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2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
/* property_utils.cpp */
2023-12-14 21:54:22 +01:00
#include "property_utils.h"
#include "core/core_string_names.h"
#include "core/config/engine.h"
#include "core/containers/local_vector.h"
#include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h"
bool PropertyUtils::is_property_value_different(const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b) {
if (p_a.get_type() == Variant::REAL && p_b.get_type() == Variant::REAL) {
//this must be done because, as some scenes save as text, there might be a tiny difference in floats due to numerical error
return !Math::is_equal_approx((float)p_a, (float)p_b);
} else {
// For our purposes, treating null object as NIL is the right thing to do
const Variant &a = p_a.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && (Object *)p_a == nullptr ? Variant() : p_a;
const Variant &b = p_b.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && (Object *)p_b == nullptr ? Variant() : p_b;
return !a.deep_equal(b);
Variant PropertyUtils::get_property_default_value(const Object *p_object, const StringName &p_property, bool *r_is_valid, const Vector<SceneState::PackState> *p_states_stack_cache, bool p_update_exports, const Node *p_owner, bool *r_is_class_default) {
// This function obeys the way property values are set when an object is instantiated,
// which is the following (the latter wins):
// 1. Default value from builtin class
// 2. Default value from script exported variable (from the topmost script)
// 3. Value overrides from the instantiation/inheritance stack
if (r_is_class_default) {
*r_is_class_default = false;
if (r_is_valid) {
*r_is_valid = false;
Ref<Script> topmost_script;
if (const Node *node = Object::cast_to<Node>(p_object)) {
// Check inheritance/instantiation ancestors
const Vector<SceneState::PackState> &states_stack = p_states_stack_cache ? *p_states_stack_cache : PropertyUtils::get_node_states_stack(node, p_owner);
for (int i = 0; i < states_stack.size(); ++i) {
const SceneState::PackState &ia = states_stack[i];
bool found = false;
Variant value_in_ancestor = ia.state->get_property_value(ia.node, p_property, found);
if (found) {
if (r_is_valid) {
*r_is_valid = true;
return value_in_ancestor;
// Save script for later
bool has_script = false;
Variant script = ia.state->get_property_value(ia.node, CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_script, has_script);
if (has_script) {
Ref<Script> scr = script;
if (scr.is_valid()) {
topmost_script = scr;
// Let's see what default is set by the topmost script having a default, if any
if (topmost_script.is_null()) {
topmost_script = p_object->get_script();
if (topmost_script.is_valid()) {
Variant default_value;
// Should be called in the editor only and not at runtime,
// otherwise it can cause problems because of missing instance state support.
if (p_update_exports && Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
if (topmost_script->get_property_default_value(p_property, default_value)) {
if (r_is_valid) {
*r_is_valid = true;
return default_value;
// Fall back to the default from the native class
if (r_is_class_default) {
*r_is_class_default = true;
bool valid = false;
Variant value = ClassDB::class_get_default_property_value(p_object->get_class_name(), p_property, &valid);
if (valid) {
if (r_is_valid) {
*r_is_valid = true;
return value;
} else {
// Heuristically check if this is a synthetic property (whatever/0, whatever/1, etc.)
// because they are not in the class DB yet must have a default (null).
String prop_str = String(p_property);
int p = prop_str.rfind("/");
if (p != -1 && p < prop_str.length() - 1) {
bool all_digits = true;
for (int i = p + 1; i < prop_str.length(); i++) {
if (prop_str[i] < '0' || prop_str[i] > '9') {
all_digits = false;
if (r_is_valid) {
*r_is_valid = all_digits;
return Variant();
// Like SceneState::PackState, but using a raw pointer to avoid the cost of
// updating the reference count during the internal work of the functions below
namespace {
struct _FastPackState {
SceneState *state = nullptr;
int node = -1;
} // namespace
static bool _collect_inheritance_chain(const Ref<SceneState> &p_state, const NodePath &p_path, LocalVector<_FastPackState> &r_states_stack) {
bool found = false;
LocalVector<_FastPackState> inheritance_states;
Ref<SceneState> state = p_state;
while (state.is_valid()) {
int node = state->find_node_by_path(p_path);
if (node >= 0) {
// This one has state for this node
inheritance_states.push_back({ state.ptr(), node });
found = true;
state = state->get_base_scene_state();
if (inheritance_states.size() > 0) {
for (int i = inheritance_states.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
return found;
Vector<SceneState::PackState> PropertyUtils::get_node_states_stack(const Node *p_node, const Node *p_owner, bool *r_instanced_by_owner) {
if (r_instanced_by_owner) {
*r_instanced_by_owner = true;
LocalVector<_FastPackState> states_stack;
const Node *owner = p_owner;
const Node *n = p_node;
while (n) {
if (n == owner) {
const Ref<SceneState> &state = n->get_scene_inherited_state();
if (_collect_inheritance_chain(state, n->get_path_to(p_node), states_stack)) {
if (r_instanced_by_owner) {
*r_instanced_by_owner = false;
} else if (n->get_filename() != String()) {
const Ref<SceneState> &state = n->get_scene_instance_state();
_collect_inheritance_chain(state, n->get_path_to(p_node), states_stack);
n = n->get_owner();
// Convert to the proper type for returning, inverting the vector on the go
// (it was more convenient to fill the vector in reverse order)
Vector<SceneState::PackState> states_stack_ret;
_FastPackState *ps = states_stack.ptr();
if (states_stack.size() > 0) {
for (int i = states_stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
states_stack_ret.write[i].node = ps->node;
return states_stack_ret;