/** * * Socket.h * An Tao * * Public header file in trantor lib. * * Copyright 2018, An Tao. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the License file. * * */ // TODO Re enable logging #pragma once #include "core/net/inet_address.h" #include "core/log/logger.h" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include namespace trantor { class Socket { protected: // NonCopyable Socket(const Socket &) = delete; Socket &operator=(const Socket &) = delete; // some uncopyable classes maybe support move constructor.... Socket(Socket &&) noexcept(true) = default; Socket &operator=(Socket &&) noexcept(true) = default; public: static int createNonblockingSocketOrDie(int family) { #ifdef __linux__ int sock = ::socket(family, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, IPPROTO_TCP); #else int sock = static_cast(::socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)); setNonBlockAndCloseOnExec(sock); #endif if (sock < 0) { LOG_SYSERR << "sockets::createNonblockingOrDie"; exit(1); } LOG_TRACE << "sock=" << sock; return sock; } static int getSocketError(int sockfd) { int optval; socklen_t optlen = static_cast(sizeof optval); #ifdef _WIN32 if (::getsockopt( sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&optval, &optlen) < 0) #else if (::getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &optval, &optlen) < 0) #endif { return errno; } else { return optval; } } static int connect(int sockfd, const InetAddress &addr) { if (addr.isIpV6()) return ::connect(sockfd, addr.getSockAddr(), static_cast( sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))); else return ::connect(sockfd, addr.getSockAddr(), static_cast( sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))); } static bool isSelfConnect(int sockfd); explicit Socket(int sockfd) : sockFd_(sockfd) { } ~Socket(); /// abort if address in use void bindAddress(const InetAddress &localaddr); /// abort if address in use void listen(); int accept(InetAddress *peeraddr); void closeWrite(); int read(char *buffer, uint64_t len); int fd() { return sockFd_; } static struct sockaddr_in6 getLocalAddr(int sockfd); static struct sockaddr_in6 getPeerAddr(int sockfd); /// /// Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY (disable/enable Nagle's algorithm). /// void setTcpNoDelay(bool on); /// /// Enable/disable SO_REUSEADDR /// void setReuseAddr(bool on); /// /// Enable/disable SO_REUSEPORT /// void setReusePort(bool on); /// /// Enable/disable SO_KEEPALIVE /// void setKeepAlive(bool on); int getSocketError(); protected: int sockFd_; public: // taken from muduo static void setNonBlockAndCloseOnExec(int sockfd) { #ifdef _WIN32 // TODO how to set FD_CLOEXEC on windows? is it necessary? u_long arg = 1; auto ret = ioctlsocket(sockfd, (long)FIONBIO, &arg); if (ret) { LOG_ERROR << "ioctlsocket error"; } #else // non-block int flags = ::fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0); flags |= O_NONBLOCK; int ret = ::fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags); // TODO check // close-on-exec flags = ::fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFD, 0); flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; ret = ::fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFD, flags); // TODO check (void)ret; #endif } }; } // namespace trantor