#ifndef TRANSLATION_H #define TRANSLATION_H /* translation.h */ #include "core/object/resource.h" class Translation : public Resource { GDCLASS(Translation, Resource); OBJ_SAVE_TYPE(Translation); RES_BASE_EXTENSION("translation"); String locale; RBMap translation_map; PoolVector _get_message_list() const; PoolVector _get_messages() const; void _set_messages(const PoolVector &p_messages); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_locale(const String &p_locale); _FORCE_INLINE_ String get_locale() const { return locale; } void add_message(const StringName &p_src_text, const StringName &p_xlated_text); virtual StringName get_message(const StringName &p_src_text) const; //overridable for other implementations void erase_message(const StringName &p_src_text); void get_message_list(List *r_messages) const; int get_message_count() const; // Not exposed to scripting. For easy usage of `ContextTranslation`. virtual void add_context_message(const StringName &p_src_text, const StringName &p_xlated_text, const StringName &p_context); virtual StringName get_context_message(const StringName &p_src_text, const StringName &p_context) const; Translation(); }; class ContextTranslation : public Translation { GDCLASS(ContextTranslation, Translation); RBMap> context_translation_map; public: virtual void add_context_message(const StringName &p_src_text, const StringName &p_xlated_text, const StringName &p_context); virtual StringName get_context_message(const StringName &p_src_text, const StringName &p_context) const; }; class TranslationServer : public Object { GDCLASS(TranslationServer, Object); String locale; String fallback; RBSet> translations; Ref tool_translation; Ref doc_translation; RBMap locale_name_map; bool enabled; static TranslationServer *singleton; bool _load_translations(const String &p_from); static void _bind_methods(); public: _FORCE_INLINE_ static TranslationServer *get_singleton() { return singleton; } void set_enabled(bool p_enabled) { enabled = p_enabled; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_enabled() const { return enabled; } void set_locale(const String &p_locale); String get_locale() const; String get_locale_name(const String &p_locale) const; Array get_loaded_locales() const; void add_translation(const Ref &p_translation); void remove_translation(const Ref &p_translation); StringName translate(const StringName &p_message) const; StringName translate_to(const StringName &p_message, const String &p_locale) const; static Vector get_all_locales(); static Vector get_all_locale_names(); static bool is_locale_valid(const String &p_locale); static String standardize_locale(const String &p_locale); static String get_language_code(const String &p_locale); void set_tool_translation(const Ref &p_translation); StringName tool_translate(const StringName &p_message, const StringName &p_context) const; void set_doc_translation(const Ref &p_translation); StringName doc_translate(const StringName &p_message) const; void setup(); void clear(); void load_translations(); TranslationServer(); }; #endif // TRANSLATION_H