/* world_2d.cpp */ #include "world_2d.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "scene/2d/camera_2d.h" #include "scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.h" #include "scene/main/viewport.h" #include "scene/main/world.h" #include "servers/physics_2d_server.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" struct SpatialIndexer2D { struct CellRef { int ref; _FORCE_INLINE_ int inc() { ref++; return ref; } _FORCE_INLINE_ int dec() { ref--; return ref; } _FORCE_INLINE_ CellRef() { ref = 0; } }; struct CellKey { union { struct { int32_t x; int32_t y; }; uint64_t key; }; bool operator==(const CellKey &p_key) const { return key == p_key.key; } _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const CellKey &p_key) const { return key < p_key.key; } }; struct CellData { RBMap notifiers; }; RBMap cells; int cell_size; RBMap notifiers; struct WorldData { RBMap notifiers; Rect2 rect; }; RBMap worlds; bool changed; uint64_t pass; void _notifier_update_cells(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_add) { Point2i begin = p_rect.position; begin /= cell_size; Point2i end = p_rect.position + p_rect.size; end /= cell_size; for (int i = begin.x; i <= end.x; i++) { for (int j = begin.y; j <= end.y; j++) { CellKey ck; ck.x = i; ck.y = j; RBMap::Element *E = cells.find(ck); if (p_add) { if (!E) { E = cells.insert(ck, CellData()); } E->get().notifiers[p_notifier].inc(); } else { ERR_CONTINUE(!E); if (E->get().notifiers[p_notifier].dec() == 0) { E->get().notifiers.erase(p_notifier); if (E->get().notifiers.empty()) { cells.erase(E); } } } } } } void _notifier_add(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier, const Rect2 &p_rect) { ERR_FAIL_COND(notifiers.has(p_notifier)); notifiers[p_notifier] = p_rect; _notifier_update_cells(p_notifier, p_rect, true); changed = true; } void _notifier_update(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier, const Rect2 &p_rect) { RBMap::Element *E = notifiers.find(p_notifier); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); if (E->get() == p_rect) { return; } _notifier_update_cells(p_notifier, p_rect, true); _notifier_update_cells(p_notifier, E->get(), false); E->get() = p_rect; changed = true; } void _notifier_remove(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier) { RBMap::Element *E = notifiers.find(p_notifier); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); _notifier_update_cells(p_notifier, E->get(), false); notifiers.erase(p_notifier); List removed; for (RBMap::Element *F = worlds.front(); F; F = F->next()) { RBMap::Element *G = F->get().notifiers.find(p_notifier); if (G) { F->get().notifiers.erase(G); removed.push_back(F->key()); } } while (!removed.empty()) { p_notifier->_exit_world(removed.front()->get()); removed.pop_front(); } changed = true; } void _add_world(World *p_world, const Rect2 &p_rect) { ERR_FAIL_COND(worlds.has(p_world)); WorldData vd; vd.rect = p_rect; worlds[p_world] = vd; changed = true; } void _update_world(World *p_world, const Rect2 &p_rect) { RBMap::Element *E = worlds.find(p_world); ERR_FAIL_COND(!E); if (E->get().rect == p_rect) { return; } E->get().rect = p_rect; changed = true; } void _remove_world(World *p_world) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!worlds.has(p_world)); List removed; for (RBMap::Element *E = worlds[p_world].notifiers.front(); E; E = E->next()) { removed.push_back(E->key()); } while (!removed.empty()) { removed.front()->get()->_exit_world(p_world); removed.pop_front(); } worlds.erase(p_world); } void _update() { if (!changed) { return; } for (RBMap::Element *E = worlds.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Point2i begin = E->get().rect.position; begin /= cell_size; Point2i end = E->get().rect.position + E->get().rect.size; end /= cell_size; pass++; List added; List removed; uint64_t visible_cells = (uint64_t)(end.x - begin.x) * (uint64_t)(end.y - begin.y); if (visible_cells > 10000) { //well you zoomed out a lot, it's your problem. To avoid freezing in the for loops below, we'll manually check cell by cell for (RBMap::Element *F = cells.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const CellKey &ck = F->key(); if (ck.x < begin.x || ck.x > end.x) { continue; } if (ck.y < begin.y || ck.y > end.y) { continue; } //notifiers in cell for (RBMap::Element *G = F->get().notifiers.front(); G; G = G->next()) { RBMap::Element *H = E->get().notifiers.find(G->key()); if (!H) { H = E->get().notifiers.insert(G->key(), pass); added.push_back(G->key()); } else { H->get() = pass; } } } } else { //check cells in grid fashion for (int i = begin.x; i <= end.x; i++) { for (int j = begin.y; j <= end.y; j++) { CellKey ck; ck.x = i; ck.y = j; RBMap::Element *F = cells.find(ck); if (!F) { continue; } //notifiers in cell for (RBMap::Element *G = F->get().notifiers.front(); G; G = G->next()) { RBMap::Element *H = E->get().notifiers.find(G->key()); if (!H) { H = E->get().notifiers.insert(G->key(), pass); added.push_back(G->key()); } else { H->get() = pass; } } } } } for (RBMap::Element *F = E->get().notifiers.front(); F; F = F->next()) { if (F->get() != pass) { removed.push_back(F->key()); } } while (!added.empty()) { added.front()->get()->_enter_world(E->key()); added.pop_front(); } while (!removed.empty()) { E->get().notifiers.erase(removed.front()->get()); removed.front()->get()->_exit_world(E->key()); removed.pop_front(); } } changed = false; } SpatialIndexer2D() { pass = 0; changed = false; cell_size = GLOBAL_DEF("world/2d/cell_size", 100); } }; void World2D::_register_world(World *p_world, const Rect2 &p_rect) { indexer->_add_world(p_world, p_rect); } void World2D::_update_world(World *p_world, const Rect2 &p_rect) { indexer->_update_world(p_world, p_rect); } void World2D::_remove_world(World *p_world) { indexer->_remove_world(p_world); } void World2D::_register_notifier(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier, const Rect2 &p_rect) { indexer->_notifier_add(p_notifier, p_rect); } void World2D::_update_notifier(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier, const Rect2 &p_rect) { indexer->_notifier_update(p_notifier, p_rect); } void World2D::_remove_notifier(VisibilityNotifier2D *p_notifier) { indexer->_notifier_remove(p_notifier); } void World2D::_update() { indexer->_update(); } RID World2D::get_canvas() { return canvas; } RID World2D::get_space() { return space; } void World2D::get_world_list(List *r_worlds) { for (RBMap::Element *E = indexer->worlds.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_worlds->push_back(E->key()); } } void World2D::get_viewport_list(List *r_viewports) { for (RBMap::Element *E = indexer->worlds.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Viewport *w = Object::cast_to(E->key()); if (w) { r_viewports->push_back(w); } } } void World2D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_canvas"), &World2D::get_canvas); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_space"), &World2D::get_space); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_direct_space_state"), &World2D::get_direct_space_state); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RID, "canvas", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "", "get_canvas"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::RID, "space", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "", "get_space"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "direct_space_state", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Physics2DDirectSpaceState", 0), "", "get_direct_space_state"); } Physics2DDirectSpaceState *World2D::get_direct_space_state() { return Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(space); } World2D::World2D() { canvas = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_create()); space = RID_PRIME(Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->space_create()); //set space2D to be more friendly with pixels than meters, by adjusting some constants Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->space_set_active(space, true); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->area_set_param(space, Physics2DServer::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY, GLOBAL_DEF("physics/2d/default_gravity", 98)); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->area_set_param(space, Physics2DServer::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR, GLOBAL_DEF("physics/2d/default_gravity_vector", Vector2(0, 1))); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->area_set_param(space, Physics2DServer::AREA_PARAM_LINEAR_DAMP, GLOBAL_DEF("physics/2d/default_linear_damp", 0.1)); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/2d/default_linear_damp", PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "physics/2d/default_linear_damp", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-1,100,0.001,or_greater")); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->area_set_param(space, Physics2DServer::AREA_PARAM_ANGULAR_DAMP, GLOBAL_DEF("physics/2d/default_angular_damp", 1.0)); ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("physics/2d/default_angular_damp", PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "physics/2d/default_angular_damp", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-1,100,0.001,or_greater")); indexer = memnew(SpatialIndexer2D); } World2D::~World2D() { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->free(canvas); Physics2DServer::get_singleton()->free(space); memdelete(indexer); }