#ifndef XML_PARSER_H #define XML_PARSER_H /* xml_parser.h */ #include "core/os/file_access.h" #include "core/object/reference.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" #include "core/containers/vector.h" /* Based on irrXML (see their zlib license). Added mainly for compatibility with their Collada loader. */ class XMLParser : public Reference { GDCLASS(XMLParser, Reference); public: //! Enumeration of all supported source text file formats enum SourceFormat { SOURCE_ASCII, SOURCE_UTF8, SOURCE_UTF16_BE, SOURCE_UTF16_LE, SOURCE_UTF32_BE, SOURCE_UTF32_LE }; enum NodeType { NODE_NONE, NODE_ELEMENT, NODE_ELEMENT_END, NODE_TEXT, NODE_COMMENT, NODE_CDATA, NODE_UNKNOWN }; private: char *data = nullptr; char *P = nullptr; uint64_t length = 0; String node_name; bool node_empty = false; NodeType node_type = NODE_NONE; uint64_t node_offset = 0; struct Attribute { String name; String value; }; Vector attributes; bool _set_text(char *start, char *end); void _parse_closing_xml_element(); void _ignore_definition(); bool _parse_cdata(); void _parse_comment(); void _parse_opening_xml_element(); void _parse_current_node(); static void _bind_methods(); public: Error read(); NodeType get_node_type(); String get_node_name() const; String get_node_data() const; uint64_t get_node_offset() const; int get_attribute_count() const; String get_attribute_name(int p_idx) const; String get_attribute_value(int p_idx) const; bool has_attribute(const String &p_name) const; String get_attribute_value(const String &p_name) const; String get_attribute_value_safe(const String &p_name) const; // do not print error if doesn't exist bool is_empty() const; int get_current_line() const; void skip_section(); Error seek(uint64_t p_pos); Error open(const String &p_path); Error open_buffer(const Vector &p_buffer); void close(); XMLParser(); ~XMLParser(); }; #endif