#ifndef RASTERIZER_H #define RASTERIZER_H /* rasterizer.h */ #include "core/math/projection.h" #include "core/math/transform_interpolator.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #include "core/containers/self_list.h" class RasterizerStorage { public: /* TEXTURE API */ virtual RID texture_create() = 0; virtual void texture_allocate(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth_3d, Image::Format p_format, RS::TextureType p_type, uint32_t p_flags = RS::TEXTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT) = 0; virtual void texture_set_data(RID p_texture, const Ref &p_image, int p_level = 0) = 0; virtual void texture_set_data_partial(RID p_texture, const Ref &p_image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dst_x, int dst_y, int p_dst_mip, int p_level = 0) = 0; virtual Ref texture_get_data(RID p_texture, int p_level = 0) const = 0; virtual void texture_set_flags(RID p_texture, uint32_t p_flags) = 0; virtual uint32_t texture_get_flags(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual Image::Format texture_get_format(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual RS::TextureType texture_get_type(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual uint32_t texture_get_texid(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual uint32_t texture_get_width(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual uint32_t texture_get_height(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual uint32_t texture_get_depth(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual void texture_set_size_override(RID p_texture, int p_width, int p_height, int p_depth_3d) = 0; virtual void texture_bind(RID p_texture, uint32_t p_texture_no) = 0; virtual void texture_set_path(RID p_texture, const String &p_path) = 0; virtual String texture_get_path(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual void texture_set_shrink_all_x2_on_set_data(bool p_enable) = 0; virtual void texture_debug_usage(List *r_info) = 0; virtual RID texture_create_radiance_cubemap(RID p_source, int p_resolution = -1) const = 0; virtual void texture_set_detect_3d_callback(RID p_texture, RenderingServer::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; virtual void texture_set_detect_srgb_callback(RID p_texture, RenderingServer::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; virtual void texture_set_detect_normal_callback(RID p_texture, RenderingServer::TextureDetectCallback p_callback, void *p_userdata) = 0; virtual void textures_keep_original(bool p_enable) = 0; virtual void texture_set_proxy(RID p_proxy, RID p_base) = 0; virtual Size2 texture_size_with_proxy(RID p_texture) const = 0; virtual void texture_set_force_redraw_if_visible(RID p_texture, bool p_enable) = 0; /* SHADER API */ virtual RID shader_create() = 0; virtual void shader_set_code(RID p_shader, const String &p_code) = 0; virtual String shader_get_code(RID p_shader) const = 0; virtual void shader_get_param_list(RID p_shader, List *p_param_list) const = 0; virtual void shader_set_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name, RID p_texture) = 0; virtual RID shader_get_default_texture_param(RID p_shader, const StringName &p_name) const = 0; virtual void shader_add_custom_define(RID p_shader, const String &p_define) = 0; virtual void shader_get_custom_defines(RID p_shader, Vector *p_defines) const = 0; virtual void shader_remove_custom_define(RID p_shader, const String &p_define) = 0; virtual void set_shader_async_hidden_forbidden(bool p_forbidden) = 0; virtual bool is_shader_async_hidden_forbidden() = 0; /* COMMON MATERIAL API */ virtual RID material_create() = 0; virtual void material_set_render_priority(RID p_material, int priority) = 0; virtual void material_set_shader(RID p_shader_material, RID p_shader) = 0; virtual RID material_get_shader(RID p_shader_material) const = 0; virtual void material_set_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param, const Variant &p_value) = 0; virtual Variant material_get_param(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; virtual Variant material_get_param_default(RID p_material, const StringName &p_param) const = 0; virtual void material_set_line_width(RID p_material, float p_width) = 0; virtual void material_set_next_pass(RID p_material, RID p_next_material) = 0; virtual bool material_is_animated(RID p_material) = 0; virtual bool material_casts_shadows(RID p_material) = 0; virtual bool material_uses_tangents(RID p_material); virtual bool material_uses_ensure_correct_normals(RID p_material); /* MESH API */ virtual RID mesh_create() = 0; virtual void mesh_add_surface(RID p_mesh, uint32_t p_format, RS::PrimitiveType p_primitive, const PoolVector &p_array, int p_vertex_count, const PoolVector &p_index_array, int p_index_count, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector> &p_blend_shapes = Vector>(), const Vector &p_bone_aabbs = Vector()) = 0; virtual void mesh_set_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh, int p_amount) = 0; virtual int mesh_get_blend_shape_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual void mesh_set_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh, RS::BlendShapeMode p_mode) = 0; virtual RS::BlendShapeMode mesh_get_blend_shape_mode(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual void mesh_set_blend_shape_values(RID p_mesh, PoolVector p_values) = 0; virtual PoolVector mesh_get_blend_shape_values(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual void mesh_surface_update_region(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, int p_offset, const PoolVector &p_data) = 0; virtual void mesh_surface_set_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface, RID p_material) = 0; virtual RID mesh_surface_get_material(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual int mesh_surface_get_array_len(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual int mesh_surface_get_array_index_len(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual PoolVector mesh_surface_get_array(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual PoolVector mesh_surface_get_index_array(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual uint32_t mesh_surface_get_format(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual RS::PrimitiveType mesh_surface_get_primitive_type(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual AABB mesh_surface_get_aabb(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual Vector> mesh_surface_get_blend_shapes(RID p_mesh, int p_surface) const = 0; virtual void mesh_remove_surface(RID p_mesh, int p_index) = 0; virtual int mesh_get_surface_count(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual void mesh_set_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh, const AABB &p_aabb) = 0; virtual AABB mesh_get_custom_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual AABB mesh_get_aabb(RID p_mesh) const = 0; virtual void mesh_clear(RID p_mesh) = 0; /* MULTIMESH API */ struct MMInterpolator { RS::MultimeshTransformFormat _transform_format = RS::MULTIMESH_TRANSFORM_3D; RS::MultimeshColorFormat _color_format = RS::MULTIMESH_COLOR_NONE; RS::MultimeshCustomDataFormat _data_format = RS::MULTIMESH_CUSTOM_DATA_NONE; // in floats int _stride = 0; // Vertex format sizes in floats int _vf_size_xform = 0; int _vf_size_color = 0; int _vf_size_data = 0; // Set by allocate, can be used to prevent indexing out of range. int _num_instances = 0; // Quality determines whether to use lerp or slerp etc. int quality = 0; bool interpolated = false; bool on_interpolate_update_list = false; bool on_transform_update_list = false; PoolVector _data_prev; PoolVector _data_curr; PoolVector _data_interpolated; }; virtual RID multimesh_create(); virtual void multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, RS::MultimeshColorFormat p_color_format, RS::MultimeshCustomDataFormat p_data = RS::MULTIMESH_CUSTOM_DATA_NONE); virtual int multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const; virtual void multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh); virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform); virtual void multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform); virtual void multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color); virtual void multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color); virtual RID multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const; virtual Transform multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const; virtual Transform2D multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const; virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const; virtual Color multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const; virtual void multimesh_set_as_bulk_array(RID p_multimesh, const PoolVector &p_array); virtual void multimesh_set_as_bulk_array_interpolated(RID p_multimesh, const PoolVector &p_array, const PoolVector &p_array_prev); virtual void multimesh_set_physics_interpolated(RID p_multimesh, bool p_interpolated); virtual void multimesh_set_physics_interpolation_quality(RID p_multimesh, RS::MultimeshPhysicsInterpolationQuality p_quality); virtual void multimesh_instance_reset_physics_interpolation(RID p_multimesh, int p_index); virtual void multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible); virtual int multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const; virtual AABB multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const; virtual void multimesh_attach_canvas_item(RID p_multimesh, RID p_canvas_item, bool p_attach) = 0; virtual RID _multimesh_create() = 0; virtual void _multimesh_allocate(RID p_multimesh, int p_instances, RS::MultimeshTransformFormat p_transform_format, RS::MultimeshColorFormat p_color_format, RS::MultimeshCustomDataFormat p_data = RS::MULTIMESH_CUSTOM_DATA_NONE) = 0; virtual int _multimesh_get_instance_count(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; virtual void _multimesh_set_mesh(RID p_multimesh, RID p_mesh) = 0; virtual void _multimesh_instance_set_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform &p_transform) = 0; virtual void _multimesh_instance_set_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Transform2D &p_transform) = 0; virtual void _multimesh_instance_set_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; virtual void _multimesh_instance_set_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index, const Color &p_color) = 0; virtual RID _multimesh_get_mesh(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; virtual Transform _multimesh_instance_get_transform(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; virtual Transform2D _multimesh_instance_get_transform_2d(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; virtual Color _multimesh_instance_get_color(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; virtual Color _multimesh_instance_get_custom_data(RID p_multimesh, int p_index) const = 0; virtual void _multimesh_set_as_bulk_array(RID p_multimesh, const PoolVector &p_array) = 0; virtual void _multimesh_set_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh, int p_visible) = 0; virtual int _multimesh_get_visible_instances(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; virtual AABB _multimesh_get_aabb(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; // Multimesh is responsible for allocating / destroying an MMInterpolator object. // This allows shared functionality for interpolation across backends. virtual MMInterpolator *_multimesh_get_interpolator(RID p_multimesh) const = 0; private: void _multimesh_add_to_interpolation_lists(RID p_multimesh, MMInterpolator &r_mmi); public: /* RENDER TARGET */ enum RenderTargetFlags { RENDER_TARGET_VFLIP, RENDER_TARGET_TRANSPARENT, RENDER_TARGET_NO_3D_EFFECTS, RENDER_TARGET_NO_3D, RENDER_TARGET_NO_SAMPLING, RENDER_TARGET_HDR, RENDER_TARGET_KEEP_3D_LINEAR, RENDER_TARGET_DIRECT_TO_SCREEN, RENDER_TARGET_USE_32_BPC_DEPTH, RENDER_TARGET_FLAG_MAX }; virtual RID render_target_create() = 0; virtual void render_target_set_position(RID p_render_target, int p_x, int p_y) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_size(RID p_render_target, int p_width, int p_height) = 0; virtual RID render_target_get_texture(RID p_render_target) const = 0; virtual uint32_t render_target_get_depth_texture_id(RID p_render_target) const = 0; virtual void render_target_set_external_texture(RID p_render_target, unsigned int p_texture_id, unsigned int p_depth_id) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_flag(RID p_render_target, RenderTargetFlags p_flag, bool p_value) = 0; virtual bool render_target_was_used(RID p_render_target) = 0; virtual void render_target_clear_used(RID p_render_target) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_msaa(RID p_render_target, RS::ViewportMSAA p_msaa) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_use_fxaa(RID p_render_target, bool p_fxaa) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_use_debanding(RID p_render_target, bool p_debanding) = 0; virtual void render_target_set_sharpen_intensity(RID p_render_target, float p_intensity) = 0; /* INTERPOLATION */ struct InterpolationData { void notify_free_multimesh(RID p_rid); LocalVector multimesh_interpolate_update_list; LocalVector multimesh_transform_update_lists[2]; LocalVector *multimesh_transform_update_list_curr = &multimesh_transform_update_lists[0]; LocalVector *multimesh_transform_update_list_prev = &multimesh_transform_update_lists[1]; } _interpolation_data; void update_interpolation_tick(bool p_process = true); void update_interpolation_frame(bool p_process = true); private: _FORCE_INLINE_ void _interpolate_RGBA8(const uint8_t *p_a, const uint8_t *p_b, uint8_t *r_dest, float p_f) const; public: virtual RS::InstanceType get_base_type(RID p_rid) const = 0; virtual bool free(RID p_rid) = 0; virtual bool has_os_feature(const String &p_feature) const = 0; virtual void update_dirty_resources() = 0; virtual void set_debug_generate_wireframes(bool p_generate) = 0; virtual void render_info_begin_capture() = 0; virtual void render_info_end_capture() = 0; virtual int get_captured_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; virtual uint64_t get_render_info(RS::RenderInfo p_info) = 0; virtual String get_video_adapter_name() const = 0; virtual String get_video_adapter_vendor() const = 0; static RasterizerStorage *base_singleton; RasterizerStorage(); virtual ~RasterizerStorage() {} }; class RasterizerCanvas { public: enum CanvasRectFlags { CANVAS_RECT_REGION = 1, CANVAS_RECT_TILE = 2, CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_H = 4, CANVAS_RECT_FLIP_V = 8, CANVAS_RECT_TRANSPOSE = 16, CANVAS_RECT_CLIP_UV = 32 }; struct Item : public RID_Data { struct Command { enum Type { TYPE_LINE, TYPE_POLYLINE, TYPE_RECT, TYPE_NINEPATCH, TYPE_PRIMITIVE, TYPE_POLYGON, TYPE_MESH, TYPE_MULTIMESH, TYPE_CIRCLE, TYPE_TRANSFORM, TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE, TYPE_MULTIRECT, }; virtual bool contains_reference(const RID &p_rid) const { return false; } Type type; virtual ~Command() {} }; struct CommandLine : public Command { Point2 from, to; Color color; float width; bool antialiased; CommandLine() { type = TYPE_LINE; } }; struct CommandPolyLine : public Command { bool antialiased; bool multiline; Vector triangles; Vector triangle_colors; Vector lines; Vector line_colors; CommandPolyLine() { type = TYPE_POLYLINE; antialiased = false; multiline = false; } }; struct CommandRect : public Command { Rect2 rect; RID texture; RID normal_map; Color modulate; Rect2 source; uint8_t flags; CommandRect() { flags = 0; type = TYPE_RECT; } }; struct CommandMultiRect : public Command { RID texture; RID normal_map; Color modulate; Vector rects; Vector sources; uint8_t flags; CommandMultiRect() { flags = 0; type = TYPE_MULTIRECT; } }; struct CommandNinePatch : public Command { Rect2 rect; Rect2 source; RID texture; RID normal_map; float margin[4]; bool draw_center; Color color; RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_x; RS::NinePatchAxisMode axis_y; CommandNinePatch() { draw_center = true; type = TYPE_NINEPATCH; } }; struct CommandPrimitive : public Command { Vector points; Vector uvs; Vector colors; RID texture; RID normal_map; float width; CommandPrimitive() { type = TYPE_PRIMITIVE; width = 1; } }; struct CommandPolygon : public Command { Vector indices; Vector points; Vector uvs; Vector colors; Vector bones; Vector weights; RID texture; RID normal_map; int count; bool antialiased; bool antialiasing_use_indices; struct SkinningData { bool dirty = true; LocalVector active_bounds; LocalVector active_bone_ids; Rect2 untransformed_bound; }; mutable SkinningData *skinning_data; CommandPolygon() { type = TYPE_POLYGON; count = 0; skinning_data = NULL; } virtual ~CommandPolygon() { if (skinning_data) { memdelete(skinning_data); skinning_data = NULL; } } }; struct CommandMesh : public Command { RID mesh; RID texture; RID normal_map; Transform2D transform; Color modulate; CommandMesh() { type = TYPE_MESH; } }; struct CommandMultiMesh : public Command { RID multimesh; RID texture; RID normal_map; RID canvas_item; virtual bool contains_reference(const RID &p_rid) const { return multimesh == p_rid; } CommandMultiMesh() { type = TYPE_MULTIMESH; } virtual ~CommandMultiMesh() { // Remove any backlinks from multimesh to canvas item. if (multimesh.is_valid()) { RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->multimesh_attach_canvas_item(multimesh, canvas_item, false); } } }; struct CommandCircle : public Command { Point2 pos; float radius; Color color; CommandCircle() { type = TYPE_CIRCLE; } }; struct CommandTransform : public Command { Transform2D xform; CommandTransform() { type = TYPE_TRANSFORM; } }; struct CommandClipIgnore : public Command { bool ignore; CommandClipIgnore() { type = TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE; ignore = false; } }; struct ViewportRender { RenderingServer *owner; void *udata; Rect2 rect; }; // For interpolation we store the current local xform, // and the previous xform from the previous tick. Transform2D xform_curr; Transform2D xform_prev; bool clip : 1; bool visible : 1; bool behind : 1; bool update_when_visible : 1; bool distance_field : 1; bool light_masked : 1; bool on_interpolate_transform_list : 1; bool interpolated : 1; bool use_identity_xform : 1; mutable bool custom_rect : 1; mutable bool rect_dirty : 1; mutable bool bound_dirty : 1; Vector commands; mutable Rect2 rect; RID material; //RS::MaterialBlendMode blend_mode; int32_t light_mask; mutable uint32_t skeleton_revision; Item *next; struct SkinningData { Transform2D skeleton_relative_xform; Transform2D skeleton_relative_xform_inv; }; SkinningData *skinning_data; struct CopyBackBuffer { Rect2 rect; Rect2 screen_rect; bool full; }; CopyBackBuffer *copy_back_buffer; Color final_modulate; Transform2D final_transform; Rect2 final_clip_rect; Item *final_clip_owner; Item *material_owner; ViewportRender *vp_render; Rect2 global_rect_cache; private: Rect2 calculate_polygon_bounds(const Item::CommandPolygon &p_polygon) const; public: // the rect containing this item and all children, // in local space. Rect2 local_bound; // When using interpolation, the local bound for culling // should be a combined bound of the previous and current. // To keep this up to date, we need to keep track of the previous // bound separately rather than just the combined bound. Rect2 local_bound_prev; uint32_t local_bound_last_update_tick; const Rect2 &get_rect() const { if (custom_rect) { return rect; } if (!rect_dirty && !update_when_visible) { return rect; } //must update rect int s = commands.size(); if (s == 0) { rect = Rect2(); rect_dirty = false; return rect; } Transform2D xf; bool found_xform = false; bool first = true; const Item::Command *const *cmd = &commands[0]; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { const Item::Command *c = cmd[i]; Rect2 r; switch (c->type) { case Item::Command::TYPE_LINE: { const Item::CommandLine *line = static_cast(c); r.position = line->from; r.expand_to(line->to); } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_POLYLINE: { const Item::CommandPolyLine *pline = static_cast(c); if (pline->triangles.size()) { for (int j = 0; j < pline->triangles.size(); j++) { if (j == 0) { r.position = pline->triangles[j]; } else { r.expand_to(pline->triangles[j]); } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < pline->lines.size(); j++) { if (j == 0) { r.position = pline->lines[j]; } else { r.expand_to(pline->lines[j]); } } } } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_RECT: { const Item::CommandRect *crect = static_cast(c); r = crect->rect; } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_MULTIRECT: { const Item::CommandMultiRect *mrect = static_cast(c); int num_rects = mrect->rects.size(); if (num_rects) { r = mrect->rects[0]; for (int n = 1; n < num_rects; n++) { r = mrect->rects[n].merge(r); } } } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_NINEPATCH: { const Item::CommandNinePatch *style = static_cast(c); r = style->rect; } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_PRIMITIVE: { const Item::CommandPrimitive *primitive = static_cast(c); r.position = primitive->points[0]; for (int j = 1; j < primitive->points.size(); j++) { r.expand_to(primitive->points[j]); } } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_POLYGON: { const Item::CommandPolygon *polygon = static_cast(c); DEV_ASSERT(polygon); r = calculate_polygon_bounds(*polygon); } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_MESH: { const Item::CommandMesh *mesh = static_cast(c); AABB aabb = RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->mesh_get_aabb(mesh->mesh); r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_MULTIMESH: { const Item::CommandMultiMesh *multimesh = static_cast(c); AABB aabb = RasterizerStorage::base_singleton->multimesh_get_aabb(multimesh->multimesh); r = Rect2(aabb.position.x, aabb.position.y, aabb.size.x, aabb.size.y); } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_CIRCLE: { const Item::CommandCircle *circle = static_cast(c); r.position = Point2(-circle->radius, -circle->radius) + circle->pos; r.size = Point2(circle->radius * 2.0, circle->radius * 2.0); } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_TRANSFORM: { const Item::CommandTransform *transform = static_cast(c); xf = transform->xform; found_xform = true; continue; } break; case Item::Command::TYPE_CLIP_IGNORE: { } break; } if (found_xform) { r = xf.xform(r); } if (first) { rect = r; first = false; } else { rect = rect.merge(r); } } rect_dirty = false; return rect; } void remove_references(const RID &p_rid) { for (int i = commands.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (commands[i]->contains_reference(p_rid)) { memdelete(commands[i]); // This could possibly be unordered if occurring close // to canvas_item deletion, but is // unlikely to make much performance difference, // and is safer. commands.remove(i); } } } void clear() { for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { memdelete(commands[i]); } commands.clear(); clip = false; rect_dirty = true; final_clip_owner = nullptr; material_owner = nullptr; light_masked = false; if (skinning_data) { memdelete(skinning_data); skinning_data = NULL; } on_interpolate_transform_list = false; } Item() { light_mask = 1; skeleton_revision = 0; vp_render = nullptr; next = nullptr; skinning_data = NULL; final_clip_owner = nullptr; clip = false; final_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1); visible = true; rect_dirty = true; bound_dirty = true; custom_rect = false; behind = false; material_owner = nullptr; copy_back_buffer = nullptr; distance_field = false; light_masked = false; update_when_visible = false; on_interpolate_transform_list = false; interpolated = true; use_identity_xform = false; local_bound_last_update_tick = 0; } virtual ~Item() { clear(); if (copy_back_buffer) { memdelete(copy_back_buffer); } } }; virtual void canvas_begin() = 0; virtual void canvas_end() = 0; virtual void canvas_render_items_begin(const Color &p_modulate, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) {} virtual void canvas_render_items_end() {} virtual void canvas_render_items(Item *p_item_list, int p_z, const Color &p_modulate, const Transform2D &p_base_transform) = 0; virtual void reset_canvas() = 0; virtual void draw_window_margins(int *p_margins, RID *p_margin_textures) = 0; virtual ~RasterizerCanvas() {} }; class Rasterizer { protected: static Rasterizer *(*_create_func)(); public: static Rasterizer *create(); virtual RasterizerStorage *get_storage() = 0; virtual RasterizerCanvas *get_canvas() = 0; virtual void set_boot_image(const Ref &p_image, const Color &p_color, bool p_scale, bool p_use_filter = true) = 0; virtual void set_shader_time_scale(float p_scale) = 0; virtual void initialize() = 0; virtual void begin_frame(double frame_step) = 0; virtual void set_current_render_target(RID p_render_target) = 0; virtual void restore_render_target(bool p_3d) = 0; virtual void clear_render_target(const Color &p_color) = 0; virtual void blit_render_target_to_screen(RID p_render_target, const Rect2 &p_screen_rect, int p_screen = 0) = 0; virtual void output_lens_distorted_to_screen(RID p_render_target, const Rect2 &p_screen_rect, float p_k1, float p_k2, const Vector2 &p_eye_center, float p_oversample) = 0; virtual void end_frame(bool p_swap_buffers) = 0; virtual void finalize() = 0; virtual bool is_low_end() const = 0; virtual ~Rasterizer() {} }; // Use float rather than real_t as cheaper and no need for 64 bit. _FORCE_INLINE_ void RasterizerStorage::_interpolate_RGBA8(const uint8_t *p_a, const uint8_t *p_b, uint8_t *r_dest, float p_f) const { // Todo, jiggle these values and test for correctness. // Integer interpolation is finicky.. :) p_f *= 256.0f; int32_t mult = CLAMP(int32_t(p_f), 0, 255); for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) { int32_t a = p_a[n]; int32_t b = p_b[n]; int32_t diff = b - a; diff *= mult; diff /= 255; int32_t res = a + diff; // may not be needed res = CLAMP(res, 0, 255); r_dest[n] = res; } } #endif // RASTERIZER_H