
207 lines
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2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
#ifndef FONT_H
#define FONT_H
2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
/* font.h */
2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
#include "core/containers/rb_map.h"
#include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
#include "core/object/resource.h"
#include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_canvas_helper.h"
class Texture;
class Font : public Resource {
GDCLASS(Font, Resource);
static void _bind_methods();
enum ContourPointTag {
virtual float get_height() const = 0;
virtual float get_ascent() const = 0;
virtual float get_descent() const = 0;
virtual int get_spacing_char() const = 0;
virtual Size2 get_char_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0) const = 0;
Size2 get_string_size(const String &p_string) const;
Size2 get_wordwrap_string_size(const String &p_string, float p_width) const;
Size2 total_size_of_lines(Vector<String> p_lines);
virtual bool is_distance_field_hint() const = 0;
void draw(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_clip_w = -1, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1)) const;
void draw_halign(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, HAlign p_align, float p_width, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1)) const;
virtual bool has_outline() const { return false; }
float draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_outline = false) const { return draw_char_ex(p_canvas_item, p_pos, p_char, p_next, p_modulate, p_outline); }
virtual float draw_char_ex(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_outline = false, MultiRect *p_multirect = NULL) const = 0;
virtual RID get_char_texture(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const = 0;
virtual Size2 get_char_texture_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const = 0;
virtual Vector2 get_char_tx_offset(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const = 0;
virtual Size2 get_char_tx_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const = 0;
virtual Rect2 get_char_tx_uv_rect(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const = 0;
virtual Dictionary get_char_contours(CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0) const { return Dictionary(); }
void update_changes();
// Helper class to that draws outlines immediately and draws characters in its destructor.
class FontDrawer {
const Ref<Font> &font;
Color outline_color;
bool has_outline;
MultiRect multirect;
struct PendingDraw {
RID canvas_item;
Point2 pos;
CharType chr;
CharType next;
Color modulate;
Vector<PendingDraw> pending_draws;
FontDrawer(const Ref<Font> &p_font, const Color &p_outline_color);
float draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1)) {
if (has_outline) {
PendingDraw draw = { p_canvas_item, p_pos, p_char, p_next, p_modulate };
return font->draw_char_ex(p_canvas_item, p_pos, p_char, p_next, has_outline ? outline_color : p_modulate, has_outline, &multirect);
MultiRect &get_multirect() { return multirect; }
void flush();
class BitmapFont : public Font {
GDCLASS(BitmapFont, Font);
Vector<Ref<Texture>> textures;
struct Character {
int texture_idx;
Rect2 rect;
float v_align;
float h_align;
float advance;
Character() {
texture_idx = 0;
v_align = 0;
struct KerningPairKey {
union {
struct {
uint32_t A, B;
uint64_t pair;
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const KerningPairKey &p_r) const { return pair < p_r.pair; }
HashMap<int32_t, Character> char_map;
RBMap<KerningPairKey, int> kerning_map;
float height;
float ascent;
bool distance_field_hint;
void _set_chars(const PoolVector<int> &p_chars);
PoolVector<int> _get_chars() const;
void _set_kernings(const PoolVector<int> &p_kernings);
PoolVector<int> _get_kernings() const;
void _set_textures(const Vector<Variant> &p_textures);
Vector<Variant> _get_textures() const;
Ref<BitmapFont> fallback;
static void _bind_methods();
Error create_from_fnt(const String &p_file);
void set_height(float p_height);
float get_height() const;
void set_ascent(float p_ascent);
float get_ascent() const;
float get_descent() const;
int get_spacing_char() const {
return 0;
void add_texture(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture);
void add_char(int32_t p_char, int p_texture_idx, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Size2 &p_align, float p_advance = -1);
int get_character_count() const;
Vector<int32_t> get_char_keys() const;
Character get_character(int32_t p_char) const;
int get_texture_count() const;
Ref<Texture> get_texture(int p_idx) const;
void add_kerning_pair(int32_t p_A, int32_t p_B, int p_kerning);
int get_kerning_pair(int32_t p_A, int32_t p_B) const;
Vector<KerningPairKey> get_kerning_pair_keys() const;
Size2 get_char_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0) const;
void set_fallback(const Ref<BitmapFont> &p_fallback);
Ref<BitmapFont> get_fallback() const;
void clear();
void set_distance_field_hint(bool p_distance_field);
bool is_distance_field_hint() const;
float draw_char_ex(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, CharType p_char, CharType p_next = 0, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_outline = false, MultiRect *p_multirect = NULL) const;
RID get_char_texture(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const;
Size2 get_char_texture_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const;
Vector2 get_char_tx_offset(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const;
Size2 get_char_tx_size(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const;
Rect2 get_char_tx_uv_rect(CharType p_char, CharType p_next, bool p_outline) const;
class ResourceFormatLoaderBMFont : public ResourceFormatLoader {
virtual RES load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path = "", Error *r_error = NULL, bool p_no_subresource_cache = false);
virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
virtual bool handles_type(const String &p_type) const;
virtual String get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const;