/** * * @file TcpConnectionImpl.cc * @author An Tao * * Public header file in trantor lib. * * Copyright 2018, An Tao. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the License file. * * */ #include "TcpConnectionImpl.h" #include "Channel.h" #include "Socket.h" #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #ifdef USE_OPENSSL #include #include #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define stat _stati64 #endif #include using namespace trantor; #ifdef USE_OPENSSL namespace trantor { namespace internal { #ifdef _WIN32 // Code yanked from stackoverflow // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9507184/can-openssl-on-windows-use-the-system-certificate-store inline bool loadWindowsSystemCert(X509_STORE *store) { auto hStore = CertOpenSystemStoreW((HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY)NULL, L"ROOT"); if (!hStore) { return false; } PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext = NULL; while ((pContext = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hStore, pContext)) != nullptr) { auto encoded_cert = static_cast(pContext->pbCertEncoded); auto x509 = d2i_X509(NULL, &encoded_cert, pContext->cbCertEncoded); if (x509) { X509_STORE_add_cert(store, x509); X509_free(x509); } } CertFreeCertificateContext(pContext); CertCloseStore(hStore, 0); return true; } #endif inline std::string certNameToRegex(const std::string &certName) { std::string result; result.reserve(certName.size() + 11); bool isStar = false; bool isLeadingStar = true; for (char ch : certName) { if (isStar == false) { if (ch == '*') isStar = true; else if (ch == '.') { result += "\\."; isLeadingStar = false; } else { result.push_back(ch); isLeadingStar = false; } } else { if (ch == '.' && isLeadingStar) result += "([^.]*\\.|)?"; else result += std::string("[^.]*") + ch; isStar = false; } } assert(isStar == false); return result; } inline bool verifyName(const std::string &certName, const std::string &hostname) { std::regex re(certNameToRegex(certName)); return std::regex_match(hostname, re); } inline bool verifyCommonName(X509 *cert, const std::string &hostname) { X509_NAME *subjectName = X509_get_subject_name(cert); if (subjectName != nullptr) { std::array name; auto length = X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(subjectName, NID_commonName, name.data(), (int)name.size()); if (length == -1) return false; return verifyName(std::string(name.begin(), name.begin() + length), hostname); } return false; } inline bool verifyAltName(X509 *cert, const std::string &hostname) { bool good = false; auto altNames = static_cast( X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr)); if (altNames) { int numNames = sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(altNames); for (int i = 0; i < numNames && !good; i++) { auto val = sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(altNames, i); if (val->type != GEN_DNS) { LOG_WARN << "Name using IP addresses are not supported. Open " "an issue if you need that feature"; continue; } #if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L) auto name = (const char *)ASN1_STRING_get0_data(val->d.ia5); #else auto name = (const char *)ASN1_STRING_data(val->d.ia5); #endif auto name_len = (size_t)ASN1_STRING_length(val->d.ia5); good = verifyName(std::string(name, name + name_len), hostname); } } GENERAL_NAMES_free((STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAME) *)altNames); return good; } } // namespace internal void initOpenSSL() { #if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L) || \ (defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && \ LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x20700000L) // Initialize OpenSSL once; static std::once_flag once; std::call_once(once, []() { SSL_library_init(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); SSL_load_error_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); }); #endif } class SSLContext { public: explicit SSLContext( bool useOldTLS, bool enableValidtion, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { #if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L) ctxPtr_ = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method()); SSL_CONF_CTX *cctx = SSL_CONF_CTX_new(); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_SERVER); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_CLIENT); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_CERTIFICATE); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_FILE); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_ssl_ctx(cctx, ctxPtr_); for (const auto &cmd : sslConfCmds) { SSL_CONF_cmd(cctx, cmd.first.data(), cmd.second.data()); } SSL_CONF_CTX_finish(cctx); if (!useOldTLS) { SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctxPtr_, TLS1_2_VERSION); } else { LOG_WARN << "TLS 1.0/1.1 are enabled. They are considered " "obsolete, insecure standards and should only be " "used for legacy purpose."; } #else ctxPtr_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); SSL_CONF_CTX *cctx = SSL_CONF_CTX_new(); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_SERVER); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_CLIENT); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_CERTIFICATE); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_flags(cctx, SSL_CONF_FLAG_FILE); SSL_CONF_CTX_set_ssl_ctx(cctx, ctxPtr_); for (const auto &cmd : sslConfCmds) { SSL_CONF_cmd(cctx, cmd.first.data(), cmd.second.data()); } SSL_CONF_CTX_finish(cctx); if (!useOldTLS) { SSL_CTX_set_options(ctxPtr_, SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1); } else { LOG_WARN << "TLS 1.0/1.1 are enabled. They are considered " "obsolete, insecure standards and should only be " "used for legacy purpose."; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (enableValidtion) internal::loadWindowsSystemCert(SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctxPtr_)); #else if (enableValidtion) SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(ctxPtr_); #endif } ~SSLContext() { if (ctxPtr_) { SSL_CTX_free(ctxPtr_); } } SSL_CTX *get() { return ctxPtr_; } private: SSL_CTX *ctxPtr_; }; class SSLConn { public: explicit SSLConn(SSL_CTX *ctx) { SSL_ = SSL_new(ctx); } ~SSLConn() { if (SSL_) { SSL_free(SSL_); } } SSL *get() { return SSL_; } private: SSL *SSL_; }; std::shared_ptr newSSLContext( bool useOldTLS, bool validateCert, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { // init OpenSSL initOpenSSL(); return std::make_shared(useOldTLS, validateCert, sslConfCmds); } std::shared_ptr newSSLServerContext( const std::string &certPath, const std::string &keyPath, bool useOldTLS, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { auto ctx = newSSLContext(useOldTLS, false, sslConfCmds); auto r = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx->get(), certPath.c_str()); if (!r) { #ifndef _MSC_VER LOG_FATAL << strerror(errno); #else LOG_FATAL << strerror_tl(errno); #endif abort(); } r = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx->get(), keyPath.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); if (!r) { #ifndef _MSC_VER LOG_FATAL << strerror(errno); #else LOG_FATAL << strerror_tl(errno); #endif abort(); } r = SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx->get()); if (!r) { #ifndef _MSC_VER LOG_FATAL << strerror(errno); #else LOG_FATAL << strerror_tl(errno); #endif abort(); } return ctx; } } // namespace trantor #else namespace trantor { std::shared_ptr newSSLServerContext( const std::string &certPath, const std::string &keyPath, bool useOldTLS, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { LOG_FATAL << "OpenSSL is not found in your system!"; abort(); } } // namespace trantor #endif TcpConnectionImpl::TcpConnectionImpl(EventLoop *loop, int socketfd, const InetAddress &localAddr, const InetAddress &peerAddr) : loop_(loop), ioChannelPtr_(new Channel(loop, socketfd)), socketPtr_(new Socket(socketfd)), localAddr_(localAddr), peerAddr_(peerAddr) { LOG_TRACE << "new connection:" << peerAddr.toIpPort() << "->" << localAddr.toIpPort(); ioChannelPtr_->setReadCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::readCallback, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setWriteCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::writeCallback, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setCloseCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::handleClose, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setErrorCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::handleError, this)); socketPtr_->setKeepAlive(true); name_ = localAddr.toIpPort() + "--" + peerAddr.toIpPort(); } TcpConnectionImpl::~TcpConnectionImpl() { } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL void TcpConnectionImpl::startClientEncryptionInLoop( std::function &&callback, bool useOldTLS, bool validateCert, const std::string &hostname, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { validateCert_ = validateCert; loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (isEncrypted_) { LOG_WARN << "This connection is already encrypted"; return; } sslEncryptionPtr_ = std::make_unique(); sslEncryptionPtr_->upgradeCallback_ = std::move(callback); sslEncryptionPtr_->sslCtxPtr_ = newSSLContext(useOldTLS, validateCert_, sslConfCmds); sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_ = std::make_unique(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslCtxPtr_->get()); if (validateCert) { SSL_set_verify(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nullptr); validateCert_ = validateCert; } if (!hostname.empty()) { SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), hostname.data()); sslEncryptionPtr_->hostname_ = hostname; } isEncrypted_ = true; sslEncryptionPtr_->isUpgrade_ = true; auto r = SSL_set_fd(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), socketPtr_->fd()); (void)r; assert(r); sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_ = std::make_unique >(); LOG_TRACE << "connectEstablished"; ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); SSL_set_connect_state(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get()); } void TcpConnectionImpl::startServerEncryptionInLoop( const std::shared_ptr &ctx, std::function &&callback) { loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (isEncrypted_) { LOG_WARN << "This connection is already encrypted"; return; } sslEncryptionPtr_ = std::make_unique(); sslEncryptionPtr_->upgradeCallback_ = std::move(callback); sslEncryptionPtr_->sslCtxPtr_ = ctx; sslEncryptionPtr_->isServer_ = true; sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_ = std::make_unique(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslCtxPtr_->get()); isEncrypted_ = true; sslEncryptionPtr_->isUpgrade_ = true; if (sslEncryptionPtr_->isServer_ == false) SSL_set_verify(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nullptr); auto r = SSL_set_fd(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), socketPtr_->fd()); (void)r; assert(r); sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_ = std::make_unique >(); LOG_TRACE << "upgrade to ssl"; SSL_set_accept_state(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get()); } #endif void TcpConnectionImpl::startServerEncryption( const std::shared_ptr &ctx, std::function callback) { #ifndef USE_OPENSSL LOG_FATAL << "OpenSSL is not found in your system!"; abort(); #else if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { startServerEncryptionInLoop(ctx, std::move(callback)); } else { loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr = shared_from_this(), ctx, callback = std::move(callback)]() mutable { thisPtr->startServerEncryptionInLoop(ctx, std::move(callback)); }); } #endif } void TcpConnectionImpl::startClientEncryption( std::function callback, bool useOldTLS, bool validateCert, std::string hostname, const std::vector > &sslConfCmds) { #ifndef USE_OPENSSL LOG_FATAL << "OpenSSL is not found in your system!"; abort(); #else if (!hostname.empty()) { std::transform(hostname.begin(), hostname.end(), hostname.begin(), tolower); assert(sslEncryptionPtr_ != nullptr); sslEncryptionPtr_->hostname_ = hostname; } if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { startClientEncryptionInLoop(std::move(callback), useOldTLS, validateCert, hostname, sslConfCmds); } else { loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr = shared_from_this(), callback = std::move(callback), useOldTLS, hostname = std::move(hostname), validateCert, &sslConfCmds]() mutable { thisPtr->startClientEncryptionInLoop(std::move(callback), useOldTLS, validateCert, hostname, sslConfCmds); }); } #endif } void TcpConnectionImpl::readCallback() { // LOG_TRACE<<"read Callback"; #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if (!isEncrypted_) { #endif loop_->assertInLoopThread(); int ret = 0; ssize_t n = readBuffer_.readFd(socketPtr_->fd(), &ret); // LOG_TRACE<<"read "< 0) { bytesReceived_ += n; if (recvMsgCallback_) { recvMsgCallback_(shared_from_this(), &readBuffer_); } } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } else { LOG_TRACE << "read Callback"; loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ == SSLStatus::Handshaking) { doHandshaking(); return; } else if (sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ == SSLStatus::Connected) { int rd; bool newDataFlag = false; size_t readLength; do { readBuffer_.ensureWritableBytes(1024); readLength = readBuffer_.writableBytes(); rd = SSL_read(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), readBuffer_.beginWrite(), static_cast(readLength)); LOG_TRACE << "ssl read:" << rd << " bytes"; if (rd <= 0) { int sslerr = SSL_get_error(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), rd); if (sslerr == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { break; } else { LOG_TRACE << "ssl read err:" << sslerr; sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ = SSLStatus::DisConnected; handleClose(); return; } } readBuffer_.hasWritten(rd); newDataFlag = true; } while ((size_t)rd == readLength); if (newDataFlag) { // Run callback function recvMsgCallback_(shared_from_this(), &readBuffer_); } } } #endif } void TcpConnectionImpl::extendLife() { if (idleTimeout_ > 0) { auto now = Date::date(); if (now < lastTimingWheelUpdateTime_.after(1.0)) return; lastTimingWheelUpdateTime_ = now; auto entry = kickoffEntry_.lock(); if (entry) { auto timingWheelPtr = timingWheelWeakPtr_.lock(); if (timingWheelPtr) timingWheelPtr->insertEntry(idleTimeout_, entry); } } } void TcpConnectionImpl::writeCallback() { #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if (!isEncrypted_ || (sslEncryptionPtr_ && sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ == SSLStatus::Connected)) { #endif loop_->assertInLoopThread(); extendLife(); if (ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) { assert(!writeBufferList_.empty()); auto writeBuffer_ = writeBufferList_.front(); #ifndef _WIN32 if (writeBuffer_->sendFd_ < 0) #else if (writeBuffer_->sendFp_ == nullptr) #endif { if (writeBuffer_->msgBuffer_->readableBytes() <= 0) { writeBufferList_.pop_front(); if (writeBufferList_.empty()) { ioChannelPtr_->disableWriting(); // if (writeCompleteCallback_) writeCompleteCallback_(shared_from_this()); if (status_ == ConnStatus::Disconnecting) { socketPtr_->closeWrite(); } } else { auto fileNode = writeBufferList_.front(); #ifndef _WIN32 assert(fileNode->sendFd_ >= 0); #else assert(fileNode->sendFp_); #endif sendFileInLoop(fileNode); } } else { auto n = writeInLoop(writeBuffer_->msgBuffer_->peek(), writeBuffer_->msgBuffer_->readableBytes()); if (n >= 0) { writeBuffer_->msgBuffer_->retrieve(n); } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if (errno != 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #endif { // TODO: any others? if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) { LOG_DEBUG << "EPIPE or ECONNRESET, erron=" << errno; return; } LOG_SYSERR << "Unexpected error(" << errno << ")"; return; } } } } else { // file if (writeBuffer_->fileBytesToSend_ <= 0) { writeBufferList_.pop_front(); if (writeBufferList_.empty()) { ioChannelPtr_->disableWriting(); if (writeCompleteCallback_) writeCompleteCallback_(shared_from_this()); if (status_ == ConnStatus::Disconnecting) { socketPtr_->closeWrite(); } } else { #ifndef _WIN32 if (writeBufferList_.front()->sendFd_ < 0) #else if (writeBufferList_.front()->sendFp_ == nullptr) #endif { // There is data to be sent in the buffer. auto n = writeInLoop( writeBufferList_.front()->msgBuffer_->peek(), writeBufferList_.front() ->msgBuffer_->readableBytes()); if (n >= 0) { writeBufferList_.front()->msgBuffer_->retrieve( n); } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if (errno != 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #endif { // TODO: any others? if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) { LOG_DEBUG << "EPIPE or ECONNRESET, erron=" << errno; return; } LOG_SYSERR << "Unexpected error(" << errno << ")"; return; } } } else { // more file sendFileInLoop(writeBufferList_.front()); } } } else { sendFileInLoop(writeBuffer_); } } } else { LOG_SYSERR << "no writing but call write callback"; } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } else { LOG_TRACE << "write Callback"; loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ == SSLStatus::Handshaking) { doHandshaking(); return; } } #endif } void TcpConnectionImpl::connectEstablished() { // loop_->assertInLoopThread(); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if (!isEncrypted_) { #endif auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->runInLoop([thisPtr]() { LOG_TRACE << "connectEstablished"; assert(thisPtr->status_ == ConnStatus::Connecting); thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->tie(thisPtr); thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->enableReading(); thisPtr->status_ = ConnStatus::Connected; if (thisPtr->connectionCallback_) thisPtr->connectionCallback_(thisPtr); }); #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } else { loop_->runInLoop([thisPtr = shared_from_this()]() { LOG_TRACE << "connectEstablished"; assert(thisPtr->status_ == ConnStatus::Connecting); thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->tie(thisPtr); thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->enableReading(); thisPtr->status_ = ConnStatus::Connected; if (thisPtr->sslEncryptionPtr_->isServer_) { SSL_set_accept_state( thisPtr->sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get()); } else { thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); SSL_set_connect_state( thisPtr->sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get()); } }); } #endif } void TcpConnectionImpl::handleClose() { LOG_TRACE << "connection closed, fd=" << socketPtr_->fd(); loop_->assertInLoopThread(); status_ = ConnStatus::Disconnected; ioChannelPtr_->disableAll(); // ioChannelPtr_->remove(); auto guardThis = shared_from_this(); if (connectionCallback_) connectionCallback_(guardThis); if (closeCallback_) { LOG_TRACE << "to call close callback"; closeCallback_(guardThis); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::handleError() { int err = socketPtr_->getSocketError(); if (err == 0) return; if (err == EPIPE || err == ECONNRESET || err == 104) { LOG_DEBUG << "[" << name_ << "] - SO_ERROR = " << err << " " << strerror_tl(err); } else { LOG_ERROR << "[" << name_ << "] - SO_ERROR = " << err << " " << strerror_tl(err); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::setTcpNoDelay(bool on) { socketPtr_->setTcpNoDelay(on); } void TcpConnectionImpl::connectDestroyed() { loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (status_ == ConnStatus::Connected) { status_ = ConnStatus::Disconnected; ioChannelPtr_->disableAll(); connectionCallback_(shared_from_this()); } ioChannelPtr_->remove(); } void TcpConnectionImpl::shutdown() { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->runInLoop([thisPtr]() { if (thisPtr->status_ == ConnStatus::Connected) { thisPtr->status_ = ConnStatus::Disconnecting; if (!thisPtr->ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) { thisPtr->socketPtr_->closeWrite(); } } }); } void TcpConnectionImpl::forceClose() { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->runInLoop([thisPtr]() { if (thisPtr->status_ == ConnStatus::Connected || thisPtr->status_ == ConnStatus::Disconnecting) { thisPtr->status_ = ConnStatus::Disconnecting; thisPtr->handleClose(); } }); } #ifndef _WIN32 void TcpConnectionImpl::sendInLoop(const void *buffer, size_t length) #else void TcpConnectionImpl::sendInLoop(const char *buffer, size_t length) #endif { loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (status_ != ConnStatus::Connected) { LOG_WARN << "Connection is not connected,give up sending"; return; } extendLife(); size_t remainLen = length; ssize_t sendLen = 0; if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting() && writeBufferList_.empty()) { // send directly sendLen = writeInLoop(buffer, length); if (sendLen < 0) { // error #ifdef _WIN32 if (errno != 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #endif { if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) // TODO: any others? { LOG_DEBUG << "EPIPE or ECONNRESET, erron=" << errno; return; } LOG_SYSERR << "Unexpected error(" << errno << ")"; return; } sendLen = 0; } remainLen -= sendLen; } if (remainLen > 0 && status_ == ConnStatus::Connected) { if (writeBufferList_.empty()) { BufferNodePtr node(new BufferNode); node->msgBuffer_ = std::make_shared(); writeBufferList_.push_back(std::move(node)); } #ifndef _WIN32 else if (writeBufferList_.back()->sendFd_ >= 0) #else else if (writeBufferList_.back()->sendFp_) #endif { BufferNodePtr node(new BufferNode); node->msgBuffer_ = std::make_shared(); writeBufferList_.push_back(std::move(node)); } writeBufferList_.back()->msgBuffer_->append( static_cast(buffer) + sendLen, remainLen); if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); if (highWaterMarkCallback_ && writeBufferList_.back()->msgBuffer_->readableBytes() > highWaterMarkLen_) { highWaterMarkCallback_( shared_from_this(), writeBufferList_.back()->msgBuffer_->readableBytes()); } } } // The order of data sending should be same as the order of calls of send() void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const std::shared_ptr &msgPtr) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(msgPtr->data(), msgPtr->length()); } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msgPtr]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msgPtr->data(), msgPtr->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msgPtr]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msgPtr->data(), msgPtr->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } // The order of data sending should be same as the order of calls of send() void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const std::shared_ptr &msgPtr) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(msgPtr->peek(), msgPtr->readableBytes()); } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msgPtr]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msgPtr->peek(), msgPtr->readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msgPtr]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msgPtr->peek(), msgPtr->readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const char *msg, size_t len) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(msg, len); } else { ++sendNum_; auto buffer = std::make_shared(msg, len); auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer->data(), buffer->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto buffer = std::make_shared(msg, len); auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer->data(), buffer->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const void *msg, size_t len) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { #ifndef _WIN32 sendInLoop(msg, len); #else sendInLoop(static_cast(msg), len); #endif } else { ++sendNum_; auto buffer = std::make_shared(static_cast(msg), len); auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer->data(), buffer->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto buffer = std::make_shared(static_cast(msg), len); auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer->data(), buffer->length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const std::string &msg) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msg]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msg]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(std::string &&msg) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msg = std::move(msg)]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, msg = std::move(msg)]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(msg.data(), msg.length()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(const MsgBuffer &buffer) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::send(MsgBuffer &&buffer) { if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer = std::move(buffer)]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, buffer = std::move(buffer)]() { thisPtr->sendInLoop(buffer.peek(), buffer.readableBytes()); std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::sendFile(const char *fileName, size_t offset, size_t length) { assert(fileName); #ifndef _WIN32 int fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { LOG_SYSERR << fileName << " open error"; return; } if (length == 0) { struct stat filestat; if (stat(fileName, &filestat) < 0) { LOG_SYSERR << fileName << " stat error"; close(fd); return; } length = filestat.st_size; } sendFile(fd, offset, length); #else #ifndef _MSC_VER auto fp = fopen(fileName, "rb"); #else FILE *fp; if (fopen_s(&fp, fileName, "rb") != 0) { fp = nullptr; } #endif if (fp == nullptr) { LOG_SYSERR << fileName << " open error"; return; } if (length == 0) { struct stat filestat; if (stat(fileName, &filestat) < 0) { LOG_SYSERR << fileName << " stat error"; fclose(fp); return; } length = filestat.st_size; } sendFile(fp, offset, length); #endif } #ifndef _WIN32 void TcpConnectionImpl::sendFile(int sfd, size_t offset, size_t length) #else void TcpConnectionImpl::sendFile(FILE *fp, size_t offset, size_t length) #endif { assert(length > 0); #ifndef _WIN32 assert(sfd >= 0); BufferNodePtr node(new BufferNode); node->sendFd_ = sfd; #else assert(fp); BufferNodePtr node(new BufferNode); node->sendFp_ = fp; #endif node->offset_ = static_cast(offset); node->fileBytesToSend_ = length; if (loop_->isInLoopThread()) { std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); if (sendNum_ == 0) { writeBufferList_.push_back(node); if (writeBufferList_.size() == 1) { sendFileInLoop(writeBufferList_.front()); return; } } else { ++sendNum_; auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, node]() { thisPtr->writeBufferList_.push_back(node); { std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; } if (thisPtr->writeBufferList_.size() == 1) { thisPtr->sendFileInLoop(thisPtr->writeBufferList_.front()); } }); } } else { auto thisPtr = shared_from_this(); std::lock_guard guard(sendNumMutex_); ++sendNum_; loop_->queueInLoop([thisPtr, node]() { LOG_TRACE << "Push sendfile to list"; thisPtr->writeBufferList_.push_back(node); { std::lock_guard guard1(thisPtr->sendNumMutex_); --thisPtr->sendNum_; } if (thisPtr->writeBufferList_.size() == 1) { thisPtr->sendFileInLoop(thisPtr->writeBufferList_.front()); } }); } } void TcpConnectionImpl::sendFileInLoop(const BufferNodePtr &filePtr) { loop_->assertInLoopThread(); #ifndef _WIN32 assert(filePtr->sendFd_ >= 0); #else assert(filePtr->sendFp_); #endif #ifdef __linux__ if (!isEncrypted_) { auto bytesSent = sendfile(socketPtr_->fd(), filePtr->sendFd_, &filePtr->offset_, filePtr->fileBytesToSend_); if (bytesSent < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { LOG_SYSERR << "TcpConnectionImpl::sendFileInLoop"; if (ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) ioChannelPtr_->disableWriting(); } return; } if (bytesSent < filePtr->fileBytesToSend_) { if (bytesSent == 0) { LOG_SYSERR << "TcpConnectionImpl::sendFileInLoop"; return; } } LOG_TRACE << "sendfile() " << bytesSent << " bytes sent"; filePtr->fileBytesToSend_ -= bytesSent; if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) { ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); } return; } #endif #ifndef _WIN32 lseek(filePtr->sendFd_, filePtr->offset_, SEEK_SET); if (!fileBufferPtr_) { fileBufferPtr_ = std::make_unique >(16 * 1024); } while (filePtr->fileBytesToSend_ > 0) { auto n = read(filePtr->sendFd_, &(*fileBufferPtr_)[0], fileBufferPtr_->size()); #else _fseeki64(filePtr->sendFp_, filePtr->offset_, SEEK_SET); if (!fileBufferPtr_) { fileBufferPtr_ = std::make_unique >(16 * 1024); } while (filePtr->fileBytesToSend_ > 0) { auto n = fread(&(*fileBufferPtr_)[0], 1, fileBufferPtr_->size(), filePtr->sendFp_); #endif if (n > 0) { auto nSend = writeInLoop(&(*fileBufferPtr_)[0], n); if (nSend >= 0) { filePtr->fileBytesToSend_ -= nSend; filePtr->offset_ += static_cast(nSend); if (static_cast(nSend) < static_cast(n)) { if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) { ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); } return; } else if (nSend == n) continue; } if (nSend < 0) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (errno != 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) #endif { // TODO: any others? if (errno == EPIPE || errno == ECONNRESET) { LOG_DEBUG << "EPIPE or ECONNRESET, erron=" << errno; return; } LOG_SYSERR << "Unexpected error(" << errno << ")"; return; } break; } } if (n < 0) { LOG_SYSERR << "read error"; if (ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) ioChannelPtr_->disableWriting(); return; } if (n == 0) { LOG_SYSERR << "read"; return; } } if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) { ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); } } #ifndef _WIN32 ssize_t TcpConnectionImpl::writeInLoop(const void *buffer, size_t length) #else ssize_t TcpConnectionImpl::writeInLoop(const char *buffer, size_t length) #endif { #ifdef USE_OPENSSL if (!isEncrypted_) { #endif bytesSent_ += length; #ifndef _WIN32 return write(socketPtr_->fd(), buffer, length); #else errno = 0; return ::send(socketPtr_->fd(), buffer, static_cast(length), 0); #endif #ifdef USE_OPENSSL } else { LOG_TRACE << "send in loop"; loop_->assertInLoopThread(); if (status_ != ConnStatus::Connected && status_ != ConnStatus::Disconnecting) { LOG_WARN << "Connection is not connected,give up sending"; return -1; } if (sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ != SSLStatus::Connected) { LOG_WARN << "SSL is not connected,give up sending"; return -1; } // send directly size_t sendTotalLen = 0; while (sendTotalLen < length) { auto len = length - sendTotalLen; if (len > sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_->size()) { len = sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_->size(); } memcpy(sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_->data(), static_cast(buffer) + sendTotalLen, len); ERR_clear_error(); auto sendLen = SSL_write(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_->data(), static_cast(len)); if (sendLen <= 0) { int sslerr = SSL_get_error(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), sendLen); if (sslerr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE && sslerr != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { // LOG_ERROR << "ssl write error:" << sslerr; forceClose(); return -1; } return sendTotalLen; } sendTotalLen += sendLen; } return sendTotalLen; } #endif } #ifdef USE_OPENSSL TcpConnectionImpl::TcpConnectionImpl(EventLoop *loop, int socketfd, const InetAddress &localAddr, const InetAddress &peerAddr, const std::shared_ptr &ctxPtr, bool isServer, bool validateCert, const std::string &hostname) : isEncrypted_(true), loop_(loop), ioChannelPtr_(new Channel(loop, socketfd)), socketPtr_(new Socket(socketfd)), localAddr_(localAddr), peerAddr_(peerAddr) { LOG_TRACE << "new connection:" << peerAddr.toIpPort() << "->" << localAddr.toIpPort(); ioChannelPtr_->setReadCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::readCallback, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setWriteCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::writeCallback, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setCloseCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::handleClose, this)); ioChannelPtr_->setErrorCallback( std::bind(&TcpConnectionImpl::handleError, this)); socketPtr_->setKeepAlive(true); name_ = localAddr.toIpPort() + "--" + peerAddr.toIpPort(); sslEncryptionPtr_ = std::make_unique(); sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_ = std::make_unique(ctxPtr->get()); sslEncryptionPtr_->isServer_ = isServer; validateCert_ = validateCert; if (isServer == false) SSL_set_verify(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nullptr); if (!isServer && !hostname.empty()) { SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), hostname.data()); sslEncryptionPtr_->hostname_ = hostname; } assert(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_); auto r = SSL_set_fd(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), socketfd); (void)r; assert(r); isEncrypted_ = true; sslEncryptionPtr_->sendBufferPtr_ = std::make_unique >(); } bool TcpConnectionImpl::validatePeerCertificate() { LOG_TRACE << "Validating peer cerificate"; assert(sslEncryptionPtr_ != nullptr); assert(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_ != nullptr); SSL *ssl = sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(); auto result = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl); if (result != X509_V_OK) { LOG_DEBUG << "cert error code: " << result; LOG_ERROR << "Server certificate is not valid"; return false; } X509 *cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); if (cert == nullptr) { LOG_ERROR << "Unable to obtain peer certificate"; return false; } bool domainIsValid = internal::verifyCommonName(cert, sslEncryptionPtr_->hostname_) || internal::verifyAltName(cert, sslEncryptionPtr_->hostname_); X509_free(cert); if (domainIsValid) { return true; } else { LOG_ERROR << "Domain validation failed"; return false; } } void TcpConnectionImpl::doHandshaking() { assert(sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ == SSLStatus::Handshaking); int r = SSL_do_handshake(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get()); LOG_TRACE << "hand shaking: " << r; if (r == 1) { // Clients don't commonly have certificates. Let's not validate // that if (validateCert_ && sslEncryptionPtr_->isServer_ == false) { if (validatePeerCertificate() == false) { LOG_ERROR << "SSL certificate validation failed."; ioChannelPtr_->disableReading(); sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ = SSLStatus::DisConnected; if (sslErrorCallback_) { sslErrorCallback_(SSLError::kSSLInvalidCertificate); } forceClose(); return; } } sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ = SSLStatus::Connected; if (sslEncryptionPtr_->isUpgrade_) { sslEncryptionPtr_->upgradeCallback_(); } else { connectionCallback_(shared_from_this()); } return; } int err = SSL_get_error(sslEncryptionPtr_->sslPtr_->get(), r); LOG_TRACE << "hand shaking: " << err; if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) { // SSL want writable; if (!ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) ioChannelPtr_->enableWriting(); // ioChannelPtr_->disableReading(); } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) { // SSL want readable; if (!ioChannelPtr_->isReading()) ioChannelPtr_->enableReading(); if (ioChannelPtr_->isWriting()) ioChannelPtr_->disableWriting(); } else { // ERR_print_errors(err); LOG_TRACE << "SSL handshake err: " << err; ioChannelPtr_->disableReading(); sslEncryptionPtr_->statusOfSSL_ = SSLStatus::DisConnected; if (sslErrorCallback_) { sslErrorCallback_(SSLError::kSSLHandshakeError); } forceClose(); } } #endif