = Vector3( 0, 5, 0 ) linear_velocity = Vector3(0, 5, 0)
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )
[node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape" parent="."] [node name="CollisionShape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform( 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 ) transform = Transform3D(5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0)
shape = SubResource( 1 ) shape = SubResource( "1" )
script = null
[node name="CSGSphere" type="CSGSphere" parent="CollisionShape"] [node name="CSGSphere" type="CSGSphere3D" parent="CollisionShape"]
script = null

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bko71to5pvsix"]
[ext_resource path="res://ReparentingDeleting/ReparentingDeleting.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://ReparentingDeleting/ReparentingDeleting.gd" id="1"]
[node name="ReparentingDeleting" type="Node"] [node name="ReparentingDeleting" type="Node"]
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=2] [gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://bi6b75cfmqj4r"]
[ext_resource path="res://Start.gd" type="Script" id=1] [ext_resource type="Script" path="res://Start.gd" id="1"]
[node name="Start" type="Control"] [node name="Start" type="Control"]
anchor_right = 1.0 anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0 anchor_bottom = 1.0
script = ExtResource( 1 ) script = ExtResource( "1" )
__meta__ = { __meta__ = {
"_edit_use_anchors_": false "_edit_use_anchors_": false
} }

View File

@ -2,17 +2,18 @@
importer="texture" importer="texture"
type="StreamTexture2D" type="StreamTexture2D"
path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.s3tc.stex" path.s3tc="res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.s3tc.stex"
path.etc2="res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.etc2.stex" path.etc2="res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.etc2.stex"
metadata={ metadata={
"imported_formats": [ "s3tc", "etc2" ], "imported_formats": ["s3tc", "etc2"],
"vram_texture": true "vram_texture": true
} }
[deps] [deps]
source_file="res://icon.png" source_file="res://icon.png"
dest_files=[ "res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.s3tc.stex", "res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.etc2.stex" ] dest_files=["res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.s3tc.stex", "res://.godot/imported/icon.png-487276ed1e3a0c39cad0279d744ee560.etc2.stex"]
[params] [params]
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ roughness/mode=0
roughness/src_normal="" roughness/src_normal=""
process/fix_alpha_border=true process/fix_alpha_border=true
process/premult_alpha=false process/premult_alpha=false
process/invert_color=false process/normal_map_invert_y=false
process/HDR_as_SRGB=false process/HDR_as_SRGB=false
process/size_limit=0 process/size_limit=0
detect_3d/compress_to=0 detect_3d/compress_to=0