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/* rendering_server_canvas.h */
#include "rasterizer.h"
#include "rendering_server_constants.h"
#include "rendering_server_viewport.h"
class RenderingServerCanvas {
struct Item : public RasterizerCanvas::Item {
RID parent; // canvas it belongs to
List<Item *>::Element *E;
int z_index;
bool z_relative;
bool sort_y;
Color modulate;
Color self_modulate;
bool use_parent_material;
int index;
bool children_order_dirty;
int ysort_children_count;
Color ysort_modulate;
Transform2D ysort_xform;
Vector2 ysort_pos;
int ysort_index;
String name;
Vector<Item *> child_items;
Item() {
children_order_dirty = true;
E = nullptr;
z_index = 0;
modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
self_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
sort_y = false;
use_parent_material = false;
z_relative = true;
index = 0;
ysort_children_count = -1;
ysort_xform = Transform2D();
ysort_pos = Vector2();
ysort_index = 0;
struct ItemIndexSort {
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const Item *p_left, const Item *p_right) const {
return p_left->index < p_right->index;
struct ItemPtrSort {
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator()(const Item *p_left, const Item *p_right) const {
if (Math::is_equal_approx(p_left->ysort_pos.y, p_right->ysort_pos.y)) {
return p_left->ysort_index < p_right->ysort_index;
return p_left->ysort_pos.y < p_right->ysort_pos.y;
struct Canvas : public RenderingServerViewport::CanvasBase {
RBSet<RID> viewports;
struct ChildItem {
Point2 mirror;
Item *item;
bool operator<(const ChildItem &p_item) const {
return item->index < p_item.item->index;
bool children_order_dirty;
Vector<ChildItem> child_items;
Color modulate;
RID parent;
float parent_scale;
int find_item(Item *p_item) {
for (int i = 0; i < child_items.size(); i++) {
if (child_items[i].item == p_item) {
return i;
return -1;
void erase_item(Item *p_item) {
int idx = find_item(p_item);
if (idx >= 0) {
Canvas() {
modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
children_order_dirty = true;
parent_scale = 1.0;
mutable RID_Owner<Canvas> canvas_owner;
RID_Owner<Item> canvas_item_owner;
bool disable_scale;
enum CanvasCullMode {
CanvasCullMode _canvas_cull_mode;
void _render_canvas_item_tree(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate);
void _light_mask_canvas_items(int p_z, RasterizerCanvas::Item *p_canvas_item, int p_canvas_layer_id);
RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list;
RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list;
Transform2D _current_camera_transform;
// 3.5 and earlier had no hierarchical culling.
void _render_canvas_item_cull_by_item(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner);
// Hierarchical culling by scene tree node ///////////////////////////////////
void _render_canvas_item_cull_by_node(Item *p_canvas_item, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, const Color &p_modulate, int p_z, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_list, RasterizerCanvas::Item **z_last_list, Item *p_canvas_clip, Item *p_material_owner, bool p_enclosed);
void _prepare_tree_bounds(Item *p_root);
void _calculate_canvas_item_bound(Item *p_canvas_item, Rect2 *r_branch_bound);
Transform2D _calculate_item_global_xform(const Item *p_canvas_item);
void _finalize_and_merge_local_bound_to_branch(Item *p_canvas_item, Rect2 *r_branch_bound);
void _merge_local_bound_to_branch(Item *p_canvas_item, Rect2 *r_branch_bound);
// If bounds flags are attempted to be modified multithreaded, the
// tree could become corrupt. Multithread access may not be possible,
// but just in case we use a mutex until proven otherwise.
Mutex _bound_mutex;
void _make_bound_dirty_reparent(Item *p_item);
void _make_bound_dirty(Item *p_item, bool p_changing_visibility = false);
void _make_bound_dirty_down(Item *p_item);
bool _check_bound_integrity(const Item *p_item);
bool _check_bound_integrity_down(const Item *p_item, bool p_bound_dirty);
void _print_tree(const Item *p_item);
void _print_tree_down(int p_child_id, int p_depth, const Item *p_item, const Item *p_highlight, bool p_hidden = false);
bool _check_bound_integrity(const Item *p_item) { return true; }
void render_canvas(Canvas *p_canvas, const Transform2D &p_transform, const Rect2 &p_clip_rect, int p_canvas_layer_id);
RID canvas_create();
void canvas_set_item_mirroring(RID p_canvas, RID p_item, const Point2 &p_mirroring);
void canvas_set_modulate(RID p_canvas, const Color &p_color);
void canvas_set_parent(RID p_canvas, RID p_parent, float p_scale);
void canvas_set_disable_scale(bool p_disable);
RID canvas_item_create();
void canvas_item_set_parent(RID p_item, RID p_parent);
void canvas_item_set_name(RID p_item, String p_name);
void canvas_item_set_visible(RID p_item, bool p_visible);
void canvas_item_set_light_mask(RID p_item, int p_mask);
void canvas_item_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform);
void canvas_item_set_clip(RID p_item, bool p_clip);
void canvas_item_set_distance_field_mode(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_set_custom_rect(RID p_item, bool p_custom_rect, const Rect2 &p_rect = Rect2());
void canvas_item_set_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color);
void canvas_item_set_self_modulate(RID p_item, const Color &p_color);
void canvas_item_set_draw_behind_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_set_use_identity_transform(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_set_update_when_visible(RID p_item, bool p_update);
void canvas_item_add_line(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, const Color &p_color, float p_width = 1.0, bool p_antialiased = false);
void canvas_item_add_polyline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width = 1.0, bool p_antialiased = false);
void canvas_item_add_multiline(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, float p_width = 1.0, bool p_antialiased = false);
void canvas_item_add_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Color &p_color);
void canvas_item_add_circle(RID p_item, const Point2 &p_pos, float p_radius, const Color &p_color);
void canvas_item_add_texture_rect(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, bool p_tile = false, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_texture_rect_region(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, RID p_texture, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_clip_uv = false);
void canvas_item_add_texture_multirect_region(RID p_item, const Vector<Rect2> &p_rects, RID p_texture, const Vector<Rect2> &p_src_rects, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), uint32_t p_canvas_rect_flags = 0, RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_nine_patch(RID p_item, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_source, RID p_texture, const Vector2 &p_topleft, const Vector2 &p_bottomright, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_x_axis_mode = RS::NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, RS::NinePatchAxisMode p_y_axis_mode = RS::NINE_PATCH_STRETCH, bool p_draw_center = true, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_primitive(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, RID p_texture, float p_width = 1.0, RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_polygon(RID p_item, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_antialiased = false);
void canvas_item_add_triangle_array(RID p_item, const Vector<int> &p_indices, const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), const Vector<int> &p_bones = Vector<int>(), const Vector<float> &p_weights = Vector<float>(), RID p_texture = RID(), int p_count = -1, RID p_normal_map = RID(), bool p_antialiased = false, bool p_antialiasing_use_indices = false);
void canvas_item_add_mesh(RID p_item, const RID &p_mesh, const Transform2D &p_transform = Transform2D(), const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_multimesh(RID p_item, RID p_mesh, RID p_texture = RID(), RID p_normal_map = RID());
void canvas_item_add_set_transform(RID p_item, const Transform2D &p_transform);
void canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(RID p_item, bool p_ignore);
void canvas_item_set_sort_children_by_y(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_set_z_index(RID p_item, int p_z);
void canvas_item_set_z_as_relative_to_parent(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_set_copy_to_backbuffer(RID p_item, bool p_enable, const Rect2 &p_rect);
void canvas_item_clear(RID p_item);
void canvas_item_set_draw_index(RID p_item, int p_index);
void canvas_item_set_material(RID p_item, RID p_material);
void canvas_item_set_use_parent_material(RID p_item, bool p_enable);
void canvas_item_attach_skeleton(RID p_item, RID p_skeleton);
void canvas_item_set_skeleton_relative_xform(RID p_item, Transform2D p_relative_xform);
Rect2 _debug_canvas_item_get_rect(RID p_item);
Rect2 _debug_canvas_item_get_local_bound(RID p_item);
void _canvas_item_invalidate_local_bound(RID p_item);
void _canvas_item_remove_references(RID p_item, RID p_rid);
bool free(RID p_rid);
// Interpolation
void tick();
void update_interpolation_tick(bool p_process = true);
struct InterpolationData {
LocalVector<RID> canvas_item_transform_update_lists[2];
LocalVector<RID> *canvas_item_transform_update_list_curr = &canvas_item_transform_update_lists[0];
LocalVector<RID> *canvas_item_transform_update_list_prev = &canvas_item_transform_update_lists[1];
bool interpolation_enabled = false;
} _interpolation_data;