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2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
#ifndef BVH_TREE_H
#define BVH_TREE_H
2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
/* bvh_tree.h */
2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
// BVH Tree
// This is an implementation of a dynamic BVH with templated leaf size.
// This differs from most dynamic BVH in that it can handle more than 1 object
// in leaf nodes. This can make it far more efficient in certain circumstances.
// It also means that the splitting logic etc have to be completely different
// to a simpler tree.
// Note that MAX_CHILDREN should be fixed at 2 for now.
#include "core/containers/local_vector.h"
#include "core/math/aabb.h"
#include "core/math/bvh_abb.h"
#include "core/math/geometry.h"
#include "core/math/vector3.h"
#include "core/containers/pooled_list.h"
#include "core/string/print_string.h"
#include <limits.h>
// not sure if this is better yet so making optional
// never do these checks in release
#if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) && defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
//#define BVH_VERBOSE
//#define BVH_CHECKS
// debug only assert
#define BVH_ASSERT(a) CRASH_COND((a) == false)
#define BVH_ASSERT(a)
#define VERBOSE_PRINT print_line
#define VERBOSE_PRINT(a)
// really just a namespace
struct BVHCommon {
// these could possibly also be the same constant,
// although this may be useful for debugging.
// or use zero for invalid and +1 based indices.
static const uint32_t INVALID = (0xffffffff);
static const uint32_t INACTIVE = (0xfffffffe);
// really a handle, can be anything
// note that zero is a valid reference for the BVH .. this may involve using
// a plus one based ID for clients that expect 0 to be invalid.
struct BVHHandle {
// conversion operator
operator uint32_t() const { return _data; }
void set(uint32_t p_value) { _data = p_value; }
uint32_t _data;
void set_invalid() { _data = BVHCommon::INVALID; }
bool is_invalid() const { return _data == BVHCommon::INVALID; }
uint32_t id() const { return _data; }
void set_id(uint32_t p_id) { _data = p_id; }
bool operator==(const BVHHandle &p_h) const { return _data == p_h._data; }
bool operator!=(const BVHHandle &p_h) const { return (*this == p_h) == false; }
// helper class to make iterative versions of recursive functions
template <class T>
class BVH_IterativeInfo {
enum {
int32_t depth = 1;
int32_t threshold = ALLOCA_STACK_SIZE - 2;
T *stack;
//only used in rare occasions when you run out of alloca memory
// because tree is too unbalanced.
LocalVector<T> aux_stack;
int32_t get_alloca_stacksize() const { return ALLOCA_STACK_SIZE * sizeof(T); }
T *get_first() const {
return &stack[0];
// pop the last member of the stack, or return false
bool pop(T &r_value) {
if (!depth) {
return false;
r_value = stack[depth];
return true;
// request new addition to stack
T *request() {
if (depth > threshold) {
if (aux_stack.empty()) {
aux_stack.resize(ALLOCA_STACK_SIZE * 2);
memcpy(aux_stack.ptr(), stack, get_alloca_stacksize());
} else {
aux_stack.resize(aux_stack.size() * 2);
stack = aux_stack.ptr();
threshold = aux_stack.size() - 2;
return &stack[depth++];
template <class T>
class BVH_DummyPairTestFunction {
static bool user_collision_check(T *p_a, T *p_b) {
// return false if no collision, decided by masks etc
return true;
template <class T>
class BVH_DummyCullTestFunction {
static bool user_cull_check(T *p_a, T *p_b) {
// return false if no collision
return true;
template <class T, int NUM_TREES, int MAX_CHILDREN, int MAX_ITEMS, class USER_PAIR_TEST_FUNCTION = BVH_DummyPairTestFunction<T>, class USER_CULL_TEST_FUNCTION = BVH_DummyCullTestFunction<T>, bool USE_PAIRS = false, class BOUNDS = AABB, class POINT = Vector3>
class BVH_Tree {
friend class BVH;
#include ""
#include ""
BVH_Tree() {
for (int n = 0; n < NUM_TREES; n++) {
_root_node_id[n] = BVHCommon::INVALID;
// disallow zero leaf ids
// (as these ids are stored as negative numbers in the node)
uint32_t dummy_leaf_id;
// In many cases you may want to change this default in the client code,
// or expose this value to the user.
// This default may make sense for a typically scaled 3d game, but maybe not for 2d on a pixel scale.
bool node_add_child(uint32_t p_node_id, uint32_t p_child_node_id) {
TNode &tnode = _nodes[p_node_id];
if (tnode.is_full_of_children()) {
return false;
tnode.children[tnode.num_children] = p_child_node_id;
tnode.num_children += 1;
// back link in the child to the parent
TNode &tnode_child = _nodes[p_child_node_id];
tnode_child.parent_id = p_node_id;
return true;
void node_replace_child(uint32_t p_parent_id, uint32_t p_old_child_id, uint32_t p_new_child_id) {
TNode &parent = _nodes[p_parent_id];
int child_num = parent.find_child(p_old_child_id);
BVH_ASSERT(child_num != BVHCommon::INVALID);
parent.children[child_num] = p_new_child_id;
TNode &new_child = _nodes[p_new_child_id];
new_child.parent_id = p_parent_id;
void node_remove_child(uint32_t p_parent_id, uint32_t p_child_id, uint32_t p_tree_id, bool p_prevent_sibling = false) {
TNode &parent = _nodes[p_parent_id];
int child_num = parent.find_child(p_child_id);
BVH_ASSERT(child_num != BVHCommon::INVALID);
// no need to keep back references for children at the moment
uint32_t sibling_id; // always a node id, as tnode is never a leaf
bool sibling_present = false;
// if there are more children, or this is the root node, don't try and delete
if (parent.num_children > 1) {
// if there is 1 sibling, it can be moved to be a child of the
if (parent.num_children == 1) {
// else there is now a redundant node with one child, which can be removed
sibling_id = parent.children[0];
sibling_present = true;
// now there may be no children in this node .. in which case it can be deleted
// remove node if empty
// remove link from parent
uint32_t grandparent_id = parent.parent_id;
// special case for root node
if (grandparent_id == BVHCommon::INVALID) {
if (sibling_present) {
// change the root node
change_root_node(sibling_id, p_tree_id);
// delete the old root node as no longer needed
if (sibling_present) {
node_replace_child(grandparent_id, p_parent_id, sibling_id);
} else {
node_remove_child(grandparent_id, p_parent_id, p_tree_id, true);
// put the node on the free list to recycle
// A node can either be a node, or a node AND a leaf combo.
// Both must be deleted to prevent a leak.
void node_free_node_and_leaf(uint32_t p_node_id) {
TNode &node = _nodes[p_node_id];
if (node.is_leaf()) {
int leaf_id = node.get_leaf_id();;
void change_root_node(uint32_t p_new_root_id, uint32_t p_tree_id) {
_root_node_id[p_tree_id] = p_new_root_id;
TNode &root = _nodes[p_new_root_id];
// mark no parent
root.parent_id = BVHCommon::INVALID;
void node_make_leaf(uint32_t p_node_id) {
uint32_t child_leaf_id;
TLeaf *child_leaf = _leaves.request(child_leaf_id);
// zero is reserved at startup, to prevent this id being used
// (as they are stored as negative values in the node, and zero is already taken)
BVH_ASSERT(child_leaf_id != 0);
TNode &node = _nodes[p_node_id];
node.neg_leaf_id = -(int)child_leaf_id;
void node_remove_item(uint32_t p_ref_id, uint32_t p_tree_id, BVHABB_CLASS *r_old_aabb = nullptr) {
// get the reference
ItemRef &ref = _refs[p_ref_id];
uint32_t owner_node_id = ref.tnode_id;
// debug draw special
// This may not be needed
if (owner_node_id == BVHCommon::INVALID) {
TNode &tnode = _nodes[owner_node_id];
TLeaf &leaf = _node_get_leaf(tnode);
// if the aabb is not determining the corner size, then there is no need to refit!
// (optimization, as merging AABBs takes a lot of time)
const BVHABB_CLASS &old_aabb = leaf.get_aabb(ref.item_id);
// shrink a little to prevent using corner aabbs
// in order to miss the corners first we shrink by node_expansion
// (which is added to the overall bound of the leaf), then we also
// shrink by an epsilon, in order to miss out the very corner aabbs
// which are important in determining the bound. Any other aabb
// within this can be removed and not affect the overall bound.
BVHABB_CLASS node_bound = tnode.aabb;
node_bound.expand(-_node_expansion - 0.001f);
bool refit = true;
if (node_bound.is_other_within(old_aabb)) {
refit = false;
// record the old aabb if required (for incremental remove_and_reinsert)
if (r_old_aabb) {
*r_old_aabb = old_aabb;
if (leaf.num_items) {
// the swapped item has to have its reference changed to, to point to the new item id
uint32_t swapped_ref_id = leaf.get_item_ref_id(ref.item_id);
ItemRef &swapped_ref = _refs[swapped_ref_id];
swapped_ref.item_id = ref.item_id;
// only have to refit if it is an edge item
// we defer the refit updates until the update function is called once per frame
if (refit) {
} else {
// remove node if empty
// remove link from parent
if (tnode.parent_id != BVHCommon::INVALID) {
// DANGER .. this can potentially end up with root node with 1 child ...
// we don't want this and must check for it
uint32_t parent_id = tnode.parent_id;
node_remove_child(parent_id, owner_node_id, p_tree_id);
// put the node on the free list to recycle
// else if no parent, it is the root node. Do not delete
ref.tnode_id = BVHCommon::INVALID;
ref.item_id = BVHCommon::INVALID; // unset
// returns true if needs refit of PARENT tree only, the node itself AABB is calculated
// within this routine
bool _node_add_item(uint32_t p_node_id, uint32_t p_ref_id, const BVHABB_CLASS &p_aabb) {
ItemRef &ref = _refs[p_ref_id];
ref.tnode_id = p_node_id;
TNode &node = _nodes[p_node_id];
TLeaf &leaf = _node_get_leaf(node);
// optimization - we only need to do a refit
// if the added item is changing the AABB of the node.
// in most cases it won't.
bool needs_refit = true;
// expand bound now
BVHABB_CLASS expanded = p_aabb;
// the bound will only be valid if there is an item in there already
if (leaf.num_items) {
if (node.aabb.is_other_within(expanded)) {
// no change to node AABBs
needs_refit = false;
} else {
} else {
// bound of the node = the new aabb
node.aabb = expanded;
ref.item_id = leaf.request_item();
BVH_ASSERT(ref.item_id != BVHCommon::INVALID);
// set the aabb of the new item
leaf.get_aabb(ref.item_id) = p_aabb;
// back reference on the item back to the item reference
leaf.get_item_ref_id(ref.item_id) = p_ref_id;
return needs_refit;
uint32_t _node_create_another_child(uint32_t p_node_id, const BVHABB_CLASS &p_aabb) {
uint32_t child_node_id;
TNode *child_node = _nodes.request(child_node_id);
// may not be necessary
child_node->aabb = p_aabb;
node_add_child(p_node_id, child_node_id);
return child_node_id;
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#endif // BVH_TREE_H