mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:38:51 +01:00
MLPPMatrix math api rework pt7.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1441,11 +1441,9 @@ void MLPPMatrix::covo(Ref<MLPPMatrix> out) const {
MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen() {
EigenResult res;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid(), res);
A (the entered parameter) in most use cases will be X'X, XX', etc. and must be symmetric.
That simply means that 1) X' = X and 2) X is a square matrix. This function that computes the
@ -1456,16 +1454,17 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
HashMap<int, int> val_to_vec;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> a_new;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> eigenvectors = identity_mat(A->size().y);
Size2i a_size = A->size();
Ref<MLPPMatrix> a_mat = Ref<MLPPMatrix>(this);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> eigenvectors = identity_mat(a_mat->size().y);
Size2i a_size = a_mat->size();
do {
real_t a_ij = A->get_element(0, 1);
real_t a_ij = a_mat->get_element(0, 1);
real_t sub_i = 0;
real_t sub_j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < a_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_size.x; ++j) {
real_t ca_ij = A->get_element(i, j);
real_t ca_ij = a_mat->get_element(i, j);
real_t abs_ca_ij = ABS(ca_ij);
if (i != j && abs_ca_ij > a_ij) {
@ -1482,9 +1481,9 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
real_t a_ii = A->get_element(sub_i, sub_i);
real_t a_jj = A->get_element(sub_j, sub_j);
//real_t a_ji = A->get_element(sub_j, sub_i);
real_t a_ii = a_mat->get_element(sub_i, sub_i);
real_t a_jj = a_mat->get_element(sub_j, sub_j);
//real_t a_ji = a_mat->get_element(sub_j, sub_i);
real_t theta;
if (a_ii == a_jj) {
@ -1493,13 +1492,13 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
theta = 0.5 * atan(2 * a_ij / (a_ii - a_jj));
Ref<MLPPMatrix> P = identity_mat(A->size().y);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> P = identity_mat(a_mat->size().y);
P->set_element(sub_i, sub_j, -Math::sin(theta));
P->set_element(sub_i, sub_i, Math::cos(theta));
P->set_element(sub_j, sub_j, Math::cos(theta));
P->set_element(sub_j, sub_i, Math::sin(theta));
a_new = P->inverse()->multn(A)->multn(P);
a_new = P->inverse()->multn(a_mat)->multn(P);
Size2i a_new_size = a_new->size();
@ -1526,7 +1525,7 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
diagonal = true;
if (a_new->is_equal_approx(A)) {
if (a_new->is_equal_approx(a_mat)) {
diagonal = true;
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x; ++j) {
@ -1538,7 +1537,7 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
eigenvectors = eigenvectors->multn(P);
A = a_new;
a_mat = a_new;
} while (!diagonal);
@ -1580,16 +1579,202 @@ MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A) {
return res;
MLPPMatrix::EigenResult MLPPMatrix::eigenb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
EigenResult res;
MLPPMatrix::SVDResult MLPPMatrix::svd(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid(), res);
A (the entered parameter) in most use cases will be X'X, XX', etc. and must be symmetric.
That simply means that 1) X' = X and 2) X is a square matrix. This function that computes the
eigenvalues of a matrix is utilizing Jacobi's method.
real_t diagonal = true; // Perform the iterative Jacobi algorithm unless and until we reach a diagonal matrix which yields us the eigenvals.
HashMap<int, int> val_to_vec;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> a_new;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> a_mat = A;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> eigenvectors = identity_mat(a_mat->size().y);
Size2i a_size = a_mat->size();
do {
real_t a_ij = a_mat->get_element(0, 1);
real_t sub_i = 0;
real_t sub_j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < a_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_size.x; ++j) {
real_t ca_ij = a_mat->get_element(i, j);
real_t abs_ca_ij = ABS(ca_ij);
if (i != j && abs_ca_ij > a_ij) {
a_ij = ca_ij;
sub_i = i;
sub_j = j;
} else if (i != j && abs_ca_ij == a_ij) {
if (i < sub_i) {
a_ij = ca_ij;
sub_i = i;
sub_j = j;
real_t a_ii = a_mat->get_element(sub_i, sub_i);
real_t a_jj = a_mat->get_element(sub_j, sub_j);
//real_t a_ji = a_mat->get_element(sub_j, sub_i);
real_t theta;
if (a_ii == a_jj) {
theta = M_PI / 4;
} else {
theta = 0.5 * atan(2 * a_ij / (a_ii - a_jj));
Ref<MLPPMatrix> P = identity_mat(a_mat->size().y);
P->set_element(sub_i, sub_j, -Math::sin(theta));
P->set_element(sub_i, sub_i, Math::cos(theta));
P->set_element(sub_j, sub_j, Math::cos(theta));
P->set_element(sub_j, sub_i, Math::sin(theta));
a_new = P->inverse()->multn(a_mat)->multn(P);
Size2i a_new_size = a_new->size();
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x; ++j) {
if (i != j && Math::is_zero_approx(Math::round(a_new->get_element(i, j)))) {
a_new->set_element(i, j, 0);
bool non_zero = false;
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x; ++j) {
if (i != j && Math::is_zero_approx(Math::round(a_new->get_element(i, j)))) {
non_zero = true;
if (non_zero) {
diagonal = false;
} else {
diagonal = true;
if (a_new->is_equal_approx(a_mat)) {
diagonal = true;
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x; ++j) {
if (i != j) {
a_new->set_element(i, j, 0);
eigenvectors = eigenvectors->multn(P);
a_mat = a_new;
} while (!diagonal);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> a_new_prior = a_new->duplicate();
Size2i a_new_size = a_new->size();
// Bubble Sort. Should change this later.
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x - 1 - i; ++j) {
if (a_new->get_element(j, j) < a_new->get_element(j + 1, j + 1)) {
real_t temp = a_new->get_element(j + 1, j + 1);
a_new->set_element(j + 1, j + 1, a_new->get_element(j, j));
a_new->set_element(j, j, temp);
for (int i = 0; i < a_new_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_new_size.x; ++j) {
if (a_new->get_element(i, i) == a_new_prior->get_element(j, j)) {
val_to_vec[i] = j;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> eigen_temp = eigenvectors->duplicate();
Size2i eigenvectors_size = eigenvectors->size();
for (int i = 0; i < eigenvectors_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < eigenvectors_size.x; ++j) {
eigenvectors->set_element(i, j, eigen_temp->get_element(i, val_to_vec[j]));
res.eigen_vectors = eigenvectors;
res.eigen_values = a_new;
return res;
Array MLPPMatrix::eigen_bind() {
Array arr;
EigenResult r = eigen();
return arr;
Array MLPPMatrix::eigenb_bind(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
Array arr;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid(), arr);
EigenResult r = eigenb(A);
return arr;
MLPPMatrix::SVDResult MLPPMatrix::svd() {
SVDResult res;
EigenResult left_eigen = multn(transposen())->eigen();
EigenResult right_eigen = transposen()->multn(Ref<MLPPMatrix>(this))->eigen();
Ref<MLPPMatrix> singularvals = left_eigen.eigen_values->sqrtn();
Ref<MLPPMatrix> sigma = zero_mat(_size.y, _size.x);
Size2i singularvals_size = singularvals->size();
for (int i = 0; i < singularvals_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < singularvals_size.x; ++j) {
sigma->set_element(i, j, singularvals->get_element(i, j));
res.U = left_eigen.eigen_vectors;
res.S = sigma;
res.Vt = right_eigen.eigen_vectors;
return res;
MLPPMatrix::SVDResult MLPPMatrix::svdb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
SVDResult res;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid(), res);
Size2i a_size = A->size();
EigenResult left_eigen = eigen(A->multn(A->transposen()));
EigenResult right_eigen = eigen(A->transposen()->multn(A));
EigenResult left_eigen = A->multn(A->transposen())->eigen();
EigenResult right_eigen = A->transposen()->multn(A)->eigen();
Ref<MLPPMatrix> singularvals = left_eigen.eigen_values->sqrtn();
Ref<MLPPMatrix> sigma = zero_mat(a_size.y, a_size.x);
@ -1609,6 +1794,31 @@ MLPPMatrix::SVDResult MLPPMatrix::svd(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
return res;
Array MLPPMatrix::svd_bind() {
Array arr;
SVDResult r = svd();
return arr;
Array MLPPMatrix::svdb_bind(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
Array arr;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid(), arr);
SVDResult r = svdb(A);
return arr;
std::vector<real_t> MLPPMatrix::vectorProjection(std::vector<real_t> a, std::vector<real_t> b) {
real_t product = dot(a, b) / dot(a, a);
@ -1690,22 +1900,38 @@ real_t MLPPMatrix::sum_elements(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A) {
Ref<MLPPVector> MLPPMatrix::flattenvvnv(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A) {
int data_size = A->data_size();
Ref<MLPPVector> MLPPMatrix::flatten() const {
int ds = data_size();
Ref<MLPPVector> res;
real_t *res_ptr = res->ptrw();
const real_t *a_ptr = A->ptr();
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < data_size; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < ds; ++i) {
res_ptr[i] = a_ptr[i];
return res;
void MLPPMatrix::flatteno(Ref<MLPPVector> out) const {
int ds = data_size();
if (unlikely(out->size() != ds)) {
real_t *res_ptr = out->ptrw();
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < ds; ++i) {
res_ptr[i] = a_ptr[i];
std::vector<real_t> MLPPMatrix::solve(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A, std::vector<real_t> b) {
@ -1764,26 +1990,25 @@ bool MLPPMatrix::zeroEigenvalue(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A) {
Ref<MLPPVector> MLPPMatrix::mat_vec_multnv(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid() || !b.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPVector> MLPPMatrix::mult_vec(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!b.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Size2i a_size = A->size();
int b_size = b->size();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(a_size.x < b->size(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_size.x < b->size(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPVector> c;
const real_t *a_ptr = A->ptr();
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
real_t *c_ptr = c->ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < a_size.y; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < _size.y; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < b_size; ++k) {
int mat_index = A->calculate_index(i, k);
int mat_index = calculate_index(i, k);
c_ptr[i] += a_ptr[mat_index] * b_ptr[k];
@ -1791,21 +2016,82 @@ Ref<MLPPVector> MLPPMatrix::mat_vec_multnv(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<M
return c;
void MLPPMatrix::mult_veco(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b, Ref<MLPPVector> out) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!out.is_valid() || !b.is_valid());
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::mat_vec_addnm(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!A.is_valid() || !b.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
int b_size = b->size();
Size2i a_size = A->size();
ERR_FAIL_COND(_size.x < b->size());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(a_size.x != b->size(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
if (unlikely(out->size() != _size.y)) {
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
real_t *c_ptr = out->ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < _size.y; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < b_size; ++k) {
int mat_index = calculate_index(i, k);
c_ptr[i] += a_ptr[mat_index] * b_ptr[k];
void MLPPMatrix::add_vec(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(_size.x != b->size());
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
real_t *ret_ptr = ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < _size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < _size.x; ++j) {
int mat_index = calculate_index(i, j);
ret_ptr[mat_index] = a_ptr[mat_index] + b_ptr[j];
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::add_vecn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!b.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_size.x != b->size(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPMatrix> ret;
const real_t *a_ptr = ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
real_t *ret_ptr = ret->ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < _size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < _size.x; ++j) {
int mat_index = calculate_index(i, j);
ret_ptr[mat_index] = a_ptr[mat_index] + b_ptr[j];
return ret;
void MLPPMatrix::add_vecb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!A.is_valid() || !b.is_valid());
Size2i a_size = A->size();
ERR_FAIL_COND(a_size.x != b->size());
if (unlikely(_size != a_size)) {
const real_t *a_ptr = A->ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
real_t *ret_ptr = ret->ptrw();
real_t *ret_ptr = ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < a_size.y; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < a_size.x; ++j) {
@ -1814,23 +2100,44 @@ Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::mat_vec_addnm(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<ML
ret_ptr[mat_index] = a_ptr[mat_index] + b_ptr[j];
return ret;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::outer_product(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
Ref<MLPPMatrix> C;
Size2i size = Size2i(b->size(), a->size());
void MLPPMatrix::outer_product(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(!a.is_valid() || !b.is_valid());
Size2i s = Size2i(b->size(), a->size());
if (unlikely(_size != s)) {
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < size.y; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.y; ++i) {
real_t curr_a = a_ptr[i];
for (int j = 0; j < size.x; ++j) {
for (int j = 0; j < s.x; ++j) {
set_element(i, j, curr_a * b_ptr[j]);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::outer_productn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!a.is_valid() || !b.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPMatrix> C;
Size2i s = Size2i(b->size(), a->size());
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
const real_t *b_ptr = b->ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < s.y; ++i) {
real_t curr_a = a_ptr[i];
for (int j = 0; j < s.x; ++j) {
C->set_element(i, j, curr_a * b_ptr[j]);
@ -1838,19 +2145,87 @@ Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::outer_product(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<ML
return C;
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::diagnm(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a) {
void MLPPMatrix::set_diagonal(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a) {
int a_size = a->size();
int ms = MIN(_size.x, _size.y);
ms = MIN(ms, a_size);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> B;
if (ms <= 0) {
B->resize(Size2i(a_size, a_size));
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
real_t *b_ptr = ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < ms; ++i) {
b_ptr[calculate_index(i, i)] = a_ptr[i];
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::set_diagonaln(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!a.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPMatrix> B = duplicate();
int a_size = a->size();
int ms = MIN(_size.x, _size.y);
ms = MIN(ms, a_size);
if (ms <= 0) {
return B;
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
real_t *b_ptr = B->ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < a_size; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < ms; ++i) {
b_ptr[B->calculate_index(i, i)] = a_ptr[i];
return B;
void MLPPMatrix::diagonal_zeroed(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a) {
int a_size = a->size();
int ms = MIN(_size.x, _size.y);
ms = MIN(ms, a_size);
if (ms <= 0) {
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
real_t *b_ptr = ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < ms; ++i) {
b_ptr[calculate_index(i, i)] = a_ptr[i];
Ref<MLPPMatrix> MLPPMatrix::diagonal_zeroedn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!a.is_valid(), Ref<MLPPMatrix>());
Ref<MLPPMatrix> B;
int a_size = a->size();
int ms = MIN(_size.x, _size.y);
ms = MIN(ms, a_size);
if (ms <= 0) {
return B;
const real_t *a_ptr = a->ptr();
real_t *b_ptr = B->ptrw();
for (int i = 0; i < ms; ++i) {
b_ptr[B->calculate_index(i, i)] = a_ptr[i];
@ -713,7 +713,10 @@ public:
Ref<MLPPMatrix> eigen_values;
EigenResult eigen(Ref<MLPPMatrix> A);
EigenResult eigen();
EigenResult eigenb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
Array eigen_bind();
Array eigenb_bind(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
struct SVDResult {
Ref<MLPPMatrix> U;
@ -721,7 +724,10 @@ public:
Ref<MLPPMatrix> Vt;
SVDResult svd(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
SVDResult svd();
SVDResult svdb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
Array svd_bind();
Array svdb_bind(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
//std::vector<real_t> vectorProjection(std::vector<real_t> a, std::vector<real_t> b);
@ -747,7 +753,8 @@ public:
//real_t sum_elements(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A);
Ref<MLPPVector> flattenvvnv(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A);
Ref<MLPPVector> flatten() const;
void flatteno(Ref<MLPPVector> out) const;
std::vector<real_t> solve(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A, std::vector<real_t> b);
@ -759,14 +766,24 @@ public:
bool zeroEigenvalue(std::vector<std::vector<real_t>> A);
Ref<MLPPVector> mat_vec_multnv(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> mat_vec_addnm(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
Ref<MLPPVector> mult_vec(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
void mult_veco(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b, Ref<MLPPVector> out);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> outer_product(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b); // This multiplies a, bT
void add_vec(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> add_vecn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
void add_vecb(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &A, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
// set_diagonal (just sets diagonal), set_as_diagonal (zeros, then sets diagonal to vec)
// Also a variant that copies
Ref<MLPPMatrix> diagnm(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a);
// This multiplies a, bT
void outer_product(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> outer_productn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a, const Ref<MLPPVector> &b);
// Just sets the diagonal
void set_diagonal(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> set_diagonaln(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a);
// Sets the diagonals, everythign else will get zeroed
void diagonal_zeroed(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a);
Ref<MLPPMatrix> diagonal_zeroedn(const Ref<MLPPVector> &a);
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_equal_approx(const Ref<MLPPMatrix> &p_with, real_t tolerance = static_cast<real_t>(CMP_EPSILON)) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_with.is_valid(), false);
Reference in New Issue
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