#ifndef PANDEMONIUM_VERSION_H #define PANDEMONIUM_VERSION_H /* version.h */ #include "core/version_generated.gen.h" // Pandemonium versions are of the form . for the initial release, // and then .. for subsequent bugfix releases where != 0 // That's arbitrary, but we find it pretty and it's the current policy. // Defines the main "branch" version. Patch versions in this branch should be // forward-compatible. // Example: "3.1" #define VERSION_BRANCH _MKSTR(VERSION_MAJOR) "." _MKSTR(VERSION_MINOR) #if VERSION_PATCH // Example: "3.1.4" #define VERSION_NUMBER VERSION_BRANCH "." _MKSTR(VERSION_PATCH) #else // patch is 0, we don't include it in the "pretty" version number. // Example: "3.1" instead of "3.1.0" #define VERSION_NUMBER VERSION_BRANCH #endif // VERSION_PATCH // Version number encoded as hexadecimal int with one byte for each number, // for easy comparison from code. // Example: 3.1.4 will be 0x030104, making comparison easy from script. #define VERSION_HEX 0x10000 * VERSION_MAJOR + 0x100 * VERSION_MINOR + VERSION_PATCH // Describes the full configuration of that Pandemonium version, including the version number, // the status (beta, stable, etc.) and potential module-specific features (e.g. mono). // Example: "3.1.4.stable.mono" #define VERSION_FULL_CONFIG VERSION_NUMBER "." VERSION_STATUS VERSION_MODULE_CONFIG // Similar to VERSION_FULL_CONFIG, but also includes the (potentially custom) VERSION_BUILD // description (e.g. official, custom_build, etc.). // Example: "3.1.4.stable.mono.official" #define VERSION_FULL_BUILD VERSION_FULL_CONFIG "." VERSION_BUILD // Same as above, but prepended with Pandemonium's name and a cosmetic "v" for "version". // Example: "Pandemonium v3.1.4.stable.official.mono" #define VERSION_FULL_NAME VERSION_NAME " v" VERSION_FULL_BUILD // Git commit hash, generated at build time in `core/version_hash.gen.cpp`. extern const char *const VERSION_HASH; #endif // PANDEMONIUM_VERSION_H