#include "string.h" #include "core/math/math.h" #include "error_macros.h" #include #include #include static const int MAX_DECIMALS = 32; void String::push_back(const char element) { ensure_capacity(_size + 1); _data[_size++] = element; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::pop_back() { if (_size == 0) { return; } --_size; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::remove(const int index) { _data[index] = _data[_size - 1]; --_size; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::erase(const char element) { int index = find(element); if (index != -1) { remove(index); } } void String::erase(const int start_index, const int length) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(start_index, _size); int sil = start_index + length; if (sil > _size) { sil = _size; } for (int i = start_index; i < _size; ++i) { _data[i] = _data[sil + i]; } _size -= length; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::clear() { _size = 0; } bool String::empty() const { return _size == 0; } char String::get(const int index) { return _data[index]; } const char String::get(const int index) const { return _data[index]; } void String::set(const int index, const char value) { _data[index] = value; } int String::size() const { return _size; } int String::capacity() const { return _actual_size; } void String::ensure_capacity(const int capacity) { if (capacity < _actual_size) { return; } int tsize = capacity + _grow_by; char *nd = new char[tsize]; if (_data) { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { nd[i] = _data[i]; } delete[] _data; } _data = nd; _actual_size = tsize; } void String::resize(const int s) { ensure_capacity(s + 1); // +1 for the null terminator _size = s; _data[_size] = '\0'; } int String::find(const char val, const int from) const { for (int i = from; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == val) { return i; } } return -1; } int String::find(const String &val, const int from) const { int ve = _size - val.size(); for (int i = from; i < ve; ++i) { bool found = true; for (int j = 0; j < val.size(); ++j) { if (_data[i + j] != val[j]) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { return i; } } return -1; } void String::get_substr(char *into_buf, const int start_index, const int len) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(start_index + len - 1, _size); int j = 0; for (int i = start_index; i < start_index + len; ++i) { into_buf[j++] = _data[i]; } } void String::get_substr_nt(char *into_buf, const int start_index, const int len) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(start_index + len - 1, _size); int j = 0; for (int i = start_index; i < start_index + len; ++i) { into_buf[j++] = _data[i]; } into_buf[len + 1] = '\0'; } String String::substr(const int start_index, const int len) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(start_index, _size, String()); int sil = start_index + len; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(sil, _size + 1, String()); String str; str.ensure_capacity(len + 1); for (int i = start_index; i < sil; ++i) { str._data[str._size++] = _data[i]; } str._data[str._size] = '\0'; return str; } String String::substr_index(const int start_index, const int end_index) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(start_index, _size, String()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(end_index, _size, String()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(start_index > end_index, String()); String str; str.ensure_capacity(end_index - start_index + 1); for (int i = start_index; i <= end_index; ++i) { str._data[str._size++] = _data[i]; } str._data[str._size] = '\0'; return str; } bool String::contains(const char val) const { return find(val) != -1; } bool String::contains(const String &val) const { return find(val) != -1; } void String::replace_from(const int start_index, const int length, const String &with) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(start_index, _size); int sil = start_index + length; ERR_FAIL_INDEX(sil, _size + 1); if (length < with.size()) { int loffs = with.size() - length; ensure_capacity(_size + loffs + 1); _size += loffs; _data[_size] = '\0'; for (int i = _size - 1; i > start_index + loffs; --i) { _data[i] = _data[i - loffs]; } } else if (length > with.size()) { int loffs = length - with.size(); for (int i = start_index + with.size(); i < _size; ++i) { _data[i] = _data[i + loffs]; } _size -= loffs; } for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { _data[i + start_index] = with._data[i]; } } void String::replace(const String &find_str, const String &with) { if (empty()) { return; } if (find_str.empty()) return; int start_pos = 0; while ((start_pos = find(find_str, start_pos)) != -1) { replace_from(start_pos, find_str.size(), with); start_pos += with.size(); } } int String::compare(const String &other) const { if (size() < other.size()) { return 1; } else if (size() > other.size()) { return 2; } else { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] < other._data[i]) { return 1; } else if (_data[i] > other._data[i]) { return 2; } } return 0; } } void String::to_lower() { for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { char c = _data[i]; if (c >= 56 && c <= 90) { _data[i] = c + 32; } } } String String::as_lower() const { String a = *this; a.to_lower(); return a; } void String::trim() { trim_end(); trim_beginning(); } void String::trim_beginning() { if (_size == 0) { return; } bool found = false; int last_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { char c = _data[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') { found = true; last_index == i; } else { break; } } if (!found) { return; } ++last_index; if (last_index == _size) { _size = 0; _data[_size] = '\0'; return; } for (int i = 0; i < _size - last_index; ++i) { _data[i] = _data[i + last_index]; } _size -= last_index; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::trim_end() { if (_size == 0) { return; } int last_index = _size; for (int i = _size - 1; i <= 0; --i) { char c = _data[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') { last_index == i; } else { break; } } if (last_index == _size) { return; } _data[last_index] = '\0'; _size = last_index; } int String::get_slice_count(const char splitter) const { int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == splitter) { ++count; } } return count; } int String::get_slice_count(const String &splitter) const { int count = 1; int n = find(splitter, n); while (n != -1) { ++count; n = find(splitter, n); } return count; } String String::get_slice(const char splitter, int index) { if (_size == 0) { return ""; } int count = 0; int start_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == splitter) { ++count; if (count == index) { start_index = i + 1; } if (count == index + 1) { return substr_index(start_index, i - 1); } } } return substr_index(start_index, _size - 1); } String String::get_slice(const String &splitter, int index) { if (_size == 0) { return ""; } int count = 0; int start_index = 0; int n = find(splitter, n); while (n != -1) { ++count; n = find(splitter, n); if (count == index) { start_index = n + splitter.size(); } if (count == index + 1) { return substr_index(start_index, n - 1); } } return substr_index(start_index, _size - 1); } Vector String::split(const char splitter) const { Vector v; if (_size == 0) { return v; } int start_index = 0; for (int i = 1; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == splitter) { if (start_index == i) { v.push_back(String()); } else { v.push_back(substr_index(start_index, i - 1)); } start_index = i + 1; } } if (start_index < _size - 1) { v.push_back(substr_index(start_index, _size - 1)); } return v; } Vector String::split(const String &splitter) const { Vector v; if (_size == 0) { return v; } int start_index = 0; int n = 0; while (n != -1) { n = find(splitter, n); v.push_back(substr_index(start_index, n - 1)); start_index = n + splitter.size(); } if (start_index < _size - 1) { v.push_back(substr_index(start_index, _size - 1)); } return v; } uint8_t String::read_uint8_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index, _size, 0); if (advance_index) { return static_cast(_data[index++]); } else { return static_cast(_data[index]); } } uint16_t String::read_uint16_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 1, _size, 0); char carr[3]; char *p = carr; //printf("%u %u\n", static_cast(p[0]), static_cast(p[1])); get_substr_nt(p, index, 2); const uint16_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 2; } return *vp; } uint32_t String::read_uint32_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 3, _size, 0); char carr[5]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 4); const uint32_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 4; } return *vp; } uint64_t String::read_uint64_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 7, _size, 0); char carr[9]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 8); const uint64_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 8; } return *vp; } int8_t String::read_int8_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index, _size, 0); if (advance_index) { return static_cast(_data[index++]); } else { return static_cast(_data[index]); } } int16_t String::read_int16_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 1, _size, 0); char carr[3]; char *p = carr; //printf("%u %u\n", static_cast(p[0]), static_cast(p[1])); get_substr_nt(p, index, 2); const int16_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 2; } return *vp; } int32_t String::read_int32_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 3, _size, 0); char carr[5]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 4); const int32_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 4; } return *vp; } int64_t String::read_int64_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 7, _size, 0); char carr[9]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 8); const int64_t *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 8; } return *vp; } void String::append_uint8_bytes(const uint8_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 1); _data[_size++] = val; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_uint16_bytes(const uint16_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 2); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); //printf("a %u %u\n", static_cast(vp[0]), static_cast(vp[1])); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 2); _size += 2; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_uint32_bytes(const uint32_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 4); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 4); _size += 4; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_uint64_bytes(const uint64_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 8); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 8); _size += 8; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_int8_bytes(const int8_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 1); _data[_size++] = val; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_int16_bytes(const int16_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 2); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); //printf("a %u %u\n", static_cast(vp[0]), static_cast(vp[1])); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 2); _size += 2; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_int32_bytes(const int32_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 4); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 4); _size += 4; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_int64_bytes(const int64_t val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 8); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 8); _size += 8; _data[_size] = '\0'; } float String::read_float_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 3, _size, 0); char carr[5]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 4); const float *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 4; } return *vp; } void String::append_float_bytes(const float val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 4); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 4); _size += 4; _data[_size] = '\0'; } double String::read_double_bytes_at(int &index, bool advance_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(index + 7, _size, 0); char carr[9]; char *p = carr; get_substr_nt(p, index, 8); const double *vp = static_cast((void *)p); if (advance_index) { index += 8; } return *vp; } void String::append_double_bytes(const double val) { ensure_capacity(_size + 8); const char *vp = static_cast((void *)&val); memcpy(&_data[_size], vp, 8); _size += 8; _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_str(const char *str) { if (str == nullptr) { return; } int i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { push_back(str[i++]); } } void String::append_str(const String &other) { ensure_capacity(_size + other._size + 1); // +1 for the null terminator for (int i = 0; i < other._size; ++i) { _data[_size++] = other._data[i]; } _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_str(const std::string &str) { ensure_capacity(_size + str.size() + 1); // +1 for the null terminator for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { _data[_size++] = str[i]; } _data[_size] = '\0'; } void String::append_repeat(const char *str, const int times) { for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { append_str(str); } } void String::append_repeat(const String &other, const int times) { for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { append_str(other); } } bool String::to_bool() const { if (is_numeric()) { return to_int() != 0; } return as_lower() == "true"; } float String::to_float() const { return atof(c_str()); } double String::to_double() const { return atof(c_str()); } int String::to_int() const { return atoi(c_str()); } bool String::is_numeric() const { if (_size == 0) { return false; } int starti = 0; if (_data[0] == '-') { starti += 1; } bool had_dot = false; for (int i = starti; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == '.') { if (!had_dot) { had_dot = true; continue; } else { return false; } } char c = _data[i]; if (c < '0' || c > '9') { return false; } } return true; } bool String::is_int() const { if (_size == 0) { return false; } int starti = 0; if (_data[0] == '-') { starti += 1; } for (int i = starti; i < _size; ++i) { char c = _data[i]; if (c < '0' || c > '9') { return false; } } return true; } bool String::is_uint() const { if (_size == 0) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) { char c = _data[i]; if (c < '0' || c > '9') { return false; } } return true; } bool String::is_zero() const { if (_size == 0) { return false; } int starti = 0; if (_data[0] == '-') { starti += 1; } bool had_dot = false; for (int i = starti; i < _size; ++i) { if (_data[i] == '.') { if (!had_dot) { had_dot = true; continue; } else { return false; } } char c = _data[i]; if (c != '0') { return false; } } return true; } uint32_t String::to_uint() const { return static_cast(atoll(c_str())); } std::string String::to_string() const { return std::string(c_str()); } void String::print() const { ::printf("%s\n", c_str()); } String String::bool_num(bool val) { if (val) { return String("1", 2); } else { return String("0", 2); } } String String::bool_str(bool val) { if (val) { return String("true", 5); } else { return String("false", 6); } } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::num(double p_num, int p_decimals) { if (Math::is_nan(p_num)) { return "nan"; } if (Math::is_inf(p_num)) { if (signbit(p_num)) { return "-inf"; } else { return "inf"; } } if (p_decimals < 0) { p_decimals = 14; const double abs_num = Math::abs(p_num); if (abs_num > 10) { // We want to align the digits to the above sane default, so we only // need to subtract log10 for numbers with a positive power of ten. p_decimals -= (int)floor(log10(abs_num)); } } if (p_decimals > MAX_DECIMALS) { p_decimals = MAX_DECIMALS; } char fmt[7]; fmt[0] = '%'; fmt[1] = '.'; if (p_decimals < 0) { fmt[1] = 'l'; fmt[2] = 'f'; fmt[3] = 0; } else if (p_decimals < 10) { fmt[2] = '0' + p_decimals; fmt[3] = 'l'; fmt[4] = 'f'; fmt[5] = 0; } else { fmt[2] = '0' + (p_decimals / 10); fmt[3] = '0' + (p_decimals % 10); fmt[4] = 'l'; fmt[5] = 'f'; fmt[6] = 0; } char buf[256]; #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) snprintf(buf, 256, fmt, p_num); #else sprintf(buf, fmt, p_num); #endif buf[255] = 0; //destroy trailing zeroes { bool period = false; int z = 0; while (buf[z]) { if (buf[z] == '.') { period = true; } z++; } if (period) { z--; while (z > 0) { if (buf[z] == '0') { buf[z] = 0; } else if (buf[z] == '.') { buf[z] = 0; break; } else { break; } z--; } } } return buf; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::num_int64(int64_t p_num, int base, bool capitalize_hex) { bool sign = p_num < 0; int64_t n = p_num; int chars = 0; do { n /= base; chars++; } while (n); if (sign) { chars++; } String s; s.resize(chars + 1); char *c = s.dataw(); c[chars] = 0; n = p_num; do { int mod = Math::absi(n % base); if (mod >= 10) { char a = (capitalize_hex ? 'A' : 'a'); c[--chars] = a + (mod - 10); } else { c[--chars] = '0' + mod; } n /= base; } while (n); if (sign) { c[0] = '-'; } return s; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::num_uint64(uint64_t p_num, int base, bool capitalize_hex) { uint64_t n = p_num; int chars = 0; do { n /= base; chars++; } while (n); String s; s.resize(chars + 1); char *c = s.dataw(); c[chars] = 0; n = p_num; do { int mod = n % base; if (mod >= 10) { char a = (capitalize_hex ? 'A' : 'a'); c[--chars] = a + (mod - 10); } else { c[--chars] = '0' + mod; } n /= base; } while (n); return s; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::num_real(double p_num, bool p_trailing) { if (Math::is_nan(p_num)) { return "nan"; } if (Math::is_inf(p_num)) { if (signbit(p_num)) { return "-inf"; } else { return "inf"; } } String s; String sd; // Integer part. bool neg = p_num < 0; p_num = Math::abs(p_num); int64_t intn = (int64_t)p_num; // Decimal part. if (intn != p_num) { double dec = p_num - (double)intn; int digit = 0; #ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE int decimals = 14; double tolerance = 1e-14; #else int decimals = 6; double tolerance = 1e-6; #endif // We want to align the digits to the above sane default, so we only // need to subtract log10 for numbers with a positive power of ten. if (p_num > 10) { decimals -= (int)floor(log10(p_num)); } if (decimals > MAX_DECIMALS) { decimals = MAX_DECIMALS; } // In case the value ends up ending in "99999", we want to add a // tiny bit to the value we're checking when deciding when to stop, // so we multiply by slightly above 1 (1 + 1e-7 or 1e-15). double check_multiplier = 1 + tolerance / 10; int64_t dec_int = 0; int64_t dec_max = 0; while (true) { dec *= 10.0; dec_int = dec_int * 10 + (int64_t)dec % 10; dec_max = dec_max * 10 + 9; digit++; if ((dec - (double)(int64_t)(dec * check_multiplier)) < tolerance) { break; } if (digit == decimals) { break; } } dec *= 10; int last = (int64_t)dec % 10; if (last > 5) { if (dec_int == dec_max) { dec_int = 0; intn++; } else { dec_int++; } } String decimal; for (int i = 0; i < digit; i++) { char num[2] = { 0, 0 }; num[0] = '0' + dec_int % 10; decimal = num + decimal; dec_int /= 10; } sd = '.' + decimal; } else if (p_trailing) { sd = ".0"; } else { sd = ""; } if (intn == 0) { s = "0"; } else { while (intn) { char32_t num = '0' + (intn % 10); intn /= 10; s = num + s; } } s = s + sd; if (neg) { s = "-" + s; } return s; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::num_scientific(double p_num) { if (Math::is_nan(p_num)) { return "nan"; } if (Math::is_inf(p_num)) { if (signbit(p_num)) { return "-inf"; } else { return "inf"; } } char buf[256]; #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT) && !defined(_UCRT) // MinGW requires _set_output_format() to conform to C99 output for printf unsigned int old_exponent_format = _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT); #endif snprintf(buf, 256, "%lg", p_num); #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT) && !defined(_UCRT) _set_output_format(old_exponent_format); #endif #else sprintf(buf, "%.16lg", p_num); #endif buf[255] = 0; return buf; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::ascii(bool p_allow_extended) const { if (!size()) { return String(); } String cs; cs.resize(size()); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { cs[i] = operator[](i); } return cs; } //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). String String::utf8(const char *p_utf8, int p_len) { String ret; ret.parse_utf8(p_utf8, p_len); return ret; }; //Taken from the Godot Engine (MIT License) //Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. //Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). bool String::parse_utf8(const char *p_utf8, int p_len) { //#define _UNICERROR(m_err) print_line("Unicode error: " + String(m_err)); if (!p_utf8) { return true; } String aux; int cstr_size = 0; int str_size = 0; /* HANDLE BOM (Byte Order Mark) */ if (p_len < 0 || p_len >= 3) { bool has_bom = uint8_t(p_utf8[0]) == 0xEF && uint8_t(p_utf8[1]) == 0xBB && uint8_t(p_utf8[2]) == 0xBF; if (has_bom) { //just skip it if (p_len >= 0) { p_len -= 3; } p_utf8 += 3; } } { const char *ptrtmp = p_utf8; const char *ptrtmp_limit = &p_utf8[p_len]; int skip = 0; while (ptrtmp != ptrtmp_limit && *ptrtmp) { if (skip == 0) { uint8_t c = *ptrtmp >= 0 ? *ptrtmp : uint8_t(256 + *ptrtmp); /* Determine the number of characters in sequence */ if ((c & 0x80) == 0) { skip = 0; } else if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { skip = 1; } else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { skip = 2; } else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { skip = 3; } else if ((c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) { skip = 4; } else if ((c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) { skip = 5; } else { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: invalid skip\n"); return true; //invalid utf8 } if (skip == 1 && (c & 0x1E) == 0) { //printf("overlong rejected\n"); RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: overlong rejected\n"); return true; //reject overlong } str_size++; } else { --skip; } cstr_size++; ptrtmp++; } if (skip) { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: no space left\n"); return true; //not enough spac } } if (str_size == 0) { clear(); return false; } ensure_capacity(str_size + 1); _size = str_size; char *dst = dataw(); dst[str_size] = 0; while (cstr_size) { int len = 0; /* Determine the number of characters in sequence */ if ((*p_utf8 & 0x80) == 0) { len = 1; } else if ((*p_utf8 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { len = 2; } else if ((*p_utf8 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { len = 3; } else if ((*p_utf8 & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { len = 4; } else if ((*p_utf8 & 0xFC) == 0xF8) { len = 5; } else if ((*p_utf8 & 0xFE) == 0xFC) { len = 6; } else { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: invalid len\n"); return true; //invalid UTF8 } if (len > cstr_size) { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: no space left\n"); return true; //not enough space } if (len == 2 && (*p_utf8 & 0x1E) == 0) { //printf("overlong rejected\n"); RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: no space left\n"); return true; //reject overlong } /* Convert the first character */ uint32_t unichar = 0; if (len == 1) { unichar = *p_utf8; } else { unichar = (0xFF >> (len + 1)) & *p_utf8; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { if ((p_utf8[i] & 0xC0) != 0x80) { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: invalid utf8\n"); return true; //invalid utf8 } if (unichar == 0 && i == 2 && ((p_utf8[i] & 0x7F) >> (7 - len)) == 0) { RLOG_ERR("UNICODE_ERROR: invalid utf8 overlong\n"); return true; //no overlong } unichar = (unichar << 6) | (p_utf8[i] & 0x3F); } } //printf("char %i, len %i\n",unichar,len); if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 && unichar > 0xFFFF) { unichar = ' '; //too long for windows } *(dst++) = unichar; cstr_size -= len; p_utf8 += len; } return false; } String String::utf8() const { int l = size(); if (!l) { return String(); } const char *d = data(); int fl = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { uint32_t c = d[i]; if (c <= 0x7f) { // 7 bits. fl += 1; } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { // 11 bits fl += 2; } else if (c <= 0xffff) { // 16 bits fl += 3; } else if (c <= 0x001fffff) { // 21 bits fl += 4; } else if (c <= 0x03ffffff) { // 26 bits fl += 5; } else if (c <= 0x7fffffff) { // 31 bits fl += 6; } } String utf8s; if (fl == 0) { return utf8s; } utf8s.ensure_capacity(fl + 1); utf8s._size = fl; uint8_t *cdst = (uint8_t *)utf8s.dataw(); #define APPEND_CHAR(m_c) *(cdst++) = m_c for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { uint32_t c = d[i]; if (c <= 0x7f) { // 7 bits. APPEND_CHAR(c); } else if (c <= 0x7ff) { // 11 bits APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0xc0 | ((c >> 6) & 0x1f))); // Top 5 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); // Bottom 6 bits. } else if (c <= 0xffff) { // 16 bits APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0xe0 | ((c >> 12) & 0x0f))); // Top 4 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f))); // Middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); // Bottom 6 bits. } else if (c <= 0x001fffff) { // 21 bits APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0xf0 | ((c >> 18) & 0x07))); // Top 3 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f))); // Upper middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f))); // Lower middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); // Bottom 6 bits. } else if (c <= 0x03ffffff) { // 26 bits APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0xf8 | ((c >> 24) & 0x03))); // Top 2 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3f))); // Upper middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f))); // middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f))); // Lower middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); // Bottom 6 bits. } else if (c <= 0x7fffffff) { // 31 bits APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0xfc | ((c >> 30) & 0x01))); // Top 1 bit. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 24) & 0x3f))); // Upper upper middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 18) & 0x3f))); // Lower upper middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f))); // Upper lower middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f))); // Lower lower middle 6 bits. APPEND_CHAR(uint32_t(0x80 | (c & 0x3f))); // Bottom 6 bits. } } #undef APPEND_CHAR *cdst = 0; //trailing zero return utf8s; } char *String::c_str() { return _data; } const char *String::c_str() const { return _data; } char *String::dataw() { return _data; } const char *String::data() const { return _data; } const char String::operator[](const int index) const { return _data[index]; } char &String::operator[](const int index) { return _data[index]; } String &String::operator+=(const String &b) { ensure_capacity(_size + b._size + 1); // +1 for the null terminator for (int i = 0; i < b._size; ++i) { _data[_size++] = b._data[i]; } _data[_size] = '\0'; return *this; } String &String::operator+=(const char chr) { push_back(chr); return *this; } String &String::operator+=(const char *p_c_str) { int i = 0; while (p_c_str[i] != '\0') { push_back(p_c_str[i]); ++i; } return *this; } String &String::operator+=(const std::string &b) { append_str(b); return *this; } String operator+(String lhs, const String &rhs) { lhs.append_str(rhs); return lhs; } String operator+(String lhs, const char *rhs) { lhs.append_str(rhs); return lhs; } String operator+(String lhs, const char rhs) { lhs.push_back(rhs); return lhs; } String operator+(String lhs, const std::string &rhs) { lhs.append_str(rhs); return lhs; } bool operator==(const String &a, const String &b) { if (a._size != b._size) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < a._size; ++i) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool operator!=(const String &a, const String &b) { return !(a == b); } bool operator==(const String &a, const char *b) { if (a._size == 0) { return b[0] == '\0'; } int i = 0; while (i < a._size && b[i] != '\0') { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } ++i; } if (i != a._size) { return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const String &a, const char *b) { return !(a == b); } bool operator==(const char *b, const String &a) { if (a._size == 0) { return b[0] == '\0'; } int i = 0; while (i < a._size && b[i] != '\0') { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } ++i; } if (i != a._size) { return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const char *b, const String &a) { return !(a == b); } bool operator==(const String &a, std::string &b) { if (a._size != b.size()) { return false; } char *bp = &b[0]; for (int i = 0; i < a._size; ++i) { if (a[i] != bp[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool operator!=(const String &a, std::string &b) { return !(a == b); } bool operator==(std::string &b, const String &a) { return (a == b); } bool operator!=(std::string &b, const String &a) { return !(a == b); } bool operator<(const String &a, const String &b) { return a.compare(b) == 1; } bool operator>(const String &a, const String &b) { return a.compare(b) == 2; } bool operator<=(const String &a, const String &b) { int c = a.compare(b); return c == 0 || c == 1; } bool operator>=(const String &a, const String &b) { int c = a.compare(b); return c == 0 || c == 2; } String &String::operator=(const String &other) { clear(); append_str(other); return *this; } String &String::operator=(const std::string &other) { clear(); append_str(other); return *this; } String &String::operator=(const char *other) { clear(); append_str(other); return *this; } String::String() { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = 100; ensure_capacity(100); _data[0] = '\0'; } String::String(const String &other) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = 100; //+1 for the null terminator in case its needed ensure_capacity(other.size() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < other._size; ++i) { _data[i] = other._data[i]; } _size = other._size; _data[other._size] = '\0'; } String::String(const String &other, int grow_by) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = grow_by; //+1 for the null terminator in case its needed ensure_capacity(other.size() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < other._size; ++i) { _data[i] = other._data[i]; } _size = other._size; _data[_size] = '\0'; } String::String(const char *p_c_str) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = 100; append_str(p_c_str); } String::String(const char *p_c_str, const int grow_by) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = grow_by; append_str(p_c_str); } String::String(int prealloc) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = 100; ensure_capacity(prealloc); _data[0] = '\0'; } String::String(int prealloc, int grow_by) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = grow_by; ensure_capacity(prealloc); _data[0] = '\0'; } String::String(const std::string &str) { _data = nullptr; _actual_size = 0; _size = 0; _grow_by = 100; append_str(str); } String::~String() { if (_data) { delete[] _data; _data = nullptr; } }