#ifndef CPU_PARTICLES_2D_H #define CPU_PARTICLES_2D_H /*************************************************************************/ /* cpu_particles_2d.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "scene/main/node_2d.h" class RID; class Texture; //#define PANDEMONIUM_CPU_PARTICLES_2D_LEGACY_COMPATIBILITY class CPUParticles2D : public Node2D { private: GDCLASS(CPUParticles2D, Node2D); public: enum DrawOrder { DRAW_ORDER_INDEX, DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME, }; enum Parameter { PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY, PARAM_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY, PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL, PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL, PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL, PARAM_DAMPING, PARAM_ANGLE, PARAM_SCALE, PARAM_HUE_VARIATION, PARAM_ANIM_SPEED, PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET, PARAM_MAX }; enum Flags { FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY, FLAG_ROTATE_Y, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. FLAG_DISABLE_Z, // Unused, but exposed for consistency with 3D. FLAG_MAX }; enum EmissionShape { EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT, EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE, EMISSION_SHAPE_RECTANGLE, EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS, EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS, EMISSION_SHAPE_MAX }; private: bool emitting; struct ParticleBase { void blank() { for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { custom[n] = 0.0f; } } Transform2D transform; Color color; float custom[4]; }; // Warning - beware of adding non-trivial types // to this structure as it is zeroed to initialize in set_amount(). struct Particle : public ParticleBase { void copy_to(ParticleBase &r_o) { r_o.transform = transform; r_o.color = color; memcpy(r_o.custom, custom, sizeof(custom)); } float rotation; Vector2 velocity; bool active; float angle_rand; float scale_rand; float hue_rot_rand; float anim_offset_rand; Color start_color_rand; float time; float lifetime; Color base_color; uint32_t seed; }; float time; float inactive_time; float frame_remainder; int cycle; bool redraw; RID mesh; RID multimesh; PoolVector<Particle> particles; LocalVector<ParticleBase> particles_prev; PoolVector<float> particle_data; PoolVector<float> particle_data_prev; PoolVector<int> particle_order; struct SortLifetime { const Particle *particles; bool operator()(int p_a, int p_b) const { return particles[p_a].time > particles[p_b].time; } }; struct SortAxis { const Particle *particles; Vector2 axis; bool operator()(int p_a, int p_b) const { return axis.dot(particles[p_a].transform[2]) < axis.dot(particles[p_b].transform[2]); } }; // bool one_shot; float lifetime; float pre_process_time; float explosiveness_ratio; float randomness_ratio; float lifetime_randomness; float speed_scale; bool local_coords; int fixed_fps; bool fractional_delta; Transform2D inv_emission_transform; DrawOrder draw_order; Ref<Texture> texture; Ref<Texture> normalmap; //////// Vector2 direction; float spread; float parameters[PARAM_MAX]; float randomness[PARAM_MAX]; Ref<Curve> curve_parameters[PARAM_MAX]; Color color; Ref<Gradient> color_ramp; Ref<Gradient> color_initial_ramp; bool flags[FLAG_MAX]; EmissionShape emission_shape; float emission_sphere_radius; Vector2 emission_rect_extents; PoolVector<Vector2> emission_points; PoolVector<Vector2> emission_normals; PoolVector<Color> emission_colors; int emission_point_count; Vector2 gravity; void _update_internal(bool p_on_physics_tick); void _particles_process(float p_delta); void _particle_process(Particle &r_p, const Transform2D &p_emission_xform, float p_local_delta, float &r_tv); void _update_particle_data_buffer(); Mutex update_mutex; // Whether this particle system is interpolated. bool _interpolated; struct InterpolationData { // Whether this particle is non-interpolated, but following an interpolated parent. bool interpolated_follow; // If doing interpolated follow, we need to keep these updated per tick. Transform2D global_xform_curr; Transform2D global_xform_prev; } _interpolation_data; void _update_render_thread(); void _update_mesh_texture(); void _set_redraw(bool p_redraw); void _texture_changed(); void _refresh_interpolation_state(); template <bool TRANSFORM_PARTICLE> void _fill_particle_data(const ParticleBase &p_source, float *r_dest, bool p_active) const { if (p_active) { #ifdef PANDEMONIUM_CPU_PARTICLES_2D_LEGACY_COMPATIBILITY Transform2D t = p_source.transform; if (TRANSFORM_PARTICLE) { t = inv_emission_transform * t; } #else const Transform2D &t = p_source.transform; #endif r_dest[0] = t.columns[0][0]; r_dest[1] = t.columns[1][0]; r_dest[2] = 0; r_dest[3] = t.columns[2][0]; r_dest[4] = t.columns[0][1]; r_dest[5] = t.columns[1][1]; r_dest[6] = 0; r_dest[7] = t.columns[2][1]; Color c = p_source.color; uint8_t *data8 = (uint8_t *)&r_dest[8]; data8[0] = CLAMP(c.r * 255.0, 0, 255); data8[1] = CLAMP(c.g * 255.0, 0, 255); data8[2] = CLAMP(c.b * 255.0, 0, 255); data8[3] = CLAMP(c.a * 255.0, 0, 255); r_dest[9] = p_source.custom[0]; r_dest[10] = p_source.custom[1]; r_dest[11] = p_source.custom[2]; r_dest[12] = p_source.custom[3]; } else { memset(r_dest, 0, sizeof(float) * 13); } } protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const; public: void set_emitting(bool p_emitting); void set_amount(int p_amount); void set_lifetime(float p_lifetime); void set_one_shot(bool p_one_shot); void set_pre_process_time(float p_time); void set_explosiveness_ratio(float p_ratio); void set_randomness_ratio(float p_ratio); void set_lifetime_randomness(float p_random); void set_use_local_coordinates(bool p_enable); void set_speed_scale(float p_scale); bool is_emitting() const; int get_amount() const; float get_lifetime() const; bool get_one_shot() const; float get_pre_process_time() const; float get_explosiveness_ratio() const; float get_randomness_ratio() const; float get_lifetime_randomness() const; bool get_use_local_coordinates() const; float get_speed_scale() const; void set_fixed_fps(int p_count); int get_fixed_fps() const; void set_fractional_delta(bool p_enable); bool get_fractional_delta() const; void set_draw_order(DrawOrder p_order); DrawOrder get_draw_order() const; void set_texture(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture); Ref<Texture> get_texture() const; void set_normalmap(const Ref<Texture> &p_normalmap); Ref<Texture> get_normalmap() const; /////////////////// void set_direction(Vector2 p_direction); Vector2 get_direction() const; void set_spread(float p_spread); float get_spread() const; void set_param(Parameter p_param, float p_value); float get_param(Parameter p_param) const; void set_param_randomness(Parameter p_param, float p_value); float get_param_randomness(Parameter p_param) const; void set_param_curve(Parameter p_param, const Ref<Curve> &p_curve); Ref<Curve> get_param_curve(Parameter p_param) const; void set_color(const Color &p_color); Color get_color() const; void set_color_ramp(const Ref<Gradient> &p_ramp); Ref<Gradient> get_color_ramp() const; void set_color_initial_ramp(const Ref<Gradient> &p_ramp); Ref<Gradient> get_color_initial_ramp() const; void set_particle_flag(Flags p_flag, bool p_enable); bool get_particle_flag(Flags p_flag) const; void set_emission_shape(EmissionShape p_shape); void set_emission_sphere_radius(float p_radius); void set_emission_rect_extents(Vector2 p_extents); void set_emission_points(const PoolVector<Vector2> &p_points); void set_emission_normals(const PoolVector<Vector2> &p_normals); void set_emission_colors(const PoolVector<Color> &p_colors); EmissionShape get_emission_shape() const; float get_emission_sphere_radius() const; Vector2 get_emission_rect_extents() const; PoolVector<Vector2> get_emission_points() const; PoolVector<Vector2> get_emission_normals() const; PoolVector<Color> get_emission_colors() const; void set_gravity(const Vector2 &p_gravity); Vector2 get_gravity() const; virtual String get_configuration_warning() const; void restart(); CPUParticles2D(); ~CPUParticles2D(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::DrawOrder) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::Parameter) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::Flags) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CPUParticles2D::EmissionShape) #endif // CPU_PARTICLES_2D_H