tool extends PaintProject # Declare member variables here. Examples: # var a: int = 2 # var b: String = "text" # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: pass # Replace with function body. # add button that ads bg and visual grid, also should set owner so they get saved # canvas bg make it not use shader # inherit both from PaintNode -> automatic easy resize # Implement trickle down resize -> PAitnProject resized -> NOTIFICATION PAINT PROJECT RESIZED! # PaintNode -> current size property read only # Resize property + resize button # Mouse pos for the canvas property inspector # PaintProj -> Collect and merge and save -> NOTIF PaintProject PRE Save , then get image() # should be saved virtual! only true for canvas for now # PaintCanvas -> LoadImage # PaintNodes -> Outline property. Maybe keep node? # PaintCanvas -> save data in a compressed form # port back everything to c++ # remove old deprecated classes