tool extends PaintCanvas var _mouse_down : bool = false var _mouse_button_down : int = -1 var _actions_history : Array var _redo_history : Array var _current_action : PaintAction var _picked_color : bool = false var _selection_cells : PoolVector2iArray var _selection_colors : PoolColorArray var _cut_pos : Vector2i var _cut_size : Vector2i var mouse_position : Vector2 #var canvas_position : Vector2 var canvas_mouse_position : Vector2 var cell_mouse_position : Vector2 var last_mouse_position : Vector2 #var last_canvas_position : Vector2 var last_canvas_mouse_position : Vector2 var last_cell_mouse_position : Vector2 func handle_draw(local_position : Vector2, event: InputEvent) -> void: var proj : PaintProject = get_paint_project() if !proj: print("!proj!") set_pixel(local_position.x, local_position.y, proj.current_color) func get_current_color() -> Color: var proj : PaintProject = get_paint_project() if !proj: print("!proj!") return Color(1, 1, 1, 1) return proj.current_color func handle_left_mouse_button_down(local_position : Vector2, event: InputEvent) -> void: if event.device == -1: mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() cell_mouse_position = local_position last_mouse_position = mouse_position last_cell_mouse_position = local_position if current_tool == TOOL_CUT: if !event.is_pressed(): commit_action() elif current_tool == TOOL_BUCKET: if !_current_action: _current_action = get_action() var arr : Array = Array() arr.push_back(cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(last_cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(get_current_color()) do_action(arr) commit_action() elif current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: var c : Color = get_pixel(cell_mouse_position.x, cell_mouse_position.y); if (c.a < 0.00001): return; _picked_color = true; var project : PaintProject = get_paint_project() if (project): project.current_color = c tool_process(local_position, event) func handle_left_mouse_button_up(local_position : Vector2, event: InputEvent) -> void: if event.device == -1: mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() cell_mouse_position = local_position last_mouse_position = mouse_position last_cell_mouse_position = local_position if current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: if (_picked_color): current_tool = get_previous_tool() _picked_color = false tool_process(local_position, event) func handle_right_mouse_button_down(local_position : Vector2, event: InputEvent) -> void: if event.device == -1: mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() cell_mouse_position = local_position last_mouse_position = mouse_position last_cell_mouse_position = local_position if current_tool == TOOL_CUT: if !event.is_pressed(): commit_action() elif current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: current_tool = get_previous_tool() elif current_tool == TOOL_PASTECUT: commit_action() current_tool = TOOL_PENCIL elif current_tool == TOOL_BUCKET: current_tool = get_previous_tool() tool_process(local_position, event) #void PaintWindow::_draw_tool_brush() { # paint_canvas->tool_layer->clear(); # # switch (brush_mode) { # case Tools::PASTECUT: { # for (int idx = 0; idx < _selection_cells.size(); ++idx) { # Vector2i pixel = _selection_cells[idx]; # //if pixel.x < 0 || pixel.y < 0: # // print(pixel); # Color color = _selection_colors[idx]; # pixel -= _cut_pos + _cut_size / 2; # pixel += cell_mouse_position; # paint_canvas->_set_pixel_v(paint_canvas->tool_layer, pixel, color); # } # } break; # case Tools::BRUSH: { # PoolVector2iArray pixels = BrushPrefabs::get_brush(selected_brush_prefab, brush_size_slider->get_value()); # # PoolVector2iArray::Read r =; # # for (int i = 0; i < pixels.size(); ++i) { # Vector2i pixel = r[i]; # paint_canvas->_set_pixel(paint_canvas->tool_layer, cell_mouse_position.x + pixel.x, cell_mouse_position.y + pixel.y, _selected_color); # //print_error("ad " + String::num(cell_mouse_position.x + pixel.x) + " " + String::num(cell_mouse_position.y + pixel.y)); # } # # r.release(); # } break; # case Tools::RAINBOW: { # paint_canvas->_set_pixel(paint_canvas->tool_layer, cell_mouse_position.x, cell_mouse_position.y, Color(0.46875, 0.446777, 0.446777, 0.196078)); # } break; # case Tools::COLORPICKER: { # paint_canvas->_set_pixel(paint_canvas->tool_layer, cell_mouse_position.x, cell_mouse_position.y, Color(0.866667, 0.847059, 0.847059, 0.196078)); # } break; # default: { # paint_canvas->_set_pixel(paint_canvas->tool_layer, cell_mouse_position.x, cell_mouse_position.y, _selected_color); # } break; # } # # paint_canvas->update(); # //TODO add here brush prefab drawing # // paint_canvas->tool_layer->update_texture(); #} #void PaintWindow::_handle_cut() { # if (Input::get_singleton()->is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_RIGHT)) { # paint_canvas->clear_preview_layer(); # set_brush(_previous_tool); # return; # } # # if (Input::get_singleton()->is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_LEFT)) { # PoolVector2iArray pixels = PaintUtilities::get_pixels_in_line(cell_mouse_position, last_cell_mouse_position); # # PoolVector2iArray::Read r =; # for (int i = 0; i < pixels.size(); ++i) { # Vector2i pixel_pos = r[i]; # # for (int idx = 0; idx < _selection_cells.size(); ++idx) { # Vector2i pixel = _selection_cells[idx]; # Color color = _selection_colors[idx]; # pixel -= _cut_pos + _cut_size / 2; # pixel += pixel_pos; # paint_canvas->set_pixel_v(pixel, color); # } # } # # r.release(); # } else { # if (_last_preview_draw_cell_pos == cell_mouse_position) { # return; # } # # paint_canvas->clear_preview_layer(); # # for (int idx = 0; idx < _selection_cells.size(); ++idx) { # Vector2i pixel = _selection_cells[idx]; # Color color = _selection_colors[idx]; # pixel -= _cut_pos + _cut_size / 2; # pixel += cell_mouse_position; # paint_canvas->set_preview_pixel_v(pixel, color); # } # # _last_preview_draw_cell_pos = cell_mouse_position; # } #} func do_action(arr : Array) -> void: if !_current_action: return _current_action.do_action(arr) update_textures() func commit_action() -> void: if !_current_action: return _current_action.commit_action() _actions_history.push_back(_current_action) _redo_history.clear() update_textures() if current_tool == TOOL_CUT: var ca : CutAction = _current_action; _cut_pos = ca.mouse_start_pos; _cut_size = ca.mouse_end_pos - ca.mouse_start_pos; _selection_cells.clear(); _selection_colors.clear(); _selection_cells.append_array(ca.redo_cells); _selection_colors.append_array(ca.redo_colors); current_tool = TOOL_PASTECUT return _current_action = null #void PaintWindow::redo_action_old() { # if (_redo_history.empty()) { # //print("nothing to redo"); # return; # } # # Ref action = _redo_history[_redo_history.size() - 1]; # _redo_history.remove(_redo_history.size() - 1); # # if (!action.is_valid()) { # return; # } # # _actions_history.push_back(action); # action->redo_action_old(paint_canvas); # paint_canvas->update(); # # //print("redo action"); #} #void PaintWindow::undo_action_old() { # if (_actions_history.empty()) { # return; # } # # Ref action = _actions_history[_actions_history.size() - 1]; # _actions_history.remove(_actions_history.size() - 1); # # if (!action.is_valid()) { # return; # } # # _redo_history.push_back(action); # action->undo_action_old(paint_canvas); # update(); # paint_canvas->update(); # # //print("undo action") #} func has_point(var pos : Vector2) -> bool: if pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0 || pos.x > size.x || pos.y > size.y: return false return true func get_action() -> PaintAction: var action : PaintAction = null if current_tool == TOOL_PENCIL: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_BRUSH: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_LINE: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_RAINBOW: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_BUCKET: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_RECT: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_DARKEN: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_BRIGHTEN: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_CUT: action = elif current_tool == TOOL_PASTECUT: action = if action: action.paint_canvas = self return action func _on_tool_changed() -> void: if current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: if _current_action: _current_action = null return if get_previous_tool() == TOOL_CUT: clear_preview() elif get_previous_tool() == TOOL_PASTECUT: _selection_cells.resize(0); _selection_colors.resize(0); _current_action = get_action() func tool_process(local_position : Vector2, event: InputEvent) -> void: if current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: return if !_current_action: _current_action = get_action() if current_tool == TOOL_PENCIL || current_tool == TOOL_LINE || current_tool == TOOL_RECT: var arr : Array = Array() arr.push_back(cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(last_cell_mouse_position) if _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_LEFT: arr.push_back(get_current_color()) elif _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_RIGHT: arr.push_back(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)) do_action(arr) elif current_tool == TOOL_DARKEN || current_tool == TOOL_BRIGHTEN || current_tool == TOOL_CUT: var arr : Array = Array() arr.push_back(cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(last_cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(get_current_color()) do_action(arr) elif current_tool == TOOL_BRUSH: var arr : Array = Array() arr.push_back(cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(last_cell_mouse_position) if _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_LEFT: arr.push_back(get_current_color()) elif _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_RIGHT: arr.push_back(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)) arr.push_back(brush_prefab) arr.push_back(brush_size) do_action(arr) elif current_tool == TOOL_COLORPICKER: # Nothing to do here pass elif current_tool == TOOL_PASTECUT: var arr : Array = Array() arr.append(cell_mouse_position); arr.append(last_cell_mouse_position); arr.append(_selection_cells); arr.append(_selection_colors); arr.append(_cut_pos); arr.append(_cut_size); do_action(arr); elif current_tool == TOOL_RAINBOW: var arr : Array = Array() arr.push_back(cell_mouse_position) arr.push_back(last_cell_mouse_position) do_action(arr) func _forward_canvas_gui_input(event: InputEvent) -> bool: if !is_visible_in_tree(): return false if event is InputEventMouseButton: if _mouse_down && _mouse_button_down != event.button_index: # Ignore it, but consume the event from the editor return true if event.button_index != BUTTON_LEFT && event.button_index != BUTTON_RIGHT: return false # This seems to be the easiest way to get local mouse position, # even though the event is available var local_position : Vector2 = get_local_mouse_position() if _mouse_down: if !event.pressed: _mouse_down = false _mouse_button_down = -1 if _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_LEFT: handle_left_mouse_button_up(local_position, event) commit_action() else: if has_point(local_position): _mouse_down = true _mouse_button_down = event.button_index if _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_LEFT: handle_left_mouse_button_down(local_position, event) elif _mouse_button_down == BUTTON_RIGHT: handle_right_mouse_button_down(local_position, event) return true if event is InputEventMouseMotion: var local_position : Vector2 = get_local_mouse_position() mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() cell_mouse_position = local_position if _mouse_down: if has_point(local_position): #handle_draw(local_position, event) cell_mouse_position = local_position tool_process(local_position, event) update_textures() update() last_mouse_position = mouse_position last_cell_mouse_position = local_position return true last_mouse_position = mouse_position last_cell_mouse_position = local_position return false func _ready() -> void: #temp resize(1, 1) resize(128, 128) if !is_connected("current_tool_changed", self, "_on_tool_changed"): connect("current_tool_changed", self, "_on_tool_changed") _on_tool_changed() func _draw() -> void: draw_texture(get_image_texture(), Vector2()) draw_texture(get_preview_image_texture(), Vector2())