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426 lines
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426 lines
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/* message_queue.cpp */
#include "message_queue.h"
#include "core/config/project_settings.h"
#include "core/object/script_language.h"
MessageQueue *MessageQueue::singleton = nullptr;
MessageQueue *MessageQueue::get_singleton() {
return singleton;
Error MessageQueue::push_call(ObjectID p_id, const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, bool p_show_error) {
int room_needed = sizeof(Message) + sizeof(Variant) * p_argcount;
Buffer &buffer = buffers[write_buffer];
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > buffer.data.size()) {
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > max_allowed_buffer_size) {
String type;
if (ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)) {
type = ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)->get_class();
print_line("Failed method: " + p_method);
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Message queue out of memory. Try increasing 'memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb' in project settings.");
} else {
buffer.data.resize(buffer.end + room_needed);
Message *msg = memnew_placement(&buffer.data[buffer.end], Message);
msg->args = p_argcount;
msg->instance_id = p_id;
msg->target = p_method;
msg->type = TYPE_CALL;
if (p_show_error) {
msg->type |= FLAG_SHOW_ERROR;
buffer.end += sizeof(Message);
for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) {
Variant *v = memnew_placement(&buffer.data[buffer.end], Variant);
buffer.end += sizeof(Variant);
*v = *p_args[i];
return OK;
Error MessageQueue::push_call(ObjectID p_id, const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
int argc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < VARIANT_ARG_MAX; i++) {
if (argptr[i]->get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
return push_call(p_id, p_method, argptr, argc, false);
Error MessageQueue::push_set(ObjectID p_id, const StringName &p_prop, const Variant &p_value) {
uint8_t room_needed = sizeof(Message) + sizeof(Variant);
Buffer &buffer = buffers[write_buffer];
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > buffer.data.size()) {
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > max_allowed_buffer_size) {
String type;
if (ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)) {
type = ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)->get_class();
print_line("Failed set: " + type + ":" + p_prop + " target ID: " + itos(p_id));
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Message queue out of memory. Try increasing 'memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb' in project settings.");
} else {
buffer.data.resize(buffer.end + room_needed);
Message *msg = memnew_placement(&buffer.data[buffer.end], Message);
msg->args = 1;
msg->instance_id = p_id;
msg->target = p_prop;
msg->type = TYPE_SET;
buffer.end += sizeof(Message);
Variant *v = memnew_placement(&buffer.data[buffer.end], Variant);
buffer.end += sizeof(Variant);
*v = p_value;
return OK;
Error MessageQueue::push_notification(ObjectID p_id, int p_notification) {
uint8_t room_needed = sizeof(Message);
Buffer &buffer = buffers[write_buffer];
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > buffer.data.size()) {
if ((buffer.end + room_needed) > max_allowed_buffer_size) {
String type;
if (ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)) {
type = ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id)->get_class();
print_line("Failed notification: " + itos(p_notification) + " target ID: " + itos(p_id));
ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Message queue out of memory. Try increasing 'memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb' in project settings.");
} else {
buffer.data.resize(buffer.end + room_needed);
Message *msg = memnew_placement(&buffer.data[buffer.end], Message);
msg->instance_id = p_id;
msg->notification = p_notification;
buffer.end += sizeof(Message);
return OK;
Error MessageQueue::push_call(Object *p_object, const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
return push_call(p_object->get_instance_id(), p_method, VARIANT_ARG_PASS);
Error MessageQueue::push_notification(Object *p_object, int p_notification) {
return push_notification(p_object->get_instance_id(), p_notification);
Error MessageQueue::push_set(Object *p_object, const StringName &p_prop, const Variant &p_value) {
return push_set(p_object->get_instance_id(), p_prop, p_value);
void MessageQueue::statistics() {
RBMap<StringName, int> set_count;
RBMap<int, int> notify_count;
RBMap<StringName, int> call_count;
int null_count = 0;
Buffer &buffer = buffers[write_buffer];
uint32_t read_pos = 0;
while (read_pos < buffer.end) {
Message *message = (Message *)&buffer.data[read_pos];
Object *target = ObjectDB::get_instance(message->instance_id);
if (target != nullptr) {
switch (message->type & FLAG_MASK) {
case TYPE_CALL: {
if (!call_count.has(message->target)) {
call_count[message->target] = 0;
} break;
if (!notify_count.has(message->notification)) {
notify_count[message->notification] = 0;
} break;
case TYPE_SET: {
if (!set_count.has(message->target)) {
set_count[message->target] = 0;
} break;
} else {
//object was deleted
print_line("Object was deleted while awaiting a callback");
read_pos += sizeof(Message);
if ((message->type & FLAG_MASK) != TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
read_pos += sizeof(Variant) * message->args;
print_line("TOTAL BYTES: " + itos(buffer.end));
print_line("NULL count: " + itos(null_count));
for (RBMap<StringName, int>::Element *E = set_count.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
print_line("SET " + E->key() + ": " + itos(E->get()));
for (RBMap<StringName, int>::Element *E = call_count.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
print_line("CALL " + E->key() + ": " + itos(E->get()));
for (RBMap<int, int>::Element *E = notify_count.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
print_line("NOTIFY " + itos(E->key()) + ": " + itos(E->get()));
int MessageQueue::get_max_buffer_usage() const {
return _buffer_size_monitor.max_size_overall;
void MessageQueue::_call_function(Object *p_target, const StringName &p_func, const Variant *p_args, int p_argcount, bool p_show_error) {
const Variant **argptrs = nullptr;
if (p_argcount) {
argptrs = (const Variant **)alloca(sizeof(Variant *) * p_argcount);
for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) {
argptrs[i] = &p_args[i];
Variant::CallError ce;
p_target->call(p_func, argptrs, p_argcount, ce);
if (p_show_error && ce.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
ERR_PRINT("Error calling deferred method: " + Variant::get_call_error_text(p_target, p_func, argptrs, p_argcount, ce) + ".");
void MessageQueue::_update_buffer_monitor() {
// The number of flushes is an approximate delay before
// considering shrinking. This is somewhat of a magic number,
// but only acts to prevent excessive oscillations.
if (++_buffer_size_monitor.flush_count == 8192) {
uint32_t max_size = _buffer_size_monitor.max_size;
// Uncomment this define to log message queue sizes and
// auto-shrinking behaviour.
print_line("MessageQueue buffer max size " + itos(max_size) + " bytes.");
// reset for next time
_buffer_size_monitor.flush_count = 0;
_buffer_size_monitor.max_size = 0;
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
uint32_t cap = buffers[n].data.get_capacity();
// Only worry about reducing memory if the capacity is high
// (due to e.g. loading a level or something).
// The shrinking will only take place below 256K, to prevent
// excessive reallocating.
if (cap > (256 * 1024)) {
// Only shrink if we are routinely using a lot less than the capacity.
if ((max_size * 4) < cap) {
buffers[n].data.reserve(cap / 2, true);
print_line("MessageQueue reducing buffer[" + itos(n) + "] capacity from " + itos(cap) + " bytes to " + itos(cap / 2) + " bytes.");
void MessageQueue::flush() {
//using reverse locking strategy
if (flushing) {
ERR_FAIL_MSG("Already flushing"); //already flushing, you did something odd
// first flip buffers, in preparation
SWAP(read_buffer, write_buffer);
flushing = true;
// This loop works by having a read buffer and write buffer.
// While we are reading from one buffer we can be filling another.
// This enables them to be independent, and not require locks per message.
// It also avoids pushing and resizing the write buffer corrupting the read buffer.
// The trade off is that it requires more memory.
// However the peak size of each can be lower, because they do not ADD
// to each other during transit.
while (buffers[read_buffer].data.size()) {
uint32_t read_pos = 0;
Buffer &buffer = buffers[read_buffer];
while (read_pos < buffer.end) {
Message *message = (Message *)&buffer.data[read_pos];
uint32_t advance = sizeof(Message);
if ((message->type & FLAG_MASK) != TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
advance += sizeof(Variant) * message->args;
read_pos += advance;
Object *target = ObjectDB::get_instance(message->instance_id);
if (target != nullptr) {
switch (message->type & FLAG_MASK) {
case TYPE_CALL: {
Variant *args = (Variant *)(message + 1);
// messages don't expect a return value
_call_function(target, message->target, args, message->args, message->type & FLAG_SHOW_ERROR);
} break;
// messages don't expect a return value
} break;
case TYPE_SET: {
Variant *arg = (Variant *)(message + 1);
// messages don't expect a return value
target->set(message->target, *arg);
} break;
if ((message->type & FLAG_MASK) != TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
Variant *args = (Variant *)(message + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < message->args; i++) {
} // while going through buffer
buffer.end = 0; // reset buffer
uint32_t buffer_data_size = buffer.data.size();
// keep track of the maximum used size, so we can downsize buffers when appropriate
_buffer_size_monitor.max_size = MAX(buffer_data_size, _buffer_size_monitor.max_size);
_buffer_size_monitor.max_size_overall = MAX(buffer_data_size, _buffer_size_monitor.max_size_overall);
// flip buffers, this is the only part that requires a lock
SWAP(read_buffer, write_buffer);
} // while read buffer not empty
flushing = false;
bool MessageQueue::is_flushing() const {
return flushing;
MessageQueue::MessageQueue() {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(singleton != nullptr, "A MessageQueue singleton already exists.");
singleton = this;
flushing = false;
max_allowed_buffer_size = GLOBAL_DEF_RST("memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb", 32);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "4,512,1,or_greater"));
max_allowed_buffer_size *= 1024 * 1024;
MessageQueue::~MessageQueue() {
for (int which = 0; which < 2; which++) {
Buffer &buffer = buffers[which];
uint32_t read_pos = 0;
while (read_pos < buffer.end) {
Message *message = (Message *)&buffer.data[read_pos];
Variant *args = (Variant *)(message + 1);
int argc = message->args;
if ((message->type & FLAG_MASK) != TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
read_pos += sizeof(Message);
if ((message->type & FLAG_MASK) != TYPE_NOTIFICATION) {
read_pos += sizeof(Variant) * message->args;
} // for which
singleton = nullptr;