#ifndef INPUT_MAP_H #define INPUT_MAP_H /* input_map.h */ #include "core/object/object.h" #include "core/input/input_event.h" class InputMap : public Object { GDCLASS(InputMap, Object); public: /** * A special value used to signify that a given Action can be triggered by any device */ static int ALL_DEVICES; struct Action { int id; float deadzone; List<Ref<InputEvent>> inputs; }; private: static InputMap *singleton; mutable RBMap<StringName, Action> input_map; List<Ref<InputEvent>>::Element *_find_event(Action &p_action, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, bool p_exact_match = false, bool *p_pressed = nullptr, float *p_strength = nullptr, float *p_raw_strength = nullptr) const; Array _get_action_list(const StringName &p_action); Array _get_actions(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: static _FORCE_INLINE_ InputMap *get_singleton() { return singleton; } bool has_action(const StringName &p_action) const; List<StringName> get_actions() const; void add_action(const StringName &p_action, float p_deadzone = 0.5); void erase_action(const StringName &p_action); float action_get_deadzone(const StringName &p_action); void action_set_deadzone(const StringName &p_action, float p_deadzone); void action_add_event(const StringName &p_action, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); bool action_has_event(const StringName &p_action, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void action_erase_event(const StringName &p_action, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); void action_erase_events(const StringName &p_action); const List<Ref<InputEvent>> *get_action_list(const StringName &p_action); bool event_is_action(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, const StringName &p_action, bool p_exact_match = false) const; bool event_get_action_status(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event, const StringName &p_action, bool p_exact_match = false, bool *p_pressed = nullptr, float *p_strength = nullptr, float *p_raw_strength = nullptr) const; const RBMap<StringName, Action> &get_action_map() const; void load_from_globals(); void load_default(); String suggest_actions(const StringName &p_action) const; InputMap(); }; #endif // INPUT_MAP_H